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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  Brie walked over to Sir and tweaked Hope’s cute little nose. “No matter how many shoes you and I own, sweet pea, I don’t think we could ever fill up this place.”

  “Would you like to see the upstairs now?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “I can’t believe there’s more!”

  Repositioning his hold on Hope, Sir wrapped an arm around Brie. “I bought this house with our long-term future in mind.”

  Brie stood on tiptoes to give him a kiss. “Go ahead, my handsome Master. Show me our future.”

  The four of them walked up the curved staircase to the second story where there were three more bedrooms and a loft.

  Brie was mesmerized by the view of the beach from the loft.

  “I was thinking how this would be a perfect office for you,” Sir told her.

  Brie turned to him, touched beyond words. “You’ve never given up on my film career.”

  “No, and neither should you.”

  Brie wrapped her arms around him, giving him another kiss before leaning down to rub noses with Hope. “You have the most incredible daddy.”

  Sir showed them the other bedrooms, which were equal in size to each other, along with two separate bathrooms.

  “I’ll let you decide which room you want to decorate for Hope.”

  “I hadn’t expected Hope would be so far from us,” Brie said, suddenly concerned.

  “It is necessary for two reasons,” he explained. “Naturally, I want to preserve our sex life and…” His voice suddenly became somber when he added, “It is safer if she doesn’t have a bedroom on the ground level.”

  Brie nodded, now understanding his concern. There had been a recent story in the news about a child who had been abducted from her bed without her parents being aware of it until the next morning.

  After the terrors they’d faced because of Lilly, it only made sense that he’d do whatever he could to protect Hope.

  “But, it’s so far away from us…” Brie whimpered, looking down the long flight of stairs.

  “We’ll have a baby monitor with a camera in the room. You won’t have to worry about her, Brie, and we can sleep easy knowing she’s safe.”

  Brie nodded, lightly caressing the top of Hope’s head. “But not until she’s a bit older?”

  “Not until you’re ready, little mama,” Sir assured her.

  “Comrade, I noticed there are only three rooms up here. Shouldn’t there be five?” Rytsar asked.

  Sir chuckled, vehemently shaking his head. “If you are set on five, old friend, have your own damn children.”

  “Nyet,” Rytsar replied, putting his arms around Sir and Titov’s shoulders. “I am counting on both of you to populate the world.”

  Titov gave Rytsar an amused side glance.

  “As long as you do your duty, I’m not required to,” Rytsar informed them.

  Taking Hope into his arms, he twirled her around, causing her to laugh. “You see, I was made to be a dyadya.”

  Brie adored seeing Rytsar with Hope. Every little girl should know the unconditional love of a dyadya.

  “I’m so glad you’re back!” Brie blurted, unable to contain the joy bursting in her heart.

  The smile Rytsar gave her in return made her catch her breath. “There is no place else I would rather be, radost moya.”

  Hope suddenly started squirming in his arms.

  He looked down at the babe with concern. “What is wrong, moye solntse?”

  Brie blushed, feeling the ache in her breasts as her milk came in. “She must be getting hungry.”

  Rytsar raised an eyebrow. “Ah…then it is time we move this reunion over to my place.”

  As he headed down the stairs with Hope still cradled in his arms, Brie stood still, wanting to take in the moment.

  “Are you okay, babygirl?” Sir asked.

  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “He’s back.”

  Sir squeezed her hand but said nothing. She understood silence was the only way he could keep control over his emotions.

  Brie took his hand and started down the stairs of their new home, smiling at Hope, who was peeking over Rytsar’s shoulder.

  She couldn’t imagine anything cuter.

  Joyful Reunion

  Titov immediately went to the kitchen to set up more shots when Brie loosened her blouse and undid her bra.

  She let out a sigh of relief as Hope began to nurse.

  “I missed seeing this,” Rytsar murmured to Sir.

  “It is a highlight of my day,” he answered.

  Brie was grateful that both men found the natural act of breastfeeding beautiful and not an act to be hidden.

  She loved the connection it gave her with Hope. She’d never experienced anything else like it—that intimate exchange between mother and child—and it was something she deeply cherished.

  When Titov came out with four glasses, Brie smiled, grateful to him for including her. After the evening feeding, Hope normally slept through the night, and Brie had extra milk stored for occasions such as this.

  While she finished nursing, Brie insisted the men take another shot together. She enjoyed the open talk and intimacy that vodka seemed to bring out in both Sir and Rytsar. She was positive they had volumes to say to each other.

  Instead of getting emotional, however, the men started ribbing each other. When Titov threw in a few embarrassing moments involving Rytsar, he soon had Brie laughing so hard that she accidentally broke the suction with Hope and her nipple popped out.

  Apologizing to her little girl, she quickly helped Hope latch on and then glanced up to see Sir and Rytsar staring at her. She noticed their looks changing from ones of admiration to longing.

  She needed that connection with them as well and blushed under their dual attention.

  After Hope had finished, Brie turned her over and gently rubbed her back until she let out a healthy burp, which incited a round of proud applause from the three men.

  Grinning, Brie looked over at Titov. She was again hit with a deep sense of gratitude.

  “Would you like to hold her?” she asked.

  He shook his head vigorously. “I’m no good with children.”

  “Nonsense,” Rytsar stated. “Hold her.”

  Titov scoffed.

  “Did you not risk your life to save her in Tatianna’s name?”

  Brie saw a flicker of pain in Titov’s eyes at the mention of his sister.

  “Hold her,” Rytsar insisted.

  Titov sat down next to Brie and looked at her dubiously as he held out his arms. Brie carefully laid the baby in his arms. Hope stared up at Titov with curiosity and a milk-dazed smile.

  “She is so…perfect,” he said, staring down at her.

  Brie was touched by his reaction to her daughter. When Hope’s eyelids became heavy and she grew sleepy, Brie smiled. “She’s safe tonight because of you.”

  Titov continued to stare at Hope with a far-off look, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. Brie suspected that he was thinking about his little sister. Brie hoped that his knowing that he had saved their daughter from a similar fate gave him some peace.

  “Would you like me to take her?” Brie asked after several minutes.

  At first, she didn’t think he’d heard her until he answered, “No. She looks so peaceful.”

  Sir smiled, gazing down at Hope. “Yes, holding a sleeping child does have a calming effect I’ve never appreciated until now.”

  “I am content to hold her,” Titov told Brie. Looking down at Hope, he added, “I couldn’t save Tatianna, but…”

  “You saved this little one,” Rytsar said, clasping his shoulder. “And me.”

  Titov glanced up at him. “I could do no less.”

  Rytsar shook his head. “Nyet. You could have run to save yourself and left me to my fate.”

  “Your fate is my fate.”

  Titov looked back at Hope lying in his arms, gazing at her with a look of puzzled wonderment. “Just as this little gir
l is tied to Tatianna now.”

  Rytsar nodded, looking down at the baby with tears in his eyes. “Da, this little one ties all of us together. Her happiness will be our happiness.”

  The three of them nodded in agreement.

  Titov glanced up at them standing there and said, “Now leave me, so I can hold this child in peace.”

  Rytsar nodded, putting his hand around the back of Brie’s neck, giving her chills. Turning to Sir he asked, “Shall we?”

  Brie’s heart skipped a beat when she felt Sir’s hand on the small of her back.

  The dominant hold each man had on her as he led her to the bedroom, caused her heart to race.

  Once the bedroom doors were closed, they showered her with kisses. These weren’t the kisses of demanding Dominants, but the passionate kisses of long-lost lovers.

  “You undress her,” Sir murmured in a gruff voice, as his lips moved from her neck to her mouth.

  Brie felt a gush of wetness as Rytsar pulled at the button of her pants and unzipped them.

  “It has been too long, radost moya,” he growled as he pulled them down and his hand stroked her pussy.

  Sir continued his deep kisses, his tongue exploring her mouth, while Rytsar made quick work of her clothing.

  Brie moaned into Sir’s mouth when she felt Rytsar rub her wet clit, teasing it with his skilled fingers.

  “Let’s take her to the bed,” Rytsar muttered lustfully.

  Brie squeaked in excitement when Sir swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, placing her gently on it.

  She lay there completely naked, staring up at Rytsar and Sir. “I want you both to lie with me,” she begged, holding her hands out to them.

  Rytsar looked at her, his eyes smoldering with desire as both men began undressing.

  “Radost moya…”

  Her pet name rolled off his lips like a love song.

  Brie’s eyes trailed over him. She admired his muscular body covered in scars and his signature dragon tattoo. Then, suddenly, her breath caught.

  She stared at the tattoo she knew so well, noticing that Rytsar had made an addition to it that she’d never seen before. The dragon now had smoke swirling from its mouth and over his chest and heart. Within those swirls were cleverly designed letters that spelled out the words “radost moya”.

  Brie met his gaze, tears welling in her eyes.

  He lay down beside her and reached out, stroking her cheek gently. “No tears, radost moya.”

  Brie glanced at Sir and could see he was equally affected.

  “Before I went into battle, I covered myself in armor,” Rytsar explained.

  Opening his hand, he showed her a stylized sun that had been tattooed in the palm of his hand. “I wanted moye solntse with me when I made the final blow.”

  Brie swallowed hard, tears coming to her eyes as she traced the outline of the sun with her finger.

  Sir joined them on the bed, pressing himself against Brie. “I will be forever grateful you survived that battle, brother.”

  Rytsar placed his hand over his heart. “I was protected.”

  Brie opened her mouth to say something, but Rytsar gazed deep into her eyes and commanded, “No more talk.”

  “Let your men make love to you,” Sir said, moving down between her legs while Rytsar claimed her lips.

  Brie floated in a haze of sexual bliss as they pleased and teased her body as only these two men could, taking her on both an emotional and physical high.

  When she got to the edge, teetering on the verge of climax, Sir changed positions. Lying on his back, he nodded to Rytsar, who pulled a tube of lubricant from his nightstand and threw it to Sir.

  Before he covered his shaft in lubricant, Brie asked, “May I kiss your cock, Master?”

  He lay the tube down and smiled, nodding.

  Brie gave the head of his shaft a chaste kiss before taking a lick of his precome. She smiled, then opened her mouth and encased the head of his cock with her warm lips.

  Sir groaned in pleasure as she slowly took in his length.

  Reaching out with her hand, Brie grasped Rytsar’s hard shaft and began stroking him with the same rhythm as she was sucking Sir.

  Brie felt a thrill when she tasted more of Sir’s precome. It let her know how much he was enjoying her mouth. Sucking even harder, she was gratified when Sir groaned again.

  It sent chills of electricity straight to her groin, making her pussy ache in need.

  Breaking her oral embrace with Sir, she turned her attention on Rytsar, while still pleasing Sir with her hand.

  Rytsar let out a low, primal growl as his shaft disappeared into her mouth. Grabbing the back of her head, he guided her to take him deeper. She consciously relaxed her throat and was rewarded with his manly groan of satisfaction.

  Brie swirled her tongue along the ridge of his shaft when he released her, treating it like a lollypop. As a finishing touch, she looked up at the Russian and smiled before kissing the tip tenderly.

  When she heard Sir applying a liberal amount of lubricant to his shaft, she turned her head to watch. Her pussy gushed with wetness at the thought of being taken by both men at the same time.

  Brie was entranced as she watched Sir stroke his cock, covering it in the lubricant. When he was satisfied, he held up his hand and Rytsar threw him a hand towel. Once clean, he tossed it to the floor and turned to Brie.

  “Impale yourself on me.”

  Brie bit her lip as she moved into the reverse cowgirl position, her pussy hovering just above his hard cock. Lowering herself down slowly, Brie guided the head of his shaft into her tight ass, pressing against it.

  Brie let out a little gasp as his shaft opened her up, breaching her tight entrance as the entirety of the head slipped inside her.

  “That’s it, babygirl,” Sir growled in a low, seductive voice, grabbing her waist to help her farther down his cock.

  Once he was deep enough to change positions, Brie used his body to support herself as she moved her legs forward and laid down, her back against his chest.

  Sir wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. Like his kisses, he was sensual and loving as he pushed his cock into her, murmuring about how much he enjoyed fucking her ass.

  Brie smiled, leaning her head back to give in to the delicious sensation of his hard cock stroking her from the inside. “I’ve always loved it when you take me like this.”

  Rytsar reached out and grasped her left breast, squeezing it firmly. “So suckable,” he whispered hoarsely. The warmth of his mouth encased her nipple as his tongue swirled around it before he began sucking hard.

  Brie moaned with pleasure as Rytsar worshipped her breast with his mouth while Sir slowly thrust his shaft into her ass.

  This was sexual bliss—every lick, suck, and stroke.

  Eventually, Rytsar moved into position, needing more.

  Brie looked up at him, feeling deliciously vulnerable as he spread her legs wide.

  He gazed at her pussy while he stroked his cock with his hand. “I do not want to rush this,” he murmured huskily as he pressed his cock against her swollen pussy.

  The changes in Rytsar made her feel uncertain. Normally, he was demanding when the three of them scened together, but tonight he seemed subdued—different, somehow.

  Brie bit her bottom lip as he pushed his cock into her. Even though she had taken Rytsar this way numerous times, it still required her body to relax and submit to their double penetration.

  It was part of the reason she enjoyed it so much. The act always challenged her, and the connection it created between them was like nothing else she had experienced.

  Sir gauged his thrusts to coincide with Rytsar’s as the two men started moving together.

  When Brie gazed up into Rytsar’s blue eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

  He was staring at her sadly as if he’d already lost her and was making love to a ghost.

  The sight of the tears welling up in his eyes overwhelmed her. Rytsar
wasn’t a man to cry.

  Seeing his reaction, Brie suddenly realized how truly close it had been.

  Rytsar never expected to come back…

  Even now, with his shaft deep inside her, he was struggling to believe this was real. Brie knew that and it broke her heart.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as they made love, her body rocked by the gentle movements of both men.

  Afterward, when Rytsar went to disengage, she wrapped her arms tightly around him and whispered, “You’re back.”

  Positioning herself between both men, Brie savored the afterglow of the scene, as the three lay silently on the bed.

  She eventually broke the silence by asking the question that had been burning a hole in her heart all night. “What happened, Rytsar?”

  Brie could feel Rytsar shaking his head on the pillow.

  She turned to lie on her stomach so she could face him. “I need to know.”

  He shook his head again. “Nyet.”


  He would not look at her. Instead, he stared up at the ceiling.

  “You cannot imagine what we have seen, the horrors we were subjected to. Titov and I have been permanently scarred by it.”

  Turning his head toward her, he added in a grave tone. “If I were to speak them aloud, you would not be able to forget it. It would eat at you as it does me.”

  She smiled sadly when his rough hand grazed her cheek.

  “I don’t want you to be haunted by it as I am, radost moya.”

  “But—” she began to protest, wanting to carry his burden.

  Sir interrupted, commanding gently, “Trust him, babygirl.”

  Brie nodded and laid her head on Rytsar’s chest as she reached for Sir’s hand. She felt a sense of contentment when Sir took her hand and squeezed it, while she listened to Rytsar’s steady heartbeat.

  She had to believe he would recover from this now that the three of them were together.

  Love was a mysterious force of great power.

  A Night with the Gallants

  Brie was busy packing up the nonessentials in the apartment in anticipation of the move. She’d started with all of her college stuff, which she had failed to sift through before.


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