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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

Page 6

by Red Phoenix

  The thought of that caused a painful lump in her throat.

  His love for Tatianna continued to burn bright despite all the years that had passed since her death.

  After Rytsar finished, he wiped his clean-shaven head with a hand towel, then stared at the mirror for a moment before leaning forward to whisper something.

  A tear ran down Brie’s cheek.

  She was certain he was speaking to Tatianna. How beautifully tragic that he re-connected with her every morning and that she remained a part of his life.

  Rytsar was a condor, like Sir.

  He turned to walk out, stopping short when he saw her. “Radost moya, what are you doing here?”

  Instead of answering him, Brie walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his muscular body as she laid her head on his chest. “You are a beautiful soul.”

  His low chuckle reverberated against her cheek as he enfolded her in his strong embrace.

  Laugh with Lea

  With their big move-in date quickly approaching, Brie was tickled when Lea offered to come over and help her pack some of her personal things.

  “I can just imagine it. A day of constant giggling,” Sir stated when she told him.

  Brie had to laugh because she knew he was right. “We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum, Sir.”

  “No need.” He cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips. “I enjoy the sound of your happiness.” Her heart melted as he pulled away.

  “I’ll keep Hope with us so you don’t have to worry about her while you work, Sir,” she assured him.

  “Actually, I plan to take time off to spend the day with her.”

  Brie’s hands flew to her chest as she cooed. “Oh my goodness…a daddy/daughter day! How sweet is that?”

  He smiled tenderly as he looked at Hope, who was happily bouncing in her jumper.

  Brie remembered Sir’s promise that he would be an active parent in Hope’s life, just as his father had been in his. And, despite his heavy workload, Sir had kept that vow, changing diapers without complaint, comforting Hope in the night, and even joining Brie for pediatrician check-ups.

  He was nothing like Brie’s own father, who had pretty much come home every night after work expecting his wife to wait on him hand and foot.

  Her mother had done so happily, never questioning his lack of involvement in Brie’s life. In their household, clear lines had been drawn between the male and female roles and were strictly adhered to.

  Seeing the interaction between Sir and Hope made Brie wonder what her relationship with her father would have been like if he’d been equally involved when she was a child.

  Knowing there was no point in dwelling on what might have been, Brie dismissed the thought. However, it did make her even more grateful for the role Sir had chosen to take in their own little family.

  People on the outside naturally assumed that because they had a D/s relationship, that those same old-fashioned rules applied. But, nothing could be further from the truth.

  Sir cherished her and his child, and, because of that, he would do anything to keep them safe and well cared for, both physically and emotionally.

  While the dynamics of their power exchange were polar opposites, the two of them were still equal partners—both having a voice in what happened in and out of the bedroom. Brie knew that Sir valued her thoughts and opinions, and he considered them with every decision he made.

  Brie credited their commitment to the BDSM lifestyle for ensuring they practiced open communication in all other aspects of their lives.

  It was perfectly acceptable for her to disagree with Sir but, in those rare instances when she did, he encouraged her to respectfully voice her reasoning so they could discuss it and come to a mutual understanding.

  Oftentimes, once he explained his decision-making process, she agreed with him. The few times when they could not come to an agreement, Brie acquiesced, trusting in his dominance over her. However, there had been several times when Sir had taken her side because, although he did not agree, he could see it was important to her.

  Brie was grateful that Sir took his dominant position in her life seriously, and that he never made her feel less important because she served under him as his submissive.

  She figured her father could learn a thing or two about being a real man from Sir.

  Wouldn’t that be an interesting discussion? She thought, giggling to herself.

  Brie stood by the door, eagerly awaiting Lea’s arrival. As soon as Brie heard the ding of the elevator, she swung it open and cried, “Lea!”

  Lea’s face lit up and she ran to Brie, hugging her in the hallway. “I can never get enough of my Stinky Cheese.”

  “And this Funky Fromage can’t get enough of you,” Brie answered.

  Pulling her into the apartment, Brie started giggling like a schoolgirl.

  “I remember this,” Sir said with a smirk.

  “Hello, Sir Davis,” Lea said, bowing in respect. “I’m really looking forward to seeing your new place.”

  He glanced at Brie and gave her a wink. “So is my wife.”

  Lifting Hope up, he told them, “I’ll leave you ladies to it while Hope and I spend time learning about quantum physics.”

  Sir headed down the hallway, whistling a catchy tune. Brie remembered it from hearing recordings of his father playing the violin. It touched her that Sir made sure that Alonzo was a part of Hope’s life. He kissed Hope on the top of her head before entering the bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

  “Was he serious?” Lea asked, laughing.

  Brie smiled. “He is, actually. It’s the sweetest thing, too.”

  Lea gave her a look of disbelief. “I don’t believe you for a second.”

  “I’m completely serious, woman. Instead of reading children’s books to Hope, Sir reads whatever book he’s currently into.”

  “And he’s reading quantum physics for fun?”

  Brie shrugged. “He likes to keep up on the latest stuff. It’s stimulating for him.”

  Lea shook her head, laughing. “If I didn’t respect Sir Davis so much, I’d make a joke about him right now.”

  “It’s probably wise that you don’t,” Brie said, elbowing her.

  “So, how does Hope handle that kind of reading material?”

  “She eats it up. That little girl loves listening to her daddy. She just stares at him as he talks.” Brie got out her phone and showed Lea a video she had taken of Sir reading to the baby. The expression on Hope’s face as she looked up at him was one of pure adoration and wonder.

  “Aww…” Lea squeaked. “That is too stinkin’ cute.”

  “I know,” Brie said, looking at her phone tenderly. “I could watch those two together all day long.”

  Lea took the phone from her and laid it on the counter. “But we aren’t going to do that, because I came here to work. So, tell me what you want me to do.”

  “Let’s finish up the baby’s room.”

  “Sounds like a plan, Stan.” Lea marched down the hallway, but instead of turning into Hope’s room, she continued down the hallway and pressed her ear against the door to their bedroom.

  “Lea…” Brie whispered.

  Lea turned her head and put her finger to her lips before pressing her head against the door again. She put her hand to her heart as she listened, an enchanted look on her face.

  Finally, she moved away from the door and walked back to Brie. “Oh, my! If I could just bottle up that man’s voice, I could make millions. Even I was transfixed, and I don’t know a damn thing about quantum physics.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she does. Of course, hearing him read Goodnight Moon would put him off the charts on the cuteness scale.”

  Brie smiled. “I have to admit that seeing a man being a good daddy does something to my ovaries.”

  “Yeah, like seeing a sexy man holding a puppy.”

  Laughing, Brie told her, “I’m partial to babies…but, yeah.”

a walked into the guestroom and frowned. “It looks like you’ve already done most of the packing.”

  “Nope, there’s still the closet, and trust me, I have a lot of my old stuff I have to finish sifting through. Thankfully, it’s going to be tons more fun with you here.”

  “That’s exactly why I came!” she said, opening up the closet door and grabbing a tote. “I make the world a more fun place.”

  “Yes, you do,” Brie agreed wholeheartedly, giving her a hug.

  Lea squeezed her back before ripping off the lid of a tote.

  “Oh…!” Brie cried in delight.

  “What?” Lea asked, peeking inside.

  “This is the old video camera my parents got me when I was a kid.” Brie held it up, a flood of memories washing over her as she stared at it.

  Lea took it from her, handling it as if it were made of glass. “This…this belongs in a museum. The Brie Bennett-Davis Director Museum.”

  “Yeah, right,” Brie said, trying to take it back.

  Lea moved it out of her reach. “No, I’m serious, girlfriend. You’re going to be famous, and this will become a treasured item that fans everywhere will flock to see.”

  Brie burst out laughing. “I doubt that very much.”

  Lea held up the video camera, looking at it with reverence. “And this is the hallowed instrument that began her career in film.”

  Shaking her head, Brie took it from her and set it to the side. “So, this goes in the keeper pile.”

  Lea suddenly let out a squeal. “Are these all the films you made?”

  Brie looked fondly at the mix of mini-cassette tapes. “Yep. It’s like a digital diary of my life as a kid in Nebraska.”

  “Ooh…can I watch one?”

  She shook her head, saying, “My life was extremely boring back then. Trust me. I’m sparing you by saying no. You really don’t want to watch them.”

  “But I do…” she said, giving Brie puppy eyes. “I really do.”

  Brie giggled. “Fine. Someday we’ll have a My Boring Life in Nebraska Party. But, today, we have to get all this sorted and packed.”

  “You promise, Stinky Cheese?”

  Brie wrapped an arm around Lea, touched that she cared. “Yes, I promise.”

  Lea grabbed a roll of bubble wrap and started wrapping one of the tapes.

  “What are you doing? They don’t need to be wrapped. Just throw them over here with the camera.”

  “Are you kidding? These are precious, Brie. You can’t chance them being compromised because of the move.”

  Brie shook her head again. “Lea, you’re freaking adorable.”

  “I don’t want any of your devoted fans to say that I failed to protect these jewels.”

  She laughed. “Girl, when you watch them, you’ll have another name for them, and it will start with S-H—”

  Lea hugged the tape against her chest. “Don’t you dare call them that.”

  The fact that Lea was being so protective of her first attempts at filmmaking was totally endearing to Brie. “I wish I could keep you in my pocket.”

  Lea giggled, putting the tape down for a moment in order to grab her huge breasts. “I’m not fitting in your pocket with these babies.” She proudly looked down at her huge boobs. “Did you know they’re a ton of fun to play with?”

  Brie rolled her eyes. “No, I wouldn’t know…”

  Lea reached over and snatched her hand, placing it on her left breast. “Go ahead. I don’t mind.”

  Brie looked at her hand, dwarfed by Lea’s large breast, and did the first thing that came to mind. Squeezing it, she said, “Honk!” and burst out in snorting laughter.

  “That’s the best you can do?” Lea teased. “It’s okay, Stinky Cheese. If I had little boobies like yours, I wouldn’t know what to do with these babies, either.”

  Brie looked down at her own breasts. “Girl, there is nothing little about my melons. Breastfeeding Hope has made them huge.”

  Bouncing her boobs up and down with her hands, Lea said proudly, “But nothing can compare to mine.”

  “True,” Brie giggled. “You are the biggest boob I know.”

  Lea elbowed her with a twinkle in her eye. “You’re getting there, honey. Don’t worry. Someday, you’ll almost be as funny as me.”

  After she finished wrapping and taping the cassette tape thoughtfully, she stared at it. “You know, Brie…”

  She assumed Lea was going to say something about her films. “Yes?”

  “I’ve got a joke for you.”

  “Oh, lord…” Brie groaned with amusement.

  “How many directors does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

  Brie grinned. “I don’t know, Lea. How many directors does it take to screw in a light bulb?”

  “Directors don’t screw in a light bulb, silly. They screw in a hot tub.”

  Even though the joke was bad, Brie couldn’t stop laughing.

  Lea just nodded in proud satisfaction. “After all these years, I’ve still got it.”

  Brie shook her head as she pulled out another tote.

  “So, Lea, Sir asked me to make a decision about which film to work on next. What do you think? Should I finish the second documentary or jump into the documentary about Alonzo Davis and his magical violin?”

  Lea stopped wrapping the tape she was holding and looked up at Brie. “Naturally, I’d love to see my scene with Tono on the big screen, but you have to follow your heart, girlfriend.”

  Her answer caused Brie to think back on all those incredible scenes she’d filmed for the follow-up documentary.

  It would be a shame if the world didn’t get a chance to see the talent of Tono and his unique version of Kinbaku, Master Anderson’s hot bullwhip session with Boa or the incredible skills of Marquis Gray.

  Damn… there were so many worthy scenes.

  The moments she’d captured on film were like her babies and, if Brie did nothing, they would never see the light of day.

  However, she did not relish the idea of working with Mr. Holloway again, and there was no way that she would allow him to delete the scene with Marquis Gray. This was her film, and she trusted her instincts. “I really don’t like Holloway, Lea, but I’m thinking it might be worth the fight if he can help get this second film out. At the very least, I’ll get a better handle on what’s happening with Mary. She’s been so closed-mouthed about what’s going on between them.”

  “It can’t be good. I have been worried about that girl…” Lea stated. “Mary may be a bitch, but she’s our fucking bitch.”

  Brie smiled, her heart full of compassion for Mary. “She’s been there for both of us when we needed her.”

  Lea nodded, frowning slightly. “Yeah, if I had just listened to her…”

  “Nope, we’re not going there.” Brie knew that Lea still blamed herself for not listening to Mary’s warning about Liam. Because of that, something terrible almost happened. Lea still held herself responsible for the attempted kidnapping of Brie and Hope.

  “Liam was not your fault. None of the bad things that happened had anything to do with you.” Brie stopped what she was doing. She felt it was important to enforce her words with a hug.

  “How is your heart, my friend?” she whispered as she squeezed Lea, knowing that she struggled with having loved Liam before it all went crashing down in flames.

  Lea let out a long sigh. “My heart is slowly healing.”

  “Is there anything I can do to make it heal faster?”

  “Yes, there is.”

  Brie broke away to look her in the eye. “Name it, girlfriend.”

  “Tell me a joke.”

  “Lea…” she complained. “I’m being serious here.”

  “I’m being serious, too. You don’t know the power a good joke has for me, Brie. And, for it to come from my best friend? I would love nothing more. Seriously.”

  Brie wondered if Lea was teasing her, but the desperate look in her eyes spurred Brie on to try. “Let’s see…”
She laughed uncomfortably after a moment. “I didn’t realize how hard this would be. Coming up with a joke bad enough to be Lea-worthy is not an easy task.”

  “I believe in you, girl,” Lea encouraged her, giving two thumbs up.

  Brie sifted through all the bad jokes she knew, trying to find one that Lea hadn’t already told her. “I think I have a good one.”

  “Great!” Lea clapped her hands excitedly.

  “It’s a clown joke.”

  “Even better. I love clowns.”

  “I have no idea why when they creep me out.” Brie shuddered. “But this one is totally you.”

  “Hit me with it, sister.”

  “What do you call a clown who gives his girlfriend flowers?”

  Before Lea had time to think, Brie blurted out the punch line. “A romantic jester!”

  “Aww…that’s so cute, Brie.”

  “But it didn’t make you laugh,” she said sadly.

  Lea patted her on the back. “It takes years of practice to be as talented as I am.”

  Brie was disappointed. “I’m sorry it didn’t help, Lea.”

  Lea answered her apology with a hug. “But it did help. You made a bad joke just for me. That’s what true friendship is all about.”

  “Seriously, if you need anything, just let me know. I’m here for you one hundred percent, girlfriend.”

  Lea’s smile was genuine when she told Brie, “I know, it means so much to me that you have my back.”

  “Forever and always.”

  “Same here.” After another squishy hug with those big boobs, she said, “Do you know what the title associate director really means?”

  Brie felt another joke coming on and answered hesitantly, “No, what does the title associate director really mean?”

  “He’s the only guy in Hollywood who will associate with the director.” Lea giggled, adding, “No matter what kind of fallout happens in life, Stinky Cheese, I’ll always be your associate director.”

  Moving Day

  After three weeks of renovations, Sir finally made the announcement Brie had been patiently waiting for. “The house is ready and I’ve hired a moving crew to finish the packing and transport everything tomorrow.”


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