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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

Page 14

by Red Phoenix

  Sir looked down at her possessively, his gaze captivating her as he claimed his young virgin. Brie threw her head back, giving in to his lust, her pussy needing his forceful possession.

  She screamed out in passion when he started fucking her hard and deep. She’d expected he would start out slow, but Sir was challenging her body with forceful strokes—and she loved every minute of it.

  Brie was already on the edge, feeling the telltale signs of an impending orgasm as he rammed his cock repeatedly against her swollen clit as he fucked her. When he commanded she open her eyes and she met his gaze, she felt a jolt of electricity pass between them. Coming a second time, she whimpered in pleasure.

  Sir groaned with satisfaction as her pussy milked his shaft with a powerful orgasm.

  Overcome by the intensity of it, Brie lay there panting. She was surprised when Sir wrapped his arm around her, rolling over so she was now on top. She looked down at him, tempted to grind her sensitive pussy against his hard cock even though she was supposed to be playing the part of a virgin.

  She suddenly felt Rytsar’s hands on her as he repositioned her on Sir’s shaft so that she was facing away, in a reverse cowgirl position.

  Rytsar moved off the bed, his eyes laser-focused on her as he grabbed the tube of lubricant and coated his shaft with it. He wore a mischievous smile.

  Brie watched in breathless anticipation, wondering what he was about to do.

  Wiping off his hands, he tossed the towel with a low chuckle. There was no doubting that he had wicked intentions.

  “Radost moya…” he said huskily as he climbed onto the bed.

  Brie felt Sir’s hands pulling her backward. She slowly laid back, her back resting against Sir’s chest with her legs wide open.

  Rytsar settled between her legs and began petting Brie’s slick pussy and teasing her clit, with Sir’s cock inside her. Before she knew it, he had her hips bucking as her pussy gushed with watery come.

  He licked his finger with a satisfied grunt.

  Changing his position, Rytsar stared at her lustfully as he pressed the head of his shaft against her opening, demanding access.

  Brie gasped and shook her head.

  He nodded slowly.

  Brie now understood the reason Sir had coated his shaft in lubricant. They wanted her to take them both at the same time, claiming a part of her that she hadn’t expected to give them—like the innocent in her fantasy.

  Her nipples contracted into tight buds out of genuine fear. “I can’t…”

  The gripping fear she felt now was reminiscent of her first scene with Rytsar, only this time, what they were asking of her was so much greater.

  Not a man to take no for an answer, Rytsar leaned forward, sucking on one of her nipples as he gazed up at her, his blue eyes burning with desire.

  Brie knew this was her decision. She could call out her safeword and end this now, or she could give in to their desire.

  For a submissive, there was something powerful in giving away a part of herself she’d never given before.

  This is my gift to them.

  Brie consciously relaxed in Sir’s arms, appreciating the tight grip of his hands on her arms and the fullness of his shaft wedged deep in her pussy.

  Rytsar’s eyes glowed with fiery lust, knowing she’d made her choice.

  Moving back into position, he pressed his cock against her opening and began to push into her.

  Brie felt the chills as she surrendered her body to him. This was like the challenge of taking Boa’s huge shaft but on such a greater scale.

  She slowed her breathing as she forced her body to relax, her pussy lips stretched wide to accommodate both shafts.

  It didn’t seem possible that she could take even the head of his cock, but Rytsar was patient, taking his time as he slowly sank deeper into her.

  Brie cried out when the discomfort almost became too much.

  “Shh…shh…” Rytsar murmured, leaning down to graze his teeth against her skin, before biting down on her neck. His bites had an erotic effect on her and her body opened farther for him.

  Brie had to remind herself to breathe when Sir and Rytsar began moving as one, starting with shallow strokes.

  She looked into Rytsar’s eyes as the two men claimed this part of her.

  Giving in to their desire was extremely arousing. As they moved inside her, Brie felt pleasant electrical sparks radiating from her pussy.

  “Yes! Oh, my, God, yes!” she cried as she started to float, losing herself in the glorious feeling.

  It didn’t take long before both men reached the edge, the intensity of the stimulation proving too erotic. They cried out in unison as they climaxed inside her. Spread so incredibly tight, Brie could feel every pulse as Sir and Rytsar began to pump their seed deep into her.

  Brie about lost her mind feeling both men come inside her at the same time. She screamed out in pleasure and pain—her pussy completely and utterly filled—as her inner muscles clamped around their shafts in one final, orgasmic contraction.

  Submissive bliss…

  Afterward, she lay in between them with a huge smile on her face.

  “Did you enjoy that, radost moya?”

  “Da,” she said, her lazy smile growing bigger. “I am a very happy girl.”

  Sir nuzzled her ear and whispered, “You look beautiful when you fly, babygirl.”

  It was then that Brie understood that as much as this had been her gift to them, this had been their gift to her.

  Lunch Is On Me

  When the doorbell rang, Brie called out to Sir, “Are you expecting anyone?”

  “No,” he answered from his office.

  Brie walked to the door, curious if Rytsar had come for a quick visit. She looked through the peephole but saw nothing, not even a package. Shrugging, she started to walk away when the doorbell rang again.

  Running to the door, she peeked through the hole. This time, she saw a black cowboy hat.

  “Master Anderson!” she cried, throwing open the door.

  He tipped his hat and smiled at her. “Hey, little lady, you wouldn’t happen to know where my buddy Thane has disappeared to?”

  “Is that Anderson I hear?” Sir called out.

  “It is!” she cried happily, thrilled he had come for a visit. Stepping to the side, she said in a formal voice, “Please come in,” but she couldn’t stop grinning as she walked him into the great room.

  Sir stepped out of his office, looking as pleased to see Master Anderson as she was. “Well, this is an unexpected surprise.”

  “I figured since I drove down here specifically to see you, I might as well stop by,” he joked.

  Sir gave him an amused smirk. “I’m certainly glad you did.”

  He slapped Sir on the back. “It’s been a while, buddy.”

  “Too long.”

  Hope started crying, having been woken from her nap by their banter. Brie hurried to get her, excited to show off how much their little girl had grown.

  When she returned, she asked Master Anderson, “Isn’t she the cutest?”

  “Honestly? She just looks like a baby to me,” he answered, chuckling.

  Already knowing his answer, she asked teasingly, “Would you like to hold her?”

  He looked down at Hope and shook his head. “I’d rather not, no offense.”

  Brie giggled. “She doesn’t bite, Master Anderson.”

  “No, seriously. I’m happy not holding the baby.”

  He may have thought he was off the hook, but Sir spoke up, “Nonsense.” Taking Hope from Brie’s arm, he forced his friend to hold her.

  Brie smiled to herself, seeing just how uncomfortable Master Anderson looked holding their little girl, his arms stiff and at awkward angles. He was obviously not a natural when it came to babies, and when Hope moved in his arms, he got a terrified look on his face and tried to hand her back.

  Sir shook his head, clearly amused by Master Anderson’s discomfort. Taking pity on him, he did sho
w Master Anderson how to hold her, placing Hope against his chest and positioning his hands to give her adequate support.

  The broad-chested cowboy looked adorable holding their little girl. Hope was fascinated by him, her mouth open in a perfect “O” as she stared up at the black cowboy hat on his head.

  For his part, Master Anderson looked totally out of his element, which made it even more precious to Brie.

  That’s when Shadow sauntered into the room, heading straight for Anderson.

  Master Anderson followed the cat with his eyes, looking at him distrustfully. “What is that cat doing?”

  “He’s Hope’s guard cat,” Brie informed him.

  Master Anderson tried to shoo him away with his foot, but Shadow would not be deterred.

  The cat surprised all of them when he suddenly tackled Master Anderson’s leg. Grabbing it with both front paws, Shadow started sniffing his pants, twitching his tail excitedly.

  “What the hell?” Master Anderson complained, balancing on one leg as he shook the other, trying to get the large cat off, while still holding Hope.

  It was the funniest thing Brie had ever seen and she covered her mouth, trying not to laugh.

  “Don’t drop the baby,” Sir warned.

  Master Anderson stopped struggling and stood still with Hope in his arms and a cat glued to his leg, looking at Sir with a chagrined expression. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”

  Brie cooed. “I think Shadow must smell Cayenne and the babies.”

  “That’s just great,” Master Anderson huffed. Handing Hope back to Sir, he said, “Take your baby back while I get this damn beast off my leg.”

  Brie watched with amusement as he wrestled unsuccessfully with Shadow to get him off. But, the cat just extended his claws and dug in deeper, determined to stay.

  Wanting to help Master Anderson, she said, “Why don’t you give me your shirt?”

  He looked at her strangely, but not a man to miss an opportunity to bare his chest, Master Anderson whipped it up and over his head, handing it to her.

  Brie smiled as she knelt on the floor and let Shadow take a whiff of his shirt. Slowly, the big black cat retracted his claws and jumped off Master Anderson’s leg, rubbing his cheek against the soft material of the shirt, purring loudly.

  Laying it on the floor, Brie took a step back.

  Shadow stood on the shirt, kneading the material with his claws before curling up and lying down on it.

  “Aww… Shadow misses her.”

  “Don’t be fooled, young Brie. I know exactly what that black bastard wants.”

  “What?” she asked, giggling.

  “He wants to defile my little girl again.”

  Master Anderson had never forgiven Shadow for making Cayenne pregnant, but it was obvious to Brie that Shadow and Cayenne were meant for each other. There was no denying that they made beautiful babies together.

  “How are the kittens?” she asked.

  Brie loved the look of tenderness and pride on Master Anderson’s face when he told her, “They are a kick. Never cease to keep me laughing.”

  She grinned. Even though Master Anderson resented Shadow for making passionate cat love to Cayenne, there was no doubt he was thoroughly enjoying the fruits of their labor.

  Master Anderson did not appreciate seeing Shadow love on his shirt and glanced away uncomfortably.

  He let out a long whistle. “Holy shit…pardon my language, young Brie…but that is one impressive kitchen you two have.”

  They walked into the kitchen so he could check it out. “These counters are truly inspiring.”

  Glancing at Brie, he raised an eyebrow. “I suddenly have a hankering for lunch.”

  Sir smirked. “Are you offering to make it?”

  “Possibly, but you would need a babysitter for the type of meal I’m thinking of.”

  “That can be easily arranged,” Sir assured him.

  “Say the word, and I’ll get started.”

  Brie was curious about what Master Anderson was up to as she walked over to Rytsar’s house with Hope. Having warned him that she was coming, he was already at the door to greet them when she arrived.

  “You’re timing is perfect,” he said, grinning at Hope. “I have a special surprise for moye solntse.”

  As she stepped inside, Brie thanked him for watching her.

  “As her dyadya, it is my duty and privilege to spoil her whenever I’m given the chance.” His smile broadened as he took Hope from her. “Come, let me amaze you both.”

  Rytsar walked them to Hope’s room where he pointed to a silver box lying in Hope’s crib.

  Telling Brie to get it, he sat down cross-legged on the floor with Hope and gestured for Brie to join him. She picked up the pretty box and knelt beside him, looking at it with interest.

  “I had this specially made for you,” he told Hope, nuzzling noses with her.

  “Please do the honors, radost moya.”

  Brie lifted the lid and saw tons of sparkly tissue paper. She threw them in the air and let them float down around them to the sound of Hope’s delighted giggles.

  She giggled herself when she saw the Matryoshka doll intricately painted in the image of a sexy Rytsar, his palm open showing off his tattoo of the sun. Brie picked it up, turning it over in her hands to admire the remarkable detail. “It’s exquisite…”

  “I do look good, don’t I?” he smirked.

  Brie held it out to her little girl. “Look, Hope, it’s your dyadya.”

  Hope reached out to touch it, her dimples showing as she smiled.

  Brie opened the wooden doll to reveal a figure of Sir dressed in the suit he wore at their wedding. “Oh, your daddy looks so handsome, doesn’t he?” she asked Hope.

  Examining it, Brie was touched by all the small details, including the spray of bougainvillea in his lapel.

  Opening it up, Brie squeaked when she found a replica of herself wearing her lace wedding dress. “This is so beautiful.”

  “Yes, you are,” Rytsar stated. He took it from her to show Hope. “Your mama is the most beautiful woman on this Earth.”

  Brie blushed when he handed it back to her. “These are amazing.”

  His blue eyes sparkled with delight. “Go on. There are more.”

  She opened the doll and giggled. “Oh, my goodness, it’s my dad!” The artist had done a phenomenal job capturing his serious expression.

  “There’s your grandpa,” she said, showing Hope. “Don’t let his serious expression fool you, little girl. He’s a big softie when it comes to you.”

  It came as no surprise when the next doll turned out to be her mother. The sweet expression painted on her face was charming. The artist was so skillful that he’d been able to capture the similar facial characteristics she shared with her mother.

  Brie was super curious about who was next. When she opened it, tears came to her eyes seeing Alonzo holding his beloved violin.

  “This is…so touching,” she choked out.

  Rytsar nodded. “He is a part of her life.”

  Brie pointed out the violin to Hope. “That’s your Grandpa Alonzo’s violin. He was a master at playing it.” Her heart melted when Hope reached out to touch it with her tiny fingers.

  Shaking the doll, Brie realized there were still more. “How many are in here?” she asked Rytsar in amazement.

  He only smiled.

  Curious about who was next, Brie opened it and burst out in a smile. “Nonno!”

  Like with her own mother, the artist had captured the similarities between Sir, Alonzo, and Sir’s grandfather. Brie cuddled the doll against her chest, totally in love with the likeness.

  She opened the next one and was thrilled to see Nonna’s twinkling eyes and warm smile. Brie had never forgotten how kind the old woman had been to her when they first met in Italy. Nonna had made Brie feel like family starting that very first day.

  Brie shook the doll and realized there was one more left. She gave it to Hope to shake,
too, before she opened it.

  Instead of shaking it, Hope handed it to Rytsar.

  When he tried to give it to Brie, she wouldn’t take it. “Nope, Hope wants you to open it.”

  Rytsar smirked as he opened the last one and held it up for them to see.

  Brie squealed in delight. “Shadow!”

  It seemed completely fitting that the very last doll was Hope’s guardian angel in cat form.

  Rytsar set each doll down in a circle around Hope. “See? Moye solntse is surrounded by love.”

  Brie shook her head, profoundly touched by seeing his words laid out in physical form. She understood that this was his way of remaining a part of Hope’s life even when they were thousands of miles apart.

  “Rytsar, this is the most beautiful gift that has ever been made.”

  He winked at her.

  Rytsar set Hope on his lap and pointed to his doll. “Notice that your dyadya is the biggest of all.”

  Her heart full, Brie returned to their house with a huge smile on her face.

  She was surprised to see that Master Anderson and Sir had already begun preparations for the meal.

  “What can I do to help?” she asked.

  “Prepare thyself, woman,” Master Anderson answered.

  Sir looked up and smiled. “You are having a lesson in objectification.”

  Thrilled beyond words, Brie headed to the bedroom to shower. She was meticulous as she prepared her body. No scented soaps touched her skin as she washed and shaved her body bare.

  Toweling off, Brie looked in the mirror as she applied minimal makeup to accentuate her eyes and lips. She put her hair up in a pretty bun with a few loose curls to frame her face.

  Certain she had the look of a classy serving platter, she walked out of the bedroom completely naked and headed to the kitchen. Master Anderson put his knife down, letting out an appreciative whistle.

  Sir’s captivating smile left Brie breathless. “You look stunning, babygirl.”

  She bowed gracefully. “Thank you, Sir. Where would you like me?”

  Master Anderson looked at Sir. “May I do the honors?”


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