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Play Me

Page 33

by Ivy Knight

  "I can't help but agree with the last one, how tragic would that be?" Amelia exaggerates putting her hand over her heart and sighing heavily.

  "No need to mock me, okay? I was just trying to be like a normal high school girl, but I guess that's just too much to ask for."

  "Normal, ew," Dakota pretends to gag on the thought. "Who wants to be normal?"

  "Okay, Dakota we get it, you like your ability to bash people's skull in," Amelia replies ending with an eye roll.

  "I can't be the only one who'd rather choose the adrenaline rush of my fist clashing against someone's flesh instead of feeling the stress of what people will think of me if I decide to do something that's not normal?" Dakota arches her eyebrows.

  "There will come a time when all you wanna do is quit, but until then, I think I'd have to choose the first option," I shrug exiting the car. I adjust my jacket so that I can zip it close.

  Once the other two step out, we walk into the mall.

  "I agree, I wasn't born into this, but I like it better than the way I lived life before," Amelia comments.


  "This one looks amazing," Amelia gushes over the light blue dress draping over my figure. I look myself over in the mirror and don't admire it as much. The sleeveless neckline is too cliché and the colour is too bright for my liking.

  "I don't like it, it's too boring and overdone."

  "Sounds like Amelia! Maybe Amelia should try it on!" Dakota yells from the stall next to mine.

  "I don't go to school," Amelia reminds Dakota.

  "So? Uh- fuck. I hate dresses," we hear her incoherently curse. "Yeah, to what I was saying. So? We go to parties all the time, you could wear it there."

  "Yeah, let me just take it off and you can try it on. We're probably the same size."

  "Fine," Amelia succumbs to our persuasion. I close the door and climb out of the dress. Putting on my own clothes, I head out handing the dress to Amelia who walks into the changing stall.

  I sit outside and wait for the two to get dressed. As I wait leaning my weight against a wall, my phone dings. Fishing it out from my back pocket, I spot Alessio's name on the screen.

  We'll be there soon, I read the text.

  Kai might hate me for this, but it has to be done. If I ask for his permission, I know he'll never allow it, so I guess sometimes it's just easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

  "Summer, can you help me with the zipper?" Dakota mumbles. The phone bounces from my hand and onto the ground.

  "Fuck," I pick it up and smile happily at the fact that the screen is still in one piece. I wipe the screen on my thigh and place it back in pocket before helping Dakota with the zipper.

  Once the dress is zipped up, she turns around. My head tilts down and slowly maneuvers up. The dress kisses her waist perfectly and the layering of the dress isn't too thick, so the dress is just the right amount of volume below the waist.

  The maroon colour compliments her lighter complexion and makes her maroon, ombre hair blend in with the dress in the best way possible. Altogether, it looks like the dress is made for her and her only.

  "Dude, you look-"

  "Amazing," Amelia finishes for me. I turn around and look at the stunned expression on her face.

  "Alec is going to be all over you."

  "It's a shame he's going to rip that dress into shreds though," Amelia's comment makes us burst out, into a fit of laughter while all the blood in Dakota's body rushes to her face.

  "Dude, he's your brother, no sex talk."

  "Correction, twin brother. We tell each other everything, so sex isn't a big thing. I mean, I tell him about all the time I've-"

  "Don't - just don't finish that sentence," Dakota interrupts Amelia. Shocked, Amelia at first wrinkles her forehead but closes her mouth letting her lips form a smirk.

  "What I was gonna say is-"

  "Cum as an excuse of being on a mission?"

  "Not my fault I'm single and free to do whatever the fuck I want."

  "I'm not judging."

  "Of course, you are."

  "Okay, guys no need to argue. It's just sex. I'm sure Dakota's done plenty of that before Alec."

  "I just feel that instead of finding things that would help you forget about your problems, you should just face them. They won't just disappear."

  "You have no say in how I choose to deal with my problems, we've been over this a billion times Dakota," Amelia huffs. "I'd rather live in the present than work for a future that I might not even have. Fuck it, I didn't even like the dress on me. I'll meet you guys by the cashier."

  Helplessly, I watch her walk away. I turn around facing Dakota.

  "Seriously? Did you have to ruin her mood?"

  "It's not my fault."

  "Yes, it is. You've been in this business for far too long to not know that we're not entitled to judge anyone's character based on their actions. So why would you judge your best friend's?"

  "I wasn't judging, I just – Alec and I both think she needs to be more open about the way she feels."

  "Well, don't be so hard on her. In the process of trying to help her, you might just drive her away. I'm gonna go find her. Just meet us at the front," I start to walk in the direction of the cashier.


  "Yeah?" I turn around.

  "Can you unzip this?"

  I roll my eyes and sigh walking back.


  "Thanks," Dakota replies.

  "No problem and hurry, we don't have much time before dinner."



  "Hey, sorry we're late," Alec apologizes to everyone as Dakota stands to greet him. Giving each other a small kiss, Alec and Dakota both take a seat across from each other while Kai fills the spot in front of me.

  "What took you guys so long?"

  "We were waiting for Brody, he's taking care of Luciano at the house," Alec explains.

  "You left Luke with Brody?"

  "Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?"

  Surprise is an understatement. Yeah, they've known Brody for a while now, but leaving Luke solely under his supervision doesn't sound so good to me. As much as I know Brody, he would never hurt a child, but I don't know him anymore. Who knows how much he's changed?

  "We hardly know anything about him. Do you actually trust the guy?"

  "He hasn't given us a reason not to and all his information adds up. He seems clean and loyal. Unless you have something to prove otherwise."

  "No, but Luke is the most important thing to us right now and I don't think we should expose him to other members just yet."

  "I agree, but Lilly was busy today. I have live footage on my phone. If anything happens, I'll know," Kai assures.

  "Okay," I sigh not so convinced. Luciano is only a few days old and leaving him in the hands of others just doesn't feel right. Nick is still out there and if he even gains a speck of knowledge about Kai's child being alive, he will do anything to make sure that it isn't true.

  Kai promised Lucy that Luciano wouldn't face the same sorrows as us and if we don't live up to our word, it'll eat both of us alive. There was a reason Lucy spoke in English while asking Kai to make that promise to her. She wanted me to fulfill it if Kai isn't strong enough to do it himself.

  "So, what did you guys do the whole day?" Alec questions.

  "Breakfast at the cafe and then shopping," Amelia replies.

  "Did you guys buy anything?" Kai asks.

  "Yeah, Dakota did, but you'll have to wait until prom to see what it is," I answer.

  "Prom is still months away, you already bought your dress?" Alec asks Dakota.

  "It was just the one," Dakota smiles. Alec's tongue darts out licking his lips as his eyes focus onto Dakota's smile.

  "Well, I can't wait to see you in it."

  As we all hold back our laughs, I notice Kai doing the same. The fact that he even wants to laugh is calming.

  The past few days have been hard on h
im. Lucy died, Luciano was born, he told me about his past, and I wasn't pregnant with his child. To see him even socializing is amazing, at least he isn't hell bound on getting revenge and is thinking through everything sanely.

  We sleep together which is helping him gain his energy back and lose the darkness under his eyes. One thing he's had a hard time with is staying away from cigarettes. He tries his hardest, but I found him awake at six am smoking on the balcony two days ago. It probably helps him, but even he knows it's wrong.

  I didn't say anything to him. I wasn't going to make him feel like a villain because he chose to help himself, I just told him that if he wants, I can help him. He nodded and dropped the cigarette out of his hands.

  I just don't know what we're doing. He listens to me, trusts me and I – I just can't help but feel guilty. I don't even know for what. After everything he's done to me, I shouldn't feel guilty for doing what I need to do. So, why do I? Why do I over think everything I do or want to do, now?

  "What about you, Kai? What did you do today?"

  "Just the usual errands," Kai brushes off. I look at the red smears on his white shirt peeking through from under his leather jacket.

  "Sure, seems like it. I'm sure whoever it was, deserved every bit of it?"

  "He did," Kai confirms with no regret.

  All of us quiet down as the waitress approaches our table, "Hey, my name is Colleen and I'll be you server today. Would you like to start off with some refreshments?"

  "Yeah, Lemonade please," I order.

  "Make that two."

  "Three," Alec follows Amelia's order.

  "I'll take water," Kai says.

  "Just make that four lemonades," Dakota corrects.

  "Okay, so I'll be right back with the drinks," Colleen replies with a smile heading to the kitchen.

  "So, who's fault was it this time?" Kai asks Amelia. I guess the awkwardness is more noticeable than I thought.

  "It was nothing, we're fine," Amelia lies. Kai arches his eyebrows not believing a single word escaping her mouth. He turns his gaze towards Dakota.

  "What? I swear, everything's good," Dakota defends.

  "Summer?" Alec looks at me for an answer.

  "To be honest it's stupid, but Dakota was judging and Amelia wasn't taking any of it. Nothing much to it."

  "And who's side did you pick?" Alec further inquiries.

  "I don't choose sides, but I feel like Dakota is wrong to judge. I have no say in the matter, so I'm sure they'll sort it out like any mature people would."

  "There's nothing wrong, I'm not mad or offended," Amelia states.

  "Yeah, this always happens and we always make it work," Dakota agrees.

  "See," I point out. "They're perfectly imperfect."

  "They always work it out, I just wanted to know what you thought," Alec proclaims.

  "You're so mean, what if they got offended my opinions?"

  "You're smart, you know how to word things so that they don't sound as bad as they actually are," Kai answers.

  "Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment."

  We all quiet down as the waitress comes with our drink.

  "Here you go," she says distributing the drinks. "Did you need a little more time with the menu?"

  "Uh- yes please," Amelia says reading our minds.

  "Okay, no problem. I'll be back in a few minutes."

  "Thank you."

  Once she leaves, we resume our conversation.

  "So how was your day out?" Amelia asks me. "Alec said that you're always locked inside the house unless you're at school or at the gym.

  "It was refreshing to say the least, but I don't know why I felt like something was missing."

  I think back to everything that happened during the day. There wasn't much to it. All we did was talk, shop and eat. I think I just don't enjoy the feeling of calmness as much as I crave it.



  "Shut up, Amelia! I didn't do that!"

  "Hah- huh yes you did!"

  "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, but here is the bill," our waitress says handing me the leather book.

  "Thank you," I say. Confused as to why she chose to give me the bill, I open the case and find a note saying I'm out back.

  Discretely, I slide the note down the case and crumple it in my hand.

  "Well, we ate a lot," I laugh to lighten the mood.

  "How much is it?"

  "A hundred twenty," I reply closing the book and handing it to Kai who volunteers to pay.

  Anxiously, I clear my throat to come up with an excuse to leave.

  "I'm gonna go to the washroom," I mention.

  "I'll come too," Amelia says stopping me in my steps.

  Fuck my life.

  "Um, okay," I smile. She gets up and we both walk into the washroom. I stand in front of the sink and pretend to fix my hair and makeup.

  "So, are you and Alec always like this?" I question Amelia.

  "Like what?"

  "You know, always pushing each other's buttons?"

  Amelia smiles at the thought of her memories.

  "As far as I can remember. I'm never home, because Kai thinks that we're his secret weapons and the more we stay away from the group, the easier it'll be for us to stay undercover. Whenever we do get to come home, I love how Alec and I always pick up from where we left off."

  "That's nice, I uh- had a sister too. You guys reminded me of her today."

  "I know, and I'm sorry," she apologizes sincerely.

  "It's not your fault," I force a smile. "I just... it's better just to forget about it."

  Amelia nods knowingly. She gives herself a last look over. Her lips forming a thin like after applying some lip balm. They click before she asks if I'm ready to go.

  "I just need another minute," I inform. With a faint smile, she nods and leaves the restroom. Examining the crumpled piece of paper in my hand, I read over the messy printing. The handwriting too familiar, I confirm who this is.

  A few seconds pass before I exit the washroom and head towards the main exit. It's quite easy to slip by without getting noticed because our table is located in the private area far from the exit.

  As the streets are packed with people walking through, I head down the path which leads behind the restaurant.

  Down the vacant path, with no human or even bright lights to present a clear picture, I make out a man's silhouette in the distance.

  His back facing me, I watch as his right-hand lifts inserting a cigarette into his mouth. His posture stiffens as he inhales, and relaxes through his exhale.

  "I didn't think you'd come," I speak gaining his attention.

  "And miss out on meeting with one of the best and most beautiful assassins in the business, how could I?" Nick turns around displaying his world-renowned smirk. I watch as he drops the stick in his hands and steps on it.

  As I take in his presence, I take in a deep breath. He looks exactly the same. His features bright with evil and eyes glowing with lust. Though his body now cuddled with a baggy hoodie and sweats, he seems to be blending in with every other human wandering in the streets.

  "You know kissing up doesn't really suit you," I comment.

  "I thought I'd try something new today, I guess not," he replies. "But if I may ask, what reason forced you to seek my attention?"

  "I need to know why you went after Lucy."

  "You need to know? And why is that?"

  "Because as much as I know Kai, he wouldn't exceed measures as low as you've reached."

  "How sure can you be about that?" Nick questions stalking forward. "If I rip apart your words, you didn't mention the word never, so that tells me you have doubts about my brother's actions. After all, I did teach him everything he knows."

  "I'm not here to talk about Kai's intentions, I'm here to ask you about yours."

  "Isn't it clear? Look at me April. I'm in one piece without a worry on my mind, and why? Because I have no one to pull me down, no one th
at could be used against me. Kai might think I'm doing all of this to hurt him, but I'm doing all of this to help him."

  "Is your power today, how you justify killing your own father? Because I'm pretty sure that if your father was here today, you and Kai would both be in a better place ruling as a family rather than dictating states and competing against each other for power that has its own limits."

  "Those limits are what I'm trying to cross and if you're forgetting, I wasn't the one who declared open war."

  "You know all I'm gathering is you're indirectly saying that you're being framed as the villain."

  "And maybe that's exactly what I'm saying, but the question is how will you help me?" He whispers standing only a foot away. The close proximity between us makes me hold my breath.

  His cologne, a scent so strong it suffocates me. I almost take a step back, but I remain motionless.

  You can do this, Summer.

  "I don't help people who can't help themselves," I challenge looking into his eyes.

  "I help a lot of people Summer, because in exchange, I get their help. So you tell me what you want, and I'll have it at your feet for one simple price."

  "What did you call me?"

  "April," he fluently replies.

  I swear I heard Summer.

  "What's your price?" I ask dismissing any other thoughts.

  "Work for me and before you say anything, know that I will not offer this again."

  "No," I reply without a doubt in my mind. I want in, but not directly. I will destroy Nick through Kai. It's more fun that way and everything I've done so far would go to waste if I help Nick now.

  "Well then, Ms. Salvatore I'm sure we'll see each other again very soon," Nick reaches out for my hand. At first, I want to back away afraid that his touch will be just toxic as his actions are, but I stay steady.

  His stony eyes glance down at my hand. Noticing the bandage on my right hand, he mentally decides to grasp my left instead. My hand in his hold, he pulls it closer to himself. As the only sound, I can hear is the pounding of my heart against my ribs, I watch him lean down and gently kiss the back of my hand.

  Smirking, his grip loosens and I pull my hand back.

  "Until next time," he smirks, before passing by leisurely. Soon, the sound of his footsteps disappears and I let out a breath I didn't even know I'm holding.


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