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Play Me

Page 42

by Ivy Knight

  It's true. My death weighed heavily on all of them and I will never forgive myself for that. But sometimes, we have to be selfish. Anthony and Dean might not like that I lied because of the way it affected them, but it's not like I enjoy dwelling in their pain.

  If I ever got the chance to go back to the day of my fifteenth birthday, I would make it so that I never got kidnapped. I want the old Dean back. I want it so that if I go back to my old school, I can become friends with everyone I used to know and pretend like nothing happened. I want the three years of my life back and not spend them worrying about if I'll get caught or not.

  I want father to read me stories to bed, but I also want Kai. I want: Alice, Melissa, Michael, Dakota, Amelia, Cole and Alec, but I can't have them without Nick. If Nick didn't kidnap me and I didn't choose to not go back home, then I would've never met the people that have taught me so much. Just like my fake death shaped Dean and Anthony into the people they are, all the things I've went through and all the people I've encountered, have changed me too.

  And it's not the person I wanted to be, but it is who I am. There's pain, but there's also happiness and I'm okay with it. If Dean and Anthony need to blame someone so that they can be okay with who they are, then I don't mind them blaming me, but they cannot try to change me into becoming someone they'd like.

  As I pull into the venue, I park the car in the front. Dakota and I both step out before I hand the key to a valet.

  "It's the White's," I tell him and he nods taking the car to its parking spot.

  I pull my dress down a bit and get rid of any wrinkles before heading to the entrance.

  "Summer White and guest," I tell the man holding the list. He flips through multiple papers and shakes his head.

  "April Salvatore and guest," I tell him. He looks at the paper and nods letting us through.

  The venue is big, colour coated black and white with silver accents. With all the people dressed finely, Dakota and I fit right in.

  "Why did my father make me come if he wasn't going to tell our relatives I'm alive?"

  "He probably told them over the phone or something."

  "I really hope he didn't, not exactly ecstatic about meeting everyone," I admit. "What do I even say? Like hey I know you thought I was dead, but I actually wasn't. I didn't wanna come home after I escaped from Nick so I stayed in hiding?"

  "I don't think all that detail is necessary. I'm sure just saying hey, I'm alive will take them a few days to process," Dakota says. As we walk through the people, I recognize some and avoid making any eye contact. When I think I'm going in the direction of someone who will recognize me, I walk the other way.

  "Hey, do you guys happen to serve scotch?" I stop a waiter and ask him.

  "It's at the bar ma'am," he points in the direction of it and I thank him.

  "Are you sure you don't wanna go with something lighter like wine?" Dakota asks as I drag her to the bar.

  I turn around and walk backwards as I reply, "I'm sure."

  When I turn around to walk straight, but crash into someone and their drink soaks the front of my dress.

  "Oh my- Nick?"

  I look up and see Nick's familiar face. Even though he could use a shave, the stubble doesn't hide who he is. As his head lifts, our eyes meet. It doesn't take him long to realize who I am.

  "April, I assume," he smiles extending his hand. His face holding a sinister smirk, I respond with a smile.

  "It's Summer, Nick," I inform.

  "Oh, so you're home again?"

  "I am," I make known.

  "That's nice, I hope you're enjoying the reunion."

  "Nearly not as much as you think," I respond. "What are you doing here?"

  "Oh, I'm here to wish Eric and Carol a happy anniversary of course."

  "We're not related."

  "In this business we all need allies, don't we Summer?"

  "I can't argue with that."

  "Sorry about the dress, I'm sure I can make it up to you another day," he apologizes. He leans in for a hug and I don't stop him.

  "You look beautiful by the way. The dark colors always suited you best, but of course, only particular shades," he whispers into my ear. The hair on my neck stand on their ends as I take in a sharp breath. His hand on my waist, I hope that he can't feel the way his touch makes my heart skip a well needed beat. "It was nice seeing you."

  He steps out of my space and flashes a dirty smile before walking away.

  "Father knew he'd be here," I blink as I come to a conclusion. My heart still pounding against my chest, I try to regain my composure.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I need the washroom," I breathe as I feel an anxiety attack coming. Even though heels aren't my thing, I walk fast towards the washroom. The faces pass in a blur and I can faintly hear Dakota calling my name, but that doesn't stop me.

  Once I enter the washroom, I lean over the counter and watch my chest rise with air.

  Father knew Nick would be here, so why'd he make me come? Why'd he do this to me? Was this some kind of statement to Nick? What is Nick knowing that I'm home going to prove to him? That he didn't break our family up and he needs to try harder? What is my father thinking?

  "Summer, hey," I feel Dakota rubbing my back. "Do you wanna go home?"

  "No," I catch my breath and gulp. "I need a drink... or seven."

  "You wanna see who can have more?" Dakota's eyes light with mischief.

  I smile and a small laugh escapes my lips as she wiggles her eyebrows.

  "Right after I wipe off my legs and dress."

  "Okay," Dakota smiles handing me napkins. I wet them with water and wipe off the alcohol that got on my legs. I dab on the dress and then stand under the drier to dry off as much of the dress I can.

  "Nick's here for the night, but it's okay. He's not going do anything with me and your family around, I promise you that," Dakota assures me.

  "I know, I just don't know why father made me come if he knew Nick was going to be here," I reply as we head out.

  "Maybe he didn't," she says. We both take a seat at the bar and order shots of tequila.

  "I don't think it would get past him so discreetly. I mean uncle Eric probably discussed it through with my father first."

  "Maybe. Just talk to your dad about it," Dakota says. "Ready?"

  "Mm-hm," we pick up our shot glasses and drink.

  "God," Dakota coughs. "That was some good shit."

  "Yup, that was," I nod as I squint my eyes. I haven't had alcohol in a while so it takes me a couple of seconds to get used to the burning sensation in my throat. "Second one?"

  "Let's do a second one," she replies. I nod at the bartender and he gets the hint. He slides the glasses towards us, but before we can take them, Anthony steps in and takes them off the table.

  "Bro," both Dakota and I get up ready to fight him for what's ours. We watch as he takes both our shots for us. He shakes his head and puts the empty glasses on the counter.

  "Father-" he clears his throat, "-is waiting for you. Whoa, that was some good shit, what is that?"

  I roll my eyes as Anthony turns around and starts talking to the bartender.

  "Do you wanna come?"

  "Nah, I'll watch from afar. Just signal me if you need back up," Dakota informs.

  "Okay, just don't get drunk without me."

  "I got you, don't worry," she assures pushing me away. I laugh as I walk towards my family. I brush any hair over my shoulder behind and clear my throat as I approach them.


  "Father," I look at him and then at my brothers. "Vincent. Dean."

  "You shouldn't have left like that," father scolds with a low tone.

  "Oh, don't worry, I couldn't run. I was wearing heels," I joke sheepishly.

  "Behave for what little time we're here," Vince orders nonchalantly.

  "I was wandering when the devil was going to speak," I look at Vince testing his patience.

  "I'm gonna attend to some of our bus
iness partners," Vince informs before leaving.

  "Have fun," I smile as he walks by. "So, who am I meeting?"

  "Eric and Melissa," my dad replies.

  "Dean!" Zeke calls for Dean. "Come on man."

  "I'll be back," Dean says as he goes with Zeke and the rest of their crew.

  Once father and I are left alone, he starts to walk towards the main table where Eric and Melissa are seated.

  Eric's eyes widen as they land on me. He gets up from his seat and slowly approaches me as if he makes any sudden movements, I'll disappear.

  "You look exactly like Hope."

  I smile as he stands in front me and goes over my features.

  "The hair, the eyes, the nose, oh my god."

  "Eric," my father butts in. "This is my daughter and your niece, Summer."

  "What?" Eric's eyes widen. The wrinkles on his forehead are deeper than they used to be.

  "Yup, I'm Summer alright," I smile awkwardly.

  "You... you're so big now. How? How is this even possible?" he words not believing his sight.

  "Long story short, I'm a fighter," I smile awkwardly. I'm not really sure how I should be acting in a situation like this.

  "Well, clearly," he says pulling me into a hug. "You look just like your mother."

  "Thank you."

  "Sweetheart," Melissa stands next to Eric. "Who is this young lady?"

  "I'm Summer, aunt Melissa."


  "Hope's daughter," Eric clears.


  "I know," Eric replies to Melissa.

  "Summer, you look... wow, you're gorgeous," she compliments looking me over. "How is this possible?"

  "We'll get to details later, uh- congratulations on your twenty-fifth anniversary," I lace my voice with excitement so that we can focus on something that's not about me.

  "Thanks honey, but oh my god you're alive," Eric sighs.

  "Yes, yes, I am, but that's not why we're here tonight. We're here for you, so I'm gonna let some other guests greet you and not take too much of your time. I'm sure you'll come by the house soon," I hug Melissa and then Eric. "It was nice seeing you both."

  I clear my throat and step back, "If you don't mind, I'm gonna go to the balcony and take in some fresh air."

  "Of course, just stay near," my father replies.

  "I will," I answer before heading in the direction of the balcony. As I open the door, I find someone already leaning against the railing. "I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone would be here."

  The man turns around. He looks to be around my age. His blue eyes stand out from his darker complexion and a tattoo seeps through the collar of his white shirt.

  "No, I was just standing," he says. I see the cigarette in his hand and nervously bite my lip. "I can go if you want."

  "No, it's okay. I just came out here for some fresh air."

  "Me too," he smiles after letting out a small chuckle. I walk further onto the balcony and lean over the railing next to him.

  "You don't happen to have another one, do you?"

  "A cigarette?" I nod in response. "I do, actually."

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a whole pack. I take one and let him light the end before I put it in my mouth. I inhale the poison and let its toxins invade my mind.

  "So, why are you here?" I ask him.

  "My father is partners with Eric," he informs. "What about you?"

  "I work for a person here," I lie taking another hit.

  "Oh. Hey, have I seen you before?" his right-side leans on the railing as he turns to me. I look over his features and can't seem to connect him to anyone through any of my memories.

  "No, I don't think so. Did you grow up here?"

  "Summer, people want to meet you," Graham walks in on us. He looks down at the cigarette in my hand and I almost don't realize why he seems so perplexed by it. As soon as I realize the rules we live by, I groan rubbing the butt of the cigarette out on the railing.

  "I'll be right there," I sigh throwing the stick down.


  "Just give me a minute, Graham."

  "Is there a problem?" The guy standing next to me asks.

  "No," I reply. "But I have to go."

  "I'll see you around?"

  "Maybe," I shrug as I walk towards Graham who's holding the door open for me.

  "What do you think you're doing? You reek of smoke," Graham says as he walks beside me.

  "I know," I say. I reach into my purse and pull out a small bottle of body spray. I spray it all over myself to get rid of the smell and insert a piece of mint in my mouth. "There."

  "He's gonna know," Graham says.

  "Oh, I know. This is to hide it from the others. Not him," I quietly whisper to him as we approach my father.

  He looks me over and I see it in his eyes that he knows, but instead of saying anything, he nods and starts introducing me to some of our other relatives. I have faint memories of some of the people, but it's not much to go on.

  I spend the rest of the night sitting at a table with Dakota as multiple people ask me how I'm doing.


  "That was a long fucking night," Dakota breathes as she enters the room.

  "I know," I speak as I continue to lie on her bed and staring at the white ceiling.

  "Well, who's ready to get drunk?" Dakota asks.

  "Did someone say drink? Because I can definitely use more than one," Amelia walks into the room.

  "How'd the stitching go?" I ask sitting up.

  "Easy, but the wound was infected and that was not so easy," Amelia breathes as she takes the bottle of vodka out of Dakota's hands. "Thanks D, I can always count on you."

  "Hey, it's not all for you," Dakota takes the bottle back before Amelia before she can drink from it.

  "You stole the cups from the party too?"

  "Nope, they're from the kitchen in your house," Dakota sets the three cups down.

  Before she can pour the drink, I tell her, "I'll pass. The doctor called me and said that someone should stay with Kai during the night just in case there's some activity. I'm sure Cole and Alec are tired, so I'll stay with him."

  "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean I know you care for him, but he's not okay. We just don't want you to get hurt," Amelia speaks.

  "I'll be fine, I've dealt with worse," I sigh. "But first, I have to get this shit off of my face. I can't believe some people wear this much makeup every day."

  I stand up and head out to my room. I lock my room's door once I'm in and grab a change of clothes as I enter the bathroom. Stripping out of my clothes, I take off all my bandages before heading into the shower.

  I turn on the hot water and let it soothe my whole body. The water stings my cuts, but I get used it and just stand under the water for a while.

  Once I'm done shampooing and conditioning my hair, I step out of the shower and dress in a long, grey t-shirt which ends mid-thigh before I head to Kai's room.

  Entering his room, I find him asleep. His heart monitor steady, I pull a blanket out of the cupboard and bring it over to the couch. I take a seat on the corner of the sofa and put the blanket over myself as I pull out a book and start reading.

  Chapter 48 – Kai’s POV

  Sitting at the end of the table, her hands set on top, are intertwined as we wait for Vincent, her oldest brother, to show up.

  She's not who she looked like before. Instead, she resembles someone completely different. Her dark eyes remind me of my own, but the only difference is the colour of my eyes change depending on my emotions. Her eyes maintain a dark complexion no matter what. Her long blonde hair now replaced with the natural darkness of her roots, she resembles the exact girl in my memories.

  But that girl is dead and the one here, is just an imposter.

  The one here, has no mercy. She has no need to look back at what she had. The one here, is sitting at a table with all of her blood family supporting her, yet she still lacks to acknowledge such a lux

  The girl in the basement who this girl resembles, looked back every day. She'd remember her past so that she could move forward. Her blood is what helped her then and what will help her now, but she will never admit it because she's no longer the girl in the basement.

  She is a woman who provides herself with her needs and wants at any cost. She's a killer, an abuser. The aftermath of Nick's service.

  No longer being able to look at the lifeless soul she is, my eyes roam the table we're at.

  Her other brothers, Dean and Anthony, are sat closest to her followed by some of their top members.

  Her father is sat at the opposite end of the table, across from her and at the moment, I'm the closest one to him. Beside me are Amelia and then Alec while Cole and Dakota are sat on the other side.

  As far as I've been informed, I was unconscious for about three days before I regained consciousness. It's been two weeks since then and with the help of physical therapy, I'm able to walk around on my feet again.

  It's been more than difficult to comprehend what has happened in the last three weeks. She sent Luciano away, she isn't the person any of us thought she was, Brody is running my gang and Nick is controlling most of the states.

  I have money and men, but no power. Everything I worked for, is gone because of one silly mistake. It's all gone because of her. It's all fucking gone, but here I am, sat as if I still have a part to play in her game.

  "He's not coming," she states.

  "Five more minutes and then you may start," her father answers.

  For the past two weeks, I haven't interacted with anyone in this house except for Cole, Alec, Amelia and Dakota. I've been around the house, but I've done my best to avoid talking to anyone.

  Every time I encountered someone, I wanted to put my fist inside their chest and feel their heart pulse in my palm just before I ripped it out. This house is made up of men, and men only, and every single one of them hates my guts. Their eyes linger on me as if the second I make a wrong move, they'll be right there to slit my throat.

  They think I did something to her. They think I have a hand in her kidnapping with Nick, but I don't. She knows that, but with her, who knows what she'll fucking say now. This should be between her and her family, but she's pulling me in between everything.


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