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Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)

Page 5

by H. N. Sieverding

  "I don't wanna talk about him." Ashleigh leaned over and laid her head on Caleb's shoulder.

  "Babe…" Caleb's voice was soft and filled with kindness. "I want to know. If you keep this kind of stuff from me, how can I help? I want to help. Just tell me what happened to him."

  Ashleigh took a deep breath. "My mom… She lived in Kingston, and me and my dad lived in Grand Lake. She was going to be a lawyer, just like my dad." She sniffled, her voice growing stronger. "That's where they met—at Kingsford. My dad was a professor there. But then, she got pregnant and couldn't take care of me because she was a full-time student, so my dad…he went home and got a nice job at a local firm."

  Ashleigh paused, snuggling deeper into Caleb's shirt. "He got everything ready for her. We bought a nice house in the country. And Dad bought me a pony, and there was a big tree in the yard. I would spend hours out there writing my stories." She let out a tearful laugh. "Though, they were mostly comics back then. It was supposed to be perfect, but…"

  "She didn't come home?"

  "She said she was leaving him and had been cheating on Dad with her boss, and that I wasn't his." Ashleigh closed her eyes. "And Dad…he couldn't…he couldn't take it. He loved her so much." Her voice was whiney and wet as she sobbed, "Oh, Caleb! It was horrible! Horrible!"

  "What happened?"

  She sniffled and choked back her tears. "I found him, Caleb." She turned her cheek and buried her face in his chest. Her next words were muffled. "He was…all full of blood…and his head…it was…gone. She killed him…" Her voice grew soft as her sobbing words meshed together. "She killed him, Caleb. My dad…she killed him."

  "Shhh…" Caleb rubbed her back. "Oh, babe. That must've been a terrible thing to see. I'm so sorry. She worked with Anthony Vessling, right?"

  "Yeah, she was his personal assistant." Ashleigh looked up. She took a few deep breaths before speaking. "So, he's a vampire too then, huh?"

  "Yeah." Caleb sighed as he brought her into a tighter embrace. "He runs the Council."

  "So…" She sniffled again as she wiped her tears. "How can I be his daughter if he's a vampire? I'd be one too, and I wasn't until I met you."

  "Well, you could've been a common vampire and didn't know it. They drink blood by choice, not need. But to tell you the truth…" Caleb narrowed his eyes on the window, a very confused expression on his face. "I think the whole thing's impossible. You know the rules—vampires only produce male children. There's no way he can be your father."

  "Ben thinks so." Ashleigh sat up, her voice stronger. "So, what do we do now?"

  "Talk to a Councilman." Caleb pulled away from the curb and got back onto the road. "My dad should know more about this. We'll ask him." He took out his phone and called his father.

  Lucas answered, "Hello?"

  "Hey, Dad." Caleb ran a tense hand through his hair. "I have a little problem I need your help with."

  "Caleb! Are you in trouble again? What did—?"

  "Please…" Caleb let out an annoyed sigh as he closed his eyes. He slapped the steering wheel as he tried not to raise his voice. "Stop all the bullshit. I don't have time to get into another argument with you." Then, his voice lowered. "I need you."

  "Need me?" His father chuckled. "That's something I've never heard from your mouth."

  "What do you know about Master Vessling having a daughter?" Caleb glanced briefly at Ashleigh. She was busy texting someone. From the small picture on the screen, he knew it was Natalie.

  "What? He doesn't have any children…you know that, Caleb."

  "We were at the Harper's today, and Ben and Marion claimed Ashleigh was his daughter."

  "Why would they think she's Anthony child? It doesn't make sense."

  "It didn't to me, either." Caleb shrugged his shoulders. "But they did try to attack me and take Ashleigh. I swear, Dad, Ben would've killed me if I hadn't gotten the hell out of there."

  "This is a question for the Council of Elders, but as you know, Master Vessling is the head of the Council, so we must tread lightly, especially if the subject of his illegitimate daughter is brought up." Lucas's voice was low. "It could be possible though. There was a—"

  "No, it can't." Caleb glanced at Ashleigh, their eyes meeting. "Vampires can't have girls."

  "I agree, it's rare, but still…it can happen."

  "You think it could?"

  "What's her mother's name?"

  "Marion Harper."

  "Ah…" Lucas chuckled. "Interesting."

  "What's interesting?" Now stopped at a light, Caleb drummed nervously on the steering wheel.

  "Marion used to be his personal assistant. She was a just a half breed before she met Ben, so it could be possible. If Marion's her mother, I'm surprised Ashleigh didn't know that. Marion's been a practicing vampire since her teen years."

  "Well, some half breeds are pretty secretive about their dirty habits, and they don't crave blood like we Elders do. Maybe she didn't tell Ash's father about it and practiced in secret. It could be possible."

  "Let me check on this further, and I’ll get back to you."

  "So, what do we do?" Caleb gazed cautiously over at Ashleigh then back at the road.

  "Nothing for now. Take Ashleigh with you when you leave town. Don't leave her alone until we figure this out."

  "Sounds good. I'll talk to you soon then." Caleb hung up.

  "So, what now?" Ashleigh wore a sour expression as she fidgeted nervously with her fingers.

  "Dad's gonna figure it out for us." He lightly tapped her leg as he smiled. "How bout you go on tour with me so I can keep you safe?"


  Chapter Four

  Lucas now found himself sitting in Anthony Vessling's office. His office was a great distance from Kingston. The Vessling's lived outside the country in a large estate near the ocean. Anthony owned Vessling Enterprises, a successful investment firm with ties all over the world.

  Ashleigh was on tour with Caleb, which gave his father plenty of time to investigate the Harpers' claim. Lucas hadn't spoken to any of the other members yet, and because he hadn't heard anything, he believed Ben hadn't either.

  Lucas glanced around the office. His fingers held tightly to an envelope. His gaze settled on a picture of Anthony and Sandra Vessling. Anthony's baby blue eyes were the exact shade of Ashleigh's.

  "Lucas." Anthony's voice was upbeat as he strolled into the room. He slowly reached backward and shut the door. "What brings you here?"

  "I need to speak to you, Anthony." Lucas' eyes followed him as he went over to his desk.

  "Of course." Sweeping the tails of his sport coat behind him, Anthony sat. He sent a friendly smile to Lucas, his fangs covered up by a false set of teeth. "What is it you wish to speak of? Caleb's suspension?"

  "Caleb's fiancé."

  "Miss Brown, the romance author." Anthony chuckled as he moved some papers over to the side of his desk. "Aiden has been told to stay away from her, but he does own her publishing company, so we cannot guarantee they will not meet on any business endeavors. You—"

  "The Harpers are trying to kidnap her."

  "What?" Anthony chuckled. "Now Ben is after her, as well?"

  "They attacked my son, and they claim she's your daughter."

  "What?" Anthony's gaze narrowed on Lucas, and the friendly tone in his voice disappeared. "How dare they say such a thing? I buried my child…my son."

  "Are you sure?" Lucas pulled out a few photographs from the envelope, tossing them onto Anthony's desk.

  "I'm…" He picked up a picture of Ashleigh and Caleb, studying his own smile staring back at him. "Sure. I…" Anthony started going through the photographs quickly as his graying brow kissed his light eyes. His breath quickened, and he seemed to have great difficulty forming words. "Who's her mother?"

  "Marion Harper."

  A high-pitched hiss escaped Anthony's lips as he forced his gaze away from the pictures.

  "If she's yours, then she's the child spoke of in the prophecy." L
ucas' voice was low as he leaned closer to Anthony. "And then, we'll be in more trouble than just having your wife find out about your affair. If the Count finds out about this—"

  "Do not worry, Lucas." Anthony handed him the photos. His friendly smile returned. "This girl is not my daughter, and there is no reason to believe any different. Besides, the Count does not concern himself with rumors, so he will not wish to investigate such a small claim."

  "But what if the Harpers—"

  "I will speak to them." Waving the subject away with his hand, Anthony let out a soft chuckle. "And I want this matter to remain private. Do I have your word, Lucas?"

  "Of course."

  "But…" Anthony sighed as he gazed at his family photograph. "It would not be…" He paused and steepled his hands, tapping the point of his fingers against his nose.

  When Anthony didn't speak, Lucas impatiently asked, "What?"

  "I would like to take a paternity test, just for my own peace of mind."

  "If that's what you want, please do, but promise me something." Lucas' hands tightened around the envelope. "Even if she is yours, I'd like to keep this quiet…for Caleb."

  "Lucas, you do understand what will happen if this test proves she's my daughter? I can't keep that from the Count."

  "I understand. But she and Caleb are in love. I don't want to ruin that. Those two are—"

  "I'm sure this is only a mere rumor. I have known Marion to be a liar, so if this is just another one of her lies, it would not surprise me in the least." Anthony's smile returned. "But until this matter is investigated, I can grant you no promises."

  "All right." Lucas voice was calm. "Thank you, Anthony." Lucas stood, but was halted by Anthony's voice.

  "Speaking of Caleb… When is he serving his punishment? This will be his fifth, will it not?"

  "He will be home for two weeks at Christmas. He'll serve it then."

  "Five months? That's too long." Anthony sat back lazily in his chair. "It must be within the next month."

  "He doesn't have a break until October, he—"

  "He'll make time."

  * * * *

  Ashleigh was alone. Caleb had gone to a gathering with his band mate, Kris. She had never gone to one before and was curious why Caleb was there if he was supposed to be suspended. So, now she was following them.

  She was wearing one of Caleb's caps, the brim bent to cover her face. Her long, black hair now perfectly straight. She was wrapped in Caleb's coat and sporting his T-shirt, even though they were slightly big on her.

  When she entered the room of people, all of them were talking happily amongst themselves. She searched for Caleb, but she didn't see him, nor did she recognize most of the group. She did notice the Masons and could see Catherine crying and being comforted by one of her friends.

  "Well…what have we here?"

  The voice made Ashleigh cringe. She spun, and her eyes were met with a pair of demonic green ones. She was about to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and halted her retreat.

  "Come on. Be civil, Ashleigh." Aiden laughed as he released her. "I said I was sorry."

  "And you turned Caleb in and got him in trouble." She crossed her arms over her chest. She glared at him, but her eyes were partially hidden by the cap. "I won't forgive you. Drop your claim against him." Her eyes narrowed on Aiden angrily. "Now."

  "I can't. Caleb's punishment is being carried out tonight." Aiden motioned toward a door. "Fifty lashes, I believe."

  "This is all your fault." The words hissed from her lips as she punched his shoulder. "You stupid asshole."

  He tried to grab hold of her again, but with a swift jerk of her knee upward, she caught him in the balls, and he released her. She jogged over to the others, but before she could get inside, the men at the door pushed her back.

  "Ashleigh?" Catherine regarded her strangely. She wiped her nose with the tissue in her hand. "What are you doing here?"

  "Is Caleb in there?" Ashleigh glanced at the closed door then back at Catherine.

  "Yes, with his father and the rest of the Council." Aiden hit Ashleigh's shoulder with his on his way through the door. He spoke when she turned to him. "If you grovel for me, I might take it back."

  "You asshole! I—" Ashleigh tried to say something more, but Catherine covered her mouth.

  Aiden laughed softly. He then turned around and went into the guarded room.

  "Caleb will be fine." Catherine pulled Ashleigh away. Directing her with soft hands on her shoulders, Catherine took Ashleigh to another part of the room. "He's been through this before."

  "It's not fair." Ashleigh sniffled back tears. Her hand reached up to her nose and wiped at it, though it was dry. "He was just protecting me. They shouldn't be able to do this to him."

  "I know, but this is how it is. Caleb did something against the rules, and he has to—" Her words were halted when she turned toward a commotion near the entrance. "What in the world?" She glanced at Ashleigh. "Let's go see what's going on."

  They walked over to the crowd of women surrounding the door, who were greeting some strange visitors. But Ashleigh wasn't concerned. She was worried about Caleb. She pulled her hand from Catherine's and trekked backward as she spoke, "I can’t let them do this. I have to stop them."

  "They won't—" Catherine let out a defeated sigh as she watched Ashleigh jog toward the door. She finished her sentence anyway, "Let you in."

  Ashleigh spoke to the guard. "I need to get in. I'm Caleb's fiancé.” When he turned to her, she placed her hands in a praying position, her voice growing more desperate. “Please, let me in."

  "Oh…" The guard laughed as he shook his head. "Well, that's why you're so upset." He took one more glance at the visitors then back at her. "If I let you in, I need you to promise you'll go wait in the back room. No bothering the Council's meeting."

  A grateful smile filled her lips. "Thank—"

  "Let us pass." A man spoke behind her, his accent thick. His words were firm and slightly annoyed.

  The guard's voice was slightly breathless as he held onto Ashleigh's shoulders, "Your grace. What—"

  "Announce our arrival to the Council." The man who had spoken before, Chase, stood between the guard and the Count. Chase was dressed in a fine suit of black, from his tie to the dark leather of his shoes.

  Ashleigh quickly turned to the men behind her. Her eyes settled on one in particular. Her jaw dropped. She recited a line from Nightwalkers in her head—

  His hair was the color of the harsh rays of the sun, so blond it almost appeared white. A brilliant yellow light sparkled in his inhuman emerald eyes. His smile so wicked even an angel would fall at this handsome man's feet. She knew as soon as she spoke, she would be cast under his spell. He would have her bowing, bending to his will, and she was powerless without the protection of her Drake.

  Her lip trembled as she stared at him. She swore she knew his every feature. It was as if she had memorized this man in another life. She could feel the great connection between them, and it terrified her. This was the evil prince she thought she had dreamed up—Nicolas.

  The thought of her murderous, leading man jumping off the pages and becoming real forced her into a panic. An intense urge to run swept over her. She needed to get away from him. Now.

  The word slipped off her lips like a tortured whine. "Shit…" When he turned her way, she quickly looked down. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes. Her heart raced as she tried not to make eye contact with the Count again.

  "Of course, Master." The guard bowed to Chase and opened the door.

  Speaking in a mousey voice, Ashleigh's eyes were focused on the ground, "Excuse me." She rolled her shoulders inward and squeezed ahead of them. Some of the men glared at her, but she didn't look at them. Instead, she ran toward the back room.

  Aiden stood up from his seat at the Council's table, a giant smirk filling his lips as he turned to the Count. "Your grace, what brings you—?"

  "The girl." Chase's voice was stern. He
didn't look friendly, his angry eyes burning into Aiden's.

  "Councilman Vessling?" Aiden sat down and motioned for Anthony to speak.

  "We were just speaking of the matter." Anthony stood and briefly glanced toward the room into which Ashleigh had disappeared.

  Ashleigh shut the door to block out the conversation and jogged over to Caleb, who was lying on the table. He was whining as his father tapped a wet cloth over his bare back. His skin was blooded and ripped.

  Lucas quickly turned to Ashleigh. "What are you doing here?"

  "Caleb…" Her slender fingers covered her lips as she slowly advanced. She grabbed a chair and sat at his side. "Are you all right?" Her hand reached up to his face, her touch lightly kissing the surface of his skin.

  "Yeah." Caleb managed to laugh, but it was a forced one. The smile that followed was coated in tears. "I'll be fine. Why'd you come here?" He gazed into her sad eyes as his bottom lip quivered. "I didn't want you to see me like this."

  "I had to." She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. Then, she turned to Lucas. "Some big shot is here—maybe you should go out and see."

  "What?" Lucas studied her suspiciously then went back to what he was doing. His large hands were gentle as he cared for his son. Though his voice didn't show it, Ashleigh noticed the glassy surface of Lucas' eyes and knew he had been crying. "Big shot?"

  "Your grace… That's what you call a Count, right?"

  "Damn it…" Closing his eyes for a few seconds, Lucas tried to calm himself. When he had, he quickly motioned for Caleb to sit up.

  Caleb moaned as he did so reluctantly. He squeezed Ashleigh's hand so tightly her knuckles turned a whitish hue. His voice was whiney and strained. "Fuck that hurts."

  "I thought you would learn last time this happened not to disobey the Council again." Lucas motioned for Ashleigh to help him bandage Caleb's back. "This is not your fault, Caleb."

  Ashleigh sniffled. There was a great anger in her soft words, "It's that bastard Aiden's—"


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