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Forever Black (Nightwalkers 2)

Page 11

by H. N. Sieverding

  He replied right away.

  Like a starving vampire craves blood.

  Ashleigh set her phone on the vanity. Though she loved flirting with Caleb, she was still hesitant to get back together with him. She was trying to give the Count a chance. She knew if she responded to Caleb's message, she'd never be able to do that.

  She purposely arrived a half an hour late for the ball. She wanted to be unnoticed and hoped to get a good glimpse of the party before she joined in. Even though she felt beautiful, her stomach was filled with butterflies. As she paused against the railing of the third floor of the ballroom, her hands gripped it tightly. She felt as if she could plummet at any moment.

  The masked guests and intimate candlelight gave the room a very dark feel. The soft music playing in the background set the mood perfectly. This was like a scene out of one of her books, unearthly and strange. For the first time since becoming a vampire, she felt different, like she was at home.

  Her eyes searched the floor for the Count, but she couldn't tell who anyone was. She stood there for a few minutes before deciding to go to the next floor and search there. She moved around the thick crowd with a frantic, fearful pace. Her head darted from side to side as she scanned the faces around her.

  Abruptly, fingers interlocked with hers and halted her walk. Her whole body shivered as she slowly turned to the man. She recognized his naughty expression. She could see those perfect, plump lips that she had fantasized about being against her neck ever since the night he had bitten her.

  His voice was deep and seductive, so smooth it made her dizzy, "A dance, my love?"

  "Of course." She watched him kiss her hand. A giant smile filled her lips and revealed her fangs. Though she wondered why they remained, she didn't ask him.

  "Such a vision of beauty I have never laid eyes upon. You make heaven look like the slums, your sparkle outshining the sun and leaving me blinded." He kept her hand near his lips, his hot breath warming her skin.

  "I'm disappointed." She laughed nervously as she studied her handsome prince. "I thought I would leave you speechless."

  "You never leave me with anything but great desire and happiness."

  "I doubt that." She looked down with a shy expression as her cheeks reddened slightly.

  "Then, you are a fool." He laughed as he took her arm in his, leading her down the flight of stairs that led to the first floor.

  She glanced at all the people who were dancing. Their movements were perfect, every step on key with the couple next to them. "I can't dance like that."

  "Then, we will not dance that way." His hands slipped around her waist, his fingers spreading out and feeling the stiff fabric of her corset. Her shaky fingers reached up to his neck and played with the small bowtie on his tux.

  His hands guided her in the steps, and in his arms, she was following quiet well. But still, she was constantly staring at her feet and tripped many times. There was a magical feeling in his arms. It was as if she were in a dream, and he was the handsome prince that all the women in the kingdom fought to win.

  But he wasn't Caleb. He didn't laugh and dance like a dork to cover up her bad moves, or rebel and slow dance to a fast song. The Count was king, and Caleb was the stable boy.

  After a few minutes, she still wasn't getting the hang of it. This inability made her feel awkward among all the others. She hated feeling this way, and the embarrassment reddened her cheeks.

  The Count bent closer as he whispered, "Are you all right?"

  She swallowed hard when she felt his arms tighten around her waist. His lips were kissing the surface of her ear. "I don't want to dance anymore."

  "As you wish." He used his magic and transported her to another room. The change of location made her panic.

  "Where are we?" She tried to push herself from his embrace, but he wouldn't budge.

  His voice was soft, his lips slightly parted as he looked seductively into her eyes. "You do not wish to be alone with me?"

  She tried to turn away, but every time she did, he pushed her chin upward and made her look at him. "It’s not going to work. I’m not going to kiss you."

  He leaned closer, his mouth hovering above hers. His warm breath lingered. "Yes, you will." Chuckling softly, he watched the panic in her fearful eyes. "You cannot resist me."

  "I can." She tried to pull away from him, but he still wouldn't release her.

  "Give me but one kiss, and I will never beg for another."

  "Just one?"

  "Just one." His lips filled with a calculating smirk. His eyes were the only feature she could make out at this distance.

  "One." She glanced down nervously, as his hands reached up to her face and gently removed her mask.

  "I'd bleed to make you smile…" Holding onto her chin, he slowly crept closer. His lips brushed against hers as he spoke in a soft tone that made her shiver. "Chase the stars through the darkness of space to capture their sparkle. But yet, I cannot make you love me. Ashleigh…" His nose rested against hers, his eyes so close, she could see the inhuman light that radiated from the center of his irises. "Please…love me."

  His hands gently held her head in place as he kissed her. And this was not just a simple kiss, but a deep, open-mouthed, passionate kiss. She couldn't help but return it with full force. It was the most perfect kiss she had ever received. It was tender and full of love.

  It was much different than Caleb's rough, playful ones. He would bite her lip and tease her until she couldn't stand it. Then, it struck her. Caleb. She loved Caleb. She needed Caleb.

  She quickly pulled away. Trying to catch her breath, Ashleigh's heart raced as a great panic swept over her. Even though the Count was her fairytale prince, and his kisses were amazing, she couldn't do this to Caleb. Her speech was thickened by her forming tears. "Wait."

  His mouth shot to her neck. As if trying to subdue her, his fangs sunk into her tender flesh. That overwhelming pleasure washed over her again, but this time the Count was using it to his full advantage. She clung to him now, and her body pushed against his. All her thoughts focused on him.

  Picking up her legs, he wrapped them around his hips. He continued to sip her blood through the small wound on her neck. After getting a taste of her, he couldn't stop. He needed her. He was tired of waiting, and the tease of her lips against his was too much. He took her into the next room and laid her on the couch.

  Soon, the wound on her neck dried up, and his hungry mouth moved to a more satisfying location. Taking her bottom lip hostage between his teeth, he bit down on it. He drew more blood than he had before. He could kiss her now and take advantage of his power over her.

  Trickling down the side of her lip, the blood followed the steep slope of her neck. She was kissing him back with full force, but it wasn't her, it was just her body reacting to his magic. The thought pained him, but he didn't regret this. He needed it.

  While still sucking on her bottom lip, he forced her to stand. She was unsteady on her feet. Her hands wrapped around his neck as he moved backward. He quickly took her back to the hallway, his lips never leaving hers until the wound finally dried up. When he released her lip, she awoke from his spell.

  Her eyes fluttered open slowly, and she observed his face. When she fully opened her eyes, her vision was slightly blurry. Her hands grabbed at his coat sleeves and held on tight.

  "Drink from me." He picked up her head and placed it against the skin of his neck.

  "I…" She licked her lips, the taste of blood lingering on her tongue. She didn't understand why she could taste it, but because she was so hungry, she thought she was hallucinating.

  "Use the gifts I have given you."

  She quickly opened her mouth and bit him. For the first time, she was able to feed on her own. It was a powerful feeling. One that made her bite at him harder as her arms found their strength.

  Her embrace felt amazing, as did her bite. He closed his eyes and rubbed her back. He was greeted by the hard fabric of the corset.

  She drank from him for a minute or so then pulled away. Her face was filled with a satisfied grin, her lips coated in his blood. "You taste just as good as the honey that drips from your tongue, your grace."

  "As do you." He admired her as he held her in his arms. She licked his blood off her lips.

  "I need to use the restroom." She was in a very good mood now as she hopped off his lap. She checked around the couch but didn't see her mask. "Where's my—"

  "Here." He handed it to her.

  "Thank you." She quickly took it from his hand, a playful bounce to her action. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek, her lips leaving a bloodied mark on his skin. "Wow…I feel amazing." She gently hit him in the shoulder with her mask. "We should swap like this more often. I've never felt so energized in my life."

  His face filled with an evil smirk. "My blood can have that effect on you."

  "I love it! I can't wait to do it again." She held her mask in both hands, bringing it to her chest in a dramatic motion as she giggled.

  He gazed at her lovingly as the cool words slipped from his tongue, "If this delights you, then we shall make this a nightly ritual."

  "Okay." She let out a satisfied sigh. "I'll meet you back in the ballroom."

  "I will await you like my next breath." He stood, his eyes full of love as he took in her excited expression.

  "Don't do that." She laughed. "You'll die if you don't breathe." She turned from him and jogged down the hall toward the bathroom.

  His words were barely given life as he watched her disappear from his view. "Death does not scare me as much as losing you."

  Chapter Nine

  Every night for the next few days, the Count continued his ritual of sharing his blood with Ashleigh. She never knew why he was doing it, all she knew was that she woke up feeling amazing.

  This morning started out like all the rest, with Ashleigh talking to Caleb on the phone. She had made up with him now, something that had also put her in a good mood.

  "So, I can come kidnap you, right?"

  His question caught her off guard, but she quickly answered it, "Well, yeah! Why?" She giggled as she bit her lip excitedly. "Are you going to brave it and come rescue me? I'll give you a big kiss, if you do."

  "Well…" He laughed. "I am on my way to Krest."

  "What?" Her jaw dropped as she stopped walking. Her hand paused on her chest. She gazed out the window-lined hallway, her eyes settling on the rose bushes farther out in the garden. "You're kidding, right?"


  "So, you're coming?" She started walking again, this time at a faster pace.


  "Oh, my God! Really? When are you coming?"

  "Umm." Caleb spoke to someone in the background. "About an hour or so."

  "I'm so excited!" A chain of giggles escaped her lips as she backtracked to her room. "I miss you so much!"

  "Awww…I miss you more."

  She scaled the steps, her feet light as she walked. Her cheeks were red, and her voice was babyish and high-pitched, "No…I miss you more."

  "No, I do." Caleb laughed. "And I'm bigger than you, so I win."

  "No sir, I missed you more."

  Caleb's voice lost some of its playfulness, a more serious tone creeping into it, "Sir?"

  "Sorry, that's the way the people talk here. I guess it's starting to rub off on me."

  "As long as that rubbing doesn't include your hands on the Count's cock then that's fine with me."

  "No." Ashleigh laughed. "I haven't even seen that. He's just my friend…well, in a weird sort of way."

  "Our relationship has never been sex free."

  "’Cause I can't take my hands off you, you sexy beast." She grinned as she opened her bedroom door. Her eyes briefly fell on the maid changing her bed sheets. "I still haven't got the chance to fuck you in as many ways as I've fantasized about in my books."

  "Ooo…experimentation. Let's start with sucking my dick."

  "That is not experimentation. I've done that, like, a million times."

  "Yeah, but I like it."

  "Excuse me, Lady Brown." The maid stopped what she was doing and quickly exited. In her hands, she carried Ashleigh's sheets from the night before, a few blood stains catching Ashleigh's eye. Then, she thought of the Count and how he had come to her room the night before.

  Ashleigh quickly grabbed her laptop bag and purse. She stuffed a few things in the satchel then slung it over her shoulder. "So, I just sneak to the airport, and you'll be there?"

  "Sure. I'll be there in about an hour and a half."

  "You'll take me with you, like, forever?" She held tightly to the strap on her arm, her voice showing her fear as she walked faster. "Promise?"

  "Of course. I said I was coming, didn't I?"

  "I'll see you soon." She quickly hung up the phone and called Nicki.

  Nicki's voice was upbeat, "’Sup?"

  "Can I borrow your car, or can you give me a ride to town?"


  "I want to go shopping, but I don't have a car. I'll pay you for the gas and stuff."

  "Sure. I'll be at the castle all day, so I won't need it, anyway. A twenty for gas'll be okay."

  "Where are you?" Ashleigh glanced around nervously, licking her lips several times.

  "The garden."

  Ashleigh hung up and went outside to find Nicki. She found her hanging around the side of the building, having a smoke.

  "Here." Ashleigh handed Nicki a fifty.

  "Ooo…" Nicki laughed. "I should let you borrow my car more often." Pulling the keys out of her pocket, she handed them to Ashleigh. "It's the green mini parked near the servant's entrance."

  "Thanks again." Ashleigh took the keys and sent a big smile in Nicki's direction.

  Ashleigh wanted to make it to the car quickly, but her escape was halted by Nicki's voice, "Wait a second." She motioned for Ashleigh to come back.


  "I want to ask you something." Nicki licked her lips after releasing a cloud of smoke from her mouth.

  "What?" Ashleigh leaned up against the wall. She crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Nicki grin.

  "You and the Count." She inhaled on her cigarette then blew it out slowly. Her hair was braided, and her jeans were dirty from working in the garden. "What's up with you two?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Are you guys like engaged or just dating?"

  "We're just friends." Ashleigh wasn't sure what Nicki was talking about, so she tried to brush it off.

  "Friends?" Nicki laughed as she changed her standing position. Her leg went up behind her as she put her foot up against the castle wall. "I saw you two making out in the garden the other night. You guys aren't just friends."

  "What?" Ashleigh's confused eyes narrowed on Nicki. "We weren't going at it. I've never slept with the Count."

  "Bullshit." Nicki laughed as she put her cigarette out against the stone. "I saw you." She motioned with her hands as she spoke. "Bent over the railing over there."

  "I think you're mistaken." Ashleigh mustered a smile, even though inside she was angry. She needed to be nice if she wanted to get away with the car. "I've never been with him like that. We're just friends."

  "Sure, whatever you say." Nicki pushed her body away from the side of the wall. "But you are one lucky bitch, you know that? The Count's the ultimate catch. I'd die to be in your shoes."

  "Well…" Ashleigh’s hands wrapped tightly around the keys. "I really should get going."

  "See ya around." Nicki waved. "I'm working in the garden all day today, so when you get back, I'll be here."

  "See ya." Ashleigh waved then quickly made her way to the car. Her mind raced as she thought about what Nicki had said. Ashleigh decided it was just a case of mistaken identity and blew the whole thing off.

  This time it was easier to drive away from the castle knowing that Caleb was waiting for her. She needed to get out of here, needed to…vomit. The feeling welled up in her stomach a
nd shot up to her lips before she was ready for it. Slamming on the brakes, she opened her car door and threw up on the shoulder of the road. She waited for the sickness to subside before she could drive again.

  After a few stops along the road, she finally made it to the airport. The wait inside was long, and she kept looking over her shoulder thinking someone would come and make her go back.

  When her phone started ringing, she quickly answered it, "Hello?"

  Caleb's voice was teasing, "Where's my runway model? We're refueling, so get your sexy ass out here."

  "Coming." She quickly pushed to her feet and walked toward the guard near the entrance to the terminals. "I'm boarding a private jet on terminal six."

  "Okay." The guard took her to the side and made sure what she said was correct before walking her out to the runway.

  As she got closer to the plane, she saw him. He was standing near the stairs of the plane, joking around with Robert. A giant smile filled her lips as she studied him. Memories of when she had left him standing at those stairs almost a year ago flooded back to her. That day, she had promised never to see him again. She had looked at the man she loved and thought it would be for the last time.

  Today felt different. She wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and never let him go. She had made a decision. After today, she would never leave his side, and no matter what anyone told her, she wouldn't doubt him. This is what she wanted. Caleb.

  She ran to him with outstretched arms, Caleb opening his to receive her. Her arms encircled his neck, and she jumped into his embrace. Her legs wrapped around his hips, Caleb taking hold of her thighs and hoisting her up. "Caleb!" She began to cry as she held him close.

  "Hey, babe." He set her on her feet. He pushed back her hair and gazed at her lovingly. "I missed you."

  When he started kissing her, Ashleigh's body pushed so close to his that there wasn't even a millimeter between them. Their kisses were light and friendly, Caleb's hands massaging her butt. Moving away, she grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs. "Let's go."


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