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by Ashe, Karina

  He grabbed my ass and was still hard inside of me. He began rocking inside me again, faster as he took me for the second time. I gasped as he plunged in hard and fast, and my gasps turned to moans as my body prepared for another earth shattering orgasm. I came again with him and my body was literally humming afterwards. He had claimed me as his own, taking me how I’d wanted for so long. His body was mine and I hoped he didn't want it any other way.

  He rolled off of me and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me. It wasn't long before I fell asleep in his arms.


  The morning became crazy busy as we had to pack and leave for the show. We had slept in longer than we wanted and now we were rushing around trying to get everything done before we left to go back to the band. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. Sex last night and again that morning, I was lost in thoughts of the things he had done to me. I’d loved every moment of it and I had to admit I wanted more. I would have suggested round two that morning if we weren't due to be somewhere else.

  I had sent a message to Dan, letting him know that Eli was on his way back. He told me I deserved a raise and would get one.

  When we arrived, there was a buzz in the air and I was getting strange. Did people know about us? Had there been pictures?

  “My god, Eli, I am so glad to see you! How was your vacation, man?” Dan said with a wink.

  Okay, maybe some people know.

  “Good. It was,” he paused and looked at me, “relaxing. I'm looking forward to an awesome show.”

  Jarrod walked up to us and nervous butterflies made a home in my stomach. Please don't make a scene so that Eli leaves again.

  “Hey, man. I'm uhh...glad to have you back. Sorry that I behaved like such a dick. You're just as much part of the band as I am. So I hope you...will...umm...stay I guess.”

  It wasn't the most heartfelt apology and I doubted that any of it was sincere, but at least he apologized.

  “Yeah, no worries, Jarrod, let’s just put on a good show.”

  The band members left to get ready for the show. They were due on stage in an hour. Dan turned to look at me and said, “Wow, you really are a miracle worker. I can't thank you enough. I was serious about the raise and will make sure you get it.”


  “How did you ever get him to come back?”

  I smiled playfully, “The power of persuasion, of course. He just needed a little down time, is all. I’m sure he’ll be on his game tonight.”

  Chapter Nine

  I watched the concert start from the wings. It was a nice up close and personal look of the band playing. I couldn't help but be impressed by their performance and the ability they had in getting the crowd in an uproar.

  To my surprise, Eli called for me to come out on stage. My mouth fell open and I shook my head furiously. I didn't know what Eli was up to, but I couldn't imagine going out onto that stage. I wasn’t a rock star. Just a girl.

  “Sadie, come out here!”

  By the look on Jarrod's face, he was pissed that Eli was doing his own thing on stage. Really being his own person, but there was nothing he could do about it in front of the crowd. I walked out on trembling legs and made my way to Eli. He went to the side of the stage and pulled out a stool for me to sit on. I sat down slowly, not sure what to expect from him. My heart was beating way too fast while my stomach was doing cartwheels. Being on stage was intimidating. The lights were hot and looking out at the crowd was daunting, to say the least. I almost wanted to run off stage, but I knew this moment was important to Eli in some way and he needed to make a stand for himself.

  “Everyone, I want you to meet Sadie. She’s taught me some shit this past week, and I just feel it’s right to share my new muse with the world.”

  I could feel the hearts breaking in the crowd in front of us, but the girls kept cheering. At least no one booed, though I imagined Jarrod wished they had.

  Eli he broke out into a song that he had written just for me. It was a slow melody and as he sang the lyrics, I realized with a smile that it was a love song. He wrote a love song just for me. Not only was he playing the guitar, but he was singing as well. He was really good at it; I could almost feel Jarrod's face growing red behind me, and I wondered if it occurred to him that Eli could take over the singing for the band as well. A little fear might do Jarrod some good.

  The crowd went wild over the song and the roar was thunderous. It was funny how even though the crowd was deafening, all I could hear was Eli. I could still hear his beautiful words to me even though the screams around me should have made it impossible. The crowd was eating up the surprise that Eli had given them.

  How many girls really get to experience such a thing? There I was, being sung to by a man I was quickly falling in love with. Was this song evidence that he was falling in love with me too? I could only hope. In that moment, I felt like we could really conquer anything together. We could both have a career in music and be a wonderful support system for one another.

  When he finished there was clapping all over, except from Jarrod, who stood sullen at the front of the stage. Even Dan was clapping loudly at the side of the stage. I laughed as I got up and turned around, really taking in all the excitement around me. People loved the fact that we were together. I had never felt more accepted than I did in that moment and yet the only thing that mattered to me was that Eli not only accepted me, but that he wanted me as well.

  Eli pulled me to him and our lips met, igniting sparks all over the stage. We kissed like that for a moment and I didn't care what anyone thought. This was my man and I would kiss him any time I wanted to. He pulled away from me and smiled down at me.

  “Did you like the song?”

  I giggled. “Are you kidding me? I've never had anyone do something so special for me.”

  “You make me happy, Sadie. Very, very happy.”

  I grinned. “I guess you really showed Jarrod, didn't you?”

  “Yup. There was no better way to do it.”

  “I think I'm falling in love with you, Eli.”

  “You're not alone, sweetheart. I'm right here with you...falling.”

  Feeling giddy, I kissed him again feverishly. The passion inside me was ignited once again and I desperately needed his lips against mine.

  I had never felt so honored in all my life for him to have gone public about us. It really showed that he was proud to be with me. There would be no more secrets between us. We would make a go of our relationship despite what anyone thought of it. Our feelings were only going to grow by the day.

  While we stood there together it was as if all the thousands of screaming fans just died away. I no longer heard them and they didn't matter to me. It was just Eli and me in that moment, in our own little world. We could build that world anywhere. Just the two of us. Nothing else mattered. Not Jarrod's arrogance or what Dan wanted. The crowd didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was how I felt when I was in his arms. And I felt perfectly happy.

  It was time for him to get back to his fans and give them the show of his career. I turned around to the fans, grinning, and I heard the crowd once again. I waved to them as I headed off stage. I looked over my shoulder and found Eli watching me as I left. I blew him a kiss and smiled devilishly.

  Eli Oliver was all mine and I had no intention of ever letting him go.

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  New subscribers will be able to choose a free story from the Karina Ashe catalog.

  Sexy Sneak Peek

  One date - one chance to have her.

  Marcus Hawkins has a problem - he needs a date. His solution happens to be standing right in front of him. Curvy Leah Frane has been driving him to distraction since the day she became his assistant.

  Now is his chance to do something about it.

  Leah is c
oerced into the date by her sexy, gorgeous boss - a man she wants so badly she can taste it. He only sees her as his super-efficient assistant - when he sees her at all.

  It's just one date. What could possibly happen?

  For the 18+ crowd, due to steamy love scene.


  Marcus waited for her just outside the door. So, no escaping. Not yet.

  She opened her mouth to say something, and froze, startled by the way he studied her. Like he was seeing her for the first time. He ran one hand through his hair, tousling the rare neat style, leaving him even more devastating. His hair always reminded Leah of raven's wings - so black it had blue highlights. She forced herself to stop staring at his long, graceful fingers, to stop staring at him.

  "Damn me," he whispered. "Screw the rules." He grabbed her hand, dragging her across the wide, crowded foyer.

  Rules? What was he talking about?

  She didn't have time to think about his cryptic statement as he pulled her down an empty hallway, stopping at the far end of a side exhibit. Oh, God - she was alone with him, only the prehistoric dioramas as witnesses.


  "Finally." He pinned her to the wall, his hands braced on either side of her, and leaned in until his breath warmed her lips. "I never thought you'd say my name."

  He shocked the breath out of her when he slipped one arm around her waist, hauled her forward and kissed her.

  She dropped her clutch and grabbed the lapels of his perfect tux, moaning when his tongue traced the curve of her lower lip before slipping inside and driving her crazy. Her tongue warred with his, her body straining to get closer. She wanted to remember this kiss forever, since she expected him to come to his senses any second now and remember who she was.

  Instead he hiked her up and trapped her between his body and the wall, rocking his impressive erection against her. The kiss turned raw, and she arched into him, every inch on fire. God--the things he could do with his mouth. She never wanted the kiss to end.

  Her hands freed his lapel and moved up, into his hair, her fingers tangling in the silky length. He growled, and his hand moved - under her gown, sliding up her leg until he gripped her ass. With a gasp she tried to pull out of the kiss, mortified.

  "No," he whispered. "You're perfect. God, you feel so good." He held her in place and ground himself against her, his breathing ragged. "I need to touch you, Leah."

  Other titles by Karina Ashe

  Dressed in Yellow

  “When the time comes, Aiva, you’ll make me an offer I can’t refuse.”

  It seemed like a good idea at the time. Any publicity is good publicity, right? But when curvy Aiva, owner of Blooms In Yellow, starts a media ruckus outside her flower shop to increase business, the attention brings all the rats out of hiding.

  Namely Daniel, her cousin and the loan shark who funded her startup. A load shark tied to organized crime who is a bit miffed when Aiva starts attracting attention. Like any good rat, he prefers to stay in the dark. The attention also attracts Leon Sudano, billionaire mogul and reformed crime lord. Of course the Sudano's, under his rule, are completely legitimate. And his interested in Aiviana is perfectly innocent...

  ...only it isn't. He's been watching Aiva for years, waiting patiently to make his first, and last, move. Because when Sudano plays, he plays for keeps. Aiva must balance her pride in being an independent women business owner with her growing attraction for the sexy, powerful Leon who showers her with gifts and attention... and steals her heart.

  This is a 23K BBW Contemporary Romance Novella. It is a standalone featuring a hot alpha male, curvaceous heroine and a happily ever after ending. For readers for enjoy steamy scenes.

  Reluctant Billionaires Book 1

  Curvy billionaire heiress Lauren Daniels has broken free and purchased a small home away from her protective father and interfering mother. Added benefit to the new digs: No one in the modest neighborhood knows about her connection to the family fortune, so she can finally trust that the people she meets like her for something other than her money or her father’s influence.

  Derek Holmes has a landscaping business and is halfway to earning his first billion after leaving his father’s company and designating his own billion dollar trust fund inheritance for charity. Tired of dating spoiled rich brats and gold diggers, he keeps his success under wraps in a low-key trailer office..

  When Lauren calls Derek for a landscaping estimate, they both think they’ve finally found someone who may be truly interested in the person, not the dollar signs. She’s drawn to his muscular laborer’s body, and he’s knocked out with her curves. Under the covers, the two secret billionaires are generating lots of heat, but will the truth about their pasts pour an icy water bucket on their budding romance?

  One Date

  One date - one chance to have her.

  Marcus Hawkins has a problem - he needs a date. His solution happens to be standing right in front of him. Curvy Leah Frane has been driving him to distraction since the day she became his assistant.

  Now is his chance to do something about it.

  Leah is coerced into the date by her sexy, gorgeous boss - a man she wants so badly she can taste it. He only sees her as his super-efficient assistant - when he sees her at all.

  It's just one date. What could possibly happen?

  Dear Solider

  To her I wasn’t billionaire Ian Keller, prodigal son and heir to one of the South’s largest real estate empires. No, to her I was just a soldier. And she thinks that to me she was just a woman, but she couldn’t be more wrong.

  Now I’m back home and ready to face the sins of my past and reclaim my future, but none of my sacrifices will be worth it if she isn’t by my side.

  There’s just one obstacle standing in my way. She thinks I’ve shared everything about myself in my letters, but I’ve been keeping a secret from her. A very big, very important secret.

  And when this secret comes to light, both of our lives will change forever.

  Karina’s stories are available on Kindle Unlimited. Check out her full catalog here:




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