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Mine to Spell (Mine #2)

Page 20

by Janeal Falor

  Even though I expected this to be difficult, I hoped it wouldn’t be. But hopes are almost always in vain. “You had to have heard a woman, with the status of a warlock, would be participating this year.”

  His eye twitches. “I’ll have to look into it.” He waves another law officer over, this one with a fluff of blond hair. “This girl claims she’s participating in the tournament. Would you look her information up?”

  The warlock laughs. “Not worth my time.”

  Rage flares inside me, which is better than fear at least. Good thing my paperwork is in my boot. I pull it out. “Proof that I didn’t steal anything.” I give the gap-toothed warlock a pointed glare. “Let me through.”

  The guard grabs for my papers, but it’s doubtful he’d return them. I clutch them to my chest, though it probably won’t stop him for long.

  “If you’re not going to show them to us then they must be fake. Quit wasting our time before we find your owner and fine him for your nuisance.”

  The crowd that had been scattered across the field is taking notice of our disagreement, looming closer. Some are clearly from other countries, tall or darker skinned, but only a few sprinkled throughout the crowd. Toward the fringes of the multitude there are even a few women.

  Chadwick and Xyer are nowhere in sight. They said they’d keep me safe. What could have happened to them? My fingers tremble, giving away my trepidation. First Lukas, now Chadwick? But there’s nothing that can be done until I fix this situation.

  I scan the crowd again. Is it big enough for me to let loose my power? If I cast a spell now and am sacrificed for it, will enough people be here that they can’t cast a memory loss spell for what I’m about to do? This wasn’t the plan, but forget the plan. If this isn’t the time to make a statement, I don’t know what is. But it has to be big. Really big. Something that will be hard to erase from so many memories.

  The threatening warlocks are distracted by fighting over what to do with me. Perfect. This is it, the test to see what’s going to happen to me once everyone knows what it is exactly I can do.

  My hands shake. but Lukas’s ring is steady on my thumb. I take a deep breath, gather my magic, and force it to fan across the clearing in a wide array of colors. All perfectly harmless, but bright and flashy, some even flaring as they dance through the crowd. They gasp as the light bounces in and around them.

  I flash it not just around them, but high into the sky. High enough that questions will have to be answered even if everyone here loses their memory. Though the answers may not be about me if they can erase all these memories, but it’s something. If only it’s enough of something. It has to be enough of something. Whether or not it is, I’m lighter than I’ve ever felt before, and my hands have stopped shaking. My chest is a torrent of emotion with use of my magic in front of so many. Finally, finally, I’m showing everyone my true self.

  Once I’m certain I have their attention, that everyone knows it came from me, I wrap a floating spell around the papers that proves I’m free along with my tournament entry and make them float in the air before the stunned law officers.

  The look on their faces transform from shocked to fierce and angry. Fluffy hair reaches out again to snatch the papers, but I push the air in the spell back away from him, keeping them just out of reach.

  I hold back a laugh as he jumps for it as it taunts him. “You can look, but don’t touch. I’d hate to lose such important papers.”

  He growls. “Take your paperwork and find your place.”

  I raise my voice, “So you accept that I have the status of a warlock and am allowed in the tournament?”

  “I said find your place.”

  I want nothing more, except maybe to know if Lukas and the others are all right. “Once everyone here is assured that I’m supposed to be here, I will.”

  He’s turning a brilliant red, nose flaring. “You’re a dueler in the tournament. Now get out of my face.”

  Slowly, I drift the papers back down, letting the spell flash a few times for effect before rolling them up. “I’m only too happy to oblige you. Thank you for your assistance.”

  Laughter bubbles again, and I have to work hard to suppress the joy trying to escape me.

  He turns away from me in disgust, but the eyes of everyone gathered watch as I leave the public area and cross over into the designated dueler’s area.

  There’s no music or noise. In fact it’s oddly silent for such a large gathering. It feels official, like I’m finally doing what I set out to show everyone. If a warlock killed me right now, right here in front of everyone, I’d still feel like I accomplished what I set out to do.

  And I’m grateful. It is what I wanted to show everyone before. The problem is, now I don’t want to just show everyone what women can do. I want to show them a woman can win. That I can win.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  My hands are shaking, the one thing I can’t seem to control, but I keep them tightly wrapped around my papers. Whether it’s the fear or commitment of trying to win causing the shaking, I’m uncertain. I only hope that it was a big enough display in front of enough people to show everyone women can do magic. If it was, I’ll be in my first duel in only a few short hours. If not, well, I’ll probably be dead before then.

  Either way, standing still is my worst option. First, I need to check the schedule and learn where and when my first duel is so I can be ready and check Lukas’s as well. Then I have to figure out where both he, Xyer, and Chadwick are. I suppress the growing pit of worry in my stomach and head toward the stone.

  A warlock steps in front of me. Chancellor Ryan. Dread clings to me, grappling for me to get away from him and whatever he has planned. But he can’t do away with me now, not after everything we’ve worked so hard on to make my presence accepted. Can he?

  “Think pretty highly of yourself, don’t you?”

  The urge to look down is almost overbearing. Focusing so wholly on keeping his gaze probably makes me look crazed, but any other option is unacceptable. “I only think I’m doing what I’ve earned the right to do.”

  He leans closer. “Back out now.”

  My gaze slips, just for a moment, but enough that defeat seems to cling to me even as I return to holding my stare back on him. “Not happening.”

  His nose flares, hand flickering toward me. “You will regret it, and so will those you care about.”

  And he’s off, leaving me behind in a wave of emotion. I’m struggling not to regret entering the tournament already. As soon as he’s gone, the crowd of duelers swarm in on me. Every jostle and bump as they fight their way by adds to the blow Chancellor Ryan delivered.

  One warlock elbows me in the stomach, followed by another jamming into my shoulder. And on and on. I’d like to think that it’s because the area is so crammed full of people that there’s not enough room to be polite. But the truth is, even with the plethora of warlocks wandering about, there’s plenty of empty space. Except around me. When one warlock leaves, another seems to take his place. It’s a good thing we aren’t allowed to use magic in the waiting area, or I would have been hexed by most of them by now. Did Chancellor Ryan encourage this fray?

  Another warlock falls into me, his elbow jamming into my ribs hard enough to leave a bruise. The pain quickly subsides, but my reaction to it doesn’t. I grit my teeth, wondering how I’m ever going to make it to the stone when one of them steps in front of me.

  I open my mouth ready to let angry worlds tumble out but realize it’s Lukas. My arms ache to wrap around him, both to comfort me and in gratitude that he’s fine. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried about you. Have you seen Chadwick?”

  “I’ve been waiting with him over there.” He points to a clear spot where only Chadwick stands Conrad is a ways behind him, keeping an eye on things.

  Waiting? Does that mean he saw everything that just happened? The guards? Chancellor Ryan’s threat?

  As we trudge our way through the crowd to Chadwick, Lukas gives
the warlocks surrounding us an angry glare. I’ve never seen such a look on him before. I don’t think I like it, but it’s highly effective. The crowd of warlocks eases away from me. Once we reach Chadwick, they eye us but leave a wide circle around us. Chadwick does make an intimidating foe, his thick build looming over all the other duelers. I forgot how much of an impact his presence can make.

  “That was something else,” Lukas says.

  “What was?” The threat or my display?

  “The spell you just showed everyone.”

  “You saw that?” Does that mean the threat went unnoticed? What am I to do about it? “Where were you? I couldn’t see you anywhere.”

  “We both saw it,” Chadwick says.

  “Not what got you riled enough to cast a spell,” Lukas adds. “Just the last part. It was amazing. You did perfect. I don’t think the deviation from the plan will matter. You had a big enough crowd that I think things will be all right. But what got you so upset?”

  His words warm me and calm some of the frantic worry bounding inside me. I tell them what happened and have to ask, “Do you think they’re sending someone to…” I make a cutting sound and fake jabbing at my neck.

  “Not now.” His hand briefly brushes against my arm, warm and reassuring, but there’s doubt in his eyes. “You have everyone worked into a frenzy. People were leaving the scene even as you were still casting the spell. The council shouldn’t be able to track them all down. I think you’ve done it.”

  “Agreed,” Chadwick adds, looking much more certain than Lukas, but his eyes still watch the crowd. They are both nervous and on edge, yet neither said anything about the Chancellor. I should tell them, but what good would it do?

  Besides, I’ve done it. Everyone knows what a woman can do. That we can be strong, and that we can do magic, just like men. No threat is going to stop that from happening now.

  But there’s not going to be any celebrating anytime soon. Even the small amount of triumph coursing through me is dampened by whatever is worrying Lukas and Chadwick.

  “Neither of you ever answered my other question. Where were you this morning, Lukas? And where did you go off to when the law officers were trying to keep me from going in to the waiting area, Chadwick? Why are you both watching the crowd so much?”

  Lukas looks at Chadwick, who shrugs one shoulder. Lukas says, “We’re almost entirely certain that the council isn’t coming after you. Yet.”

  “Almost? Yet?” I don’t like the sound of either of those words.

  He leans closer but not close enough that we’re touching. “There are no guarantees. The Chardonian council is entirely under the rule of the Grand Chancellor, and we can’t predict what he’ll do. But we’re hopeful.”

  Guess hopeful is the best I’m going to get. “Then why are you still both on edge and keeping such a watchful eye out?”

  Lukas scans the crowd, this time not looking at me at all. “The thing is, I was going to meet you this morning like we discussed, but I was, uh, detained. Physically detained, that is, by some warlocks who intended me harm.”

  The worry I felt when he didn’t show blunders its way back in full force.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he says. “I’m fine. I called for help and managed to escape unscathed. Though I distracted Chadwick when we found each other, which is why he was missing from protecting you.”

  “I wasn’t missing. I kept an eye out for her the whole time, even if she couldn’t see me.”

  It’s nice to know that’s the case, though it would have been nice to know sooner. “I’m glad you’re both all right, but next time, why don’t you wave a giant, bright-orange spell instead of getting lost in the crowd so there’s no need to worry.”

  “Fair enough,” Lukas says. “If it’s safe for me to, I will.”

  I resist rolling my eyes and say to Chadwick, “Which means he won’t.”

  He holds up both of his hands. “I’m not getting in the middle of this.”

  “I will,” Lukas reaffirms.

  “If it’s safe,” I counter.


  “Which is great, except for the fact that it’s never safe.”

  “Glad you coul—wait no.” The tips of his finger rub against his temple. “I really will do it, if it’s safe.”

  I shrug. Nothing is ever safe in Chardonia.

  Lukas squeezes my hand, the gesture more reassuring than his words. “Let’s see about your first duel.”

  Our hands fall apart, and immediately, mine is cold. But it’s important to stand on my own here, in front of the other duelers. I can’t show any sort of weakness. Really, I probably shouldn’t even be communicating with Lukas too much. Or maybe I should, and find other participants with similar values to be around as well. Maybe the more of them I can help to see me as a warlock, the better my casting spells and dueling will be taken. How many more of them exist?

  As we make our way to the stone with the schedule spelled on it, the crowd grows thicker again. A warlock elbows me, another pushing his shoulder into me as he moves past. Maybe trying to get closer to them isn’t a reality. Magic will have to be the start, I guess.

  We get to the line for the stone and wait at the end for our turn. Or rather, I try to wait my turn. First one warlock cuts in front of me, coming between me and Lukas before either of us realizes. Then another. And another. They keep cutting in front of me, not only shoving me farther to the back of the line, but farther from Lukas.

  Chadwick stands firmly behind me, not letting their jostling displace him, but it’s probably easier to do with his large stature. The crowd’s fear of him doesn’t last, though. Soon, they’re jostling against him. A thin warlock slips between us and slams me forward. I tumble into the warlock ahead of me who shoves me back. Chadwick shoves the thin warlock from between us and grabs a hold of my arm. That firm pressure on my upper arm steels my nerves against the scream trying to claw its way from me.

  Where are the law officers now? Except that’s a ridiculous thought. They’d only help shove me down. The warlocks seem to be gaining a rhythm to their shoving. The ones that cut me off leave with smirks in the same order they shoved me out of the way. A growly, half-scream spikes from me, but they only shove me harder.

  Lukas is on the other side of the crowd from me. He’s pushing against the crowd, trying to break through to get to me. While I appreciate the thought, he can’t handle all of my problems. He’s taught me what I know. Now I just have to use it. Except, there’s no magic use in the dueler waiting area. To do so would get me banned. How am I supposed to see my dueling information without getting banned?

  Chadwick is still firmly standing behind me, hand tight around my upper arm, so we don’t get separated.

  I shake my head at Lukas and mouth, “I will handle this.” Without waiting to see his reaction, I tell Chadwick, “I have to fight my way there. Can you stay close and help act as a buffer?”

  “Do what you need to. I’ll follow.”

  I stare straight at my goal, the stone glowing with today’s schedule, take a deep breath, and plunge into the hostile mob. Bruises must already be forming from everywhere they slam into my arms and stomach, but my back is protected by Chadwick’s fierce determination not to let me go. When I’m shoved, I shove back. When I’m elbowed, I elbow back. Each step taking me closer to the board, which I refuse to take my gaze from.

  Shoving past the last warlock gives me such momentum, I slam against the stone. My face aches with victory. Chadwick turns around and holds his arms out, making it difficult for anyone to get past. Not knowing how long he can last, I quickly locate my name and dueling information for the day.

  “I’ve got it,” I tell Chadwick. And it feels good. Really good that I did it without Lukas. Except I still needed Chadwick’s help. I always need someone’s help.

  Together, Chadwick and I make our way out. Going out is much easier than trying to fight in. There are only a few elbows and shoves, until we’re almost to
Lukas, when a warlock sticks his foot out to trip me. I fly toward the ground, preparing myself to brace for a rough landing in the dirt, but hands reach out to grab each of my arms. Lukas and Chadwick.

  Chadwick maintains his stoic expression, but Lukas’s jaw is clenched, his free arm raised up in a fist and headed toward the tripper. I grab for his arm, fearing he’s about to disqualify himself from the tournament. At my touch, he slows, and after a moment, he shakes his arm free of me. With a look I’m grateful isn’t directed at me, he says, “You’d better hope we’re not paired up in the tournament.”

  The warlock has the decency to at least look scared, little good the expression does us.

  We walk slower than I’d like but with purpose toward the free area of the clearing that we used before. It’s several minutes before Lukas finally calms down enough to speak.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  His eyes scan my face, which must already be bruising by the feel of it. “No you’re not. If we could cast magic in the waiting area, I would heal you.”

  It’s a good thing my clothes cover the rest of what must be bruised. My body is one giant ache. “Don’t worry about it. Truly I’m fine.”

  Lukas looks at Chadwick as if to say, ‘she’s clearly delusional because it’s obvious she’s injured’ to which Chadwick shrugs back in a way that says, ‘what are you going to do?’

  A huff escapes me. “I’m really fine. Chadwick can heal me once we’re on the field, and everything will be fine. It’s not like I’m bleeding to death. Don’t worry about it.”

  Neither of them look like they really believe me, but they don’t belabor the point.

  “Did you see it? If not, I can go back and look it up for you,” Lukas says.

  “Don’t worry. With Chadwick holding them off I managed. I only have one duel today. I’m at the smaller field in the far corner at eleven.”

  “Unusual for a first day.”

  “They probably don’t expect me to last through the one duel.” And honestly, I’m not sure if I expect me to either. I want to, but am I truly ready?


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