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The Stones of Kaldaar (Song of the Swords Book 1)

Page 23

by Tameri Etherton

  “Friends,” she began, hating the screech of nerves in her pitch, “for many long seasons, I lived outside the customs and traditions of your great kingdom. Despite this, I am committed to learning all I can so that we can keep the peace and balance on Aelinae. I ask that you find it in your hearts to accept me as one of your own.”

  “What about her father?” a voice called from the crowd. “Does he, in truth, accept her as his heir?”

  Lliandra answered in a soft voice. “I should hope he does. Perhaps we should ask him,Lord Zakael.” The crowd gasped and moved aside to let him through. A hooded figure followed closely behind. A thrum of ShantiMari flowed over Taryn, and she shuddered against it.

  “You are too bold, Your Majesty,” Zakael said, the sneer on his lips flowing to his words.

  “Am I? For presenting my daughter in an open court? Should I slink around beneath a cloak like Lord Valterys?”

  A ripple of nervous confusion floated through the audience as the hooded figure took off his cloak. Valterys stood not more than ten paces from Taryn. Rhoane stepped forward, but Nadra put out a hand to stop him.

  “My dear Valterys, I was hoping you could be here for today’s ceremony. Do you wish to make a claim on this girl?” Nadra asked.

  Taryn willed herself to stand tall. He wouldn’t dare try to hurt her with so many people around.

  “If she is my daughter, as I’m sure you believe, I want proof.” Valterys glared at Lliandra. “I only knew of one child born that night. He was quite dead when I saw him.”

  Lliandra’s voice dripped sugar thick enough to sweeten the sourest lemon. “Lord Valterys, you, of all people, should understand why I had to make the decision to send Taryn away.”

  Ohlin stepped down to face Valterys, putting a hand on his shoulder. His dark hair and hazy grey eyes were a softer shade of the Lord of the Dark’s. “The girl is indeed your daughter. Judge her not, for she is innocent in this. Love her as you do your son.”

  Valterys bowed to the god but not before a brief scowl crossed his face.

  Ohlin returned to the dais and stood in front of Taryn. For a long time, he merely looked into her eyes. She met his gaze, feeling light and free. Finally, he inspected the runes that glowed faintly against her skin.

  “When you are ready, come to me that I may add my blessing.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The skin near his eyes crinkled when he smiled. “I believe this is yours.” With a flourish of his wrist, the sword materialized, causing a murmur to ripple through the crowd. “I am pleased the sword has chosen you.”

  “Thank you.” She knelt before the god, her legs trembling enough to make her crown rattle. She kept her eyes focused on his boots and steadied herself.

  “It is with great honor and lightness of heart that I bestow upon you this sword as a symbol of your birthright. Arise, daughter of Valterys, Lord of the Dark, and Lliandra, Lady of Light. From this day henceforth, you shall be known as Princess Taryn Rose of House Galendrin, Keeper of the Stars, Eirielle, Child of Light and Dark,Darennsaiand betrothed to Prince Rhoane of the Eleri, as prophesied by Verdaine, our daughter.”

  The gathered nobles were silent as he handed her the sword, and she stood to accept it. “Thank you, Great Father, for this gift.” She turned to Nadra. “And thank you, Great Mother, for your gift of my crown. I will do my best to prove worthy of them both.”

  Taryn shrugged back her robe and held the Sword of Ohlin aloft. A shaft of white light lit from the tip, piercing the glass ceiling before disappearing into the sky. Her sword burst into song, joined by the pendant and crown, and filled the throne room with a triumphant melody. ShantiMari coursed through her to the sword, casting a rainbow of light over the walls and gathered guests. Some ducked, others stared in wonder. Taryn looked to the heavens where she hoped Brandt watched with pride.

  A cascade of stars rained down on them, glittering motes settling upon bare skin before dissolving. She lowered the sword and stood, shivering. The sheer force from not only the sword but herself terrified her. The audience stared at her in wild-eyed incredulity. Her heart beat in her throat, and she fought to swallow.

  Finally she found her voice and, after a low bow to the assembled nobles, said the final line of Faelara’s speech, “Let it be known I serve all of Aelinae.”

  Applause broke out, and Taryn choked on a lump of emotion that wedged itself between her heart and her lips.

  Ohlin touched her cheek and whispered, “We are very proud of you, Taryn.” From the corner of her eye, she thought she saw Brandt’s spectral form hovering above his old friends, a wide smile on his face. Hot tears stung the backs of her eyes, but she refused to blink them away.

  Ohlin gave Nadra one last embrace before ascending into the cloudless sky.

  Valterys stood before them, false geniality oozing from his clenched smile. In much too loud a voice, he announced, “It is with a happy heart that I accept into my life a daughter.” He addressed Taryn, “Being a woman, of course it is fitting you are presented on the Light Throne, but do not think that means you are unwelcome in the West. There will forevermore be a place in my heart for you, so, too, will there be in my home.”

  He bowed to Lliandra, “It appears, Your Majesty, that you and I both have something to celebrate this day.”

  Lliandra nodded in a gracious gesture. “Yes, my lord, we do. Welcome, Valterys. Welcome, Lord Zakael. You are honored guests.”

  Baehlon moved forward and asked the empress to grant him the honor of serving as Taryn’s champion and protector, surprising everyone, especially the empress. Lliandra made a show of granting his request, even going so far as to produce a scepter out of nothing. Taryn babbled something about being honored, and it was done. Baehlon’s House was forever sworn to hers.

  Next, Myrddin stood before her, his head inclined in supplication, although he didn’t swear fealty to her. The princesses were next, curtseying low to their sister, whispering a few words of encouragement before kissing Taryn’s fingers as they rested on the Sword of Ohlin. Each time their lips touched her skin, a shock of power rushed through her.

  When Marissa bent over her, Taryn flinched but Marissa’s lips did not meet her fingertips. When she rose, there was an open challenge in her lavender eyes, and Taryn winked. A flash of Marissa’s Mari whipped out, but stopped short of harming her. Taryn then shocked everyone, including herself, and bent low, kissing Marissa’s fingertips. Her sister yanked her hand away and stormed to where the other princesses waited. Taryn hid a smirk beneath a mask of confusion.

  Lliandra watched the interplay between her daughters with cool disinterest before addressing the gathered crowd. “Today is a day of celebration and joy. I wish you all much of both. After the parade, there will be feasting until dawn.” She glided down the steps, taking Valterys’s hand in hers. “My dear lord, would you be so kind as to escort me to my carriage? I’d be honored if you would accompany me for the parade.”

  Taryn fidgeted on the dais, not quite sure what to do. Nadra put an arm around her and said, “Welcome home, Taryn.” The goddess brushed her cheek with her fingertips. “Are you well?”

  “This is all very confusing.”

  “You will figure it out. You always do.”

  Lliandra and Valterys were already making their way down the aisle, and Nadra gave her a nudge. “Your turn.”

  “But shouldn’t the princesses go first?”

  “Taryn darling, you are a princess. Now go.”

  Marissa and Zakael strode down the aisle together, followed by Taryn and Rhoane with Tessa and Eliahnna a half step behind them. Rhoane leaned over to whisper in her ear. “You are truly one of us now.” At her puzzled glance, he said, “You, too, have several names.” She smiled in reply, still not quite sure what to make of it all.

  After the parade, Sabina escorted Taryn to her new rooms, talking excitedly the whole time about what they could do now that Taryn’s rank was elevated. When Sabina mentioned Taryn was higher in position t
han Marissa, and possibly even the empress, her interest piqued. Sabina promised to research the ramifications of Taryn having her own House as well as the newly made position of Keeper of the Stars. Not wanting to appear ungrateful, Taryn thanked her friend, even though she had little interest in the title or crown she wore.

  Exhausted from the morning, she just wanted a chance to relax before being ushered to the garden, but when she reached her rooms, they buzzed with activity. Cora and Ellie stopped unpacking her belongings long enough to change Taryn from her coronation gown into a simpler dress of deep blue. She argued that she’d like to dress casually in trousers and a blouse, but the girls held firm that the empress would not approve.

  “Well, I don’t approve of all these dresses.” Taryn sulked as they rearranged her hair to fit a smaller, less elaborate crown. When Taryn objected, Ellie ignored her, affixing it to her head with clips that she expertly hid in Taryn’s hair. Ellie’s obvious excitement at Taryn’s rise in station was marred by Cora’s equally apparent disappointment. Her terseness each time she had to sayHighness didn’t go unnoticed. Not that Taryn cared if Cora liked her, but having a maid living with her, privy to her daily activities, warranted someone who at least respected her.

  Ellie’s enthusiasm slowly enveloped Taryn. Despite her best efforts, she looked forward to the garden party. For Ellie, nothing could be better than becoming a princess. Whereas the crown and title burdened Taryn, Ellie saw it as more than simply being a princess. To her, it was a chance to better her life, and possibly those of Aelinae’s subjects. Ellie saw beyond the card games and gossip to future world leaders. Her rambling gave Taryn something to think about.

  When the girls finished their preparations, they left Taryn to rest and enjoy a quiet tea alone in her sitting room. She fingered the gems on Nadra’s crown, noticing they were the same as the stone Brandt had given her for her birthday. Moonstone and stardust. That’s what Nadra said made up the elaborate headpiece. Taryn held it up, letting it catch the light. The room filled with a dazzling array of colors, and Taryn gasped when she realized it was the night sky she saw reflected on her walls.Keeper of the Stars.

  She put the crown and her sword in a cupboard near the giant bed in her sleeping chamber. In the chaos of the morning, she’d hidden the seal in a cloak pocket, willing it to be weightless and invisible. It was somewhere in the pile of things in the dressing room, but she would have to wait until the others left before she could look for it. In the meantime, she placed several wards over the cupboard. Then she set her looking glass in a place that allowed a view of most of the suite.

  The day was hot and the air still, but a chill pricked the back of her neck and icy trembles ran through her. An unseen forced gripped her soul, at once seducing and suffocating.

  Your time has come, Eirielle. Awaken.

  Taryn spun around, looking for the voice, but she was alone. She left her rooms in a rush, the taunting dogging her every step. Only when she reached the garden did the terrifying voice stop.

  Chapter 26

  NOBLES wandered through the garden, remarking on the cleverness of the empress to hide a daughter while simultaneously questioning the timing of the girl’s reappearance. To hear them speak of Lliandra in such candid tones amused Valterys, as if their words were private and not to be overheard by the Overlord of the West. He pulled the shadows closer around him while following a stumpy courtier and his attractive companion. The thinnest of fabrics covered her overripe body, making Valterys swell with desire. Later, he would find her. For the moment, he needed to focus.

  Taryn had not yet made an appearance, and with each passing moment, his concern grew. She might skip the festivities, no doubt courting the wrath of Lliandra, but the girl was a mystery to him. That made him nervous.

  Zakael and Marissa walked past, oblivious to his presence as he slouched beside the palace wall, hidden from view. Shadows could be manipulated much easier than sunlight, and he’d never been fond of the heat.

  They stopped a short distance away, their voices low and taut. Valterys had to strain to hear and then only caught fragments of their conversation. Marissa stormed away from Zakael before Valterys gleaned anything of importance. The shadows drifted away slowly, making it appear he’d been standing there the entire time. Zakael approached, a smile on his face.

  “What do you think?” Zakael asked. “Will you take her?”

  Valterys watched Marissa bend low toward some noblemen, exposing most of her breasts. “Are you tired of her already? I thought your desire for the crown princess knew no bounds.”

  Zakael followed his gaze. “And you are immune to her charms?”

  “Hardly, but she is of no use to me. I leave you to your amusements with her. Does Lliandra know?”

  “Should I care if she did? It was she who tossed me from her bed, if you’ll recall.”

  Valterys remembered well the reason for Zakael’s banishment from the Crystal Court; his abuse of Lliandra had left her close to death. Her single crime had been miscarrying Zakael’s child. The only reason Zakael still lived was that Valterys had pleaded with his former lover for his son’s life. The venom Lliandra spewed that day, not just about Zakael but about Valterys, as well, bore deep into his core.

  The memory hurt—far more than he cared to acknowledge, and therefore, he ignored it, as usual. Lliandra had waited less than a season after their own child’s death to take Zakael into her bed. He assumed it was to conceive the Eirielle with him, but once he learned of Taryn’s existence—well, the woman could be cruel.

  “I meant Lliandra’s next born,” Zakael cut into his thoughts. “From what Marissa tells me, she has very little power and never uses it. I don’t see how she can be the Eirielle.”

  Valterys had heard the same thing. Never had he known someone with ShantiMari to withhold using it.

  Lliandra stepped in front of them with a slight curtsey, as befit their station. Zakael and Valterys bowed in unison, sweeping their arms out to the side and then kissing her outstretched fingertips. When they rose, each still held the delicate fingers of the empress. Valterys tamped down a rush of jealousy. Although it had been ages since either he or Zakael had bedded Lliandra, the competitive need to best his son never ended. A fact he was certain she used against him.

  Her smile was nearly brighter than the sun. “What are you two planning over here? Should I hide my jewels?”

  “I don’t think you left any in the treasury, Your Majesty,” Valterys joked. Even in the heat of summer, Lliandra wore full gowns with gems dripping from her elaborately coiffed hair to the tips of her silk slippers. She wore the wealth of her position on her person as much as possible. It was a ploy to intimidate, and so he consciously dressed as minimally as possible, wearing only black. His austerity achieved the same results Lliandra sought.

  Zakael razed Lliandra with a look that suggested he’d happily resume his place in her bed if she were to ask. “Empress Lliandra, you look more ravishing today than you have in many seasons. The return of your daughter certainly agrees with you.”

  Lliandra’s eyes flashed a moment before the smile returned. “Won’t you join me in a tour of the garden? There are so many people to receive. It would be a shame to greet them alone when you are here, and many of them long to speak with you.” She held her arm out to Valterys, who took it with a look of triumph cast at his son.

  She made idle talk while they strolled through the crowd of nobles, giving nothing away, but then he really hadn’t expected her to brazenly confess her plans to him. When Taryn arrived, a buzz of excitement spread through the crowd and several nobles clapped at her entrance. Valterys paused in his greeting to an old acquaintance to admire his daughter. Lliandra gave a small gasp, her grip on him faltering. He tightened his fingers over hers, and she smiled gratefully.

  Taryn stood in the doorway of the palace, surrounded by people, but apart from everyone. Wary. Alert. Prince Rhoane approached, and Taryn’s face softened with the same look Lliandra used t
o have when he himself would enter a room. Whether Taryn knew she was in love, he wasn’t certain. She looked shy and unsure of herself. But when Rhoane placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her through the crowd, she stood taller.

  Verdaine’s prophecy held little credence in the West, but Valterys wasn’t so ignorant. Taryn’s fate was tied to the Eleri prince. If he were to succeed in freeing Rykoto, he needed to break their bond.

  “Valterys, are you listening?” Lliandra hissed.

  “I’m sorry, my darling, what were you saying?” The words were out before he could stop them, and Lliandra regarded him with a bemused smile.

  “Never mind.” They moved on to other guests, greeting them or reminiscing about the old days. For a few bells, he was Lord of the Court once more, with Lliandra on his arm. The two greatest powers on Aelinae united as one.

  When Lliandra shyly suggested they retire for a bit of rest, he followed her without complaint and spent a pleasant afternoon in her bed, reliving the delights of her body. Only afterward, when Lliandra scratched a finger down his back, did his senses return, and he remembered the emotional pain she’d caused.Never again, he’d sworn. Yet there he was, in her snare once more.

  When she dismissed him to ready herself for dinner, he was grateful for her brusque manner for once. If it were a ploy of Lliandra’s, he needed to be clearheaded and ready for her next move. She hadn’t asked him to her bed out of any sense of love for him. That was folly. He meandered through the crowd, as inconspicuous as possible, half shadowed out of habit.

  An argument between two of Lliandra’s courtiers caught his attention. A fat little man with sausage fingers and spittle at the corner of his mouth was gesticulating wildly to an attractive woman Valterys remembered seeing with Marissa on several occasions. Interest piqued, he cloaked himself fully in darkness and hovered near enough to hear their words.


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