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The Dark Fae: The Knights of Burana Paranormal Romance Series Book Two

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by T. R. Reilly

  Leanna's chest swelled with pride and she saw Girvyn back up, about to turn and slink away. She could feel fear seeping from him. He's afraid! She thought and weaved her way around the edge of the raging turmoil of the skirmish.

  "Not so fast Girvyn!" she proclaimed, but he hadn't heard her above the clashing of steel and raised voices of the fighting men. She could see he was mouthing something and moving his hands slowly, as she got closer she thought she heard the name Synne. Not being sure what he was up to, she rushed at him ready to cast a spell. He glanced over his shoulder and saw her coming at him with a determined look on her face, he let out a shrill cry, like a wounded animal, waved his hand and vanished. "Damn it!" Leanna said and stamped her foot, behind her she heard the villagers join the fray and a strange silence fell upon the scene, as Girvyn's eight guardsmen turned and fled after their master, streaked with blood, dirt and sweat, one or two of them were nursing minor wounds. Leanna's eyes met Ash's and she felt a wave of relief that he was okay and unscathed. The four knights sheathed their swords, their brows moist with sweat. The villagers hadn't even had chance to enter the fray, before the guardsmen took off. Ash turned to the men and thanked them for their support and placing his hand upon the shoulder of the obvious ring leader, nodded his gratitude to the man. When Ash looked back at Leanna, his face was a tumult of concern and relief, at what she had tried to do. Ash and Roderick were suddenly next to her hurrying her along the path to the cottage.

  "He likes to disappear doesn't he?" Leanna laughed nervously, glancing up at Ash's face as they moved quickly toward the cottage. He looked upset.

  "I think he's unsure of what you can do. Maybe a little afraid" Roderick said, pretending not to notice Ash's anger.

  "I think he's stalling. He can't possibly have enough support here to keep him on the throne." Tarrin broke his silence as he quickly caught up with the three of them.

  "I don't know if he is afraid or if he is up to something, but I mean to find out." Ash responded.

  Leanna and her knights stepped into the cottage and gathered in the sitting room. Roderick and Tarrin glanced at Ash before looking back at each other shaking their heads quietly. All three were a bit out of breath and a little bloody. The smell of male sweat filled the room. Leanna took her seat on the couch and put her hands in her lap, waiting.

  "Leanna, what were you thinking?" Ash's voice was strained as he stood in front of her and glared.

  "I didn't want him to get away again. I..." Leanna said, realizing just how much anger Ash was giving off and feeling a little afraid.

  "It's our job to protect you, not the other way around. You had no business going toward him. What if he'd..." he ran his fingers through his hair over his sweaty brow and then down his face in frustration. Taking a seat on the opposite corner of the sofa, close to Leanna, she noticed he looked a little frazzled and worried. She sensed he had a lot more to say, but was holding back because of the other two knights.

  There was a moment of silence and then Roderick spoke, "We need to do something before he has a chance to gather an army of his own. I say we strike the palace now!" he stepped toward Ash, his hands at his sides, his shoulders back, the adrenaline of battle still glowing on his skin. When Ash didn't respond right away he added, "We could hit the palace early in the morning, before they have a chance to prepare. They won't be expecting us. I can get the men organized this afternoon if you wish." He waited as Ash put his hands on his thighs and sat up straight, lost in thought. Leanna watched as Roderick continued to stare at Ash, she could see concern on his face and wondered if it was because of what she had done, or because of the relationship she was forming with Ash. She shrank in her seat, waiting for someone to decide something. It was Tarrin who broke the silence again, he seemed to have a way of reading people and diffusing situations when they became tense. Leanna had noticed it not long after he became her main guard. He was a good strong fighter, but if he could talk his way out of things peacefully, he would. He said so much with just his facial expressions and could easily be thought of as the strong silent type. He had a lot of respect for Ash and she could see he was treading carefully. Ash rubbed his thighs slowly, glancing at the floor and then up at his men. "Okay Roderick, gather the rest of the knights and we'll attack the palace before sunrise."

  Roderick nodded and stood at attention, a look of relief washing over him. He left the room with Tarrin behind him. As she heard the cottage door close, Leanna felt butterflies in her stomach, knowing what was coming.

  "Leanna?" Ash spoke evenly.

  "Yes?" she could barely find her voice. This was the first time he had gotten angry at her like this and she didn't know what to expect.

  "You'll stay here tomorrow when we take the palace. I'll assign a guard to you so you're not alone."

  That's it? She thought. She had expected more angry words from him. "Okay, look Ash, I..." Leanna began as she leaned forward to touch his knee. Ash stood and stared down at her before she could touch him.

  "You must never try to take Giryvn on alone Leanna. Promise me you will not do anything like that again?" His eyes pleaded along with his voice. "I don't know what I would have done, if anything had of happened to you." He closed his lips, pressing them into a thin line. He was clearly unable to deal with her right now, she thought.

  "I know...I'm sorry. I didn't think. It won't happen again." She stood and put her arms around Ash's waist, pressing her face to his chest before he had time to step away. Putting his arms around her, he pulled her close and sighed. After a moment or two, Leanna pulled back, as if remembering something. Opening her mouth to speak, the thought left as quickly as it came and she went back to hugging Ash. They stood in silence for several minutes as Leanna felt Ash's energy calm and become warm toward her again. She wondered if he realized how unafraid she'd been when she approached Girvyn, she had surprised even herself. She knew things were about to get very messy and she needed Ash to know that she felt confident in her abilities, at least enough to keep herself safe if she had to. Ash leaned down and pushing her away slightly he made it clear that he had been reading her mind again, "Leanna, you ARE strong and VERY capable. I have no doubt that you can look after yourself. You must understand that I am your knight and sworn to keep you safe. Imagine how it would look if you got injured or worse, when I am right there beside you. Your actions took me by surprise, I'm sorry I got so upset." He held her head as he kissed her face and moved to kiss her lips. Leanna pressed against him, feeling his kiss get deeper and more passionate. Reaching to put her arms around his neck, she felt Ash's breathing change and wondered if he was going to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom. He laughed as he kissed her and pulled his head back when she raised her eyebrows, going slightly pink in the face. "My god, Leanna is that all you think about?" he asked with a sexy grin.

  "Have you seen YOU in a mirror Ash?" she asked cheekily. "You're lucky I haven't jumped you when you're sleeping."

  Ash laughed and covered his eyes with one hand, "Leanna, you are incorrigible, you know that?"


  Ash had barely slept, filled with anticipation about the hours that lay ahead.

  "Ash?" Leanna's voice spoke softly, bringing him back to the moment. He rolled over to touch her face.

  "Yes my love?" his fingers gently caressing her cheek as she turned to face him.

  "Have you slept at all?" Leanna asked with concern.

  "A little, but don't worry, adrenaline will keep me going today." He smiled weakly, hoping that were true.

  Leanna leaned in and kissed Ash, "Please be careful today" she said as she placed a hand on his waist.

  Ash could feel her concern, but didn't want her to know that he too was worried about what Girvyn had in store for him and his knights. Rising up on one elbow he smoothed her hair down, tucking a few strands behind her ear. "I will be fine, our men will be fine. Girvyn doesn't have many on his side. Soon the throne will be yours my Queen."

  He smiled and l
eaned to kiss her forehead before turning to get up out of bed. The sun would be up soon, and he was sure his men would be waiting outside for him. He grabbed some fresh clothing and his sword, before leaving the room to get changed and readied for battle.

  When Ash reached his front door and opened it, all of the queens knights were waiting. He joined them outside to prepare putting their plan into action.

  "Tarrin, stay here with Leanna. Don't let her leave until I return." He said firmly, as Tarrin bowed his head silently and stepped into the cottage.

  Ash gathered the seven other knights he knew he could trust, those closest to him, Roderick, Griffith, Cage, Leith, Kane, Alain and Lange, their loyalty he knew he could depend upon. The seven knights made their way to the palace, the two knights at the gate knew them and allowed them to pass. They crossed the moat and through the towering heavy gates, entered the long hallway. One of Girvyns guards stepped out from the throne room. "Are you here to apologize for your actions against your King yesterday?" Asked the gruff sounding guard.

  "Apologize? I don't think so and I don't even recognize you or your authority here in my Queens palace," snapped Ash with obvious contempt.

  "Then you had better leave while you can still walk out of here," snarled the guardsman back, grasping the hilt of his sword.

  "One guard against eight of us?" Smirked Ash, "I don't give much to your chances." There was the sound of more rushing feet behind the lone guardsmen, as more men rushed out into the hallway behind him. Now the knights were outnumbered, as the hall was filled with at least twenty burly dark armored guardsmen. There was an almost musical ringing of steel as the guards drew their swords. Ash looked to his left and right as his knights moved up to flank him, they too drew their swords and the combatants closed the gap between them with a rush. The first guardsman, the man that had spat the challenge at Ash charged headlong at him, his sword waving above his head, Roderick stepped in front to block his passage to Ash, but the guard hefted his shield and crashed into the young knight and sent him hurtling to the ground, Ash tightened his grip on his sword and prepared himself for the impact of the running man. The guards sword swung down towards Ash's blond head, moving with speed and grace, Ash parried the blow, the loud clash and ring of steel, making his ears hurt, the guard grunted loudly placing his full weight behind the blow, Ash used it to his advantage and allowed the downward momentum of the guards sword to carry him forward, after Ash parried the blow he side stepped, brought his own sword upward in a straight thrust and caught the guardsman in the side. The guards own weight and momentum coupled with Ash's strength drove the blade deep, he felt bone shatter as the blade went in up to the hilt. The guard looked round at Ash, his eyes filled with hatred, that gave way to a look of shock and wonderment, then they went blank, he let out a moan as his life left him and he slumped to the ground, sliding off of the blade.

  Roderick picked himself up, just as an Axe swung past his head, narrowly missing him, he felt the draft of the blade move his hair and in a fluidly upward arc he thrust his sword up into the guards ribcage. The battle raged throughout the hallway, two more knights loyal to Ash and Leanna rushed in from the moat to join the battle. Ash turned to see the first knight, Dray was his name, enter the battle and leave it just as quickly as one of Girvyn's men stepped from behind him and buried his axe blade deeply into the knights spine, his sword dropped from his hand and a puzzled look came across his face, Ash heard his last thought, one of surprise that he hadn't even seen the attacker from behind him, as his life force left him. Ash and the knights pushed onward with their attack, Roderick and Ash hacking down two more of Girvyn's guards as they fought their way into the Throne room, expecting to find the skulking self proclaimed King there, all they met were three more guardsmen. The two knights quickly prepared themselves for battle with the guardsmen. Two of the Guards were nearer to Ash and as one they lunged at the knight with their weapons ready, one had an unwieldy double headed axe, while the other had a broadsword and shield. Roderick looked on as the two guardsmen lunged, he quickly decapitated the guardsman before him, as the remaining two flanked Ash, one in front the other behind, the axeman raised his two handed axe and as Ash engaged sword to sword with the front guard, the axeman prepared to bury his axe head in Ash's back. Roderick readied himself, he knew he couldn't close the distance in time, so dropping his shield, he grasped his sword handle in both hands, raised the sword over his head and flung the sword at the axeman, just as the guard reached the top of his swing, about to begin the downward plunge, Roderick's sword hit him squarely beneath the left shoulder, the sword point slicing into the axeman's heart, killing him before he even knew he'd been hit. The man crumpled to the ground and as Ash buried his sword deep into the guardsman in front of him, he looked to Roderick, again his best friend had saved his life. Ash nodded his thanks and Roderick nodded back with a canny grin. From there they made their way back to the hallway again joining the raging battle there. The flagstone floor was starting to get slick with blood, as the two knights made their way toward the dining hall and the stairs up toward the upper level, where they expected to find Girvyn.

  Leith ran his sword through the guardsman that was blocking his way, behind the dying man two more guardsmen bolted down the stairwell in the rear right hand corner of the kitchen, Leith pursued them, hoping they would lead the way to Girvyn, who had so far been absent from the battle. The first guard turned at the top of the stairwell to block Leith's passage down. The guard had two curved scimitar blades in his hands and as he came at the knight he twirled the blades proficiently and skillfully, swinging the deadly blades close to his face and head. Leith side stepped the guard and parried one of the curved blades with his shield and swung his own sword in an upward arc to parry the second blade. He knew he had to work fast against this whirling dervish, or he would succumb to one of the two blades, he had to somehow disarm one of the swords from his opponent. Again and again the guardsman came at him swinging the two curved blades with grace and elegance. Each time Leith managed to parry the blows. Finally the opening he was looking for happened, as the guardsman spun the blades, Leith parried early and the edge of his shield caught the guards fingers. He yelled out as one of the two scimitars clattered to the ground and his whole fluid motion was disrupted, Leith spun quickly to drive home the advantage plunging his sword deep into the guards abdomen. The guard stopped, coughed blood and dropped like a rock to the ground, dead. Leith took off down the stairwell after the second guard. He reached the bottom of the stairwell and to his horror, he stumbled into the guardsman under going a dramatic and terrifying transformation.

  "He's a shape-shifter!" Leith exclaimed to himself, "What kind of darkness is this?" The large brute turned to face him, grunted, then set off down the hallway, it's broad cloven hoofed feet carrying it with incredible speed. Leith turned the corner after the beast and entered the hallway where the cells and barracks were. He walked slowly and warily down the hallway. His eyes widened when he saw what the shape-shifter was changing into. "What have you done?" was all he could say when from behind him he felt a sword blade pierce his back. He looked down in shock, at the tip of the blade protruding through his stomach. He heard a deep growl behind him, then everything went black.

  In Girvyns bedchamber, Ash searched the room quickly. "Damn it! Where is he" he said aloud as a few of the other knights joined him in the room.

  "Looks like he's disappeared again Sir!" Cage stated. "I'll check outside and see if anyone has seen him" Ash nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow and pushing back his hair that was stuck to his face. Turning to the men that were with him he gave them further instructions. "Griffith, secure the rest of this floor" Griffith nodded and left the room. "Kane, you and Lange check the lower floor below the kitchen." They too nodded and left the room quickly. Ash and Roderick continued to search the room thoroughly. Moments later Lange ran into the room, looking distressed.

  "Ash, come quickly, Leith has been injured"

p; "Where is he?"

  "Lower level, near the cells...he's unconscious and there is a lot of blood" he said grimly.

  The men hurried down the hall.

  "Is there anyone down there with him?" Ash asked as they made their way to the stairs.

  "I left Kane with, Ash?" his face went pale.

  They both stopped on the stairs, Roderick almost slamming into them.

  "What? What is it Lange?" Ash was concerned now. He had a strong feeling of foreboding.

  "It's...let's just get to Leith, Sir." He said, pushing past Ash and hurrying down the stairs and through the dining room to the kitchen stairwell that led to the lower levels. Ash couldn't help it, he started to shake slightly. Not enough that he felt anyone would notice. It was more as if he was about to get some really bad news. He knew his men counted on him and his healing abilities, so he pushed the feeling aside and hurried to Leith. Kane was standing outside one of the rooms, pointing to the bed inside where they had placed Leith. Ash knelt next to him and removed the linens that Kane had used to stop the wound from bleeding. Kane hovered around Leith at the head of the bed while Roderick moved into the room and stood on the opposite side of the bed. Ash closed his eyes, his lips moving silently as he rubbed his palms. Then placing his hands on Leith, he visualized the healing energy coming from his hands and entering Leith's wound. After a few moments he could see in his mind, the closing of the wound inside. The bleeding from the wound halting. Then opening his eyes he pressed the outer edges of the wound together and holding it with one hand he reached into a little pouch he had tied to his sword belt, he pinched a small amount of a powdery substance. Rubbing it on the wound he watched as it sealed off the opening, leaving only a scar and the blood that was congealed and drying around the wound itself. The men looked on with admiration as their villages greatest healer and strongest knight, did what he did best. After a few moments, Leith's eyes opened. Ash let go of the huge breath he'd been holding and looked at Leith.


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