Beautiful Monster: a standalone age-gap romance

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Beautiful Monster: a standalone age-gap romance Page 15

by Sara Cate

  “Are you okay?” he asks, dropping his forehead to mine and keeping his hips still as he presses himself as far into my body as it will go.

  I nod, tilting my hips up to accommodate him. Slowly, he backs out and thrusts in again.

  “Oh my god,” he groans.

  When he does it again and again, these slow but powerful and deliberate thrusts, I am breathless and lost in this new lust.

  His eyes squeeze shut with every pumping motion, and I never want his body to leave mine. I could explore this new feeling for hours. I want to feel him inside me and know this new sensation, but as he slams into me harder and harder, gripping my hair in his hands as he places a kiss on my forehead, I know neither of us will last long. I’m already lost in this new deep pleasure spreading through my body.

  “Don’t stop,” I gasp, reaching up for his kiss again. My fingers claw at his back, feeling the sheen of sweat there as he picks up speed.

  He calls my name as he buries his face into my neck, his fist still clutching my hair as the other engulfs me in a tight embrace. We are glued to each other, lost in a trail of ecstasy when he finally lets out a guttural roar, slamming into me so hard my body seizes again, the warmth exploding between my legs.

  My thighs squeeze around him as I feel him pulling away. “Not yet,” I beg.

  Before he can move, I look down at the connection between us, the blood streaked condom still buried halfway inside of my body.

  “Are you okay?” he asks when he sees me looking.

  All I have to do is look up at him and my face splits into a smile, moisture filling my eyes even though I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life. A tear falls down the side of my face toward the bed. He kisses the trail it leaves, his lips eventually finding mine.

  “Alex,” I breathe, my voice coming out like a sob.


  “I want to do it again.” Biting my lip, I run my hands down the length of his body. There is still so much of it I have left to explore. So many things I still want to experience and no one else in the world I want to experience them with.

  He laughs, resting his head on my chest. “Give me a minute, rain cloud. I’m not as young as I once was.”

  After he gets up to clean himself up and throw away the condom, I curl up under the covers on his side and reach down to feel myself. There is a new sensitivity down there, and the idea of being sore tomorrow actually excites me.

  As he walks back to bed, I find myself staring. His body is so perfect, sculpted and weathered, but still so ruggedly gorgeous, and I’m pinching myself. I just spent my first fucking time with Alexander Caldwell.


  Standing in the bathroom, I try not to look in the mirror. I swore to myself three months ago that I wouldn't do what I just did. Funny thing is that I don’t feel like I let anyone down.

  Sunny doesn’t see the same person that I see in my reflection. And I don’t know which version to believe.

  As I crawl back into bed with her, I plant a kiss on her lips, but she doesn’t let me pull away. She fuses our mouths, sucking my lip between her teeth.

  “You’re not too sore?” I ask against her mouth.

  “I want to be sore,” she answers, skating her fingers down my chest to my stomach.

  “Just take it easy, baby.” I rest on my back, pulling her against my chest. “We have plenty of time.”

  Propping herself up on her elbow, I take in the way she looks with her sex hair, tousled and sticking up in different directions. I can’t stop from kissing her lips again.

  “I know that look on your face,” she says, her eyes squinting as she stares at me.

  I try to force a smile but nothing comes. “What look is that?”

  “You’re beating yourself up again.”

  Taking a deep breath, I run my hands through my hair. With Sunny, it’s like I feel everything with more intensity. Nothing is easy or mild. “I’m not beating myself up, rain cloud. I’m just trying to be cautious. If we blaze through everything, we want to do…”

  “You’re afraid you’ll get sick of me.”

  My chest deflates. “I could never get sick of you.”

  For the first time, it feels true, and I’m not proud of how many times I’ve promised a girl forever. This is the only time I actually mean it. Loving Sunny is real, natural, like I was supposed to be doing it years ago. Although I’m not quite ready to say it. This is new territory for me, and the paranoia is there. What if I give her everything I have and I run out of interest, passion, love?

  Pulling her naked body against mine, I let my hands roam the landscape, trying to memorize every slope and valley, pinching the buds of her nipples and squeezing her round flesh in my hands. She starts to writhe under my touch, and I’m torn between wanting to rest and trying not to spend all of this new lust at once—but also feeling unable to keep my hands off of her.

  Placing a kiss on her nose, I reach for the bedside lamp. “Let’s get some sleep.”

  “I don’t need sleep,” she whispers across the darkness.

  “Well, this old guy does, and I want to have the energy to do this all day long tomorrow. So, sleep.”

  “Fine,” she answers with a yawn. Nestled against my side, she breathes softly against my neck as I drift off.

  Somewhere in the middle of the night, I wake to her movement next to me. Against the silhouette of the window, I watch her stand from the bed and pull on my T-shirt. Without a word, she disappears from the bedroom, leaving me alone in the darkness. Pulling on a pair of boxers, I quietly follow behind her.

  I don’t disturb her as she climbs the scaffolding with a pencil in her hands. I’ve watched her do this so many times now, sketch out the plans onto the wall, filling the grids with detail and delicate lines.

  Watching silently from the door, I drink in the sight of her sketching in the dim light of the work lamp that shines onto the white wall. Her bare ass peeks out from the bottom of my shirt, and my cock stiffens in my shorts as I stare at her.

  I want to take her back to bed and get lost in her body again, but I can’t disrupt what she’s working on. There’s nothing I’d rather do than watch her work, deep in her own visions.

  When she takes a small break to stretch, I catch her touching herself again, and I know she’s just checking the raw skin there. Does she feel different? The thought stirs something carnal in me.

  There’s a package of rubbers in the kitchen junk drawer, so I grab one, hiding it in my hand as I walk out to the pool house. She freezes when she hears me enter.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she mumbles, looking at me over her shoulder.

  “I couldn't either once you left me.” I walk directly up to the platform that puts her at just the right height to kiss her back, run my hands over her bare legs.

  “I’m sorry,” she pants as my fingers fill the space where hers were just buried. She’s already wet for me. Spinning her body around to face me, I pull her ass to the edge of the platform and lick up the arousal pooling there.

  Moaning, she drapes her legs over my shoulders, grabbing onto the bars of the scaffolding for support. Sucking and nibbling at the raw skin around her clit, she shifts her weight until she’s practically levitating off the platform.

  I bury my tongue inside of her, and all I can hear are her cries of pleasure.

  “I need to be inside you,” I growl, pulling her off the surface and carrying her toward the counter as she hangs limply off my shoulders.

  “I need it too,” she breathes.

  When I set her down gently, she quickly takes my lips in hers, tasting her flavor there and moaning against my mouth. Quickly, I rip open the condom, desperate to fill her up.

  This time, I ease in smoothly, gliding all the way in as she watches. Jesus, it turns me on how much she likes to look.

  It nearly strangles my cock as I pump inside of her, so tight and wet. I could keep this perfect little pussy forever and never want for anything, but how long w
ill Sunny want me? The novelty will eventually wear off for her, and by the time she’s my age, I’ll be sixty. Will she find me so sexy then? Will she still want me or will she move on to someone younger? Better?

  Growling against her open mouth, I slam into her again. It hurts to think of anyone else here. Another man fucking my Sunny.

  “Harder,” she gasps, clutching onto my neck, and I oblige.

  “Who do you belong to, baby?” I pull her off the counter, hanging her legs from my hands as I pound her gentle flesh, her moans growing louder and higher.

  “You, Alex. I’m yours, all yours.” Her voice is so strained I know she’s close.

  “That’s my girl.” I feel her coming, pulsing around my cock, and it practically milks the cum out of me.

  Trailing my lips down her face to her mouth, I carry her back to bed, both of us still panting. This time, I don’t have a hard time sleeping.


  The music is blaring, so loud I can’t even hear her voice when she talks to me, but she’s trying to tell me something, a smile plastered on her face from ear to ear. She has on so much makeup that I almost don’t recognize her. The strobe light overhead flashes, and with every glow, I see the face of a different girl I’ve screwed in this club. For a moment, it even changes to her mother, then her sister, before it’s her again, writhing up against my body, looking so happy it chills me to the bone.

  Suddenly, we’re in the bathroom, and I’m banging her against the stall. Her face is pressed against the filthy white-tile wall as I pound into her from behind. Someone is calling my name, but I just want to come before I leave. When I pull her face up to kiss her, she turns away, keeping her lips from me, so that all I can make out is the streaks of filth from the wall and her eyeliner across her cheeks. I know that if she would just look at me or let me kiss her, I would come, and I’m starting to get frustrated.

  No matter how fast or hard I pump, nothing happens.

  Just when I feel the climax in my reach, my eyes fly open.

  I’m flooded with that sense of relief when I realize it was just a dream. The guilt lingers, though.

  Sunny’s naked body is still molded to mine, silent and sleeping.

  I hear a familiar voice calling again from somewhere outside the bedroom. When I hear the front door open and close, I bolt upright.

  “Alexander,” the call comes again as I hear them set down bags in the hallway.

  Jesus, why can’t she just knock?

  Sunny stirs but doesn’t wake. I climb out of bed hiding my throbbing erection as I grab my clothes and throw them on. The voice starts to fade, and I know she’s going out to the patio and pool house.

  Finally, my erection subsides, and I run out behind her, finding my sister standing in the middle of the room, staring not at the artwork on the wall but the underwear discarded on the floor and the open condom wrapper sitting next to it. Not far from there is a watered-down glass of bourbon from last night.


  She turns to see me, the look of disappointment obvious on her face.

  “Is she still here?” she asks, walking past me in a rush.

  “That’s none of your fucking business, Charlotte,” I bark at her, following her into the house.

  “Oh my god,” she gasps as we both turn the corner to find Sunny walking out of the bedroom in only her underwear. I run toward her, covering her body with mine as she stares at the woman standing in my living room. Her jaw opens as she glares at me.

  Quickly, I turn Sunny toward the bedroom and shut the door behind us.

  “Don’t panic,” I mutter, grabbing her something to wear from the folded laundry on the dresser. “She’s my sister.”

  “What is she doing here?” she asks, taking the clothes but not moving to put them on.

  “She likes to control my life and walking into my house is just one of her ways of acting like my mother. It’s complicated,” I say, kissing her on the forehead.

  “I’m going to shower,” she mumbles, covering her face with her hands.

  “Don’t be embarrassed.” Pulling her into a hug, I crush her mouth with mine, feeling her body soften. I’m tempted to push her against this counter and fill her up again. The poor girl has to be sore and needs a break.

  After pulling away, I say, “Enjoy your shower. I’ll have coffee and properly introduce you when you’re done.”

  “Okay,” she answers, biting her lip.

  Leaving her is hard. Her perfect naked body is my new favorite thing to look at, and she’s climbing into that big shower where I know there’s plenty of room for two.

  When I get to the living room, I don’t look my sister in the eye.

  “Jesus, Alexander,” she mutters.

  “Don’t start.” As I fill the coffee pot, I ignore my sister’s presence behind me, looking around my house like it belongs to her. It doesn’t matter that I’m forty. She will always try to control me, convince me I’m a fuck-up.

  “Just answer this one question, and I’ll drop it.”

  I don’t answer.

  “She’s legal...right?”

  “Fucking A, Charlotte!” Slamming the coffee pot on the counter, I’m surprised it doesn't shatter.

  “You can’t blame me for asking. She looks young enough to be your kid, Alex.”

  “So, what if she is?” I argue back.

  “You moved here to settle down, remember? Not start banging teenagers.”

  “It’s not like that, Charlotte. Sunny’s a sweet girl.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worried about,” she stutters before walking away.

  Seething, I finish loading the coffee pot. My phone buzzes from the counter where it’s been plugged all night. Reaching over I notice there are a bunch of notifications, mostly social media alerts.

  “You and your new friend were spotted on a jog yesterday. You’re lucky they didn’t catch you doing whatever you were doing in that pool house. Maybe invest in some curtains before they do.”

  My heart stops, remembering Sunny prancing around my backyard fully naked. I don’t answer her as I open my phone, seeing the pics of me tagged all over Instagram. Sunny hugging my side as I smile down at her. We look like a comfortable couple. The caption below our picture reads, “Caldwell and his barely-legal new suburban catch.”

  I want to throw up. I guess I should be glad there aren’t any of her from the pool house.

  The comments don’t get any prettier.

  He’s fucked everything in the city. Recruiting them straight out of high school now.

  He’s old enough to be her dad. That’s just disgusting.

  Poor girl. Get out now!

  Shutting the screen, I toss it onto the counter. I know how this part goes. They’ll call me every name in the book, but in the end, they’ll hail me as a lady’s man, but Sunny will live with this label forever.

  “Have you unpacked anything?” Charlotte calls from the dining room.

  “Get off my back.”

  Just then, I hear the quiet steps coming out of the bedroom. Sunny is in her long cotton dress with her wet hair draped over her shoulder. My shoulders immediately soften when I see her, remembering how it felt to hold her body in my arms last night, fucking her against the counter when she told me she was mine.

  I know I should feel like shit, giving into something I tried so hard to avoid, but I don’t. I feel good, and I can’t tell if it’s false hope, but this time is different than any time before.

  Sunny is different.

  We’re different.

  She smiles at me, ready to walk into my arms until my sister enters the room.

  “You must be Sunny,” my sister says, holding out a hand and a fake smile. “Sorry about barging in on you earlier. My brother failed to mention that he had company.”

  “She’s not company,” I say, the words coming out without hesitance.

  Sunny’s eyes find mine.

  “What’s that?”Charlotte asks, looking like I just g
ut punched her.

  “Sunny’s been staying with me. For over a month now.”



  Finally, Sunny closes the distance and steps into my arms, kissing me with her warm soft lips. I’m about two seconds away from telling my sister to fuck off when she clears her throat.

  “Coffee’s ready,” she says quietly, looking away.

  Sunny smiles as she reaches for a coffee cup. I run my fingers through her wet hair, feeling my sister’s eyes on me.

  In my heart, I know she’s just jealous. My sister took on the role of parent after ours died. She felt the need to be the responsible one while I filled the opposite role. It was a little exhausting.

  Charlotte never married. Well, I guess you could say she married her job. It didn’t matter that our parents left us loaded. My sister still managed a full-ride scholarship, law school, took the bar, and started her own firm, only adding to her exorbitant wealth. Why anyone would put so much time and energy into making that kind of money when you already had it was beyond me.

  “How did you two meet?” she asks, sitting at the bar with her coffee.

  “I live in the house behind this one,” Sunny answers, and I shoot her a glare. Not because I don’t want my sister knowing where Sunny lives but because I hate when she does that. Reduces herself to my neighbor, instead of the artist I hired. I heard her do the same thing with her dad, and judging by the way he treated her, I have a feeling she’s used to being belittled.

  Resting my hand on her back, I look toward my sister. “Sunny is a very talented artist. I hired her to paint a mural out back.” Gesturing to the pool house, I watch the recognition dawn on my sister’s face.

  “You did that?” Her eyes are wide, and I feel a moment of pride.

  “I’m planning a big press release when it’s done. Have a couple influencer friends of mine come out and do a piece on her. She’ll be the busiest artist in Pineridge by Christmas.”

  Sunny’s head snaps to face me. “You didn’t tell me that,” she deadpans. I see the panic settle itself behind her eyes, and I lean in to kiss her forehead, but she doesn’t relax much.


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