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Descent Into Darkness (Written Pictures #1)

Page 28

by H. A. Kotys

  “Oh yeah, I forgot to also add, I sprinkled a little grit in each boot. I thought you’d like that touch.” Katarina sounded at her most angelic. It was the grit that now bit and ground into toes that were already crushed into boots a size too small. Sharp, coarse stones found their way between Raven’s toes to torture the delicate skin, compounding the prickly acid of the nettle stings.

  It was an excruciating agony of such poetic simplicity but each time Raven adjusted to keep her balance and pride, pain shot up the leg she’d jabbed down. She was torn between the gunshot of pain that just got more intense with each adjustment and the humiliation of choosing to kneel before Jade.

  A third option flashed to mind and with a gagged cry Raven launched off agonised toes, grimly lurching toward Jade. She only made it three strides though before the shock from the collar had her stagger and shoot a foot back to brace herself. The jag of pain up her leg caused her knee to buckle but she pushed off again. She wouldn’t give up.

  Two more steps forward and the collar intensified. Mitted hands thumped against it, causing the assembled women to laugh. The swing of Raven’s arms affected her centre of balance and she stumbled forward again, throwing out a foot only to be rewarded with what felt like the slash of a knife up the entire length of her leg.

  Three small steps to adjust and rebalance and the shocks from her collar only got worse. Sweat pouring beneath her catsuit, Raven dropped first to one knee, then onto two to relieve the stabbing in her toes.

  “Didn’t I tell you that we swapped round the polarity of your collar?” Jade explained with a saccharin-sweet smile across her lips, but none in her eyes. “That must really smart,” she continued, taking a step closer on her final word.

  Raven. Proud, vain and destructively seductive, knelt before Jade.

  Jade was triumphant. “Now that’s worth two million.”

  CHAPTER LIX – Boxing Clever

  Their two million dollar asset was on all fours, head bowed, trying not to scream to the pain from her collar and lacerated toes. She certainly didn’t look to be worth that kind of money now, but all knew it was her reputation as much as her body that underpinned the fee.

  Jade took a step closer and Raven shot a balled hand up to her neck to staunch the shocks. A second step and she collapsed onto an elbow, panting and groaning into her gag. A third put Raven’s face to the floor, a desperate move to push her head lower, further away from the control.

  Her breathing panted out in her personal purgatory and Raven rolled onto her side, eyes screwed tightly shut. “Bring her if you would please ladies,” requested Jade. “Keep her close to me,” she added, making doubly sure that Raven would remain in a manageable state. Never had the adage been truer – keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

  Dutifully, Mela and Katarina picked Raven up and followed close on the heels of the triumphal Jade who seemed to walk now with that extra sway of confidence. Amber did the best she could to keep up behind.

  The strong grip of Mela and Katarina would truck no resistance so Raven waited, trying to keep her senses from scrambling as the shocks wracked her body. Four to one odds weren’t good, not with hands and feet handicapped in mitts and ballet boots but she would try, she just had to try. She couldn’t be taken down by two slaves, a weak submissive and a reject but the shocks were unrelenting and it was all she could do to not to lose consciousness as they wound down corridors.

  The strange looking group finally turned the last corner, entering what Raven had always termed ‘The Ready Room’. Jade had been hard at work as the rest had inflicted their initial preparations on Raven. It was also clear that the special instructions were quite complex and specific. Nevertheless, they would be precisely met.

  There were additional touches though that were obviously born of Jade’s creative mind, the most obvious being the sticker plastered across the waiting crate. ‘Caution - Wild Animal in Transit’. A prudent warning perhaps as when Raven saw what her fate was to be, she pulled frantically against her captors grip.

  They weren’t going to relinquish her though and fingers buried themselves into the muscles of Raven’s upper arms to drag her forward.

  She was pulled through the open side of the crate and stood within its three upright walls, each no more than a meter high, then released to balance on her toes. She tried to walk but had to shoot an arm down to arrest her near-fall.

  When Raven pushed off again it was Mela who stepped forward. A simple nudge to her thigh rocked Raven backwards and Mela smirked, bending to kneel in a pose so familiar. This was no sign of respect though. It was pure functionality and, never losing eye contact with the woman she had formerly served, Mela pushed her further back into the crate. Chains were swiftly locked to each ankle and run back through eyebolts on the floor. Raven stomped and tried to kick out like a startled thoroughbred.

  The woman secure, Mela lowered her head. Kneeling with thighs together, hands down, it was a look of pure submission and had Raven pause. Hope flickered across Raven’s eyes, perhaps the girl was still hers.

  When Mela’s eyes crawled back up, the last open side of the crate rose in shaking hands. Her time as Raven’s submissive was still so fresh that for a moment Mela had second thoughts, but she couldn’t go back. The catch clicked shut, corralling Raven within four wooden walls.

  She was going nowhere now. She couldn’t lift her legs, chained as they were and even if she could she would most likely topple without hands to aid her attempt.

  Mela rose to her feet and reached over the top of the wooden crate. Invasive hands, slave hands, ran up Raven’s body from mid-thigh, over the flare of her hips, into the nip of her waist before bringing them to rest on her breasts.

  It was humiliating in the extreme to feel Mela’s brazen touch. She hadn’t allowed it and the feel of small hands running over her caused a deep revulsion. Raven flailed out with her arms to knock Mela’s away.

  It distorted her balance and, unable to compensate by adjusting her chained feet, Raven fell doubled over the edge of the crate, useless hands scrabbling to push her back upright.

  “That is just so inviting.” The smack of Katarina’s hand on Raven’s butt echoed around the room.

  “Encore! Encore!” cried Amber and a second slap landed just as fiercely on Raven’s other flank, jolting her into the rough edge of the wooden crate. Raven leant on the edge, desperate to lever herself up but each time she managed to balance a balled hand, Amber knocked it off as if swatting away a fly.

  Katarina meanwhile got to work to Raven’s vulnerable rear, finding the end of the double two-way zip at the top of her butt cheek.

  Momentarily Raven froze but guessing what may come next she redoubled her efforts to stand, only to be denied each time by Amber’s giggling swat.

  The zip was tugged lower, exposing Raven to what was to come. It came quickly in the form of a hard object which jostled past her cheeks to then press against her sphincter. Its passing seemed to scorch a path and, as it was held there, Raven began feeling an uncomfortable heat building.

  “Ralgex and itching powder in case you were wondering,” explained Katarina, who started to push harder. Raven clenched tight but with a little extra pressure, the plug slid inside and settled into place.

  The deep seated heat already began to register in stark contrast to the cold benwa balls that were now pushed inside. Her eyes bulged in horror at the polarised sensations invading her. “Yup,” explained Katarina. “Straight from the icebox, and probably the ones you used on me.”

  Satisfied, Katarina yanked the zipper back up. A patronising pat on Raven’s rump was joined by similarly patronising words. “You took that so well, good girl.” Anger. Shame. Arousal. Fear. Each feeling unwelcome but all cavorted in Raven’s head.

  It was Amber’s turn next and perched on the edge of the crate behind Raven, she waited for her to move. Sure enough, Raven tried to right herself again. With nobody knocking her stumped hands off the edge, Raven was able to lev
er herself to stand.

  Upright it was easy and Amber slipped a perspex mask over Raven’s face. Multiple straps welded the faceplate across the features of her captive. Raven flailed back, thudding on Amber’s leg, ineffectually targeting her damaged knee. Padded blows all missed and Raven was soon fitted with the mask that would allow her to breathe when sealed in the crate.

  Raven’s arms still flailed but the clumsy efforts were easy to avoid. Amber swung her legs out and hopped clear, leaving Mela to work. Efficiency was all and Mela quickly hooked an oxygen cylinder to a belt she tightened around Raven’s waist, twisting the hose attachment to secure the connection.

  She stood back to watch. The reaction would be quick. Raven’s mask flexed and bowed inward, drawn in as Raven tried to inhale.

  Her eyes widened - the air was stoppered by a valve. An almost imperceptible mewl escaped from the twin coverings of gag and mask. Balled hands thudded down on the side of the crate, trying to win the attention of the women who now chatted amiably around her like a group of friends out shopping together.

  “Oh shit, sorry love, I forgot to turn it on,” remarked Mela with mock horror, lips twitching into a mischievous smile. Jade just wanted to hug her new girl.

  A twist of the knurled knob finally released the flow and Raven drew air in deeply, causing her chest to heave heavily in and out. “Look Mistress, she’s displaying for you,” said Mela with a wink.

  Jade stepped forward, approaching the distressed captive. Her eyes were fixed on Raven’s which darted back and forth looking for respite, any respite. There was none to be had. The shock from her collar increased with each inch of Jade’s approach. “Now, show me how you kneel to your betters.”

  Jade took a large stride forward. The intensity of shocks from the collar had Raven afraid it would fry her alive. There was no choice. She could feel her hidden cheeks burning in rage and humiliation but arms stretched out onto the front of the crate for balance, Raven slowly sank to her knees before the woman she had displaced.

  It took the brutal edge off the pain from her collar but others took its place. The latex catsuit stretched tightly across her rear and plunged the twin intruders deeper still, while the grit in her boots slid into new positions and scraped against already inflamed skin.

  Too much to bear, Raven kicked her legs up and down, beating the floor of the crate in tortured frustration. There was nothing she could do to stem the tide.

  Her arms were pulled behind her and clipped together. A feathery touch on her side told her that they still weren’t finished. Raven sucked from the tank. She hated the air tainted with smell of the rubber hose. She hated being controlled. She hated the laughing. She hated them.

  A webbing strap tightened over her back, trapping her arms and in turn securing her tightly to the floor of the crate. Tighter and tighter it went, biting into flesh until she was glad of the little protection the catsuit provided. It squeezed her chest uncomfortably against her thighs and was ratcheted tight.

  Jade leaned in close, oh how she was loving this. She placed something into the crate, behind Raven, out of her sight. “That’s a rat, might even be a relative of yours. She’s bursting to give birth, in fact she’s due in the next couple of hours.” Jade allowed the horror of a phobia to settle on Raven.

  “There’s no food in there. Rats will do anything to survive. Sound familiar?” Amber looked to Katarina, amused.

  “Perhaps they will start with your air hose and you suffocate in there. Maybe they will take a liking to gnawing on you. Just know that at some point, if you feel something scuttling within your crate, it may be the death of you. You just won’t know how.”

  Raven’s eyes were wild. “Half of the payment was upfront. We already have more than enough.”

  And with that, Jade flicked the switch on the box she’d intimated was a rat and placed it behind Raven while Mela secured an extra battery pack to Raven’s belt and coupled it to the collar’s rear. Earplugs now pushed into Raven’s ears would supress any sound.

  Alone in the dark with no other sensory input, minds will fill the void. Jade knew that Raven’s would play tricks on her and smiled, knowing the mental disintegration that alone would bring to even the sharpest brain.

  As the lid was closed, Jade said a silent goodbye to the bane of her life and to Michael Immelmann, her lost love.

  ‘This Way Up, Wild Animal In Transit’ implored the stickers on the side of the crate. It was Mela that stepped forward, smiling impishly as she peeled off the label and slapped it back the wrong way up. “She won’t like that either.”

  Katarina’s grin said it all. She had the honour of driving in the nails, a closure of both crate and her own ordeal. She did so with relish, remembering her own feelings of helpless despair in a similar crate.

  It was the end. As she drove in the last nail with the final hammer strike, Katarina let out a whoop of satisfaction. She had Raven fully enclosed and she had closure. Glancing to smile at Amber, she knew she had survived, and she knew just how she would thrive.


  Two couples set out on new journeys that day, two other women saw their lives turned upside down.

  Red lasted barely twenty four hours until hunger drove her to sell both her moral code and her body. She had nowhere else to go and soon caught the attention of predatory eyes. Her body held out against the drugs at first but her path was already set.

  Mela remained at Jade’s side, and love grew into the space where fear had once ruled. Jade meanwhile, had her closure. A cathartic eulogy for Immelmann closed the book on one chapter while she opened another with the girl she called hers.

  For Katarina, nightmares haunted her with the twisted face of Raven laughing at her during all manner of trials. Waking brought safety though and the waiting arms of Amber, a rock of sanity in otherwise fraught nights. Katarina had endured. She had survived. And hand in hand with Amber, she would thrive.

  And Raven? Kazakhstan was her destination and Alexei would be delighted with his purchase.

  Books in The Written Pictures Series:

  Descent Into Darkness

  August 2014

  Dark Days

  September 2014

  Enlightened Nights

  November 2014

  Where Once Was Light

  January 2015

  Shadows Creep


  Days End


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