Book Read Free


Page 19

by Cheryl Douglas

  “Does that mean you’re going back to Tampa?”

  “Yes, Mama, I am. There’s a flight out tomorrow, and I plan to be on it.”

  “Can’t you stay just a little longer?” she asked, squeezing my hand.

  “There’s a big opportunity waiting for me back there. A business opportunity, and I’m afraid it won’t wait forever.”

  “What kind of business opportunity?” she asked, tipping her head back to look at me.

  “A bakery.” I expected her to object, to list all the reasons why I shouldn’t take that kind of risk with my hard-earned money. Instead, she surprised me by smiling and patting my knee.

  “I think you’d be real good at that, sugar.”

  Wow. Maybe there was hope for us after all.

  Chapter Nineteen


  It was eleven o’clock on Saturday morning, and I’d just hauled my lazy ass out of bed. I wasn’t tired, just feeling sorry for myself ’cause Jaci hadn’t called me back yesterday when she promised she would. Given the fact she’d let me go to talk to her ex, my mind was filtering through all the possible worst-case scenarios, and I was feeling pretty miserable.

  When the doorbell rang, I muttered a curse, wondering why none of my brothers thought to pick up the phone before stopping by. Since I assumed it was one of them, I didn’t give a second thought to my bare chest or athletic shorts. I ran a hand through my hair, probably doing more harm than good, as I unlocked the door and twisted the knob.

  “Well, well,” Jaci said, letting her eyes trail over my body before finally coming to rest on my stunned face. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I realized my voice sounded gruff from sleep, which she may have misinterpreted, so I cleared my throat.

  Her smile wavered before she said, “Um, is this is a bad time?”

  I grabbed her wrist, hauling her into my arms. “Get your sweet ass in here, girl. It’s never a bad time to see you. You know that.”

  She squeezed me hard before releasing a contented sigh. “I’m so glad to hear you say that.”

  “Why didn’t you call me back yesterday?”

  “I’m sorry.” She stood on her tippy-toes to give me a quick kiss before grabbing my hand to lead me toward the kitchen.

  I barely remembered to close the door before following her. “How’d your talk with boy-wonder go?”

  She laughed before backhanding me gently in the stomach. “Behave yourself. It was very civil. We cleared the air and both decided we’re better off apart than together.”

  At least that was one less thing for me to worry about. I sat on a stool, watching her move around my kitchen like she owned the place. Damn. I liked the way that looked. “What’re you doing back here so soon?” It had only been a few days since she left, but it felt like months to me.

  “I couldn’t live without you,” she teased, measuring out the grounds for the coffee maker. “Why else would I be back?”

  She better not be joking, ’cause if she wasn’t back here for me, I was gonna lose it. “I wanna hear the whole story, and start at the beginning.”

  After the coffee maker started working its magic, she turned to face me. She was wearing a simple red sundress with a pleated skirt, thin straps, and black flip-flops, looking even more gorgeous that I remembered, and all that thick, blond hair that I couldn’t wait to sink my hands into fell over her shoulders, beckoning me.

  “Well,” she said, smiling, “it’s pretty simple, really. I knew as soon as I got on that plane that I was making a huge mistake. And every single hour that we were apart just reinforced it.”

  For the first time since she walked out the door, I could breathe, really breathe, as though someone had lifted a weight off my chest. “You mean that?”

  “Of course I do.” She rested her elbows on the counter, leaning over the island. “I love you, Nex. I don’t want us to be apart.”

  I rounded that island so fast she didn’t even know what hit her as I scooped her up in my arms, making my way toward the bedroom.

  Her gasp was a cross between a squeal and giggle as those beautiful blue eyes lit up with excitement. “Where are you taking me?”

  “To our bedroom.” I gave her the opportunity to contradict me, to tell me I was making assumptions I had no business making, but she nuzzled my neck instead.

  “I like the sound of that. But what about breakfast? Aren’t you hungry?”

  “Damn right I am, but food can wait.” At least I’d had the foresight to splash my face with cold water and brush my teeth when I woke up, a fact I was sure she was grateful for as I kissed her passionately before tossing her on the bed.

  There was nothing gentle or reverent about my approach. I just had to sink inside her, to prove to myself this wasn’t another dream. That she was really here, in my house, in my bed, claiming to love me and want to be with me.

  There was so much I still didn’t know about her return, but I knew she would tell me soon enough, just as soon as we’d reestablished that connection that made me feel all was right in my world.

  I lost the shorts before unzipping her dress and tossing it aside.

  “Hey,” she said, eyeing the scrap of fabric on the floor, “easy, now.”

  “You want easy, baby?” I grabbed her panties in both hands, tearing one side, then the other. “You came to the wrong place.” I had so many pent-up emotions that had been building for weeks, since it hit me that I loved this woman and couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.

  “Is that so?” she asked, grasping the headboard above her while thrusting out her breasts, begging me to touch.

  “Good idea, you’re gonna need something solid to hang on to.” I slipped two fingers inside her, watching her reaction as she glided that sweet pink tongue over her lower lip.

  There would be time for foreplay later because I’d be content to stay in bed with her all day, but this time had to be all about the main event. “You want me?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Her body told me more than mere words ever could. She was as desperate for me as I was for her.

  “More than anything.”

  Those words echoed in my head as I slid home, my eyes pinning her, commanding her attention. She wanted me more than anything. More than her ex. More than her family. More than her hometown. More than money, fancy cars, and houses. She wanted me. Just me. And she was the answer to every goddamn prayer I’d ever uttered in a weak moment when I’d pleaded with the man upstairs for a good woman who could look at me and see just me without all the trappings. Now that I’d finally found her, I’d die before I let her go.

  Her body felt like it was made for me as I thrust deep inside her, her body molding to mine, reminding me that our soul-deep connection may have started with the physical but ended with something spiritual I felt in my gut every time she looked at me like I was her world.

  “I love you,” I whispered, my body’s frantic movements a sharp contrast to my gentle words. “I love you so goddamn much. Every second without you, without this, was torture.”

  She gasped as I pinched her nipples, needing to touch every sweet inch of her, to reclaim what was mine.

  “I love you too, Nex.” She squeezed her eyes shut as her slick heat beckoned me deeper. She was transfixing me with her body and her beauty. I couldn’t believe this stunning woman wanted me, but now that she’d made her choice, I intended to make sure she never regretted that decision for one single day.

  “Nex…” My name was a raspy whisper as I watched her fall apart, knowing I’d be there to piece her back together. Always.

  Her release provoked my own, but I’d never expected this to be one of our marathon sessions. I knew I wouldn’t be able to last long. It was too intense, too powerful.

  I collapsed on her, trying to support my weight when she laughed, pulling me down on top of her before the mood turned more poignant with a sensual, lingering kiss. “I need this,” I whispered in her ear. “E
very day. I need you, Jaci.”

  “I need you too,” she said, sliding her hands over my damp back. “Why do you think I came back?”

  “About that,” I said, rolling over on my side. “I need to hear more about that. What happened?”

  “I’m not sorry I went back,” she said, grinning like she’d just won the state lottery. “It was one of the best decisions I could have made.”

  I raised an eyebrow, wondering how us being apart and me being tortured with thoughts of losing her could have been a good thing. “Now you’ve really got me curious.”

  “You know how people talk about the importance of closure?” she said, rolling onto her side to face me. Her fingertip traced the ink on my chest, spreading out over my shoulders and biceps. “I always thought that was a bunch of hooey.”

  “Hooey?” My lips twitched in the effort it took to keep a straight face. Finally, my amusement got the better of me as I told her on a breathless laugh, “You are too damn cute.”

  “Shut up!” she said, hitting me in the stomach. “Don’t make fun of me!”

  When I finally settled down, I said, “Okay, I’m sorry. Go on.”

  “Anyways,” she said, giving me a haughty look that would have made the queen proud, “I really put it all out there with Scott, my mama, and my aunt Bea. I think you would have been proud of me.”

  I pulled her close, kissing her shoulder. “I’m always proud of you, baby. But I want to hear more about the ex first. How’d it go with him?”

  “Surprisingly well,” she said, brushing her palm over the scruff on my face. It was as though, like me, she couldn’t stop touching me. “He’s seeing someone.”

  “Thank God for that,” I muttered, making her smile.

  “And I told him in no uncertain terms that you’re it for me.” She held up her ring, which I now noticed she was wearing on her left hand instead of her right, where I’d placed it. “And I think seeing this sealed the deal in his mind.”

  I kissed her hand. “You switched it to this hand. Why?” Not that I was complaining. Seeing my ring on her ring finger was a serious turn-on.

  “I know it isn’t an engagement ring or anything,” she said, blushing. “But it kind of looks like one and since I am taken, why not send that message to the world and every guy in it?”

  “I like the way you think,” I said, kissing her neck.

  She laughed before slapping my shoulder. “Quit trying to distract me. I have to tell you what else happened.”

  “Right. Go on.” My hand burrowed under the sheet of its own volition, gliding down the side of her body, over her ribs before finally settling on her hip.

  “I had a good long talk with my aunt, and she made me realize this is my life, Nex. And I have every right to live it as I see fit.”

  “Your aunt sounds like a smart lady.” I intended to send Bea the biggest bouquet of flowers I could find tomorrow, ’cause I had a feeling my woman wouldn’t be lying in my arms right now if not for her influence.

  “She’s the best,” Jaci gushed. “I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  I knew meeting her family was the next logical step in our relationship, but given what I’d heard about her mother, I couldn’t pretend to be counting the days.

  “But I think the best part of the trip was the heart-to-heart I had with Mama. I don’t think we’ve talked like that… maybe ever.”

  I knew how important her mama was to her, so it did my heart good knowing they’d come to terms. “I’m happy for you, baby.” I kissed her lips, waiting for her to continue.

  “I told her that this is where I belong and suggested she start living her life instead of just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Only time will tell for sure, but I think I made a real impact on her.”

  “That’s great, sweetheart.” I frowned, which prompted her to smooth out the wrinkles on my forehead with a smile. “I just noticed you didn’t bring any luggage. Please tell me you’re not going back there.” I almost bit my tongue when I realized how bad that sounded, but I was speaking my truth.

  “I set my stuff in the garage,” she said, grinning. “You didn’t hear the garage door go up?”

  “No, I must have been in the bathroom. But why the hell didn’t you just bring your suitcases into the house?”

  Looking shy all of a sudden, she broke eye contact, shrugging. “I didn’t want to be presumptuous. I do have money now that I’ve decided to use my tuition money for other things, so you don’t have to take pity on me anymore.”

  “Take pity on you?” I demanded, pulling her into my arms. “Is that what you think I was doing when I asked you to move in here with me? Hell, I thought you were taking pity on me, agreeing to it.”

  “Still,” she said, looking up at me under the veil of those long lashes, “living together is a really big step. Are you sure you’re ready for it?”

  “Nothing would make me happier.” I kissed her, prolonging it until I needed to steal a breath. “That’s not entirely true. There are a few things that would make me happier.”

  “Like?” she asked, looking amused.

  “Two rings on this finger,” I said, kissing her left hand. “You signing my last name.” I ran my hand over her taut stomach. “A pretty little version of you twisting me around her little finger.”

  Her eyes filled with tears before she hugged me. “I want all those things too, Nex. But we need more time.”

  “I can live with that, so long as we agree on where we’re headed.”

  “We agree,” she said, laughing self-consciously as she brushed away the tears spilling from her eyes.

  “Good. Now you said something about your plans for that tuition money you’d saved. Does that mean you plan to take Mac and Mary up on their offer?”

  “If you think they’re still interested in me…”

  Mac had asked me about Jaci’s plans a couple of days ago, and I’d asked her to give it a little more time before looking for someone else to partner with them. In my heart, I think I’d always believed my girl would come back to me, and while I would have supported any decision she made regarding her future, I couldn’t help but notice the way her eyes lit up when she talked about joining the bakery.

  “I know they are.”

  Jaci squealed, throwing her arms around me. “Do you think we could go over to Mac and Ryker’s place later? I can’t wait to tell her I want to partner with them and start making plans.”

  “Sure,” I said, rolling her onto her back and pinning her with my weight. “But I’ve got other plans for you first.”


  The ladies were in the backyard, talking shop by the pool, when Ryker pulled me aside. “Man,” he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you happier. You haven’t wiped that stupid grin off your face since you walked in the door.”

  I looked out the window, admiring my beautiful girlfriend. “I’ve never been happier, Ryk. That girl, she’s it for me. No reason to keep looking.”

  Ryker chuckled, raising his beer bottle in a salute. “Didn’t I warn you it would happen that way when you met the right one?”

  He always told me it’d take me down like a lightning bolt, but I’d never bought into his theory… until now. “I’m glad she’s decided to invest in the bakery. I think it’ll be good for her.”

  “I know Mac’s thrilled to have the help. She felt so guilty putting so much of the burden on her mother. I know we all like to think of Mary as this dynamo, but she’s not getting any younger, ya know?”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m glad Jac’s gonna be spending so much time with Mary though. Her relationship with her own mom has been kind of strained. Mary’ll be a positive influence on her, just like she was for us.”

  “She really did come through for us when Mom died, didn’t she?” Ryker said, smiling.

  “Don’t know what the hell we would’ve done without her.” I hoped Mary and Mac’s influence would prove to Jaci how wonderful life could be when you committed to
being part of a family like ours. We sure as hell weren’t perfect, but we always had each other’s backs.

  “You wanna wander out there and see what they’re talkin’ about?” Ryker asked, putting his arm around my shoulders.

  “Yeah, sure. Where the boys at?” I asked, referring to my nephews.

  “Went to the movies with some friends. I told them you and Jaci were going to be here for dinner, so they said they’d try to make it home in time.” He squeezed my neck. “You better be careful, little brother, I think they’ve got their sights set on your girl.”

  I laughed, thinking my nephews had good taste in women already. “No one can take her away from me, man.”

  Ryker shot me a sidelong glance before opening the door leading to the patio. “You sound pretty sure of yourself.”

  “I am.” I stopped on the patio before we reached the pool area where Mac and Jaci were talking. “For the first time, probably in my life, I feel really secure in a relationship. Like nothing could tear us apart.”

  “You wanna tell me about that big rock on her finger?”

  I grinned. “You noticed that, huh?”

  “Hard not to.” He frowned. “But I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little hurt you didn’t talk to me about it first.”

  I shook my head. “It’s not an engagement ring. Not yet, anyways. I know I want to marry her, but she’s going through a lot of changes right now—the business, moving in with me. I just want her to feel settled before she has to start thinking about planning a wedding.”

  “Smart man,” Ryker said. “Nothing harder on a new relationship than stress.”

  As we walked toward the pool, Jaci extended her hand, inviting me to join her on the oversized lounger. “So did you ladies get everything sorted out?” I asked, kissing her hand after settling in beside her.

  “It’ll take a while before we get everything squared away,” Mac said, grinning. “But we’re definitely on the same page about the expansion, which is good.”

  Ryker joined his wife on her lounger before leaning in to kiss her cheek. “Are you still thinking about calling Riley?”


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