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Three Daves, Book 1: David, Sophomore Year

Page 7

by Nicki Elson

  Bit by bit, their clothes came off. David guided her onto the bed, where she didn’t hesitate to thrust her hips forward to meet his. There was no bite of pain, just electrifying sensations as he pumped into her. Rather than envisioning animals mating in the wild, she became one of the animals fusing with him. This second lesson wasn’t about technique. It was all about learning to let go of her inhibitions and enjoy.

  When he finished, David looked down at Jen, giving her a relieved smile when he saw her smiling back at him. He ran his mouth across her throat, and rested his head there while he caught his breath. They lay together, sweating, panting, and exhilarated. After they’d recouped their strength, the two of them picked up their scattered pieces of clothing around his room, giggling as if they were little kids on an Easter egg hunt.


  Jen arrived at Pemberley the following week to find David at a table in the lobby. He glanced at a huge open text book and scribbled into a notebook. His short-sleeved, plaid button-down shirt gave him an extra studious look. He glanced up as she approached. “I gotta do laundry,” he said, apparently noticing her examination of his clothes.

  “Ah,’ she responded, not quite meeting his eye.

  He gathered his books and led her down the hall. She stayed quiet during the walk. When they entered his room, David threw his books into a corner and asked, “What’s up? You’re acting strange.”

  “Well…I…didn’t figure into my calculations that at some point I’d start my period.” David was quick to hide the revulsion that raced across his features, but Jen had seen it. “I know. I’ll just go.”

  “No, stop. I’m sorry. You surprised me with it, that’s all.”

  “Obviously we’re not going to…you know. But I was thinking, maybe you could teach me how to…” She glanced at his zipper.

  David smiled. “I can definitely do that.” Jen exhaled in relief, and he shook his head. “Once again, Jen, did you honestly think I’d turn you down?” He leveled a skeptical gaze at her. “Are you saying you’ve never done that before?”

  Jen shook her head, feeling a flush creep across her face. She knew she shouldn’t feel embarrassed about her naiveté, but she did. A corner of David’s mouth twitched up. He didn’t seem at all put off by her lack of experience.

  Jen stayed fully clothed, but she unbuttoned David’s shirt, exposing his smooth, pale chest and soft, flat stomach with its thin trail of dark, wiry fuzz. Before they got started on the lesson, they warmed up with a kiss. Their mouths came together easily, naturally, as if they’d been doing this for months rather than just a couple of weeks. While they kissed, Jen unfastened David’s belt and slid down his zipper. She slipped her hand into his boxer shorts.

  David pulled his mouth from hers to give her a few random tips on the art of an effective hand job. When she’d succeeded in getting him stiff and ready, she traced her tongue down his torso until she was kneeling in front of him. She pulled his jeans and boxers down to his ankles and came face to face with his erection. She’d been with David twice now but hadn’t ever taken a good look at it before.

  She raised her eyes to David with what she suspected was a helpless expression. He gave her a blank look. Apparently he’d never had anyone stop at this point and ask directions.

  “You put it in your mouth,” he said.

  Jen belted out a nervous laugh. “Well, doy! But exactly how am I supposed to do that without gagging. Have you ever stuck one of these in your mouth before?”

  David choked, giving her a playful thump on the head.

  Jen sat back on her heels and took another look at his appendage. It had drooped a little. “Aww. It looks sad.”

  David struggled back into his boxers and stepped out of his jeans. Now he was embarrassed. He slumped onto the edge of his bed, pouting and looking adorable in his boxer shorts and opened shirt.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s just, well, when you think about it, this whole blow job thing seems really silly.”

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t think about it.”

  “Don’t be mad.”

  “I’m not mad, just being honest. The truth is—there isn’t a whole lot in it for the girl, so it could feel really awkward for you. But it’ll feel great to me, so the only thing you stand to gain is knowing you’re making the guy happy. To do that, you’re going to have to not think about yourself and focus only on the pleasure you’re giving me.”

  Jen nodded, following his logic.

  “Okay, so, just do what I tell you and don’t think about yourself at all.”

  “All right.” She wondered how many centuries she’d set women back by agreeing. But really, why would so many girls do this if they didn’t gain some sort of enjoyment from pleasing their men? The only other things in it for them were sore knees, gagging, and maybe a little neck strain. Now that Jen thought about it, the blow job was a perfect example of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. By viewing it in this more noble light, she was able to bring herself around to giving it another go.

  They resumed positions, but before David let Jen pull down his shorts, he said, “I’m going to need a fluffer.”

  “A what?”

  “I’m not stiff. I need a little help.” He arched a dark, teasing eyebrow. “Get to work.”

  Jen pulled down his boxers and took him into her fist, pulling back and forth. After a few strokes, she felt progress and tried to put herself aside and focus on David’s needs. On instinct, she took the head into her mouth and slowly pulled her lips over it like she was sucking on a lollipop.

  “That’s good,” David coaxed.

  She could see it was good because she once again faced a full-fledged erection. In Jen’s new mindset, she knew what to do and opened wide to slide more of him into her mouth. Not all the way at first. She slowly worked her way back and forth, easing him in.

  David let out a small, pleasure-filled groan. “Tighten your lips a little. But no teeth!”

  Jen obeyed and constricted her lips around him while widening her jaw. It was a completely unnatural action, but she could hear in his low, “Yes…yeah,” that he liked it. Despite herself, she did derive satisfaction from the pleasure she was giving him.

  “Have you ever heard of Andrew Dice Clay?” David asked breathlessly. “It’s a three-piece set,” he huffed in a crude Brooklyn accent. Jen choked out a laugh and must’ve tightened her jaw because David gasped, “Ow! I’m just saying—the boys need some attention. Use your hand.”

  She pulled her hand up and cupped “the boys,” massaging them while she recalibrated the constriction of her mouth. David placed his hands at the side of her head and gently guided her pace. She quickened her motion as his panting grew louder and tried to ignore the cramp that had set into her jaw. At last David gave one final gasp, and Jen felt a warm blast at the back of her throat. She instinctively pulled back and swallowed—it seemed the most efficient way to deal with the ejaculation.

  “That was really good,” David said, kneeling down to her level. He gave her a light kiss on the forehead. “We didn’t even talk about spitting and swallowing. You’re a natural.”

  Jen smiled at the praise and tried not to puke.


  The following week, David smiled wickedly as he shut the door behind Jen. “Time to complete our lesson on oral sex. Your turn.”

  After undressing, he laid her on the bed and gently spread her legs. After a few preliminary kisses and licks, he plunged into the job. Jen responded with a sharp intake of breath. She became overwhelmed with confusion. Staring at the paperclip structure dangling above, she felt completely disconnected with what was happening between her legs.

  David lifted his head. “You’ve got to relax. You’re squeezing my head.” He slid his hands around the back of her legs, softly kissing the inside of one thigh and then the other.

  “I can’t relax. Maybe this isn’t my thing. I don’t think I like it.”

  “You just need to relax. Don’t give up. Th
is is what foreplay is for.” David pulled himself higher along Jen’s body and ran his tongue over and around one of her nipples. The tender stimulation brought it to a stiff peak. “Let me get you more comfortable, and then we’ll try again, okay?”

  Jen nodded and whispered, “Okay.”

  David spent more time kissing and sucking at her neck and breasts. Her back arched, letting him know how much she enjoyed the feel of his pulsing tongue on her bare flesh. Encouraged, he nipped and suckled with more force, slowly biting his way down her rib cage and to her stomach. With his fingers, he gently massaged the inside of her thighs and probed inside her.

  By the time his hot mouth arrived, Jen was ready for him. He tickled his tongue over her labia and then dove further in. She stared up at the ceiling and tried not to think, just feel. She pictured a tiny David swimming inside her, exploring her folds and stopping to play here and there. Thinking of herself as a watery ocean, she closed her eyes, getting lost in her own currents.

  David stopped to play with a set of nerve endings she’d never even known she possessed, and she heard a soft moan float through the room. The moan must’ve been hers, but it came from a source over which she had no control. There it was again. Her hips contracted and she suddenly realized what was going on. Summoning her motor skills, she reached between her legs, grabbed David’s thick hair in both hands, and yanked his head up.

  He gaped at her with the confused look of someone who’d just been violently woken from a pleasant dream. Jen’s chest almost hurt with her heavy breathing, as if she’d run a marathon in the time since she’d last checked in with her mental faculties.

  “Sorry…didn’t tell you,” she said between gasps. “Don’t want to…saving orgasm for…husband.”

  “Okay.” David’s brain seemed to slowly come back into focus.

  Jen at last regained her breath. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think to tell you about that. I guess I thought it would take longer before I could work up to that point.”

  David was back to himself and wore a smug grin. “Didn’t realize I’d be so good, huh?”

  “I didn’t realize I’d be so easy to please.”

  He pulled himself up to lay side by side with her, cockiness still in his expression. “Since my cunnilingus is too advanced for you to handle, maybe it’s a good time to move on to alternative positioning.”

  “Good idea.” Jen exhaled, still a bit winded.

  David smiled and leaned in to kiss her mouth, but when she jerked her head away, he stopped.

  “Oh, sorry.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and then flipped Jen on top of him to instruct her in best practices for girl-on-top intercourse. Jen found herself much too absorbed in the mechanics of the feat to be at any risk of another close encounter with a climax that day.

  Chapter 9

  Jen entered David’s dorm room for what would be the last time—lesson five. He already had music playing. It wasn’t his usual repertoire. The song was quiet and instrumental…and someone was crooning. He’d drawn the curtains and lit only one small lamp. Jen’s eyes adjusted to her dim surroundings and she noticed candles flickering around the room. “This is nice. Very romantic. So, what’ve you done with David?”

  “Funny,” he said as he walked to her. He held his hands up with his palms facing her. She placed her palms to his and he folded his fingers around her hands. “It’s our last time, and I thought it should be special.”

  This all seemed very sweet, but Jen was a little concerned about what he might mean by special. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Just this.” He dropped her hands and cradled her face. He leaned in, planting a kiss on her that was immediately deep and penetrating. She wound her arms behind his back, reaching up to grip his shoulders for support when she felt her legs go weak. Their previous kissing had been great, but this was on an entirely new plane. Jen pressed into David, and his hands dropped to the small of her back, crushing her against him.

  Her heart palpitated wildly. She couldn’t breathe. In a panic, she twisted her arms around to David’s chest and pushed him away. As soon as she’d put space between them, she sucked in air and stared at David through wide eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Jen wasn’t sure. She only knew she’d needed to get away from those lips—and there was no way she was going to explain that to David. “Since this is our last time, maybe I should practice my fellatio once more,” she suggested, dropping her hands to his belt and tugging. At least that would keep her away from his lips and buy her time to get ahold of herself.

  David’s eyebrows drew together, but he said, “I guess I won’t argue with that.” Jen undid his pants, and as she kneeled, he added, “But don’t finish me off. Otherwise, it might be a while before I can be ready again.”

  “Right. Tell me when to stop.”


  Jen went to work and needed very little coaching from David this time. His breathing became uneven while he gently ran his fingertips through her hair.

  After several minutes of her rhythmic pumping, he blurted, “Whoa! You better stop.” Jen released him, but before she could get up off her knees, David’s body jerked, and he shouted, “No!”

  Jen looked down to see the white substance shoot out. Without even thinking about it, she lunged at him and cupped her mouth over the head of his penis. She got a full blast on her tongue and gulped it back before she could taste too much—like a baby sucking on a bottle.

  Her face flushed as she pulled her mouth off of him and waited for the jokes about how silly she’d looked. When he said nothing, she looked up through narrowed eyes. Instead of laughing, David beamed at her. “Nice catch!” He looked at her as if she’d just caught an impossible line drive to secure a World Series win for the Cubbies—which everyone knew was never going to happen.

  He pulled up his boxers and went to his desk to grab a piece of gum. Jen stood and he tossed it to her. She chewed it for a bit, and when she assured him her breath was minty fresh, he came over and stroked the side of her face with the back of his fingers. “You’re pretty amazing; do you know that?”

  “I’ve had a very good instructor.”

  He shook his head slightly and opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped. Instead of talking, he kissed her. Jen still had the gum in her mouth and maneuvered her tongue to press the wad into David’s mouth. As soon as she’d lodged it in there, he backed away. His features pinched in disgust.

  Jen grinned. “Cum gum.”

  “Aw, gross!” He pulled his trash can from under the desk and spat the gum into it while Jen shook with laughter. “You’re deranged.” He tried to hold a straight face, but his chuckle gave him away. He moved close to Jen and tugged at the bottom of her shirt. “I want you completely naked. Right now. We’ve got a lot of work to do after that one. Honestly, I don’t know how you expect a guy to get an erection around here.”

  Jen continued in her jag of giggles while David helped her off with every stitch of clothing. Then she helped him off with what remained of his. They stood in front of his desk, near the curtained window. David softly caressed and kissed various parts of Jen and eventually found his way back to her mouth. His lips parted and slowly glided over hers. She felt David’s warm breath float into her mouth, but he didn’t take the kiss any further. She leaned into him, but he leaned back just enough so that her mouth couldn’t gain purchase. Opening her eyes, she saw that he looked back at her with a playful glint in his dark eyes. That’s when Jen realized he was getting back at her for her prank with the gum.

  Now those lips that had nearly sent Jen into a panic taunted her. She wanted a real kiss from David. She wanted it now. She tentatively licked at his lips with the tip of her tongue to try to coax him in. He flicked his tongue at hers but refused to take the plunge. Jen whimpered in frustration, and he ended his torture, finally pushing his way into her mouth. She sucked him in and clutched his head to hers to make sure he didn
’t get away.

  Their mouths and bodies pressed together. Jen’s heart raced, and the unexplained—and very much unwelcome—panic was back. She ignored the irregular palpitations and kept going, but when her breathing stopped entirely, she was forced to shove David away. She turned from him, facing the desk while she gulped in air. She didn’t want to look at him.

  “What is it?” he whispered, touching a small kiss to her earlobe.

  Jen didn’t have any words to explain because she didn’t understand it herself. She stared into the black nothingness of David’s wall while she breathed deeply in and out and tried to bring her brain into focus. David gently glided his fingers down her spine and kissed her shoulder, sending a rush of tingles across her back. His kisses weren’t helping to clear Jen’s mind, but she didn’t move a muscle and waited to see what he’d do next.

  His hands slowly made their way to her front and cupped her breasts, gently tugging her stiff nipples between his knuckles. As he gradually slid one of his hands down over her stomach, Jen was glad she’d been faithful to her Zumba class these last few weeks. He continued down, and his fingers began to work her soft folds while he buried his mouth in the curve at the base of her neck. Jen could no longer stay still. She arched one of her arms to clutch at the back of David’s head. He lifted his face, and she turned hers to meet him. They pressed their hot mouths together while his expert fingers continued undulating in her most receptive spots.

  David pulled her tightly against him, and Jen felt in the small of her back that he was ready for action. She pulled her mouth away from his and watched him. Without a word, he slowly guided her hands to the desk and pressed her palms flat on it. Then he gingerly tilted her hips back and up. Before Jen had expected it, he thrust himself into her.

  She let out a sharp “Augh!” From this new angle, David sent immediate sparks careening throughout her body. Once begun, Jen couldn’t keep silent. She let out her gasps and groans without any control over it. It was as if her body needed to release its pleasure in these bursts or else be driven insane with it. In this position, Jen was helpless under David’s power. He rocked her back and forth, his motion growing steadily faster until Jen was drowning in her ocean currents. She shrieked a panicked, “David!”


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