Book Read Free

Up A Notch

Page 5

by Breanna Hayse

  They boarded the personal cruiser that was assigned to the two flag officers—a perk with their rank. Scott was waiting patiently at the wheel, checking the gauges. He smiled upon seeing them, kissing both heartedly on the cheek with an extra hug to his niece. “I’m glad you caught my hint, Mike, I was worried there for a moment.”

  “No prob. What’s up?” Michael said, plopping in the captain’s chair. Scott watched as the girl carefully situated herself on the bench seat towards the stern, gazing silently at the waves.

  “I wanted to give her a chance to breathe a little, that’s all. I’m worried.”

  “She’ll be okay,” he paused for a moment. “Sam, stop it,” Michael ordered.

  She blinked at him. “Stop what?” she asked innocently and a little startled.

  He was even more so. “This is getting really freaky,” he shuddered, turning to Scott. “I can feel her calling out to them now. I really need to stop wearing this thing. It’s like the electric field has stimulated our synopses,” he said, taking off the band.

  “Fascinating. She’s not wearing it,” Scott sat slowly.

  “I know. Since the cetaceans decided we were worth their effort to try to educate, it’s been getting more pronounced for both of us. She’s very comfortable with the convergence. I, on the other hand, don’t like anything inside my head. Not even her.”

  “I’d love to do some experiments sometime soon. Similar to the ones they do on twins and clairvoyants. It might answer some questions.”

  “How can we do that without exposing the bands? We can’t divulge classified information,” he said, seeing his uncle realized the difficulty. He put the band back on. “Watch this. I’m going to try to get her to come to me and sit on my lap for cuddles.”

  Michael closed his eyes to concentrate. A couple of minutes later, his sister came up to him.

  “I need loves, Mike,” she said, climbing onto his lap and snuggling him close. Scott was shocked into silence.

  Michael complied, arms around her and kissing her cheek. “That’s my girl. Are you ready to talk with us yet?” he asked gently. She shook her head, resting it against his broad chest.

  Scott patted her knee. “That’s okay. Let’s take a boat ride. I’ll radio Dad and let him know we’ll meet him at home by five.”

  The early spring sun shone brightly on the water as Scott pulled out of the channel and around the peninsula. The wind was warm and softly blew on their faces as they followed the beach line past the Coronado Cays and into the heavy kelp beds. Seals and sea lions barked loudly on the rocky inlets, diving into the water as the boat quietly swished by, leaving a gentle wake for them to rollick in.

  Michael hugged the tiny girl in his arms, feeling how small she was compared to him. Her eyes were closed. “Doing okay?”


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Do you think I will ever stop making Daddy so mad at me? I keep letting him down. I’m such a failure as a daughter.”

  “Oh, honey, no… that’s not true. Scott? Need your help here,” Michael said as she started to cry bitterly into his neck.

  Scott quickly shut down the engine, letting the boat drift as he joined them. Michael easily shifted the girl into her uncle’s arms, and watched as she wrapped her arms around Scott and released a torrent of tears into his neck. The man rocked her gently, cooing in her ear and listening to her fears and insecurities as she poured her heart out.

  The boat lurched abruptly as Ton swept by. Michael quickly activated his band to explain that the girl was with her other “bull.” Snorting loudly, the whale swept away. Once cried out, Scott was able to gain Sam’s attention to explain her distorted understanding.

  Michael listened to him sadly. He hadn’t realized how much she missed her father. He knew it was stressful for her to be the youngest on the team, the only woman, and having to learn to deal with her unusual situation. Other than him, she had no friends (two legged, anyway) and had always leaned on him for companionship and support. Oddly, he felt a little envious in knowing that she was not satisfied with just having him to care for her. He quickly brushed that out of his mind. Did she catch that thought?

  “Feeling a bit better?” Scott asked.

  Sam nodded, hugging him. “I love you. Thanks for being here. Mike? You will always be my best friend, no matter what. I couldn’t live without you. Don’t ever worry about that,” she reassured him, confirming that she had, indeed, caught that flash of jealousy.

  He blushed, taking off the band again. “Ditto, baby girl. Wanna take a dip?”

  She shook her head. “Not really. Daddy said I couldn’t, plus I didn’t bring my stuff.”

  “You sure?” Scott asked. “It’s okay with me. No one is around and I won’t look.”

  “Like I care, you’ve seen me naked a billion times. But, Daddy said no swimming,” she looked longingly at the water, but fearful of disobeying her father so soon.

  “I won’t tell. Besides, it might cheer you up some. Go on, but not for long. Mike? Are you going with her?”

  “I hate the cold. She’ll be fine. Thanks, Scott. I’m glad you were around. I didn’t know quite how to handle that.”

  “Poor kid. That strapping took a toll on her. Wow, look at those bruises,” Scott said as she dove naked into the blue-gray waves.

  “Trust me when I tell you it had nothing to do with the actual strapping. It was what he said that got to her. That plus having to tell him all the things she could do to improve her behavior. It made her think. Too much, it seems. She has a few insecurities she needs to grow out of. Was I ever that way?” Michael asked as he leaned back with the sun on his face as he closed his eyes. A flush of warmth tingled over his body and he smiled- his sister was sending her love for him. This connection was freaky, but also rather nice.

  Scott joined him, pulling off his shirt. “No, but then you didn’t have a big brother whose shadow you were in. You’re tough to measure up to, my boy. No fault of yours, but I do understand her feelings.”

  “Me too. Plus, being a female in this family must be so difficult. We can’t really treat her like one of us, yet she is so much more than a girl. Poor kid.”

  “Let’s work on praising her a bit more often, instead of just ragging on her. Just watch that Quimby ego of hers,” Scott chuckled, reaching his arms behind his head to enjoy to sun.

  “Good idea. She seems to need praise more than I ever did.”

  “You got plenty of it. Why do you think you’re so damned sure of yourself?” Scott teased.

  “That’s simple. I’m exactly like my father. That was always a bitch of yours, wasn’t it, his confidence level?” Michael retorted.

  “He certainly could be intolerable when he thought he was right. Which I hate to admit, was way too often. He grew out of most of that.”

  “Being intolerable?”

  “Nah, thinking he is right all the time. He’s still intolerable at times.” Scott laughed.

  About 40 minutes later, a voice was heard over the side. “Some help, please?”

  Scott reached over to pull the girl from the water and Michael wrapped a towel around her shivering body. “Brrrr, how can you stand it? I’m cold just looking at you,” Scott asked, squeezing out her long, thick auburn hair that was plaited in a wide braid.

  Teeth chattering, she shrugged. “I’m not cold until I get out. It’s weird. I could stay down there forever and be comfortable. Even my bottom doesn’t hurt as much.”

  “That must be your imagination. You’re distracted down there. The cold probably numbed that little backend a bit too.”

  “I don’t think so, Scott. Remember when she had that imbalance? She wasn’t warm until we hit 26 degrees. Even with the suit. Her body temperature must be adjusting to the water temperature.”

  “Maybe we should—”

  “I draw the line with having a thermometer up my ass so you can discover how I tick. No!” Sam protested sharply.

  Scott started laughin
g. “She’s back,” he sung happily.

  Michael pulled her t-shirt over her head before removing the towel as he laughed at her feisty response. She kicked at him several times as he tried to continue dressing her. “Just like when you were little. Here, put on your pants,” he said, slapping her foot as it kicked his leg.

  “Not yet, I’m comfortable. Let the sun dry me more.”

  Michael sighed, handing her the rest of her clothes, knowing they would not be adorned until the last possible minute. She had discovered his shirts early in life and spent most of her childhood wearing them and nothing else. He doubted that would ever change if she had her say.

  Scott started the motor and headed back up the coast towards home. Once docked- with Sam fully dressed-, the three walked up the steep steps to the deck entrance. Dr. Quimby was waiting for them outside, freshly showered and looking very handsome in a custom tailored black silk suit and crisp white shirt.

  “Going somewhere, Joe?”

  He nodded, hugging his son and placing his hand on his daughter’s face before kissing her eyelids. “I am in desperate need of a Daddy-daughter date. Will you join me?” he asked her.

  Tears sprung to her eyes as she flung her arms around his neck. “Yes! I need that too,” she admitted.

  He smiled lovingly. “Good. Go upstairs and clean up. Reservations are for 1900—7:00,” he sighed at her expression. “Oh, and go into my room. There is something on the bed for you.” He watched her run upstairs, discomfort forgotten. He held his hand up for silence then heard a yell from his bedroom.

  “Oh My Gosh, it’s gorgeous!” his daughter ran to the rail. “Daddy, it’s beautiful! Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. Come on down when you’re ready,” he said, then turned to the other two. “Girls are so easy to please.” He sounded proud of himself.

  “What did you get her?” Michael asked, punching his arm.

  Dr. Quimby’s eyes twinkled. “You’ll see. I also want you to take the evening and go somewhere with Scott. Keep him out of trouble.”

  “But, I’m—”

  “I’m lifting your restriction. You’ve proven your ability to listen and learn. Scott’s right, too, you are too old for that now. It’s hard for us to accept that.” The man sighed, hand cupping Michael’s neck. “Thank you for not being a jerk about it. You showed your sister proper submission to her elders. Also, please do not let Scott drive your car.”

  Thirty minutes later, Sam appeared. The three men stood respectfully, and in wonder, at her entrance. She was wearing a cream color dress that had iridescent gold woven into the filmy fabric. The color brought out the rich bronze glow of her tan and made her eyes appear almost violet under long, dark lashes. It flowed like a breeze over her curves, the uneven knee length skirt gently swaying as she walked. High gold sandals lengthened her shapely muscular legs. She had her thick hair over one shoulder, hanging to the waist in unruly ringlets. A simple gold choker and earrings completed the ensemble.

  “You look like a goddess,” Scott whispered, enthralled.

  “More like a Siren,” Michael gulped. When had she grown up to be so stunning?

  Dr. Quimby fought back tears. She was her mother’s likeness only with rich auburn tresses and the stubborn Quimby tilt of the chin. He reached for her hand. “My little beauty. How you have grown up. I hope you don’t think I’m dork, but here,” he handed her an orchid wrist corsage.

  Sam smiled, slipping it on before kissing his cheek lovingly. “I would never think you were a dork, Daddy. You’ve given me an orchid every time we’ve gone on our dates and I love them. I’ve kept everyone since I was six and you took me to our first dinner.”

  “You have not!” He was surprised.

  “Yes, Sir, they are all in a book press that Uncle Scott made for me. He even dated them,” she smiled at her blushing uncle. “I’ve missed this time with you. It’s been almost a year since our last real date. But being at sea messed up some things, I suppose.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. We’ll go back to our routine now, okay? Maybe we’ll get out even more than once a month, if you like.”

  “I would. Thank you,” she said as Scott handed her the purse. She kissed him and her brother, and then left with her father for their night together.

  “Would you believe how breath-taking she is? When the hell did that happen?” Scott asked, still staring at the door after it closed.

  “I was thinking the same thing. I’ll say this much,” Michael broke his stupor, “the old man’s got good taste. Did you see how that dress fits her?”

  “I did. I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.”

  “Wanna go to Hooters?” Michael asked slyly.

  “I’d love to, but Dad would not approve. He’s such a prude sometimes. Let’s go to Shelter Island. We can go to Humphrey’s by the Bay for dinner. You can drive the Jag, if you want.”

  “Gee thanks,” Michael responded, grabbing the keys to his car.

  Chapter 5

  Dr. Quimby was very aware of the turning of heads as they entered the restaurant in Del Mar. He was an incredibly handsome, mature man who could still get women to swoon at his feet. His daughter, the golden Siren, flowed with a liquid grace he had not noticed before. It reminded him of a low, gentle tide. When did that start? He thought, shaking his head.

  They were seated next to the wall length Plexiglas window which was already largely covered by the tide as it flowed in. Within moments, the clear pane was completely immersed as waves licked the top of the wall. Soft lights illuminated the ocean floor to show the swaying giant kelp and the churning sand. Finally, underwater speakers piped in the sound of the ocean world and completed the ambiance of dining beneath the sea.

  Dr. Quimby ordered wine and poured as glass for both him and his daughter. Holding it up to touch hers, he smiled proudly. “To our Daddy-daughter date. You are ravishing, my love.”

  “Thank you. I’m lucky I don’t worry about your taste in clothing. This is beyond gorgeous.”

  “I thought you would like it. Especially the non-constraining freedom it offers. How are you feeling?” he asked with concern, his warm brown eyes meeting her smoldering blue eyes.

  “I’m okay. A little bit tender, but nothing I can’t live with. I felt much better after I dove today. It made my bruises disappear and really eased the aching. I knew you didn’t want me too, but Scott said it was okay. I’m sorry I’ve been such a challenge for you.”

  “You are perfect, sweetheart. Despite your little pranks, I’m a lucky Dad. I don’t ever worry about the problems other guys have with their teens, drugs, bad crowd, and promiscuity. You’re a good kid and I need to remind you of that more often.”

  “Even when I’m bratty?” she asked with a mischievous smile.

  “Especially when you’re bratty, it’s part of who you are.”

  “Remember what you just said, okay?”

  He frowned, studying her. Suddenly, people started to murmur as they stood up at their tables and pointed to the wall. Five dolphins were tapping it to get Sam’s attention. Dr. Quimby rolled his eyes and swallowed his wine in one gulp.

  “Still love me?”

  “You are unbelievable. I still don’t understand how you are doing that. Please send them away so we can eat in peace.”

  Sam giggled and stood to face the window with her hand resting on the glass. On-lookers watched in awe as each dolphin touched the glass behind her hand was before swimming away. Voices were overheard speculating that she was either a trainer from Sea-World or one of those “Scripps” people.

  Dr. Quimby rolled his eyes again. “You are such a show-off. Sit down, your appetizer is here. Don’t try to correct their assumptions, either. This is an important lesson. People will always be more willing to believe a lie than the truth. So, I have a surprise for you….”


  “Have you told Sammi yet? She’s going to be ecstatic!” Michael exclaimed happily after Scott informed him of the coastal mission that they
were planning.

  Scott shook his head, drinking a beer. “I’m guessing Dad will tell her tonight. Think you’re ready?”

  “No problem. Think you’re ready?”

  “Hell, no, but I’ll get over it. We are going to have you plant monitors for the coast guard along the shelf line through to the Los Angeles basin. You two can follow the migration up coast to the Alaska line and join the Monterey team in the recon of a ship that went down last year in the storms. It will finally be safe to get a crew down but will present you with your real challenge.”

  “Why? That sounds pretty routine.”

  “When was the last time your sister went dry?”

  “Oh boy,” Mike sighed deeply. “She has to wear a dry suit? Why can’t she go free?”

  “The divers don’t have clearance for her to reveal. Good luck.”

  “What if we keep her undetected? We can take care of the recon in an hour, tops. Plus it would give her playtime with the packs up there.”

  “The ship is on a shelf edge and not safe to board. Furthermore, neither Dad nor I are comfortable with her diving freely in the wolf packs. Orcas aren’t the most reasonable of creatures.”

  “I would trust a pack before a leopard seal. They are nasty.”

  “I hope I don’t regret this when I tell you that I am leaving the final decision to your discretion as mission commander. It’s your choice. But I can’t speak for Dad. If he disapproves, do not push him.”

  “Like she cares about that?”

  “Make her care. This is a test of your team. Good luck, my boy.”


  “But, why does Michael get to be in charge? We’re the same rank now,” Sam whined.

  “He’s still your senior officer, and is older and has more experience. Plus, it’s what I want. Can’t you give me that?”

  “Yes, Daddy, of course I can. For you, anything,” she smiled prettily, batting her eyelashes at him.

  He was immune to her flirting, but found it amusing when she still tried. “Thank you. Oh, and one more thing. You won’t like this, but we have no alternative.”


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