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Starlet Page 6

by Fiona Davenport

  The worry I was feeling melts away and a smile slowly spreads across my face. Nicole spits out the paste and rinses her mouth then frowns at me in the mirror. “I thought you’d be a lot more upset that I didn’t tell you. And, why does my getting sick make you happy, you big lug? Shouldn’t you be pampering me?”

  I full out grin and slip my arms around her waist, resting my hands on her flat tummy. “Absolutely, my little starlet. You deserve to be pampered.” I kiss her neck before locking my eyes with her crystal blue ones in the mirror. “And, I hate that you are getting sick, baby. But, I’m happy as fuck at the reason why.”



  “No, really.” I turn in Austin’s hold and narrow my eyes at him. I’m suspicious because normally he’d be freaking out and talking about rushing me to the hospital. He tends to overreact when it comes to me. Last week, I stubbed my toe on set and made a small noise of distress. He thought it might be broken and yelled for someone to call an ambulance...for a stubbed toe. “What could I possibly have caught that would make you totally fine with me being sick?”

  His dark eyes gleam with masculine satisfaction as he answers, “My baby.”

  Austin’s baby? “Oh my gosh! I might be pregnant!”

  “Yup.” He flashes me a smug grin. “It looks like all that cum I’ve filled you up with has finally done its job.”

  “Finally? There’s no finally about it. We’ve only known each other for barely more than a month.” I think back over the weeks we’ve spent together and realize there’s important stuff I haven’t needed to add to the shopping list in all that time. “Umm, I should’ve gotten my period like two weeks ago. I can’t believe I didn’t notice until now.”

  He lifts me off my feet and carries me over to the couch. After he gets me settled on one end, he takes the other and sets my feet in his lap. Pulling my shoes off, he starts to rub my soles. I let out a soft moan, and he presses a little harder. “This right here is why you didn’t notice.”

  “Hmm?” I’m not sure what he means, but the stroking of his fingers feels too good for me to be able to form actual words—even though I’m freaking out about my possible pregnancy. Being a teenage mom isn’t something I ever expected to happen to me. But then Austin came barreling into my life and everything changed.

  “When we get our hands on each other, we lose our minds.”

  It’s hard to argue when he’s right. I rest my hand over my belly, and he covers it with his. “And that’s why I might be pregnant so soon in our relationship.”

  He presses a kiss to my ankle before lowering my feet to the ground and pulling me onto his lap. “Don’t be scared, baby. I’ll be with you every step of the way; from middle of the night pregnancy cravings to diaper changes.”

  I’m sure he will be since he barely ever lets me out of his sight. I don’t expect this to change just because I’m pregnant—I mentally groan. I can only imagine how much more protective of me and our baby he’s going to get. However, as annoying as it should be, it makes me feel safe and loved. “Since this was your idea, I think you should get all the poopy diapers,” I tease.

  “Done,” he agrees.

  His lack of hesitation soothes my nerves. I tilt my head back and suggest, “Maybe I should take a test to confirm I’m actually pregnant before we start dividing up parenting duties?”

  “Probably,” he chuckles, lifting me up as he stands. He carries me over to the bathroom and sets me on my feet. When he yanks open one of the drawers and pulls out a pregnancy test, I gasp in surprise.

  “What the heck?”

  He smiles sheepishly as he rips open the box and hands it to me. “I stocked up on these so we’d have them no matter where we were when the time came to take one,” he explains. “Here, the trailer, each of the bathrooms at home, even the private bathroom at Tyson’s office.”

  “That’s a lot of pregnancy tests.”

  He shrugs his broad shoulders. “What can I say? I wanted to be prepared.” Gesturing at the stick in my hand, he grins. “And it’s a good thing too because now we don’t have to wait. All you need to do is pee on that, and we’ll have confirmation that you’re pregnant.”

  His utter certainty is infectious, and I find myself shooing a grumbling Austin out of the bathroom so I can do my business. As soon as the toilet flushes, he pushes the door open to join me again. He waits semi-patiently while I wash my hands before claiming my mouth in a fervent kiss that lasts the few minutes needed before the results are available.

  When he lifts his head, I’m in a passionate fog and can’t think clearly. He doesn’t seem to have the same problem because he glances at the test right away and lets out a triumphant whoop. “Pregnant!”

  His grin is huge as he shows me the single word on the display. “Pregnant,” I echo softly, my eyes filling with tears.

  “Those better be happy tears,” he grouches as he drops the test back on the counter and hugs me.

  “They are,” I sniffle into his shirt.

  “Tears? My client better not be crying,” a feminine voice calls out from inside the trailer.

  Our heads jerk up in surprise, and we find Sarah and Tyson standing there, staring at us. Sarah is glaring at Austin, but Tyson has a big grin on his face.

  “How’d you two get in here?” Austin growls. “The door was closed for a reason.”

  Sarah leans back and raps her knuckles against the door. “We knocked like a dozen times.”

  “She felt like what she had to show Nicole couldn’t wait, and I wasn’t about to let her barge right in without me,” Tyson adds.

  “Sorry. We were lost in our own little world and didn’t hear you.” I’m not sure if I’m ready to share the big news with our agents yet, even if Ty is one of Austin’s best friends, and a positive pregnancy test is sitting out in plain view on the counter. I lace my fingers through Austin’s and tug him out of the bathroom. Then I shut the door behind us and ask, “What did you want to show me?”

  “This.” She practically shoves the magazine she’s holding into my hands. “Did the paps get this right?”

  I have no idea what she’s talking about. “Get what right?”

  While I’m still holding the magazine, she flips through it and points to a page. “The article about you being preggers.”

  “Article? What article?!” I screech. I barely catch a glimpse of a picture of Tyson and I outside the trailer before Austin yanks the magazine out of my grasp.

  He does a quick scan of the article. “What the fuck is this?”

  Tyson tugs the magazine out of Austin’s hand—the darn thing really is getting around—and peers down at it. “It’s a picture of me escorting your fiancée back to your trailer.”

  “I know that,” Austin growls. “But why is it in this damn magazine?”

  “Did you really just ask me that?” Tyson rolls his eyes. “You know how it works. Someone must’ve snapped a picture of us and shopped it around. At that angle it looks like she has a tiny baby bump going on, and the ring you made sure everyone knows about isn’t on her finger. Add in me holding the door open for her, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for bullshit gossip.”

  Austin pins Sarah with his gaze. “Did you really come barging in here to ask my fiancée if this garbage is true?”

  “Obviously not the crap about Nicole ending your engagement because she’s pregnant with Tyson’s baby.” A deep snarl rumbles up Austin’s chest, and Sarah rushes to explain, “I wanted to know if she’s actually pregnant or if she was just bloated or something that day. This is her first major role, so the timing couldn’t be worse for her to have a baby when it comes to her career.”

  And there goes my chance to keep the news between just the two of us for a little bit because Austin barks out, “If she was bloated, it was probably because of the baby. The pregnancy is the only part they got fucking right, and the timing is perfect for us. If you don’t like it, then Nicole can always find a new agent who does.”
  Sarah holds her hands up in a gesture of surrender. “As long as it’s what Nicole wants, you can knock her up as many times as you want. I’ll always be in her corner.”

  “Plan on working around her pregnancies.” Yup, he went with plural before pointing a finger at Tyson, who mirrors Sarah’s gesture of surrender and proclaims, “Hey, man. It wasn’t me.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Austin growls, not finding Tyson’s attempt at humor funny. “You do not want to mess with me right now.”

  Tyson’s smile wipes away. “How can I help?”

  Austin stabs a finger at the magazine Tyson is still holding. “Come up with a public relations plan to counteract the garbage in that article. I want everyone in the world to know that the baby she’s carrying is mine.”

  Tyson nods. “You got it.”

  I frown and gaze up at Austin. “Aren’t we supposed to wait until three months or something before we start telling people?”

  He shrugs. “Cat’s already out of the bag, so I want the world to know who put that kitten in your belly.”

  Austin kisses my nose, then glares at Ty. “I also want to know who took that picture.” Austin pulls me closer. “A message needs to be sent that you need to be prepared for your life to go to shit if you fuck with what’s mine.”

  Sarah rubs her hands together. “I’ll do some digging and find out who it was.”

  “And I’ll make sure they can’t find another job in this town after they’re fired,” Tyson adds.

  Austin’s hand clenches against my side. “That’s not enough. I want to—”

  “That’ll be fine,” I tell Tyson before looking up at Austin. “Because anything else you do could land you in jail and then I’d have to deal with this pregnancy all by myself.”

  “Fine,” he grunts. “I’ll refrain from beating the shit out of them, but someone’s going to hold onto your ring when you’re on set so the only time you’re not wearing it is when you’re actually filming.”

  “Whatever you want, babe.” I’m all for keeping him out of prison—even if he’s just proven that I was right about his possessiveness ratcheting up another level now that I’m pregnant.

  Austin grabs my hand and starts leading me back to the set with Ty and Sarah following behind us. I glance back and see Ty already has his phone glued to his ear and Sarah is working furiously on her iPad.

  “Do you want to do a live interview?” Tyson asks. His question halts Austin in his tracks and he turns to face Ty, his expression thoughtful.

  After a moment, a devious smile forms on his perfect lips. “Excellent idea.” He lets go of my hand and points to me. “Stay right here.” Then he takes off for our dressing room. He comes back a minute later and slips my engagement ring on my hand. He spins around, takes my hand once more, and marches across the space towards the exit.

  “Uh, Austin?” Ty calls out. “You want to clue me in on what’s going on in that carnival fun house you call a brain?”

  Without answering, Austin lifts me into a golf cart, buckles me, then gets in and takes off. He finally stops just outside the entrance to the studio grounds. He hops out, comes around and helps me out before lacing our fingers together and walking determinedly to the guard shack.

  He waves at the guard as we pass and once we are out, his eyes dart around until he smiles, seeming to find what he’s looking for. With his free hand, he sticks his fingers in his mouth and lets out a piercing whistle. A group of people turn in our direction and that’s when I realize what he’s done.

  The paparazzi rush over, their cameras already flashing, and microphones poised in our direction as they bombard us with questions.

  Austin holds up his hand and the crowd falls silent. Then he lifts our joined hands in the air and grins broadly. “WE’RE PREGNANT!!” he shouts.



  The limousine rolls to an idle as we wait in line to pull up to the red carpet. I place one last kiss on my wife’s mouth before pulling my hand from under her dress and licking my fingers clean. “Told you I could make you come at least twice before we arrived,” I say smugly.

  Nicole blinks a couple of times, her eyes slowly clearing of the lustful fog I’d put her in. “Maybe you should prove it to me again on the way home,” she replies impishly.

  I can’t help grinning and giving her another quick, hard kiss. “You are insatiable lately,” I tell her with a laugh. Not that I’m complaining. During her pregnancy, Nicole was practically in a constant state of horniness. She wanted it all the time and I was more than willing to oblige. The last couple of months, she’s been in a similar state, probably due to the fact that our sexy time is limited to when our daughter allows it.

  Nicole shakes her head and scoots off my lap. “Once we get home, my breasts belong to our four-month-old, babe. We should take the alone time while we’ve got it.”

  “True,” I sigh. Callie is the most beautiful and precious little girl, but I can’t help feeling a little jealous sometimes. She gets to spend way more time sucking on Nicole’s tits than I do lately. And I can’t get fucking enough of their sweet taste, especially when I’m lapping up her cream. “It’s Daddy’s turn with those gorgeous tits, baby,” I tell her as I cup her full breasts and run my thumbs over her nipples. Her eyes close and her head falls back as a blissful moan falls from her kiss-swollen lips. Her tits have been extra sensitive the last few weeks and I can usually get her off just by playing with them.

  The sound of her moan goes straight to my cock and it somehow swells even more, making the zipper of my pants dig into the skin. I curse when the car starts to move again and debate how much time I need for a quick fuck.

  But, I’m cock-blocked when the flashing lights outside penetrate the darkened windows as we come to a stop at the front of the theater. The door opens and I climb out, shielding my eyes from the blinding flashes. I turn and reach in, grasping Nicole’s out-stretched hand and helping her exit the car.

  When she waltzed out of our bedroom in the lacy, green gown she’s wearing, I flipped my shit and demanded that she go back upstairs and change. It hugs her every curve and the front dips low enough to show off too much of her milk-swollen tits. The back is high, and I breathed a sigh of relief until she got closer and I realized it’s fucking see-through.

  Nicole just smiled and hot-footed it out to the car before I could make a grab for her and haul her back to the bedroom. As I gaze down at her now, I have to admit, she looks fucking amazing. But, she’ll definitely be paying for her disobedience later.

  I pull her tight into my side as we wave to the eager crowd. They beg for a kiss, so I dip Nicole dramatically low and give them what they want. Nicole laughs as I lift her back up, her cheeks a sweet pink, and her blue eyes glowing brightly.

  Everyone was incredibly excited for the premiere of The First Time. It had taken almost seven months to get the movie finished because they had to shift around the schedule to accommodate Nicole’s growing stomach, and post production had taken another six months.

  The studio used the time wisely though and launched a massive marketing campaign for the movie. They had the fans chomping at the bit for the release. Opening weekend, we broke a few box office records in more than one country.

  Now, we are attending the Oscars with several nominations, including Best Actress in a Leading Role. I’m so fucking proud of my woman and can’t wait to act with her in another project. We’ve been sought out for a couple of movies as the leading roles, but the offer we are most interested in is a television show they want to write just for us. It would mean less time on the road, always being together, and we’d have an easier time working around Nicole’s next pregnancy.

  My brother and his wife are waiting just ahead, having arrived a few cars before us. Nicole and Shelby hug while Theo and I shake hands. He’s received a nomination for Best Original Score for The First Time, but he’s also up for Best Original song for another movie. He wrote it for Shelby and she sings th
e theme on the album, which won her a Grammy.

  We walk as a group to the photo area and pose before continuing on into the theater. Ty is lounging against a wall, and I lift my chin in greeting. But he doesn’t even notice me. His eyes are glued to someone in the throng of people to my left.

  Nicole must notice it too because she stands on her tip-toes and cranes her neck trying to spot whomever it is. After a minute, her face lights up and she grins, then bee-lines straight for Ty, tugging me along.

  “Still won’t give you the time of day, huh?” she prods.

  Ty jumps, clearly startled by my little starlet’s arrival. He frowns down at my wife and grumbles, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

  Nicole opens her mouth to respond but freezes before she gets a word out. She slaps a hand over her mouth and takes off. Concerned, I stay with her until she ducks into the ladies’ bathroom.

  I wait for a few seconds but when another woman opens the door and I hear the sound of retching, I bust in and rush to the stall where Nicole is bent over the toilet, losing her dinner.

  Gently, I gather her hair and lift it away from her face, murmuring soothing words until she’s finished and sits back. Worry fills my mind as I help her stand and go to the sink where she digs through her purse and pulls out a tiny bottle of mouthwash. She rinses as the color begins to return to her face. Nicole rarely gets sick unless…

  Elation replaces my anxiety and my smile is so big I’m surprised it doesn’t break my face. I spin her around and she scowls at the look on my face. “Why are you—”

  “You haven’t gotten your period yet, right?” I interrupt, already confident that I’m right.

  Nicole’s clear blue eyes widen and blink owlishly at me. “No,” she denies as she shakes her head. “I can’t—but, but—”

  I think about the timing and can’t help puffing up with pride. “I bet I knocked you up the first time after the doctor gave us the all-clear,” I brag. If I could, I’d pat my sperm on the back. Excellent work, boys.


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