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Starlet Page 7

by Fiona Davenport

  Nicole pokes me in the chest. “This is what happens when you won’t wear a freaking condom,” she hisses.

  I wrap my arms around her and kiss her nose, beaming down at her. She melts a little and I lower my head to take her mouth. The hinges on the door squeak as someone pushes it open and I whip my head around and shout, “Out!” The young woman jerks in surprise before scurrying backward and leaving.

  “We’re having another baby,” I breathe, practically vibrating with joy and a healthy dose of lust, Oh yeah, knowing my woman is pregnant with my kid, seeing her round little belly. It’s a huge fucking turn on.

  “We don’t even know for sure if I’m pregnant,” Nicole argues, but her expression has lightened, and a smile is playing at her pink lips. I knew she’d be happy about it once she got over the shock. My wife loves being a mom.

  I stalk quickly to the door and flip the lock before coming back and snatching her purse from her hand. I open an inside zipper compartment and draw out a long, pink package. She stares at it in shock then looks up at me with suspiciously narrowed eyes.

  “I told you, little starlet. I stocked up so we have them no matter where we are.” I can’t help grinning and laugh when she huffs as she takes the pregnancy test.

  “I’m starting to wonder if you planned this all along.”

  “Four bedrooms, baby,” I remind her with a wink and a smirk.



  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but apparently four bedrooms weren’t enough.” When Austin doesn’t react to my statement, I nudge him with my elbow and wait for him to turn and look at me before I continue, “I guess we’re going to need a bigger house.”

  He shakes his head, not in reaction to what I said, but to clear the daze from his brain. “That’s your response to the bombshell the doctor just lobbed at us?”

  I point at my belly and shrug. “Hey, you’re the one who likes to brag about how good of a job your swimmers do since you’re always getting me pregnant. It’s not my fault you put two babies in me this time, especially since they seem to run in your family.”

  “Two babies,” he echoes.

  “That’s generally what it means when you’re having twins,” our doctor jokes. She’s been with us for my other pregnancies and is used to dealing with my Neanderthal of a husband. “But just think; this will put you ahead of your brother by a baby.”

  Theo and Austin have had a friendly competition about who has the stronger sperm going on ever since Shelby and I were in our first pregnancies. They had twins the second time around, and Theo was sure he’d won that contest. But then I’d caught up by getting pregnant with our third. When Shelby, who is two months further along than me this time around, recently told me this was the last baby for her and Theo, I’d laughingly told her it served them right because their competition was going to end in a tie. But it looks like fate has different plans in store for us, and it’s just the thing to put a smile on Austin’s face.

  “You’re right!” He yanks his phone from his pocket and snaps a picture of the ultrasound screen. “I can’t wait to let him know.”

  “More like rub it in his face,” I mutter and the doctor chuckles as she wipes the jelly off my belly.

  “Did he forget that I’m going to give you a printout and video of the ultrasound?” the doctor whispers to me while Austin taps away on his phone.

  “I’m sure he’s too busy bragging to Theo to be able to think straight.”

  “My thinking is perfectly straight,” Austin corrects me before pocketing his phone and moving back to my side. Then he presses a kiss to my forehead. “I just didn’t want to wait to share the good news until we could show them the printout in person.”

  I grin up at him as he helps me sit back up. “Share the good news or gloat?”

  “Maybe a little bit of both.” He winks at me, making the doctor laugh.

  I take Austin’s hand so he can help me off the exam table. “You’re impossible.”

  Austin rubs his hand down my rounded belly. “And that’s exactly how you like me.”

  The doctor shakes her head and moves towards the door. “I swear, the sparks between you two just get stronger every time I see you.”

  I think back to some of the compromising positions we’ve been found in while in the exam rooms and blush. There’s been a time or two when Austin and I have gotten a little carried away and forgotten where we were. But who can really blame us when we’re always getting such good news when we’re here?

  Austin brushes his knuckles across my cheek. “That makes sense because I only grow to love my little starlet more and more as the years go by.”

  “Make that your not-so little starlet.” I pat my belly and give the doctor a questioning look. “I’m assuming I’ll gain a whole lot more weight than usual with this pregnancy since there are two of them?”

  I groan when the doctor nods in confirmation and listen while she lists some of the other things we’ll need to look out for with a twin pregnancy. Then I whimper when I see Austin pull out his phone to take notes. Five minutes, and what feels like a million of Austin’s questions later, the doctor finally leaves us alone so I can get dressed. He’s so distracted by thoughts of twins while he helps me put my clothes back on that he doesn’t even try to cop a feel. It’s my first warning sign that his usual over-protective routine when I’m pregnant is about to get an upgrade to crazy-town.

  After he kneels down to slip my shoes onto my feet, he pops back up and opens the door to holler, “Can someone bring a wheelchair in here?”

  I tug on the back of his shirt to get his attention. “Why would we need a wheelchair?”

  “For you.” When I just stare at him like he’s speaking another language, he explains, “I don’t want you walking that far, so I’m going to roll you out to the front.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mutter before squeezing past him to stalk down the hallway.

  He quickly follows after me and grumbles, “Fine, no wheelchair. But you’re going to wait out front while I go get the car.”

  “Okie dokie.” He flashes me an odd look, and I figure he’s confused by why I’m not arguing. I’m not about to tell him that I’m picking my battles since I’m sure there will be plenty of them in the coming months, so I just give him an innocent smile. Then I realize how right I am because not even five seconds later, he does this weird thing with his arms where he basically makes a bubble around me. “What’re you doing?”

  He gives the evil eye to the nurse walking past us before answering, “Making sure nobody bumps into you or the babies.” I burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of his logic, and his glare shifts to me. “I’m not joking.”

  “I know you’re not, babe. That’s what makes it so funny.” I slide my arm around his waist and let him “help” me outside and smile to myself when he gets me settled on the bench out front before jogging towards the parking lot to grab our big-ass SUV—which of course has tinted windows so nobody can see our babies when they’re riding inside with us. My husband might go a little overboard at times, but I wouldn’t have him any other way. Not when he’s made all my dreams come true...and then some.

  Muse, Theo and Shelby’s story, is already available! Tyson’s story—Heiress—is coming April 29! While you’re waiting, there’s plenty of baby-making goodness from the duo behind Fiona Davenport in Baby Daddies: A Me, Myself & I Collection.



  This collection is jam packed with baby making goodness. It features three, all-new stories from the duo behind Fiona Davenport.

  Her Doctor's Baby by Fiona Davenport: She was hoping he could help her get pregnant, but she never expected it to be the old-fashioned way.

  Her Neighbor's Baby by Rochelle Paige: She didn’t expect to join her friend's baby craze...until one wild night with her sexy neighbor.

  Her Boss's Baby by Elle Christensen: It was hard to keep thi
ngs professional when her boss offered perks like seeing him naked.




  It had been a shitty day. As a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist), I should’ve been used to delivering bad news as well as good. But, telling a couple who desperately want a baby that their attempts had been unsuccessful never got any easier. Today, I’d had to inform six out of seven patients that their struggle wasn’t over. And, one of those couples was in the process of losing their baby.

  On top of that, my partner had informed me that he and his wife were moving, and he wanted to sell his share of the practice. I didn’t care about buying back his share, I could more than afford it, but he announced that they were leaving in one week. Which meant I’d have to take on his clients until I could find another doctor or two to join my practice. My schedule was already packed to the brim, and the thought of trying to balance all the patients in our clinic had strung me tighter than a wire.

  I fucking needed to get drunk. I intended to drown my sorrows with a bottle of vodka while sitting on the deck of my Malibu home. Between the alcohol and the sounds of the ocean, I figured I’d find some mind-numbing peace at some point.

  However, my best friend, Nash, had dragged me to a local bar, informing me that getting shit-faced alone in my house was pathetic. He was right, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “You need to get laid, man,” Nash stated before tossing back his third Kamikaze.

  I scoffed and cocked my head to the side, narrowing my eyes at him. “What do you know about getting laid, asshole? How long has Aubrey worked for you?”

  Nash glared at me and ran his hands through his unruly blond hair. Then he sighed. “Three months.”

  I raised a single brow. “And how many times have you fucked her during that time?”

  “Touché.” Nash acceded with a shrug. Then he punched me in the arm hard enough to leave a deep fucking bruise.

  “What the fuck?” I gasped as pain radiated up and down my arm.

  “Don’t talk about my woman and fucking in the same sentence ever again.”

  I choked out a laugh and rolled my eyes. “Damn, Nash. You’ve got it bad.”

  His lips turned up in an unapologetic grin. “Fuck yeah, I do. Anyway, it’s just a matter of time. Aubrey already knows she’s mine, she just doesn’t want to admit it.”

  I chuckled and shook my head as I picked up the tiny glass of liquid. The vodka burned on the way down, but it numbed some of the lingering darkness from my day.

  “Rum and Coke, please.”

  My ears perked up immediately when I heard the sweet voice of the woman ordering next to me. I swiveled my head to get a look at her and almost fell off my barstool. Possession hit me in the solar plexus, stealing my breath. It was followed by a wave of lust so strong I had to clench my hands into fists to keep from pulling her onto my lap and kissing the fuck out of her.

  She was absolutely stunning. Long, almost black hair hung in soft curls to the small of her back and my fingers curled tighter, itching to delve into the silky strands. She must have felt the pull between us because her head turned, and her curious gaze locked with mine. Her dark brown eyes were somewhat narrow, framed with thick, sooty lashes. When she blinked, they brushed the top of her high cheekbones.

  Her nose was straight, and a tiny diamond stud winked at me on one side. Pink gloss covered her wide, full lips that I had an urgent desire to taste. I was instantly obsessed with those gorgeous lips. I wanted to do all kinds of dirty things to them. Her tongue darted out to lick along the bottom one, making it shiny and even more tempting.

  I stifled a groan and tore my eyes away as they continued their slow appraisal of her body. My arousal grew at the sight of her high, lush tits, pressing against a soft purple sweater. And her little black skirt that showed off her tight, round ass, and endless legs that would look amazing wrapped around me.

  When I finished with my inspection, I lifted my gaze to meet hers once again. She smirked and performed the same scrutinization of my body, making me chuckle. Her brown eyes sparkled with appreciation as they journeyed back up to land on my face.

  We stared at each other in silence for what was probably only a minute but seemed like hours. The bartender broke our connection as he set her drink on the shiny wooden surface.

  “On the house,” he said with a wink, his eyes running over her, lingering on her breasts.

  Rage instantly flared inside me and I leaned over the bar so we were face to face. “Put it on my tab,” I insisted, keeping my voice low and deadly. My tone and steely expression must have gotten my point across because he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and backed up before moving to the other end of the bar to serve another customer.

  I was shocked at the emotions flowing through me. I’d never felt jealousy like this, much less an overwhelming feeling of possession. I took a deep, calming breath before returning my attention to the goddess next to me.

  Her head was cocked to the side and she was studying me with probing eyes. Her neutral expression didn’t give anything away, and I wondered if I’d scared her off with my intensity.

  I reached out a hand and ran my index finger down her cheek before tracing her lips. They immediately parted and her breath caught in her throat. I nodded with satisfaction. She was as affected by me as I was by her.

  “What’s your name, lips?” My voice was hoarse from the lust tightening my every muscle.

  She raised a single dark eyebrow but didn’t comment on the nickname, answering the question instead. “Madison.”

  “Are you single, Madison?”

  She nodded her head and smirked at me as though to ask, “What are you going to do about it?”

  Oh, you just wait and see, baby.

  “Well, Madison. I’m Ethan and I’m going to be brutally honest because I don’t want to waste another minute with you.” Her other brow joined the first and I grinned boldly. “I want to take you home and fuck those sexy lips every way I can think of. Then bury myself inside your beautiful body until neither of us has the strength to move.”

  Madison’s cheeks bloomed with pink and her mouth formed a little O, prompting more images of them wrapped around my cock.

  I stood and held out my hand, waiting for her to decide. My heart was pounding and I prayed she didn’t turn down my invitation because I wasn’t sure I had the power to walk away. It was entirely possible that I would just throw her over my shoulder and take her to a dark corner where I could convince her that this was a brilliant plan.

  “I know you feel this thing between us, lips,” I cajoled, not even trying to mask the hunger I was sure she could see on my face.

  “I’ll come with you on one condition,” she said, a smile playing at her mouth and a twinkle entering her eyes. I raised a brow, mirroring her earlier expression.

  Her smile morphed into a wicked grin sending bolts of electricity straight to my dick. “I get to do dirty things to your mouth, too.”

  I threw my head back as a deep belly laugh exploded from my chest. She placed her hand in mine and I squeezed it tight as my laughter subsided. “Done.”

  I twisted slightly to let Nash know I was leaving. He was leaning his back on the bar, his feet crossed at the ankle and his arms folded. He was grinning from ear to ear and gave me a chin lift. I returned the gesture before pivoting and leading Madison through the crowd and out into the warm summer night.

  Available NOW!


  The writing duo of Elle Christensen and Rochelle Paige team up under the Fiona Davenport pen name to bring you sexy, insta-love stories filled with alpha males. If you want a quick & dirty read with a guaranteed happily ever after, then give Fiona Davenport a try!

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  Baby Daddies

  Chapter 1

  About the Author




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