Anarchy (Deathstalkers Book 10)

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Anarchy (Deathstalkers Book 10) Page 1

by Alexis Noelle


  By: Alexis Noelle


  Copyright © 2018 Ashley Piscitelli

  Photo by Lindee Robinson

  All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be given away to another person except when loaned out per lending program. If you’re reading this and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then it was pirated illegally. Please purchase a copy of your own and respect the hard work of this author.

  Table Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The Beginning

  Many years ago…

  “Please let me go. Please don’t kill me!” Amy is pleading with them and completely ignoring me. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise. Please just let me go,” she cries as Twisted holds her up.

  “It’s not up to them,” I say as I look at the girl I was ready to sacrifice myself for. I was so desperate for some sort of blood family that I was too blind to see what was right in front of my face.

  “Lucy? I didn’t know you—”

  “What? Lived? You thought he killed me? I’m sure you would have liked that. Then no one would have known that you helped them. That without you they wouldn’t have gotten to me.” I take a step closer to her. “I felt sorry for you. You used my past against me, my pain as leverage. You are as horrible of a person as they are.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I just did what Daddy wanted me to. They told me I would be punished if I didn’t. What was I supposed to do?”

  "You could have said no! You could have told me!" Tears sting my eyes. "The things that happened to me down there have changed me for the rest of my life, and that is all because of you. I lost my child because of the things they did to me." My voice is loud and cracking with emotion.

  “You can’t kill me, I’m your sister! You love me! You’re not a killer, Lucy. You aren’t that person.” Her eyes plead with me.

  “I wasn’t that person before, this is what your actions have turned me into. You created this monster, and now this monster is going to destroy you.” My voice is cold. Any love or feelings I had toward Amy have long since died.

  Jordan steps up next to me and hands me his gun. "You ever fire one of these?" I shake my head at him. "You ready?" I nod. I want this to be done. This chapter in my life needs to be over. "Don't touch the trigger ‘til you're ready to pull it. When you do pull it, it's gonna be loud."

  I take it from him, the weight in my hand making my stomach drop. The confidence I felt walking in here is seeping out of me. I take a few steps toward her so that we are about six feet apart. Twisted releases her and she falls to her knees. Her words are now unrecognizable, mixed with sobs and cries. I should feel compassion for her, but I don't. I gave Amy everything I had, and she only gave me deception. I lift the gun my hands and arms visibly shaking.

  “Lucy?” Jordan’s voice sounds behind me.

  “She has this, bro.” I hear Twisted’s voice. I think about the talk I had with him in the room. The way he told me that only I had the power to move past all of this shit and come out on top. There is no way I can move past anything knowing that she is living her life, that she got away with what she did.

  My finger slides over the cool metal toward the trigger.

  This is the start of a new life.

  A new attitude.

  A new outlook on life.

  A new Lucy.




  About a month ago

  “Father, may I speak to you?”

  He looks up from the pages of his worn Bible. It belonged to my mother, and it's one of the few things that he has of hers. "Yes" he nods to the chair, and I sit down.

  My nervous hands fidget and wring in my lap. "I know the time is coming for me to get married and—“

  "You know it's not an option. As much as I love you, Emma, this isn't something I have control over." His eyes look at me with a hint of sadness. My mother passed away shortly after I was born and I am their only child.

  My mother was his first wife, and he has been married three more times since. I have sixteen siblings, and for as crowded as it can be, I love that we all live together. I have always dreaded the day that I would need to leave them.

  "No, I wasn't asking you to stop it. I was wondering if I could have a say in who I was marrying." My voice is quiet because I know this isn't something that is typically done.

  His eyes widen in surprise, “and who might you be thinking of?”

  "Issac Young." He doesn't respond, and for a minute I question whether he heard me or not.

  “He’s a fine boy. I will speak to the prophet and see if it’s in his plan.” He offers me a smile before returning to his reading.

  I take that as my cue to leave.


  Two weeks later

  “Emma!” my father’s voice yells from downstairs.

  I walk down and find him in his study. “I spoke with the prophet, he said the plans he received can fit in with your request.” I wrap my arms around my father. “However, he said you will be required to spend a week at a purity house.”

  My eyebrows draw together in confusion, “why?” usually a purity house is used when someone has committed actions against the faith.

  "I'm not sure. He said the plan he was shown had two paths. If you wanted the path which included a choice, this is the road to that. If not he did say he saw another possible union for you—“

  "No!" I blurt out, and my father looks displeased. "I mean no sir, I will pack some things for the purity house." I offer him a big smile before heading upstairs. I feel so much better knowing that I will actually be able to marry Issac.


  My door opens, and I look up from my rosary. Prophet is standing there his stone face just staring at me.

  "My dear," he walks over sitting on the bed next to me. His hand settles on the middle of my back. My skin crawls beneath his touch. I try my best to keep my distance from him. He's never given me a reason to, but I just have a sinking feeling whenever he is around.

  “Yes, Prophet.” I look at him.

  "First let me say you have been doing an exceptional job here. Your dedication and faith are impressive." His hand lowers a couple inches, and it takes all self-control not to move away. "When your father came to me with your request for a husband I was thrilled. The time is long overdue for you to join in union and start gracing this community with more children." His voice is low, and everything inside me is on high alert. "I ha
ve difficult news to share with you. While upsetting you must keep in mind that nothing happens, that is not I God's plan."

  My body goes stiff, he came here to give me news. It must be bad.

  “I stopped by your family’s home today. It seems in the past week they must have all contracted the measles.” His hand begins to rub circles on my back, it’s meant to comfort me but all it does it give me anxiety. “I’m sorry to say they’re all gone.”

  My heart stops as the words he said echo in my ears. He's still talking, but he sounds so far away.

  This can’t be happening.

  “How?” it’s the only word I can manage.

  “The only answer I have for you is that it must have been in God’s plan.”

  “Can I leave? I want to see them.” I stand up my only relief being the absence of his hand.

  “we have started to make arrangements, the funerals will be in two days.”

  “What about the wedding?”

  His eyes narrow and it confuses me. "I'm not sure. I need to re-evaluate the plan now that you are the only one left to carry on your name. It may be more beneficial for you to marry a more established member of the community." He stands placing himself in from of me. "I would be more than happy to step up and take care of you." His hands cup my shoulders.

  “No,” I shake my head. “I want to marry Issac, it was already approved.”

  I see the anger flash across his face, but it's gone just as fast. "So be it."

  He walks out of the room, and I sink to the floor.


  They’re all gone.


  The van pulls into the community, and I open the door. Getting out I'm unsure of what to do. I would normally go home, but now it's just an empty building, not a home. I can't go to Issac because we aren't allowed to be alone together until we are married.

  Lizzie comes running toward me with tears streaming down her face. “Emma, I can’t believe all of this is happening.”

  I hug her not really knowing what to say. “I want to go find Issac, will you come with me?”

  She pulls back looking at me in confusion her eyes full with unshed tears. “You don’t know?”

  My muscles tense so tight that it feels like at the slightest movement they might snap. I stare at Lizzie scared to ask what she means.

  “They just told us this morning that Issac had an accident in the fields.” She hugs me again, tighter this time. “He didn’t make it.”


  This can’t be real.

  “Emma.” I hear him call my name.

  "Hello, Prophet." Lizzie dips her head out of respect.

  His words from yesterday come back to me.

  It may be more beneficial for you to marry a more established member of the community. I would be more than happy to step up and take care of you.

  My heart pounds so hard it feels as if it might break right out of my chest.

  This can’t be a coincidence.

  How could he do this?

  There is no way I will ever marry him.

  I turn toward him. "Hello, Prophet. May I go with Lizzie to her home? I am feeling sick and exhausted."

  "Yes, my dear. I will come to find you shortly."

  No, you won't.

  Once we get into Lizzie's room, I tell her my plan.

  “What do you mean you’re leaving?!” Lizzie’s voice is frantic.

  “I can’t stay here.” I look out the window knowing I don’t have much time.

  “Where are you going to go?” she grabs my arm.

  Lizzie is right to worry. I have no family left. No one to turn to.

  Except for one person.

  "I'm going to go find my aunt Lucy."


  I shush her worrying someone will hear us.

  “She’s a sinner! You know what we’ve been told about her.”

  That may be true, but right now she’s all I have.

  Chapter One


  My eyes shift left and right as every inch of my body is on high alert. The club was hit so hard the other night, and all of us are basically waiting for the other shoe to drop. The fact that the only person we lost in all that gunfire was Izzy is a miracle.

  Everyone is at the funeral but being the prospect, I had to stay on gate duty. As much as I hate the bullshit work, it will all be worth it when Pres gives me my cut and I become a brother.

  I came to the club about six months ago. I had always seen them around town, and I've honestly looked up to them since I was in high school. Some assholes from school had jumped me, and as much as I can fight, I couldn't win when it was five against one.

  Fists fly from every direction as I curl into a ball doing the only thing I can to protect myself. A few of the assholes kick me, and my ribs cry out in pain. If these fuckers fought me one on one, they'd never have a chance.

  A loud rumble sounds and the attack stops. I look up to see one of the MC brothers straddling his bike. He climbs off and takes a few steps toward us. Leaning down some he offers me his hand, and I take it and stand trying to hold in the sounds of pain.

  “You pussies think it’s cool to gang up on people?” His voice is even and emotionless, which makes it even more terrifying than if he were yelling.

  None of them say a word.

  "Next time you even think of jumping someone just remember this. I will outnumber you every fucking day of the week, and I can do more damage with one fist than all ten of yours combined. Now get the fuck out of here."

  They mumble a bunch of ‘yes, sirs’ before they almost run away.

  He turns to me, and I see that his patch says President, holy shit.

  “You ever have trouble like that again, look me up.” He pats me on the shoulder.

  "Thank you," I say still dumbfounded that he actually stopped to help, most people just walk by and pretend shit like this doesn't happen.

  “No problem, come look us up in a few years.” He gives me a nod before climbing on his bike and driving away.

  The sound of an approaching car pulls me from my memory. A beat up old pick up is coming down the street, and I immediately go on high alert.

  I can see a man driving, and it looks like there is someone in the passenger seat. The truck stops in front of the gate, and the passenger door opens.

  "Thank you," a soft voice utters, and it almost sounds like a damn song. A girl climbs out long blond hair flowing out from underneath a baseball hat. Turning toward me the girl looks nervous, she also looks way too young to be walking up to our gate.

  Before she can say anything, the truck pulls away.

  Her bright blue eyes look up at me, and I can see the fear and nervousness in them. "Hi, I'm—um I'm looking for Lucy."

  Confusion hits me. Who is this girl? Why is she looking for Whip's old lady? "Club is out right now, and we're on lockdown which means no visitors."

  Her eyes well with tears and a sharp pain hits my chest. What the hell? Why is this girl affecting me like this? I don’t even know her.

  “Please, she’s my aunt. I really need to see her. I’ve been trying to get here for almost three days at this point. I walked the whole way except for the ride I got for the last hour.” Her teeth gnaw on her bottom lip as she looks away from me and at the clubhouse.

  Lucy is her Aunt? “How old are you?”

  “Seventeen,” she says looking back at me.

  Shit, I can't turn her away like this. "Fine, you can come in, but you need to wait by the gate with me. No one else is here, and I need to keep watch." I pull the gate open a bit, and she basically runs in.

  "Thank you so much!" her arms wrap around my neck, and the smell of vanilla fills my senses.

  Pulling away from me she moves to stand where I was before. I walk over to the wall and grab one of the folding chairs bringing it over for her, “why don’t you have a seat?”

  “Thank you, I’m Emma by the way.” She sits down and nervously looks around.r />
  “I’m Mikey, everything okay?”

  She nods, but I can tell there is definitely more to this story.

  I can hear the sound of bikes approaching.

  Opening the gate most of them pull up to the club and park but I flag down Whip. He stops, and his eyes immediately go to our visitor.

  "You not understand what lockdown means prospect?" He's pissed, and I totally get it.

  “No, I do. Thing is I thought if I turned her away you’d be more pissed at me.” He raises his eyebrow at me asking for more clarification. “She’s Lucy’s niece.”

  Whip's eyes go wide, and he climbs off his bike. "What the fuck did you just say?"

  Shit, I think this was the wrong move.

  He walks over to Emma. “Explain what he just said to me.”

  She looks over at me almost looking for help. I just nod telling her to answer his question. "I'm Emma Evans, I was looking for my aunt, Lucy."

  Whip looks as if someone just slapped him across the face. “You need to leave. Now.” He starts to walk away.

  “No, please! You don’t understand. I need to see my aunt. I need help. You can’t just send me away. They’ll find me.” Her voice is laced with fear and desperation.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask not really understanding why I care so much, but I do. Whip looks over at me, basically telling me to shut the fuck up.

  “I need help. I ran away.” A few tears fall as she looks at the two of us.

  “You say Lucy is your aunt. Who is your mother?” Whip takes a step toward her.

  “I don’t really remember my mother. She died when I was a baby. Her name was Amy.” Emma looks away.

  Whip freezes next to me. “You have no idea what the fuck you’ve done.”

  Chapter Two


  “Mikey take her inside, to one of the open rooms and then guard the goddamn door. Better than you guarded the fucking gate.” The man in front of me says.


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