Anarchy (Deathstalkers Book 10)

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Anarchy (Deathstalkers Book 10) Page 2

by Alexis Noelle

  I look over at Mikey, he's much younger than the other man, and I don't want to hide whenever he looks in my direction. He looks down at me before his hand touches my lower back and I jump from the contact. "Sorry, need to get you inside though." His voice travels through my ear resonating somewhere inside of me. His hand touches my back again, but this time I don't jump. My skin warms under his touch, and I let him guide me toward the building. "Don't look at anyone, just keep your eyes down and stick close to me."

  I nod, but I can't stop my curiosity. Stepping in the door I see a large open space, a bar runs along one of the walls, and people are scattered throughout the room, mostly men. I see some women hanging around by the pool tables, and my eyes widen at the lack of clothes they have on. Looking down my long dress sticks out like a sore thumb.

  We walk down a long hallway and stop in front of a door. Mikey opens it and gestures inside with his hand. “Tell me that you’re here with good intentions because I’m about to get my ass chewed out for letting you in.”

  His voice isn't hard, and it doesn't make me nervous talking to him. "I'm here with good intentions, just coming from a bad situation." I offer him a smile, but he doesn't return it. He just stares back at me as if he doesn't know how to respond.

  "Just wait in here, okay?" I nod, and he shuts the door.

  Looking around the room is pretty bare, a full-size bed sits in one corner, with a long dresser opposite of it. There is a door off to the other side, walking over I peek in and see a small empty closet.

  The door has a full-length mirror on it, and I see myself for the first time in a few days. My blond hair is all over half of it out of the braid that was always part of our required dress code. My pale yellow dress is dusted with dirt and mud, there are a few rips from when I walked through the woods. My black shoes are even worse than my dress, and all I want right now is a shower and a change of clothes.

  The door opens, and I see the man from outside. He seemed angry that Mikey had let me in and the man who is now standing next to him looks even worse. "Sit." He says, and just the sound of his voice has me retreating. "No open is gonna hurt you. Need to talk to you though. Sit." He nods at the bed, and I step over to it before sinking down.

  Looking past them I can see Mikey standing in the doorway. His eyes are fixed on me.

  "How did you know where we were?" the man says with a step toward me. I look up noticing the vest he has on, most of the men in here have them. His has a patch on the right side that says, president.

  "I had heard stories about my aunt, Lucy. They always said she joined a motorcycle cult and was living a life of drugs and sin. We had also always been taught about the original community and where it stood. My family was at the library one day, and I had looked it up. I found your name and thought that this must have been where she was.”My mind drifts to the moment I decided to run away. “If she hadn’t been here, then at least I had a head start.”

  "Headstart from what?" he sits down next to me.

  “The community, I can’t go back there. I know they’ll be looking for me. That life isn’t what I want though.”My eyes well with tears thinking about how different I had imagined my life just a few days ago.

  He sighs and looks over at me. “What do you think we can do for you?”

  “Help me. Take me in like you did my aunt, I mean at least until I turn eighteen. And then maybe—“

  "What? How old are you?" the one from before says. He still sounds so angry, and I look past him to Mikey. He nods as if telling me I need to answer.

  My tongue wets my lips as my words get caught in my throat. “Se-seventeen, my birthday is actually in a couple of weeks.”

  “Fucking Christ.” The one next to me stands up. “Call church, we need to vote. Now.” They walk out of the room without a second look at me.

  Mikey hovers in the doorway. “You okay?”

  I look up at him unable to answer as I fight the tears that want to pour down my face. He walks over and before he can say a word I jump up wrapping my arms around him and resting my head against his chest.

  He's taller than me, and I like the way his heartbeat echoes against my ear. After a few seconds, he returns my hug and the two of us just stand there. My breathing starts to even out as his strong presence eases my raging anxiety. I pull away and take a step back from him.

  “Sorry, I just…”

  “Don’t apologize. All good. I need to close this and stand outside though.” He pauses almost as if he’s waiting for me to object.

  “Thank you.”

  He offers me a smile before the door closes and I’m once again left alone here.

  If they don't take me in, I need to get used to that feeling.

  Being alone.

  Chapter Three


  Standing outside the room everything inside of me is screaming to go back in. When she put her arms around me I didn’t know what to do, then it was instinctive. She needed comfort, she needed compassion, she needed someone.

  I wanted to be those things for her.

  The way she kept looking over at me when Pres and Whip were in the room made me feel like I didn't just imagine this weird pull I had toward her. Maybe she returned it and maybe in some crazy way she was meant to show up here today and come to me.

  I don’t know much about Lucy’s past or how this girl fits in with it, but I want to. She looks as if she just stepped out of an old movie, or Sunday school. She sure as hell doesn’t belong here.

  Looking down at my watch I see that it’s been almost an hour since Pres left. They have to be coming back soon. Should I see if she’s hungry? Maybe check on her? Part of me just wants to be in there with her again.

  Footsteps jolt me out of my thoughts. Whip is walking toward me. “Decision was made. She is being allowed to stay. Since you let her in, you get to be her guardian. Don’t leave her side and make sure you explain all of the rules to her.” I nod trying to take in what he is saying. “Oh and keep your fucking hands to yourself. Not only is she not legal yet, but she's also Lucy's niece, and we aren't entirely sure what the fuck she wants. Got it?"


  He laughs, “good. This job sucks, trust me I know. Get the girl some food and then lay out how things work.”

  I nod heading toward the kitchen to grab whatever is for dinner. I'm always one of the last to eat, and usually, there is just enough for me to make a plate. Looking at the counter where the food is I see that tonight is no different. I fill a plate with some chicken, vegetables, and rice then grab a bottle of water.

  Stopping at the bar I nod at Chrissy, and she slides me a beer. “Hey, you have a change of clothes I can give her?” I don’t need to say who. Word travels here faster than the speed of light, so even though everyone might not know Emma’s story, they know she’s here.

  "I don't, but I know Tracy has a bunch of stuff somewhere. I'll ask her to bring some down." She smiles at me, and I give her a nod.

  Once I get to the room where I know, she is I pause. Whip's words ring in my ear.

  Keep your fucking hands to yourself.

  I knock on the door, and her voice sounds from the other side telling me I can come in. "Thought you might be hungry." I set the tray on the bed next to her.

  "Thank you, did you already eat?" she takes a bite, and a small sound of appreciation leaves her lips.

  I shake my head. "I was lucky to get enough for you to have a plate. Bunch of damn savages that live here." I nudge her shoulder, and she laughs.

  "Would you like to share?" she looks up at me under long lashes, and every bone in my body wants to pull her close to me. It's like I can feel her pulling me in. Her innocence and kindness shine through like a damn spotlight.

  “I’m good, enjoy.” I twist off the cap of my beer and take a long drink. Looking over at her she seems to be studying me. “You want some?” I say tilting the bottle in her direction.

  “Um, no. I’m not old enough.” Her cheeks turn red a
s she looks away from me.

  “Me neither, around here it’s not really an issue though.” I shrug knowing that even when we go into the bars no one ever id’s us.

  “How old are you?” she asks as she takes a bite of her food.

  “Twenty, but age isn’t something that’s important around here. It’s more what you have inside of you.” Taking another drink, I notice that she's finished almost all of the food I gave her faster than I thought could be possible. "Hungry?"

  A nervous laugh escapes her as she looks over at me her cheeks red. “Yea, it’s been a while since I ate.”

  “You said you had been trying to get here for three days. Where did you come from?” Looking down I notice how dirty she is.

  "This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm not really sure. I know I traveled south." Placing the plate next to her she turns her body toward me. "I went through the woods at one point, got a couple rides from people I probably shouldn't have and I walked for what seemed like forever."

  A knock sounds at the door, and she jumps from the sound. Getting up I open it to find Tracy standing there, she looks around me to where Emma is sitting. "Damn, it's like de ja vu. Hey there MJ, brought you some clothes."

  Emma looks over at her. “Thanks, but actually my name is Emma.”

  “Oh, I know." Tracy laughs tossing the clothes onto the bed before walking out.

  “If you want to grab a shower I can show you where the bathroom is.” She jumps up fast grabbing the clothes. “I’ll take that as a yes,” I laugh as I lead her down the hall.

  Opening the door I let her in, “I’ll just be out here.”

  I hear the shower turn on and my thoughts drift to her. I don't know what is going to happen with this situation. She seems too pure, too innocent to be anywhere near this world. Looking down the hall, I see Lucy coming.

  “Is she in there?” her voice is unsure and shaky.

  "Yea, Tracy brought her clothes, and I offered to let her shower. Everything okay?"

  Her hand drags through her hair. “As much as it can be I guess. I have no idea how to navigate all of this.”

  She leans against the wall next to me. I've never really talked to Lucy much, but she is definitely one of the more approachable old ladies. "Anything I can help with?"

  Her head shakes, “no. I just—“ the door opens, and Emma steps out dressed in a Deathstalkers MC t-shirt, and a pair of black pants. Her wet hair is in a bun on her head, stray strands hanging down.

  “That was the best shower I think I’ve ever had in my life.” Looking over at Lucy she smiles. “Hi, I’m Emma.”

  I look at the two of them confused. If Lucy is her aunt why doesn’t she have any idea that it’s her?

  “Nice to meet you, I’m your aunt…I guess.” A nervous laugh escapes her.

  A smile breaks out across her face, as Emma wraps her arms around Lucy.

  Lucy looks over at me, and there is so much that's being left unsaid.

  I just have no idea what any of it is.

  Chapter Four


  “Do you want to go talk?” Lucy pulls away from me.

  Nodding, I find myself unable to look away from her. I've only seen a couple of pictures of my mom, but they look like each other. Walking down the hall, we head back to the room the Mikey had taken me to.

  "So, I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me," Lucy says as she looks over at me.

  "Um…" I probably should, but I barely know her. The only thing we were taught about Lucy is that she was the worst kind of sinner. She abandoned everyone to live a life of sin.

  "I'll tell you what, let's take this slow. I'll tell you a little bit about me, and if you have questions, you can chime in." I nod my head, I've had three days to think of what I would say to her, and I have nothing. "So I have been here since I left over ten years ago. I met someone when I came here, and we fell in love. I think you've met him, the boys all call him Whip. We have two children Ana is seven and Jimmy is five."

  I look at her examining how different she seems than anyone else in the community, especially when she speaks about her family. Hearing about her kids only reminds me of my brothers and sisters, and the fact that now everyone is gone. None of this feels like reality it’s like I’m watching myself go through the motions without actually living them.

  "I'm sure you had heard about me, or you wouldn't have known to look for me. What do you know?"

  I shrug, not really wanting to repeat some of the things that had been said about her. “Much of the normal things with anyone who disagrees. They said you were a sinner, that you had turned to drugs and crime. They told us to pray for your soul because you would no longer be accepted into the eternal kingdom.”

  She nods, and for a minute her mind seems to wander. Is she remembering being there? I used to think I could never relate to anyone when it came to my feelings about the community, but I feel like Lucy, and I have more in common than I know.

  “I’m sure there will be time for us to get into the deep and uncomfortable talks but for now, I’d really just like to get to know you and maybe introduce you to some of the girls?” she arches an eyebrow at me as if she’s asking a question.

  "That would be nice, I met one of them earlier, but I think she had me confused with someone else."

  She looks over at Mikey as if asking who it was. "Tracy came by and brought her some clothes."

  “Oh God, what did she call you?” Lucy asks shaking her head.

  “Um…I think it was MJ.” I still have no idea where that even came from.

  Lucy starts to laugh, "she's something else." Mikey and I look at each other in complete confusion. "When I first came here Tracy had nicknamed me Mary because of the whole pure, holy thing. So now that you've shown up, I should have anticipated you'd get close to the same nickname."

  I can feel my whole face turning red as I avoid eye contact with Mikey. I like being around him, I'm not really sure why or what it is just yet. I think back to Issac, and as much as I cared about him, I didn't love him. For me, it was more that he was one of the kindest people I had ever met and I would have rather spent my days with my friend who was kind rather than with someone I was forced to be with. I don't know that I would even recognize love if I felt it.

  I find myself wanting to talk to him, and get to know him. When he places a hand on me it's like that part of me comes alive. I feel like I could go to him for comfort if I needed it or guidance if I was lost. Which is crazy because I don't know him. The way he looked at me when I walked up to the gate is part of it. He wasn't supposed to let me in, but it was like he looked in my eyes and really saw me.

  "Well, let's take a walk, and I can introduce you to the girls." She moves toward the door, and I follow her. Mikey walks next to me and once again his hand falls to my lower back. I don't jump at the contact like I thought I would. In fact when we enter the main room and his hand leaves me I miss the connection almost immediately.

  I follow Lucy over to a group of girls, one of them is Tracy. She smiles at me as everyone else turns my way. “Hey, MJ.”

  "Cut it Trace," Lucy says before she shoots her a look.

  “I mean I’m just saying that she’s following in your footsteps Mary, even got herself a prospect like you did.” Tracy walks away with a laugh.

  "Emma, this is Nikki, Jaz, Chrissy, and Becca." They all wave hello, but I'm pretty sure I won't remember their names in a few minutes. I can't stop staring because they are all gorgeous and I notice they have on jackets that match the men.

  "Hey, welcome to crazy town," Jaz says with a smile.

  Nikki walks up close to me, “if you’re even a little bit like your Aunt you don’t have anything to worry about.”

  "Thanks." I offer her a smile, but I feel so uncomfortable.

  “You just gonna stand there all night?” she looks behind me at Mikey. He doesn’t respond except by turning to walk away.

  I look after him confused. Was he not supposed to st
ay with me? Were there rules about when he should be with me? Either way when he walks away all I want him to do is turn around.

  I turn around to face the girls and Nikki is smiling at me. “Looks like you’re more like Lucy than I knew.”

  I look around, and they all start to laugh. "How do you mean?"

  Nikki arches an eyebrow at Lucy "thought you'd at least catch her up so when we are making fun of you, she can laugh along."

  Lucy rolls her eyes, and everyone laughs again. They all seem to have a great relationship, it makes me miss Lizzie. She was the only person who I felt like I could tell anything to. Now that I ran away I know that she won't ever be able to talk to me again. That's the rule.

  You leave, you may as well be dead.

  “Let me fill you in on something,” Nikki wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Your Aunt here showed up unannounced too, got herself assigned a prospect to watch her, and then fell head over heels day one. The rest was history. In case you can’t tell yet MJ history is about to repeat itself.”

  Now she’s calling me MJ too? And what did she mean about history repeating itself? I follow her gaze over to where Mikey is sitting on a barstool.


  Chapter Five


  Pres told me to meet him and Whip in the meeting room this morning before I go to check on Emma. When I walk in, they are sitting at the table talking.

  "Have a seat," Pres says, and I immediately rack my brain to think of what I could have screwed up now. "Called you here about a few things. I'll let Whip go first."

  Whip walks closer and takes a seat beside me. “There’s been talk. Whispers about you and a certain new visitor.”


  “No.” He stops me before I can get anything out. “Don’t give a shit if they’re true or not. That girl is off limits for multiple reasons and will remain that way until three things happen. One, she turns eighteen.”


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