Broken Lies

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Broken Lies Page 4

by Rachel Branton


  Vaughn probably shouldn’t have given in to his urge to see Saffron this soon, but he had to make sure she was all right. Apparently she was—and having some kind of party. Through the crack in the door, he could see she looked good, if paler than usual, though maybe that was because of her black clothing. Was that a man’s shirt she was wearing? It certainly wasn’t one of his. Her hair was down in the way he loved it, glinting with golden highlights. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit to himself that he was a little hurt at seeing her smiling when it felt to him as if his world had ended. But it also meant his decision to break up with her had been the right one.

  “Well, come in, I guess,” Elsie said, shutting the door behind him. “Even though you’re already in, so inviting you is pointless.”

  With an apologetic smile in her direction, Vaughn walked across the carpet, feeling awkward. He hadn’t expected her sisters to be here, though maybe that meant something he hadn’t considered.

  Some part of his mind registered the pastry-littered countertop, but mostly he was looking at Saffron. Up closer, he could see that her cheeks were stained with tears and the slightest bit of dark makeup. Maybe she wasn’t as okay with their breakup as he thought. Only her eyes weren’t sad, they were angry and challenging. Her passion was one of the things he loved about her, but he was beginning to suspect he wouldn’t like being on this end of it.

  “What’s this?” He gestured to the treats.

  “It’s called a pity party,” Saffron said. “We do it whenever one of us is dumped.”

  A slight gasp from Elsie told him Saffron’s admission was unexpected.

  “So, have a pastry,” Saffron went on. “They’re from Ruth, and you know what that means. I’ve only eaten two so far, but I plan to eat at least four more in the next hour.” Forced amusement punctuated the words. “After eating so much, I’ll be over you.”

  Over him. Like he was a toothache or a bad haircut. But what else had he expected? “I stopped by to make sure you got home okay, and that you’re all right.” And have you changed your mind? He was a fool to expect that turnabout, given her track record, but he couldn’t help hoping.

  “I’m fine,” Saffron said, her voice and gaze both deceptively calm. Too calm. “But if you’ll excuse me, I need to pack and find someone to work for me next week.”

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  Saffron stood, a pastry in her hand and tasty-looking crumbs sticking to her lips. “I think you lost the right to ask that, but if you must know, I’m going to California to see my sister, my biological sister, and the boy I loved in kindergarten.”

  Something glittered in her eyes before she turned gracefully and strode toward her bedroom, slipping inside and shutting the door with a soft click.

  “I didn’t even know she had a sister,” he murmured, his chest so tight he could scarcely breathe.

  “Neither did we until an hour ago,” Halla said from her stool on the other side of the counter. “Anyway, things weren’t good for her at home. Obviously, I guess, or she wouldn’t have ended up at Lily’s House.”

  “She never talked about any of it to me,” he said. That was one of the reasons he’d known something wasn’t right between them.

  Halla and Elsie exchanged a look, as if silently asking the other how much they should tell him. In the end, Halla said, “Well, maybe going back home will help. I just hope it doesn’t break her heart again.”

  “There’s someone else, isn’t there?” he asked, remembering the conversation he’d heard months ago at Lily’s House. “This isn’t just about her sister, is it? Is there someone in her past? A man?”

  Elsie nodded, and Halla added, “It’s complicated. But you’ll have to ask her.”

  “If she’d tell me, we wouldn’t be here right now.” He knew his eyes were going red by the pity in Halla’s eyes.

  “You still love her.” Halla spoke the words like an accusation.

  So what if they knew his heart was breaking? He didn’t care. “Yes.”

  Elsie glared at him. “Then why did you break up with her?”

  Because she wasn’t really mine. No way could he say that and still retain any kind of dignity.

  Thankfully, Elsie didn’t give him time to answer but sighed and sank onto her stool, taking another pastry. “That is so sad.”

  “Pastry?” Halla offered.

  Vaughn shook his head, the idea of eating anything turning his stomach. He glanced once more toward the door of Saffron’s bedroom, wishing he could go inside and take her into his arms. He’d kiss her until her lips softened and her laughter returned. He’d promise to stay with her for as long as she wanted him, even if that was only another week.

  Stop it, he thought. When he’d decided to let her go, he understood it wasn’t going to be easy breaking through her walls and getting her back. He wasn’t giving up now.

  But what if she never let him in?

  “Do you think she’ll come back?” he asked Halla, who never sugar-coated anything.

  “I don’t know,” Halla said. “I just don’t know.”

  He felt ripped apart by her words. He nodded and turned toward the apartment door. “I’d better take off. I’ll text her later.”

  At least seeing Saffron safe had calmed something inside him. The urge and worry was gone, replaced by a growing determination. He would have faced any dragon for her. He would have climbed any mountain or crossed any sea. He would have lived in any conditions with her by his side. Yet how could he help her with this? And how could he compete? He had to find a way.

  Elsie walked with him to the door. “For what it’s worth,” she said quietly, “I thought it would work out between you two.”

  “Thanks,” he muttered.

  She opened the door for him. “This is something she has to do. I think you helped her see that.”

  “Really?” He slapped his hand against the door frame. “Because it seems like I just sent her into someone else’s arms.”

  Elsie’s brow furrowed. “Maybe you did. Or maybe you’re helping her get over him.”

  In all the really terrible scenarios he’d gone over in his mind when he decided to break up with Saffron, her going to find an old love hadn’t been a part of them.

  “Give her time,” Elsie said. “Things might change.”

  He hesitated at the door. “Look, if you have the chance . . . will you tell her . . .” He sighed and shook his head. “It’s up to her now. I can’t force her to feel anything she doesn’t.”

  Elsie met his stare. “You lasted three months, and I know she cried after you left the reception. That’s something.”

  He gave Elsie the smile she expected, but it felt fake. Three months wasn’t nearly enough to love Saffron, and he didn’t want her to cry. He wanted to excise her hurt and make her whole again. Whole enough to return his love.

  What if that meant he would ultimately lose her to another?

  His hesitation at the door had turned into something bordering on rudeness, but Elsie watched him with kindness in her eyes. Making a quick decision, he turned and strode past Elsie and back through the living room to rap sharply on the door to Saffron’s bedroom.

  Halla jumped up and came toward him. “I don’t think—”

  “Come in,” Saffron called.

  He opened the door to find her kneeling by her suitcase, folding clothing. “Oh,” she said with a little gasp, “it’s you.”

  Of course. She’d expected her sisters to have gotten rid of him by now. Well, this was only the beginning of the surprises he would plan.

  The sight of her suitcase made him want to pick it and her up and take them to his place where they belonged. Instead, he pulled out his set of keys, removed the key to his Prius and tossed it to her along with the key fob.

  She put her hand up at the last moment to catch it. “What’s this?” she asked, looking down at her hand with confusion.

  “Your engine isn’t running right, and weren’t
you getting new brakes? If you can’t wait to fix your car, take mine. In the meantime, I can use yours here and get it fixed.”

  “No.” She held up the key to throw back, but he put his hands in his pockets.

  “Please,” he said. “I’ll worry if you don’t.”

  “I can get it fixed there,” Saffron said, coming to her feet. “It’s not that far.”

  Halla and Elsie crowded in behind him. “It’ll take five or six hours to get to Temecula,” Halla commented. “You don’t know any mechanics there, and you’ll need a car to get around, so you really should get your brakes fixed first. Plus, you have no idea how long you’ll be there.”

  Temecula. So that’s where she was going—and with no time frame for return. That was a worry. Questions pushed to escape his mouth, but he kept them in. Saffron was a capable woman and almost always made good decisions.

  “I can see you’re anxious to get going,” he said. “Look, why don’t I bring your car to you after I get it fixed? Datatoon Studios wants me to go talk to them anyway. They’re not far from Temecula. We can exchange cars then.” Datatoon had been at him to tour the new facilities as an enticement to come back to work for them, and he might as well agree. He’d love seeing his old friends there.

  “You don’t have to take care of it,” Saffron ground out. Despite his casual attitude, she was growing irritated. Or maybe it was because he wasn’t pleading for her to stay that she was angry. Dare he hope?

  “I know that, but won’t it save you time?” He offered her his best smile. “I’d really like to help.”

  He loved the flush on her face and the way her blue eyes challenged him. “Well, I guess that’s what friends do.” The emphasis on “friends” told him she’d read his text and had not been pleased. Maybe another good sign. He was tempted to go to her, take her in his arms, and tell her he loved her, but doing so would set him back where he’d started, or worse. This wasn’t some romance movie like the ones she and her sisters were always watching on their girls-only nights.

  “I’ll get her extra key,” Halla said. “I think it’s a perfect idea.” When Saffron started to protest, Halla held up her hand. “Nope, don’t say it. We’ll all worry something will happen to you on the way, and if you don’t agree, I swear I’ll tell Lily about your car. Then you’ll definitely get stuck. She’ll never let you drive it to California if it needs new brakes.”

  Vaughn almost laughed. Halla had pulled out the big guns. Lily wasn’t all that tall or threatening, but these girls loved her so much they would go to great lengths to make sure she didn’t worry.

  “Fine,” Saffron agreed, her eyes flashing. “But just so you know, I’m definitely going to open it up on the freeway. All the way.”

  “Feel free,” he said. Saffron did like to drive a little fast, but she was one of the best drivers he knew, and he wasn’t worried. Besides, he was fighting for a future with the woman he loved. “I’ll need your address in Temecula.”

  “Not sure yet where I’ll be. I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay.” So obviously she wouldn’t be staying with her parents or sister. More questions threatened to spill from his lips. Like how long she’d be gone, how old was her sister, and was the “boy” she’d referred to also living in Temecula? But he’d won this skirmish and he didn’t want to press his luck. “I’ll let you know what I find out about your car.”

  Halla had returned with Saffron’s key and pressed it into his hands. “Thanks,” he said. With a nod at Saffron, he let himself out of the apartment, feeling as if he’d left the best part of himself behind.

  And he absolutely didn’t mean his car.


  Vaughn hadn’t seemed to care about anything but her stupid car. He’d broken up with her, and by rights he should leave her alone, right? She never called men that she broke up with, and she certainly didn’t show up at their houses afterword.

  He came because he doesn’t want to be broken up, Saffron thought. There could be no other explanation. She felt a little satisfaction that he did still want to be with her, but at the same time she had to respect that he wasn’t waiting around for her to dump him.

  “He’s totally in love with you,” Elsie said from the bedroom doorway. “I don’t understand why he even called it quits.”

  “Because I’m broken,” Saffron said under her breath.

  “What?” Halla and Elsie said together.

  “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.” Saffron’s gaze dropped to the key in her hand. His car was a silver Prius, a very nice one. Though her Elantra was only two years old and the bright blue made her happy, she loved his car, and she was going to enjoy driving it.

  “You’re not worried about him taking care of your car, are you?” Halla asked.

  Saffron wasn’t, not at all. “He’s dependable, and I guess it will save me a headache. But now that he’s gone, let’s get back to our pity party. Better yet, I’ll pack a few of these pastries and get on the road. I want to be in Temecula tonight before dark. I’ve found people to cover my shifts for most of next week, and I’ve left a few messages I hope will cover the others.”

  “Let’s do it!” Halla said. “First we should stop and tell Lily we’re going.”

  “We?” Saffron arched a brow.

  Halla nodded. “I’m coming too.”

  “What about school?” Saffron asked. Halla had just started her senior year in college, and Saffron didn’t want to be a reason for her to not to graduate this year. At twenty-three, she was already taking longer than most of Lily’s girls to finish school. Or at least of the ones who’d opted for higher education. Lily was big on college, and had even convinced Saffron to take a few business classes.

  “Most of my classes are projects,” Halla said. “I’m bored with them, and I can afford to miss a couple days. I’ll drive back for a test on Wednesday morning, though.” She smirked. “Maybe I can even get a ride with Vaughn if he brings your car around before then. But I’m not letting you go alone. I’ll run home and pack a bag and meet you at Lily’s.”

  “I wish I could come too,” Elsie said, making a face, “but I can’t miss any of my classes.” Her eyes turned pleading. “You are coming back, aren’t you?”

  “Of course I am. My life is here.” Saffron felt like a liar. Because there was a huge part of her that was still with Tyson and their baby.

  The baby he had abandoned as surely as he’d abandoned her.

  Lily was in action mode when Saffron arrived. “We’ve got a new girl,” she said when Saffron found her in one of the upstairs rooms. She was making up a bottom bunk bed, while baby Cherie played with toys in the middle of the small room. “Emergency placement, even though we’re already two girls over our allotted ten from the state. Her foster father hit one of the three kids placed with them, so they were all removed from the home. Good thing we finished the addition over the garage for the over eighteens, or we wouldn’t have a bed for her.”

  “How long is she here for?” Saffron asked.

  Lily straightened from the bed. “I told them if they put her with me, she’s here to stay permanently. I don’t want her juggled around.”

  This didn’t surprise Saffron. Lily had only relinquished three underaged girls in the eight years they’d known her, and all of those had been to their biological parents. There had been another girl who’d repeatedly run away, but after four times, Lily won her over, and she’d finally stayed put.

  “Hopefully, they’ll honor that,” Saffron said.

  Lily gave her a smug grin. “Oh, they will. I made them sign a contract. They’ve been shuttling this sweet girl between homes since she was orphaned at six when her grandmother died.”

  That seemed impossible to Saffron. “Why wasn’t she adopted?”

  “Because until recently, her mother was thought to be alive.”

  A swell of bitterness filled Saffron’s throat. Mothers were supposed to protect their children, not prevent them from being happy. Of course, Saffron
hadn’t done much of a job protecting her son.

  “Her name’s Tara, by the way,” Lily said with a smile. “We’ll have a welcome party tomorrow at dinner.” She paused and looked past Saffron. “Well, look who’s here. Good, now you can meet her. Hi, Tara. Did Mario finish already with the grand tour?”

  Saffron turned to find a young teen clutching a worn backpack. She had straight black hair and a scowl on her face that did not look remotely sweet.

  “I hope he took you out to see my sister’s horses,” Lily continued. “Because we all take turns helping feed them. Anyway, I got your bed all ready—it’s this bottom bunk here. And if you have anything you’d like to give me for safe-keeping, I can lock it up for you. The girls here are mostly honest, but I don’t like to leave temptation lying around. I think you’ll find everyone here respects each other. You can even leave out money on the table, and it’s still there in the morning.”

  Saffron knew this was Lily’s way of telling Tara that stealing wouldn’t be tolerated. Stealing meant extra chores, and Lily always discovered which of the girls took something that didn’t belong to her.

  Tara glared at Lily and silently went to sit on the freshly made bed, hunching over the backpack in her arms as if protecting it from Lily.

  “Oh, and this young woman is Saffron,” Lily continued as if the girl hadn’t been rude. “She used to live here. In fact, she was the very first girl to live with me. Now she comes back to chat or to help out when I need it.” Lily smiled at Saffron and added, “So, why are you here? Have you decided for sure about California?”

  “Yes. I’m leaving now,” Saffron said. “Halla’s coming with me, so we won’t be here tomorrow for Sunday dinner, or at Tara’s welcome party.” Saffron shot a glance at Tara, but the teen lifted her shoulders in a gesture that said she didn’t care.

  Lily picked up Cherie. “I think you’re doing the right thing, but let me go down and make you a lunch, okay? I have a small cooler you can take, and extra water.”


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