Blue Collar

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Blue Collar Page 9

by Sean Michael

  "I'm glad." He'd had the veal marsala and it had been stunning. "So what are you going to have for dessert?"

  "Dessert?" Ken's eyes went wide. "Oh, God. I couldn't."

  "Why not?" He had an urge to feed Kendall something sweet and absolutely decadent.

  "I've eaten and eaten."

  "We could share something," he suggested. He wasn't ready for their dinner out to be over yet.

  Kendall grinned at him. "Yeah? You have a favorite?"

  "I'm thinking this triple chocolate mousse cake has potential." He pointed to it on the little dessert menu card their waiter had left on his last pass.

  "That sounds decadent as hell." Ken looked like he wanted a taste, but didn't think he should want it.

  "It does, doesn't it? Even more so shared, I imagine."

  Barton waved his hand, catching the waiter's attention, the guy letting him know he'd be seen and would be served momentarily.

  A shadow fell over their table. "Barton! I thought that was you. How are you?"

  Standing, he shook Peter Selvin's hand. "I'm good. This is my friend Kendall. Ken, this is Peter. We used to work together."

  Kendall stood, offered his hand. "Hey there. Pleased."

  "So how are you doing, Pete?" Barton asked. "They treating you well over at Milsner?"

  "Fabulous. It's good to see you, man. Things going well?"

  He couldn't have stopped his smile for anything, nor his glance at Ken. "They are."

  Ken's cheeks went bright red.

  "Way to go man." Someone called out Peter's name and he glanced over. "I've got to go. We're off to a party. Nice to meet you Ken."

  "Thanks." Kendall sat, eyes on the table for a second.

  Barton sat as well, turning to smile at Ken once Peter had left. "That was unexpected."

  "He's a work friend?"

  "We used to work together. He's with a new company now."

  "Do you like what you do?" Ken asked.

  "I do. Pays the bills, keeps me in the style to which I've become accustomed."

  Their waiter arrived and he ordered the triple chocolate mousse cake. "With two forks, please."

  "Yes, sir."

  Kendall nodded. "I'd like a cup of coffee, please."

  "I'll have a coffee, too--but make mine Irish, please." He was feeling rather indulgent.

  "Ooh. Whiskey and cake."

  Barton loved how Kendall was coming out of his shell, teasing.

  "Yeah. I'm going to have to do something especially vigorous to make up for it, aren't it?" He gave Ken a heated look.

  Kendall almost hid his smile. Almost. "Jumping jacks."

  "I think a variation on that would work--Jumping Kendalls."

  Kendall's laugh rang out, making him grin. God, the man was gorgeous, he really was. Barton was fucking in love. Madly, totally, stupidly in love. He found himself sitting there, just stupidly staring at Ken.

  "Are you okay?" Kendall's hand brushed his knee.

  He grabbed hold of it under the table and nodded. "I am. Very good."

  "Okay. You look a little lost."

  "No, not at all. I think may be just the opposite."

  "A little found?"

  Chuckling, he nodded, squeezed Kendall's hand before letting it go. "Exactly."

  The coffees came and the cake. They shared it, taking their time, enjoying it. It felt good, being out with Ken, sharing the things he enjoyed with the man. Ken even tasted his doctored coffee, ending up with whipped cream on his nose. Laughing, he reached over and wiped it off, then offered his finger to Ken to lick clean.

  "Barton!" Ken stared at him, wide-eyed.

  "No?" Shrugging, he sucked his finger clean himself.

  "Someone might see and think badly of you."

  "I don't care what anyone else thinks, Ken." One day he would convince Ken of that.

  "How can you not? People hate."

  "That's their problem, Ken, not mine. Hate makes you unhappy." He refused to indulge in other people's hate.

  "It does. It totally makes you ugly inside."

  "Exactly." He smiled at Ken. "We'll just stick to loving each other."

  Kendall's eyes caught his, burning into him. "Loving each other?"

  He nodded. "Yes." He hadn't missed it when Kendall had said it.

  "I'm really scared, Barton. About losing my job, about going to hell."

  "I can't promise you that you won't lose your job, but if you do we can fight it. Because that's discrimination. And I don't believe in a God who would send you to hell for loving someone." He wasn't dismissing Kendall's fears. He knew they were deep-seated.

  "No? Do you believe in God?"

  "I'm not religious, but I do believe in God. Not the kind of God who tells people it's okay to do to gay people what was done to you."

  "I don't think God tells people anything. I think that people like to hurt other people." Ken spoke quietly.

  "I think you're right, Ken. So you shouldn't hold onto the things those people told you, beat into you."

  "I wish it was that easy, to just say no."

  "I wish it was, too. I'm not going anywhere, though. I'm going to keep telling you that you're good and handsome and not bad for wanting to be with a man."

  "Some of the things we've done already haven't been very..." Ken drifted off, obviously looking for the right word. "Holy."

  "I don't know. Some people might argue making love is about as holy as you can get."

  "I've never met any." Kendall offered him a flirtatious look. "I could maybe get into that."

  Oh, Ken was teasing, playing with him. Out here in public. Barton could get behind that.

  "Yeah, so could I. When we're done here, you wanna go home and get holy?"

  "You wanting to have a prayer meeting?" Ken asked, extending the metaphor.

  Barton's lips twitched. Hard. "I am. I am. Are you?"

  Kendall chuckled, the sound warm and adorable. "I could, uh, get on my knees."

  Eyelids dropping, Barton groaned. "Please."

  He wanted that. Kendall bound and needing and sucking him off. His eyes dropped right closed and he took in a few breaths. He needed to be able to walk out of here without embarrassing Kendall.

  "Barton? Barton, I was just playing..."

  "Uh-huh. Just give me a minute."

  "Okay." Kendall sat, quiet and still, watching him.

  He thought of the place where Ken had been sent and it was enough to deflate him. Smiling at Ken, he nodded. "I'm fine. It was just a powerful image."

  "I'm sorry."

  He frowned. "Why?"

  "Because you seemed...worried."

  Barton chuckled. "Only that I would embarrass you when I stood up with a hard-on."

  Kendall's eyes went wide. "Oh."

  "Yes, oh." He waggled his eyebrows.

  "You keep shocking me."

  "I hope that never changes."

  Kendall nodded once. "Me, too."

  He smiled at Kendall. He thought it might be a goofy smile. They sat there, grinning at each other like idiots.

  Their waiter came and asked if they wanted anything else. Barton shook his head. "Just the bill, please." He wanted to go, explore, touch. Kiss. Be alone with his lover.

  Smiling at Kendall, he waited impatiently.

  Chapter 7

  How could it be Sunday night already? Kendall sat on the back porch, watching the birds chase the fading sunlight. How could the weekend have gone so fast?

  Barton came out, sliding his phone into his pocket. "Sorry about that. I just needed to put out a little fire."

  "No problem. Everything okay?" He sipped his beer, chewed his bottom lip.

  "Oh yeah. Just a file needing to get in before midnight tonight." Barton sat next to him, smiled. Barton looked so comfortable, so easy in his skin.

  Ken had to admit, he was jealous. Everything worried him.

  Barton took his hand, just holding it.

  Kendall held on tightly. "I can't believe our weekend's al
most over already."

  "I know. Time flies when you're having fun." Barton brought his hand up and kissed it.

  Tomorrow he had to go back to real life, to the shop, to the lies.

  As if reading his mind, Barton turned to him. "Have you decided to stay with me instead of in your truck yet?"

  "I want to." But he was scared.

  "Then stay. I won't even push you to tell anyone you're here."

  "What will we do if people find out?"

  "Well, it won't bother me, baby."

  "You don't worry about things, do you?" Kendall did. He fretted.

  "I try not to. Especially things that I can't do anything about."

  "I can't seem to stop," he confessed.

  "But worrying about what other people think can't change how they think."

  Kendall knew that. It just didn't matter.

  "Maybe you just need something else to worry about," Barton suggested.


  "Well, if you had a plug in at work, I bet you wouldn't be thinking at all about what your coworkers would think about you being gay."

  The things Barton said.

  "Listen to you! I could never!"

  "You could." Barton kissed the back of his hand again, then leaned in close. "Can you imagine it? A plug in your ass all day. Nobody would know but you. Undeniable and secret."

  "I... good." No way.

  "I'm being very, very good." Barton slid a hand along his thigh, up toward his cock. "Seriously, no one would know but you and me."

  "I have to work..." His cock filled, his breath came faster.

  "I know. Don't worry. I'll send you off with plenty of time to get there in the morning. But there's no reason you can't think of me and the plug in your ass, all day long."

  "Shh..." Please. Please, stop talking.

  "I won't hush. You don't really want me to anyway. You want me to keep talking, you want me to tell you how it's going to feel as you work on those big engines, with a nice plug filling you up."

  He tried to get up, but Barton's hand held on, keeping him close. In fact, Barton slid his other hand up his thigh to his crotch, wrapping around his traitor cock, which was hard as nails.

  "Come here, sit in my lap, love."

  He shouldn't, that way lay madness, but Kendall did. Barton relaxed back and he straddled the man, putting them face to face. Barton's hands went to his ass, rubbing it. It felt so...unusual, to be straddling someone like this, to be so close. Men didn't sit like this in other men's laps.

  Then Barton kissed him, tongue spreading his lips, opening him up and it didn't matter if it was manly or not. He welcomed Barton in, his hips pushing back into Barton's hands. Barton pushed along his crack, fingers seeming huge with the addition of his jeans.

  He focused on the kiss, on how excited it made him--on how it stopped those perverse words. Working one hand into the back of his pants, Barton slid a finger along his crack, right to his hole.

  Oh, God. They were outside. They were outside.

  Barton's lips left his. "I'm going to fill you tomorrow morning and send you to work with a kiss on your lips and a plug in your hole."

  "Uh-uh." No way.

  "Oh yes I am. You're going to love it." Barton nuzzled his ear, lips soft. "I'm going to watch you, going to call, ask how it feels." Barton's finger pushed into his hole.

  "I can't..." Oh, he felt so wicked, so naughty.

  "I'm not sure you know what that means." Barton gave him a wink, finger wriggling inside him.

  "I do..." He clenched, his body beginning to roll.

  "But you so clearly can..." Barton winked.

  "Uhn..." Wait. What?

  Chuckling, Barton kissed him again, finger going in deeper.

  His hole ached, the feeling perfect, right. "M...more?"

  "Open your jeans for me so I have more room, baby."

  He sucked in, popped his fly open.

  "There we go." He was still slick from earlier and Barton pushed in a second finger, opening him up wider.

  "Sweet little ass slut." The words were breathed against his face, somehow seeming like a compliment. "I'm going to fill this hole of yours and make you go to work like that. Make you wear my plug all day long."

  "I can't." He moaned, body sliding, working Barton's fingers.

  "You know you can. You're so much stronger than you know." Barton licked at his face, at his lips. "You can take so much."

  He found himself fascinated, caught.

  "I'm going to help you fly." Barton pushed his fingers in even deeper.

  He bore down, almost bouncing on Barton's lap.

  "So sexy like this."

  "Please. Please, Barton." He was flying.

  Barton's other hand pushed into the front of his jeans, wrapping around his cock. "Every time you feel the plug move inside you, you'll remember me, remember my cock."

  His cock was out. Free. He could feel the wind on it. Barton worked him with both hands, refusing to let him go.

  "Look at you, baby, open and needing, fingers in your needy hole." Barton bit at his lower lip, hard.

  Kendall jerked, spunk spraying, his entire body convulsing.

  "That's it, baby. God, you're something else when you come."

  "I... Oh, God."

  Barton's fingers eased out of him, the man's arms coming around him and holding him close. "Shh. I have you."

  "You make me do so many things."

  "I do. I always will."

  The way Barton spoke made him think of forever.

  * * * *

  Barton checked the time again, eager for it to be after six. He'd sent Kendall to work with a plug up his ass and a ring on his cock to keep him from jacking off during his breaks. Then he'd called several times, asking about the plug, about Kendall's balls, his nipples. His need. Kendall had been starting to growl by five-thirty, his boy so needy. He should be turning up the drive any moment now, desperate for relief.

  Kendall's truck pulled in, his baby sitting, panting visibly. Barton went to the front door and opened it, leaning in the doorway. When Kendall finally looked his way, he waved.

  "Hey." Kendall's face was red, lips chapped from being chewed on.

  "Come on in, baby." His poor sweet man, all hot and bothered.

  "Fucking crazy for you."

  He stepped back from the doorway, into the shadows and the moment Kendall crossed the threshold, he closed the door. Kendall pushed into his arms, the kiss wild and immediate, desperate. Barton's arms went around his lover, one hand slowly drifting along Ken's back, toward his ass. He loved how wild the plug had made Kendall.

  He'd needed proof that Ken was into this, wanting it, and now he had it. In spades.

  Barton let Ken take the kisses he needed, his hand finally at Ken's ass, his fingers pushing at the base of the plug.

  "Please." Ken nipped his bottom lip, teasing him.

  "You want me to fuck you with it, Ken?"

  "Oh, God."

  "That a yes, baby? I might need you to say it."


  "Yeah, baby?"

  "I'm going to lose my mind."

  "Are you?" Barton jostled the end of the plug, pushing it in deeper.

  "Yes!" Ken grabbed him, tongue fucking his lips, taking his mouth.

  Moaning, he opened wider, giving himself up to Ken. His lover was on fire, burning for him. It was intoxicating.

  Ken grabbed his shirt, tugged it out of his slacks.

  "That's it, baby, take what you want."


  His shirt was torn open, Kendall humping against him. He grabbed Ken's ass again, not even worrying about whether or not he was nudging the base of that plug. He was having a ball, just being on the receiving end of all that need.

  Bringing his hands around, he slowly undid Kendall's belt. His baby was leaking, leaving wet spots on his Dickeys. Barton got the zipper open, spread the material apart.

  Look at that poor, bound needy prick. He knew th
at the moment he undid the cock ring, Kendall would come. He'd have to wait a little while to take it off.

  Pulling Kendall's shirt up over his head, he rubbed his fingers across Ken's nipples.

  "Barton..." Kendall grabbed his cock, started pumping it.

  Grabbing Ken's hand, Barton held it away from the needy cock. "No, not yet."


  Oh, he loved begging.

  "Beg me some more, baby." Reaching around with his free hand, he pushed the plug in deeper.

  Ken tugged at Barton's hand. "Please. I need to come."

  He held firm, not letting Ken touch himself. "You will. Eventually."


  Oh, this was the most fun.

  "I don't think so, baby. I think you need to show me how much you need me. How today made you crazy for me."

  "Never doing this again." Ken kissed him again, tongue-fucking his lips.

  "Yes, you are," he told Ken as their lips parted. "You love it when I push you, when I make you so hot for it."

  "No way."

  He swatted Ken's ass, sharp and hard, and Ken almost lost it.

  "I want you to suck me," he told Ken. "I want you to put all that desperation into getting me off. Then it will be your turn."

  "You swear? Because I ache."

  "I promise you that once you've sucked me, I will make love to you and let you come over and over and over again."

  Kendall knelt in front of him, then looked up. "I like the way you taste."

  "Oh, baby..." He ran his hand over Ken's short hair. "Thank you."

  Ken moaned, leaned into his caress. "I didn't want you to think I didn't like it." His slacks were opened, Kendall obviously breathing his scent in.

  "I didn't think that, but I'm glad you told me." It made him feel good.

  Almost as good as the way Ken took him in, those lips wrapping around him and sucking like a Dyson. If he hadn't believed Ken's assertion that he liked the taste, this would have proved it to him.

  Running his hands over Ken's head, giving his baby that connection, he spread his legs a little. Ken grabbed his hips, drew him in deep and, fuck, he wanted to scream. His baby boy was giving it his all, working him like all Kendall needed on earth was his prick.

  "Yeah, baby. Just like that." He let himself guide Ken, tangle his fingers in Ken's hair.

  With the fierce suction, it wasn't going to take very long and he began thrusting with his hips, sliding his prick along Ken's tongue. When his lover swallowed hard around the tip of his prick, he thought he was going to lose it for sure, but he managed to hold on.


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