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Cherry Blossoms: A Losing His Wife Novel

Page 78

by KT Morrison

  They brought their lips together, slowly, eyes closing, smiles breaking across their beautiful faces. When they kissed they laughed. He held her by her neck and he pressed his forehead to hers.

  “Ow,” she laughed, and she broke away and scrunched her perfect face up, her hands coming to soothe her nose.

  “Come here,” he laughed, holding her hand and pulling her to sit in his lap. His cock was at the ready, sitting upright, wagging above his belly button. She climbed over him, mounted him, her legs on either side, the soles of her feet wrinkling. He gripped his own cock, held it straight for her and she hovered over it, watching with her bottom lip sucked under her teeth. She lowered onto it, let it breach her. Took it easily, settling down onto it and resting on his hips. Shot her legs around, feet flat on the deck instead, arms around his neck.

  They kissed while she used her legs to ride her old flame. Up and down his thick shaft in some practiced position they had done before. She had ridden him like this. Maybe in her teenage bedroom in her father’s house, her dorm, Dino's. Maybe all over the place. They knew what they were doing. They worked together well, knew each other’s bodies.

  Geoff’s hands went to her back, up and down, felt her muscles work as she made love to this man who meant so much to her. When she had him close, she pulled from his kiss and she said, “Dino, I want to watch you come, okay?”

  “Yeah,” he grunted, his face twisted with his coming orgasm.

  “Can I? Can I watch you come?”

  “Oh, ah,” he gasped, “yeah, ah...”

  “Watch out, baby,” she said to Geoff as she rose up off him, glancing over her shoulder.

  Dino fell back, his hands out behind him, his legs opened, knees up and Nia got between them. Geoff slumped next to them and watched. Rocco was at their feet and he watched as well, brow sunk low, laying back on his elbows.

  She gripped and squeezed Dino's balls, her hand struggled around the thick base of his cock. Positioned herself so Dino could watch, and he did, eyes narrow, lowered to her performance. Her tongue darted at the cleft of his glans, the sensitive and ticklish chin. Tongue dancing, undulating, the top pointed swiping up and down at his most sensitive spot. The more he huffed and gasped, the more he trembled and shook, Nia laughed. Never broke her quick pace, kept her tongue slipping on him even though she chuckled through her painful nose.

  “Ah, shit, fuck, Nia,” he grunted, moaned then—his head shot back, rolled, then he brought it forward with great effort to bear witness. He came. His semen exploded from his glans. She’d eased his foreskin back and his bare head was swollen hard and shining. It parted with his spurts. Up his chest, glistening aqueous geysers, a drop hitting his own face and making him flinch.

  “Fuck, Nia,” he roared as it continued to burst in wriggling ropes from him. She kept her tongue working him, her eyes up and watching.

  “Ah,” he grunted, his head whipping back again. “Ah, okay,” he said, his legs coming together and trying to stop her. “Ah, Nia, shit,” he breathed, rolling to his side away from her.

  And that was why Dino was here. He might love his wife, but there was no way there was another woman out there who cared enough to do that for him. His Nia was special. Dino knew that. Knew what she was like, knew her dirtiness. He loved her but he couldn't handle her. He needed her in his life but he couldn't be her mate.

  “Fuck, Nia,” Dino gasped, incredulous, gripping his cock in his hand stroking it and sitting up, recovering from what she'd done to him.

  Geoff sat on his heels and laughed too. Laughed at this woman who he loved. Who’d changed him. He’d had his turn, made her better, now she made him bad. He liked it.

  Seeing her moaning and writhing between the Dragonieri brothers might have been the most glorious thing he’d ever witnessed. It was filled with love.

  The waves crashed around them, no one to see them out here, yet they were out under the sun and the sky. It was an incredible day. The sun beat at his skin like it was filling him with energy and life. They all sweat and glistened and breathed warm scented air.

  There had been an intricate confluence of events leading them all to this beautiful moment. The universe bestowing gifts to them all. A collection of unusual circumstances bringing all four of them to a perfect private spot to do this thing they all needed on the most beautiful day of the year. Moment to moment this summer, something inexorably moving each of them this way and that way, like pieces of a puzzle, and this was the big and final picture. This was beauty.


  Dino looked into her eyes with those beautiful blacks of his. Elbows back on the deck, his muscled torso gleaming in the sun, belly spotted with semen she’d conjured from him. A sight she’d seen many times. This one perhaps the best. The most important. When she’d loved Dino life had been hard. His love was as demanding and tricky as Rocco’s. Always had to win him, always had to bow to him, and be his subservient mate. She loved him. That was a fact. But her times with him had always been fraught with the worry of displeasing him, of losing his love. Of disrupting what they had with the slightest of imbalances. Nia was imbalanced. Those times, when she was young with Dino, were powerful and amazing but this was better. This was fun. Dino needed her now. She needed him too, but it wasn’t as his submissive, walking a step behind and to his right. It was just fun.

  Over her shoulder, somewhere she couldn't quite see, was the man she loved. Would always love. The man who saved her. Saw her as his equal. Respected her, nourished her, craved her, would do it all if she asked. The only man who ever got her. He would be watching her right now. Watching how her back moved as she breathed. Watching her with that eternal love of his. She breathed for him, let her ribs press her skin, let him watch the sun dance white light on her sweaty parts. Turned then, caught him looking, eyes lowered.

  “Hey,” she said, low and light.

  It made him smile.

  She went to him on her knees, his lips lowering to meet her before she even got there. Their arms wrapped one another and they kissed. He felt so good against her. He wasn’t solid muscle but he was solid love.

  “Was that hot, tiger? Did you like that?” she whispered.

  “You are so bad, Nia.”

  “I know, baby. How hard did I make you?”

  “So hard, Nia.”

  “Can I feel your cock?”

  “God, hurry,” he said.

  Fingernails ran along his slim body, agonizing him, making him suffer while he waited for her touch. The tip of his cock bumped her wrist. He was pointing straight up. She let her hand glide down his shaft and she sighed past his ear. “Oh, Geoff, I made you so hard. If I squeeze it will it leak on me?”

  “Oh Nia, God, squeeze it...”

  She giggled in his ear and gave him a good grip, felt him shudder and lean against her. When she stroked him again he was slick.

  “Oh, you leaked over me, Geoff. You turned on?”

  “You turn me on so much, Nia.”

  “I know, Geoff, I love turning you on.” She stroked his slippery cock, the hardest man she ever felt. He wasn’t the biggest, but when he was ready his arousal was impressive. “Baby, you have the hardest cock I’ve ever felt.”

  “Nobody gets as hard as me, Nia.”

  “I make you so hard?”

  He moaned and he bit at her neck while she jerked his cock.

  “Baby, they’re watching. I want you to show them how you fuck me. Fuck my ass for me. You’re the only one who does it. Show them, okay?” she said, turning and kissing him over her shoulder. She wiggled her ass to him, felt that steely thing wagging against her soft cheeks. Geoff dipped, his cock head poked her around her anus and she slipped it around til he had it. He pressed up and she took him. It slipped deep inside her and it clutched her heart to feel him.

  “Oh fuck, Geoff, baby, you feel so good,” she cried for Dino and Rocco. But he did. He felt so good. Her hands went out and she fell to the deck, shoved her ass out to him, let him take it. Geoff’s fi
ngers dug into her hips and he thrust himself into her.

  “Oh, ah,” she hollered with each one. “Ah, you fuckin,” she growled and reached between her thighs and grabbed at his balls. “Mm, Geoff...”

  Her nails pulled and scratched at them as they jiggled under his cock. Breath huffed from him, frantic pants as he hurtled himself against her, making her flesh slap and jiggle with urgent force.

  “Oh, Nia,” he howled. He was flexing inside her, making his groove even slipperier.

  “That’s it, Geoff, oh, come on my back, baby, I want to feel it on my back...”

  “Ah, fuck,” he grunted, his fingers digging even deeper. Thrusting harder and harder, his grunts became whines and desperate cries. He was gasping and heaving behind her. “Oh, Nia,” he cried.

  Then he was out, his steely thing whipped from her. Hot splashes dotted her back and she laughed out loud, hissed and sighed to encourage him. It went over her ass, her back, up to her shoulders and into her hair, even pattering the deck around her hands. Geoff was a good ejaculator.

  She rose to her knees and he helped her but he was barely able to. Chest heaving, face flushed, mouth hanging open.

  “Oh Geoff, I loved it, baby. That was so hot...”

  “Ah, Nia,” he said, hugging her waist.

  She smoothed her hands up and down his forearms where they wrapped her. “Ooh,” she cooed, “oh, Geoff.”

  He chuckled in her ear, still gasping to breathe.

  “Was that good, Geoff? Did you like that?”

  “Ah, Nia,” he said, “Nia, you’re so incredible.”

  “You showed them, baby, you showed them, sweetie,” she said, smoothing the backs of his hands. “You okay? Kiss me, baby,” she said over her shoulder.

  He gulped air, his lips gasping as he grabbed kisses from her between breaths.

  The Dragonieris were interspersed on the deck. Dino, beautiful Dino, on his elbows watching, legs crossed, genitals heaped in his lap. Rocco was on his side, pointed at them but looking away, out over the water.

  “Nia, I gotta...gotta sit back,” Geoff said. She turned to him, her pale husband falling back onto his rump. His eyes were glassy, his pale skin scattered red from his excitement.

  “You okay?” she said, a worry creeping up her back.

  “I’m fine,” he laughed. “I haven’t been sleeping. Just need to sit for a second.” He waved a hand at her, showing her he was okay.

  “Here,” Dino said behind her and she turned. He waved her to him, the T-shirt she’d cleaned with wadded up in his hand. She backed towards him and sat on her heels. He cleaned her, strong hands going up and down her back and she closed her eyes and tilted her face to the sun.


  Nia posed in the sun, her lover wiped her back. Wiped Geoff’s seed from her. The sun shimmered white light along all the high points of his beautiful wife. Along the edges of her shoulders, the swell of her breasts, the softness of her thighs. Nia was magnificent.

  When Dino had cleaned her—laying there nude as she was, his back against the front side of the bench, his ass on the deck—he held an arm out to her. She settled against him, in the crook of his shoulder, along his chest, and his arm fell around her, big hand draping at her hip. Rocco sat up and faced them all, his knees drawing up so his feet were flat, his elbows on his knees. He glowered. His cock and testicles lay on the deck like they were separate from him.

  Nia nuzzled into her big strong Dino. It didn’t hurt Geoff. Dino’s cock jostled in his lap, that impressive thing, but he didn’t get stabbed with jealousy. It was an incredible day. He’d thought he’d lost her. Thought she might even have met a worse fate. But they were restored. Better than ever. All the gifts he’d ever wanted left on his doorstep in a pretty wicker basket and wrapped in cellophane with a big bow.

  “You hungry? He been feeding you?” Dino said to Nia, hugging her, giving her a playful shake.

  “We ate pretty good,” she laughed.

  “We’re out of food,” Rocco grumbled.

  “You can’t grill something?” Dino said.

  “Geoff was supposed to call first. Woulda got food when I was at shore. We fuckin needed supplies.”

  Dino shrugged, said, “So go now. It’s not like it’s an extra trip.”

  Geoff said, “I think we should go, anyway.”

  “What time is it?” Nia asked.

  Dino said, “Probably noon. I don’t know.”

  “Yeah,” Geoff said, “we should get going, I think. Odie’s out of school in three hours. It’s, like, two and a bit to get back to the city. The ride to shore...”

  Rocco was shaking his head, his jaw flexing.

  “You okay?” Nia said.

  “Yeah,” he grunted.

  They were all silent a moment, waiting for an eruption from Rocco, waiting with hesitating breaths. It didn’t happen. He stared into the deck but he didn't say anything more.

  The sun was hot still, up high almost straight above them now. There was a flutter as a seagull passed close enough to see a glint in its black eyeball before it swooped off.

  Nia laughed softly, thinking to herself. She ran a hand up Dino’s belly. “You followed him?”

  He laughed too. “Yeah, I did.”

  “Were you on a stakeout?”

  “No, no. Stace said he was gonna be on Breakfast Television.”

  “You were looking for me?” she cooed.

  “Yeah. Saturday and Sunday too, I followed him,” he said, nudging a finger towards Geoff.

  “Don’t you work?” Rocco said.

  “This fuckin asshole,” Dino said to Nia with a smile. “No idea, eh? Your wife freaking out, your kids...means my fuckin wife, my kids too. She left the house to go stay with your were missing,” he said to Nia, then to Rocco, said, “and you were fuckin missing. Don’t even call. I looked all over for him. Knew you were with him. Then followed Geoff when I ran out of things to do, places to look.”

  “You followed me on the weekend?”

  “Yeah. Went out to the island.”

  “Followed us to the island?”

  “Saw you out there with Odie.”

  Geoff smiled.

  Nia said, “Aww, you took her out to the island?” a sadness raising her brows.

  He shrugged, didn’t want to talk about it in case it brought some tears.

  “Fuck, you should see him with her,” Dino said to Nia.

  “I know,” she said and she pat his hand.

  Dino’s eyes seemed to get wet and he said. “’re a good father for her.”

  “Thanks,” he said, feeling a sadness wash over him. “Thanks,” he said again and he grabbed Nia’s toes and shook them. “She’s our little angel.”

  Rocco grunted and nodded, squinting at the sun reflecting off the deck.

  “We should go,” Geoff said to Nia and he shook her toes again.

  Dino groaned and made a face, his head falling forward. His brow pinched low and his mouth turned down. Surly Dino returning. He smiled then, his face turning up to the sun as he lay his head back on the bench. “It’s such a nice day. We should eat...have some fun.” He smiled wide. So strange seeing him smile, his dimples creasing his cheeks under late summer freckles on his bronze skin.

  It was so obvious. How had he missed it?

  Geoff stood weakly, his hands went ice cold despite the summer sun. He fell to his knees and struggled to stand again. Nia and Dino drew their knees up, watching him, their faces falling with concern.

  “Geoff?” Nia said.

  He sagged, thought he’d fall again. His knees dipped and creaked. He watched the lake. Aware of its turbulence, his legs flexing and bracing uneasily with the motion of the waves. The horizon floated in his vision, broad blue expanse above, endless and endless, choppy thrashing water below and then science and math and physics and everything he knew about the universe came apart before him. Dissolved. Greyed edges narrowed his vision, closing in, squeezing him off. Encircling som
ething he thought to be infinite. Everything he knew was a lie. Everything was wrong. His world disappeared. His love, his life, it all slipped through his fingers. Life was a sheet. A two-dimensional painted mock-up, a tapestry whisked away now and he saw behind, he saw the ugly gollum working and laughing behind the scenes, saw really how it was all made.

  “No,” he said, and he held his heart. He tried to step, tried to move his leaden leg but he couldn’t. He collapsed. Nia screamed his name and she scrambled to him.

  He recoiled, kicked away from her. Dino loomed over her shoulder.

  “You cheated on me.”

  “Geoff, what—” she looked to Dino, incredulous.

  “You cheated on me.”

  “Geoff, I don’t know...” she said and she got on her hands and knees and crawled to him. He walked backwards from her on his heels and elbows.

  “No, you cheated on me when we were married.”

  Rocco covered his face with his hands.

  “Geoff...” Nia said, a cry in her voice. “What?”


  “What?” she wailed, tears in her eyes.

  “When, Nia, when? When did you cheat on me?” he shouted.

  She shook her head, her long black hair bobbing around, her face screwing up.

  “Oh no, no,” Geoff cried and he got to his knees, fell to his elbows. He thumped his forehead on the deck. “Oh nooo,” he wailed, “oh, no,” he cried in astounding pain and he rocked and ground his face into the hot fibreglass. “Oh baby, Odie, no, no...”

  Nia wailed too, “Geoff, baby, no...”

  He raised up and when he looked in her eyes he knew. He knew it was true. He saw it deep in that black abyss, those round windows to her black, black soul. “Oh, you can’t” he sobbed.

  “Geoff,” she cried and she reached a hand for him.

  “No,” he stood, pulling his hands from her reach. “All of you knew. All, all know behind my back...oh...”


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