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Hitman's Lust: a Dark Mafia Romance

Page 20

by Sophia Hampton

  “Really?” he questioned as he returned to look at her. “I think I did a pretty good job finding a beautiful woman, and I can only imagine how great the conversation is going to be.”

  “You didn’t say where you were from,” she replied. He could see his stunning looks were only going to get him so far and thought up a tale to spin for his back story, like he always did.

  “I’m a construction worker from a small town in Nevada looking for work in the city.” He watched her face to see how his tale was being received. Aidan could tell when people thought he was lying because that’s what he’d done all his life. It was a good skill learning who he could dupe and who he couldn’t.

  “What kind of construction do you do?” She wore an expression of disbelief, and he was shocked at how much he liked that. Most women took what he said at face value and kept it moving.

  “I do a bit of everything… brick mason, carpentry, general construction.” He liked to keep his descriptions pretty basic and as close to the truth as he could. Did he do construction? Not unless you count taking someone’s face apart with his fists which he would classify as more of destruction.

  “You came all the way here from Nevada to look for construction work?” She moved her gaze to her glass and swirled her drink. It was a move to make him feel more comfortable and less interrogated. He knew that move too.

  “What can I say? I wanted to move to a big city, and since I’m looking for work, why not move here?” The story seemed plausible, and he didn’t know what she found questionable about it. He’d told tales about who he was and where he’d come from all his life because anything was better than the truth. He’d come from nowhere, and he was an unwanted nobody. That was his real truth; who could blame him for choosing to share a better one?

  She turned toward him again, and he thought she was going to try another tactic. When she picked up his hand and placed it on her neck moving it down toward her breast, he was surprised but liked where this was leading. This was his kind of woman. Maybe she was a prostitute. Who else would have him feeling her up in front of everyone in the seats? This woman did not give a fuck about her surroundings, and she was making him forget where he was as well. He hadn’t even had to work hard, and he was practically squeezing her tit before he’d received his first drink. She took his hand away right when he was about to feel that hard nipple he’d noticed under her green ‘Masonville Lemonade – Suck it and See’ tee shirt.

  “You have great hands,” she said turning his large dark one in her small soft one, “but they don’t do construction.”

  “And you know this because?” He looked down the bar for the man who was supposed to be bringing his drink and wanted to ask for a glass of ice water as well. This woman turned him on and turned the tables faster than he’d seen anyone do before.

  The bartender came back with his drink, and he was glad that the man had such perfect timing. The man’s appearance gave him a minute to get his hand out of the ones he wanted to wrap around his cock, collect himself while he pulled out a few bills for his tab, and think about how he could work out his story for his way to observant friend here.

  When he turned back, she had one eyebrow raised, and he wondered who was playing whom.

  “I love men’s hands, and I’ve made a life of studying them. You can learn a lot about a man from his hands.” She put her hand out like she wanted him to put his hand back into hers, but this time she seemed to be asking permission. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be figured out, but there was no way he was going to be able to get around this. If he wanted to keep this whole thing going he was going to have to play the game. He placed his hand in hers and waited to see if she was any good at this hand studying she thought she’d been doing.

  “Well, what do you see?” he asked as she turned his hand this way and that looking harder at his hands than he ever had. Now that he was looking at them there was a lot of marks and dings on them but he wondered what she’d get out of it.

  “You’re a fighter,” she said cautiously.

  It took everything Aidan had to remain relaxed in her grip. The urge to ball his hands into a fist and pull them away from her was strong, but he resisted it.

  “…but you take care of yourself. Your hands are strong.” She looked up at him. “I know that from the way your fill out your shirt more than your hands, but your hands are strong too. They are also very clean— no dirt around your fingernails or overly large calluses. It appears that your knuckles have been busted a few times, and you have scars that probably should have had stitches. Your hands are a product of a full and busy life. You’re smart, but you don’t mind playing it down, and you’re very observant.”

  He could only nod and wait for more.

  “You hide behind your sexy green eyes and wicked smile, but you don’t want to… you feel like you have to.” She looked at him like he was going to admit or deny what she was saying but he thought it would be easier to just let her think what she wanted. The truth was flowing from her mouth, but she didn’t know that, and she wouldn’t hear it from him.

  He sat there calmly but only because he’d learned early if someone knew they had the drop on you, they would use it to their advantage. This woman was good. She’d turned it all around on him and made him leery.

  “So what do you think?” Her eyes sparkled with mirth, and it made him wonder if she was just guessing or if she really had the study of hands down to a science.

  “You should do that at carnivals,” he answered. For whatever reason, he didn’t want to tell her she was right, but he also didn’t want to tell her she was wrong. No one had ever bothered to look that closely at him in the first place, and that revved up his body to want her more than her beautiful body did.

  “Did you still want a bite of my quiche?” She was playful now, and although he liked it, he knew she was dangerous.

  “If you’re offering, I’ll eat it.” He put a little seduction in his tone. This woman was good, but he knew his strengths. His looks and sex appeal had gotten him out of many of tight situations, and this woman and her wit and skills was one of the tightest.

  “Are we still talking about food?” She looked him up and down, and that should have made him feel more at ease. This is what he was used to… the sexy comments and the sly remarks women made when they wanted a good fuck but didn’t want to have to go all the way out and ask for it. He liked a woman who was secure in what she wanted and didn’t make herself feel like a slut because she saw a good time and wanted to take it.

  “I don’t know… are we?” He sipped on his drink and waited for her to make the next move. The way they were going, he was unsure of the game, but the woman didn’t seem like she was trying to slow down.

  “Since you are new to the area, I feel it’s my duty to help you find a good meal and maybe later we can get you something to eat.” She stood up from her stool and waited for him to down his drink. He liked that she offered sexy fun in with her offer to take him around the area. At least now he knew where they were, and it was something he found he was very good at.

  “Lead the way,” he said as he escorted her toward the door. The looks he received from the men in the establishment ranged from impressed to jealous. It was a good thing he wasn’t going to be coming back here any time soon, but he couldn’t help but wonder if these men knew something about this woman that he didn’t.


  Many things happened to Lorna Giovanni on her many trips out to the seediest bars in the city, but running into a beautiful man with the body of a Greek god wasn’t one of them. Being the oldest daughter of the biggest Mafia family in the city, she had to pick the places that would keep her away from her large Italian family and all the things that are associated with them.

  She walked alongside the man who’d dared to sit next to her and strike up a conversation, and she had to admit she was impressed. No one had ever known who she was when she went out to have a drink, but most of them just felt the ugly
that wafted off her person and stayed away from her. Being raised around drugs, death, and destruction could make the stench of it all just permeate out of your pores and warn away people without them really knowing why. It wasn’t a tale that she’d made a study of hands because that was true, but she wanted to get him off his game before he asked anything about her. She wouldn’t have known half of what she’d told him about himself if she didn’t feel like she was looking into a mirror when he started talking. Not physically. They didn’t look anything alike, but she could feel the need to hide who she was as soon as he opened his mouth. She was used to asking for what she wanted, and the men around her usually gave in; why wouldn’t they? A woman asking for a good time and practically telling them there were no strings was a commodity any single man would want; she tried to stay away from the married ones, but a lot of them took off their symbols of marriage before they came in the bar.

  When they started walking, she wondered where they were going. She was the one who knew the city, but she’d been so deep into her thoughts she hadn’t said anything. He pulled her into a dark alley, and she found herself sandwiched between a brick wall and a warm man who was almost just as hard. This was exciting. Men usually just went along for the ride not really saying much for fear they’d say something stupid and stop the gift they thought they were going to receive.

  “Why did we stop?” she asked knowing she should be just a bit fearful. It wasn’t like she didn’t carry protection in her purse, but usually her intuition told her more about people than she could ever have figured out on her own. There was no fear at all with him, and the situation was like something she’d make up in her fantasy.

  “You do know it’s not safe for a beautiful woman to just go off with a man she doesn’t know, don’t you?” His eyes squinted like he was telling her something serious that she didn’t already know but should.

  “Is this a public service announcement, daddy, because I can take care of myself.” She didn’t grow up in a household full of criminals for nothing. He thought she was all sweet and innocent, but little did he know she could have his nuts in a twist and her shoe halfway up his ass before he took his next breath if she wanted to. That little move would only take a few minutes. She’d been trained by the best and timed for speed.

  “Although I just may like being called daddy, this isn’t something you should take lightly.” He continued to reprimand her, and although she should have been offended, she found it sweet.

  “Why? Are you planning on taking my goodies in this alley or are you trying to scare me? I’ll have you know it would take more than this. So I’ll ask again… why did we stop?” She stared up into his light green eyes and was fascinated with all the yellow flecks in their depths.

  She looked at him and could only see shadows behind him since the only light came from the street behind her, and that lamp was around the corner from where they were.

  “I was hungry and wanted a sample before the main meal.” He didn’t stop looking at her, and she wondered if this was some sort of test.

  She didn’t know who would have been able to say that to her without pissing her off, but this man struck something in her. Whether it was because she thought they were so much alike, because he was the most attractive man she’d ever seen, or because she could feel the stirring of a very impressive package against her stomach she didn’t know.

  “What are you hungry for,” she asked knowing that whatever it was she was going to supply it, but she wondered how far he’d go. Sometimes she felt so pent up. Everyone treated her like she was the princess and there was no way anyone would try anything like this. A quick fuck in a dirty alley with a beautiful man who didn’t know he could be killed for just talking to her the wrong way was almost priceless. It was something that may never come along again.

  He put his hands on both sides of her face and turned her mouth so he could just move in and take what he wanted. Lorna couldn’t even close her eyes because the decadence of the moment felt so rich, and she didn’t want to miss a moment of what was happening to her.

  Protecting her head from the wall is what he seemed to be doing, but the sweet sucks of his lips as he tasted her mouth made her move her head to get more of what he was offering. He didn’t give it though, and she thought she’d scream. She wanted more. This was the treatment she usually got from men, but she wanted to be the woman you pulled into the alley and took all you wanted as she gave you all she had. Lorna sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and swiftly bit down.

  “Fuck, Laura,” he said as he tore himself away from her mouth, “what was that for?”

  “I don’t want soft kisses in an alley way. Is that what they do in the small town you’re from? Here, if you are going to take a woman to an alley and try to get your hunger fed, you need to act like you’re hungry.” She could see the understanding dawn in his eyes and was glad she didn’t have to end this session because she didn’t have time for what he was handing out. She needed more, and if the men weren’t going to give it to her, she had a few battery operated boyfriends that were all charged up and ready to go. At least they gave satisfaction whenever she wanted it, and they were in the palm of her hand.

  When he leaned back in she could tell he was up to the task as his face was determined, and she didn’t close her eyes this time either, but that was because she was mesmerized by the heat she could see as his eyes stayed locked on hers. This time when their lips met there was no sampling or tasting of her mouth. The man knew how to devour, and she enjoyed each and every minute of it. His mouth opened over hers, and the force of his kiss turned her on… hard. The way he controlled how much movement she could make and that he’d maneuvered his body to fit between her thighs so her legs were spread open as he grinded his hard cock against her urged her higher in her quest for fulfillment.

  The mewling sounds that were coming from her throat were almost foreign. She didn’t mewl, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She could feel the air on her stomach as he raised her shirt and pulled down the cup of her bra. He released her mouth and attacked her breast with a suction that could have made her come without any other assistance, but it was gone too fast. She wanted to throw a tantrum when her wet nipple was being dried by the wind.

  “Where do you live?” His voice was raspy with need, and she didn’t think she’d even be able to get out an answer she was so on edge. She tried to pull herself together and answer him.

  “I want to finish here,” she said only slightly upset that she sounded like a marathon runner that hadn’t practiced in a while before thinking she could win a race.

  “I like that you’re as eager as me, but I like to see what I’m sucking, and I want to taste your pussy before I fuck you.” He was succinct in his answers, and she couldn’t say he came up with a bad plan.

  “I like the way you think.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say because his dirty words made it hard to come up with any of her own.

  Pushing off her, he made sure she was on stable ground before he backed off and let her put herself back together. He watched her like she was a fascinating creature from a television show, and she didn’t know why she was enjoying his attention on her as much as she was. He led her from the darkness onto the street, but now he had a more determined look on his face.

  “I live close by, but we can pick up something to eat on our way.” She said as she tried to keep up with his long legged gait.

  He looked at her, and she wondered what was really going on in his mind. Danny had slowed down, but he was going too slowly. It was nice that he’d noticed she was much shorter than him and had to practically run to keep his pace.

  “I’ll have you first… then we can talk about food. I’m hungrier than I first thought. Lead the way,” he said as he waited for her to show him which way they were supposed to go.

  They were pretty silent on the walk to her place, and she wondered what made this guy different. Had she had one night stands before? Sure, she had,
but she didn’t bring people to her home. That made everything just a bit more personal. There were nice hotels on the way that she could have stopped and bought a room because, even though she was hanging out in a fucked up bar where the drinks were cheap and the people weren’t high class but they were real and stayed out of her way, she was loaded. Not the “I have a couple of extra bucks to spare type” of loaded, but the “I could buy this bar with what I keep at home in my safe” kind of money.

  She stopped in front of her house and knew it was now or never. If she just picked up the pace and walked another direction, he’d never know she lived here. Lorna looked up at him, and he was waiting patiently and watching her like he knew the dilemma that was running around in her head. She knew that wasn’t possible for him to know that, but she’d known things about him too. It was possible he was good at reading people too.

  “This is it,” she said as she flung a hand toward the direction of her three floor with a basement home in the middle of downtown.

  “Looks great from out here,” he said, and she had to chuckle a little. He must be able to sense her concern and was trying to make a joke. That went a long way with her. Coming from a family that was short on humor and long on taking people who didn’t do what they wanted them to do on a long walk off a short pier, humor was always appreciated.


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