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Seducing Mr. Right

Page 10

by Rebecca Rose

  “Everything. Now tell me.”

  “He’s going to be a tight fit,” Sophie said and wiggled her eyebrows.

  “What? No way! So unfair! I haven’t had something like that in… ever. How do you know?”

  “Oh, we’ve had a little fun, here and there, and I got a good feel in.” Sophie licked her lips. “I can’t wait to get a hold of him. Literally.”

  “You’re going to tell me every detail, Sophie. I’m not kidding. Every one. Or our friendship is over, because right now I’m living vicariously through you.”

  “I thought you were dating some guy named Sam?”

  Kathy shrugged her shoulders. “We went on a few dates, and I wasn’t feeling it for him. He was devastated.”

  “Well, yeah he was. You probably crushed him.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. But he was a terrible kisser. I wish I was brave enough to walk up to Dave and smooch him good.”

  “Jake’s an awesome kisser.”

  “And, that’s why you have to tell me everything.”

  “I’ll tell as much as I can.”


  “Promise. Now, let’s watch that movie. My ice cream is starting to melt.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “You really need more of a woman’s touch in here.” Renee looked around the Hungry Lion with a smile.

  “Mom, you’re never happy unless there’s wallpaper everywhere.” Dave passed his father an afternoon beer, and then laughed when his mother gave scowled at him.

  “You know I don’t like him to drink this early,” she said.

  “Honey, it’s not the end of the world if I have a beer with my two sons,” George replied.

  “Fine,” she sniffed. “Give me a dirty martini and make it strong.” She parked her rounded rump on a stool and smiled. “I’ve missed you boys so much!”

  “We’ve missed you too, Mom.” Jake kissed his mother’s cheek and shook the mixture before pouring it into a chilled glass for her.

  “Don’t lie to your mother, Jake. It’s not nice to do, and you’ll go to Hell for it.”

  “I’m not lying, Dad. I do miss you guys. When are you going to move back?”

  Renee coughed into her drink. “Honestly, why would we move back to this frozen snowball? I love Florida.”

  “Your mother has never liked New England, boys. Me neither, now that I can play golf all year around.” The older couple smiled at each other and then kissed.

  Dave pretended to gag. “Yuck. Do you really have to do that in front of us?”

  Renee sent her boys a mischievous grin. “Want to know what we do in the hot tub?”

  “No!” they yelled in unison.

  “Why do you both consistently try to embarrass us?” Jake rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “I mean really, that was gross.”

  Renee waved her son off. “Oh, you’re too uptight.”

  “So.” George shifted in his seat and looked Jake square in the eye. “Who’s this new ladyfriend we’re hearing so much about?”

  “Thanks, Dave.” Jake gave his brother a mild stare.

  “No problem.”

  “We’ve only been on a couple dates. You’ll like her. She’s feisty.” Jake couldn’t cover the smile on his face. Sophie was more than feisty; she was a hellcat, and one he’d seriously been thinking about taking to bed. Everything about her called to his libido. He could remember a time when making a girl beg for more was his favorite pastime. Thoughts of wild nights, silk bondage ties, strawberries, and endless hours of making love slowly began to surface. If he ever let go and took Sophie, there would be nights they both would remember, forever. He’d take her in every way possible, driving himself into her while she held him with those long dancer’s legs wrapped tight around his waist. Of course, he’d have to be careful. He was a big man, and not just in stature. More than once he’d been too big to fit. And while it was disappointing at the time, the thought did wonders for a man’s ego.

  Jake crashed back to reality when his father reached over the bar and hit his arm. “You all right, son? Kinda went on a small trip there.”

  “He’s been like this for at least a month, Dad.”

  “I have not, Dave.”

  “My little brother here might be losing his virginity soon.” Dave put his arm around Jake’s shoulder.

  Jake shrugged him off. “You’re closer to a virgin than me.”

  “Who’s a virgin?” The sweet sound of her voice made Jake’s ears turn red.

  “Not one of us,” George answered, getting to his feet. “I’m George and this is my pain-in-the-ass wife, Renee.”

  Renee finished her drink and stood to shake hands. “And you are?”

  Sophie stood staring at them for what seemed like an eternity. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to place you. We’ve met before.”

  Renee smiled. “Actually, George and I aren’t only here to see our dimwitted sons. The truth is we wanted to meet you again.”

  Jake came from around the bar to stand next to Sophie. “You’ve met before? Where?”

  Sophie smiled, “I’ll have to honor you with a tour de force.” She backed up to a clearing in the room. With her chin turned up and her expression serious, Sophie lifted one of her legs up behind her, the knee bent at a ninety-degree angle. It was turned well out, so her knee became higher than her foot. Jake couldn’t help but wonder how she did it. Her arm on the side of the raised leg was held gracefully over her head in a curved position, while her other arm extended to the side. Then Sophie began to spin. As her body whirled around and around her lovely face successfully paused in the exact position it started in. Jake heard his parents and brother cheer, but he was too flabbergasted to do anything but stare. When she came to a stop, he sat down on a bar stool. His parents rushed to her, talking wildly about how they’d enjoyed her performance at the Metropolitan Opera in D.C. two years ago.

  Dave put a hand on Jake’s shoulder. “What the hell is she doing here with us?”

  “I don’t know.” Dumbfounded, Jake smiled when Sophie looked his way. But he saw no joy in her eyes for what she’d done. No breathlessness from a job well executed. He remembered the night they closed up after the Halloween party. She jabbered on and on about how great it had gone. How all the hard work was worth what they’d accomplished. He realized, with a sudden clarity, dancing came too easy for her. She was a natural with no passion—at least, not anymore.

  “Oh, Jake! You are among royalty and don’t even know it,” his mother proclaimed.

  “Trust me, I know, Mom.” He took a swig of his water and winked at Sophie. “Would you like me to be your bouncer? My mom and dad are never going to leave you alone.” He felt relieved when Sophie’s laugh reached her eyes. He liked that a lot better.

  “No, Jake. I think I’m okay with these crazy fans.” She gave them each a hug and then took Jake’s water for a sip. “What’s on the books for today?”

  “Just another day watching you try to organize the place.” When they stared too long into each other’s eyes, Renee cleared her throat.

  “Why don’t you dance anymore, Sophie?”

  George shot his wife a warning look. “Babe, I think that’s a personal question.”

  “It’s okay. I dance for myself, now.”

  “Have you ever thought of teaching?”

  “Renee, I’ve seriously thought about it,” Sophie began, “but I don’t enjoy it enough to teach. Without adequate passion, you can’t get others excited.”

  Renee nodded as if to say she understood. “Jake’s much the same.”

  “Okay, Mom. No need to drag me into it. I’m off to start working.” He popped off his stool and headed to the backroom.

  On the way, he heard his mother say, “Jake was training to be part of the secret service, you know. He was the best at what he did.”

  Jake closed the office door behind him. Maybe he shouldn’t have walked away. It was a little bit childish. However, when his mother started talking about his past ca
reer, it made him uneasy. No, he didn’t miss it. And his mother seemed to have a hard time understanding that. Jake liked who and where he was now, even if he was a little messed up. He flicked on the computer and rested his feet on the desk, crossed at the ankles. When the door opened, he wasn’t surprised to see Sophie.

  “So you were a big bad Marine.” She sashayed toward him, while running a finger along the top of the desk. Jake saw mischief in her eyes, and he decided playing a little at work wouldn’t be so bad.

  “You have no idea.” He ran a hand up her side to cup her breast. When his thumb grazed her nipple, she let out a ragged breath. “You’re so beautiful.” Bringing his feet down, he pulled Sophie on his lap. She went willingly, laughing.

  “Mr. Sanders, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Probably not.” He tugged her shirt up and started nibbling on the delicate skin between her breasts.

  “Your parents are outside the door,” she whispered.

  “It makes this so much naughtier.” He brought his mouth to hers and let the eagerness he felt for her rule. “I’ll never get tired of touching you, Sophie.”

  “Jake.” She leaned slightly away from him. “What has gotten into you? It wasn’t that long ago you slammed a door in my face.”

  “It wasn’t that long ago I had you turned into a puddle on my kitchen counter, either.” He smiled wickedly at her. “I can’t help wondering what it would be like if we did that without our clothes on.” With one hand holding her neck and the other wrapped around her waist, Jake trapped her body with his.

  “I have to get to work,” she said against his lips.

  “I need to feel you, only you. I’ve been up at night thinking about your lips on me. What they would do to me.”

  Her eyes grew wide at his suggestive comment. “Your parents are right out there. You’re crazy if you think I’m giving you a blowjob here.”

  He smirked at her, mostly because he wanted to see her reaction. “No sense of adventure.” When she narrowed her eyes at him, Jake discovered Sophie wasn’t one to back down from a challenge, and he found that fact stimulating.

  “Okay, big boy.” She rose off his lap and proceeded to lock her office door. When he opened his mouth to object she said, “What’s the matter? Afraid of getting caught with your pants down?”

  “No. I’m a grown man.”

  “Let’s see how much you can grow.” She sank to her knees in front of him. Jake decided she was either bluffing really well or he was going to get the best oral pleasure of his life. When she carefully lowered his zipper, Jake knew it was the latter.

  “It’s been a really long time.”

  Sophie looked up at him and licked her lips, “I hope you’re not a loud moaner.” She released him from his restrictive boxers and slowly began to stroke him. “Wow, Jake.”

  He sucked in a breath when her tongue teased the tip. “Jesus, Sophie. Maybe you were right. We really shouldn’t be doing this.” His hands gripped hard on the arms of the office chair as desire scorched through his body. When she took him into her mouth, Jake’s head fell back and his hips pressed gently toward her.

  “You need to make this fast, Jake.” She smiled before licking up and around his shaft. Her tongue, her mouth, the suction, made him delirious with need.

  She moved fast. Pumping and tasting him. She cupped his balls and Jake felt his eyes roll. His hands held fast in her hair and he pushed to the back of her throat. When she moaned, he bit his bottom lip hard to stop from making any noise. In a lust-filled daze Jake almost slid out of the chair to the floor.

  He flung his hand to one side and knocked a pile of papers to the floor. As her speed increased to a fanatic level, Jake took a handful of her hair to keep her still while his muscles constricted and released. Sweat rolled down his face, and his body relaxed with euphoria. When he looked down he saw a wicked woman staring back at him.

  “See what can happen when you lose control? I made you into a horny mess.”

  “Dear God, you’re awesome.” He lunged forward and fused his mouth to hers before they fell to the carpet. When the knock came at the door, they both began to laugh.

  “Hey! Your father and I are leaving. I hope you’re not too mad at me.”

  “I’m not,” Jake yelled to his mother through the closed door. When Renee tried the doorknob, he winked at Sophie. “I’ll be out in a minute, Mom. Sophie’s been teaching me a lesson on personal motivation. Apparently, she thinks I’ve been lacking in that area.” He covered Sophie’s mouth to stop her giggles. Her eyes crinkled as she tried to hold back.

  “Well, I would absolutely say so.”

  As they heard his mother walking away, Jake told Sophie, “She knows.”

  “What? How could she?”

  He tilted his head and smiled down at her. “I feel great,” he drew out.

  “Good for you. Now get off of me, you big oaf,” she laughed and pushed at him.

  “I thought I was a ‘Big Boy.’ ”

  “Don’t make me regret saying that. And right now you’re an oaf stopping me from brushing my teeth and working. Stop smiling!”

  “I can’t help it. You’re such a moody thing.” He felt her hand a little too late. Jake hollered out when she twisted his nipple.

  “Now get off of me,” she giggled.

  “Geez, you don’t have to be so mean.”

  Sophie surprised him by wrapping her arms around the back of his neck and kissing him. “I’m glad you feel better. I know what your mother was talking to me about bothered you.”

  “I saw that you really didn’t enjoy that show of your talent. Thank you for doing it for them.” Jake rested his forehead to hers. “I think I’m falling for you, Sophie Agnés.”

  “I think you’re talking with the wrong head right now.” She giggled when he tickled her side. “Okay, okay. I like you, too.”

  He got to his feet then offered her a hand up. “How about supper tonight?”


  She stood before him and Jake couldn’t help the filthy thoughts he experienced while fixing his jeans. He wanted her naked and screaming his name. “I better clean up. Otherwise, more things will get knocked off your desk. I want to savagely tear your clothes off. Why won’t you have dinner with me?”

  Sophie walked to her purse and pulled out a travel toothbrush and paste. When Jake gave her a questioning eyebrow she explained, “Old habit from traveling so much. And you need to spend time with your parents.”

  “Why can’t you come with me?”

  “Oh, Jake. We’re not ready for that.”

  He crossed his arms defensively. “We? Or you?”

  “Neither. I don’t want to wake up one morning and realize we moved too fast and have regrets.”

  “What kind of regrets?” His defenses built a little due to the hurt her words inflicted. But nonetheless, he willed himself to listen.

  “The kind that comes when you jump in headfirst before knowing how deep the water is. Now, be a good boy and pick up my papers.”

  She unlocked the door and left for the bathroom. Jake slid into the office chair with the realization that she might have been right. Dinner with his parents kind of meant relationship status. What they had just shared was wonderful, out of this world, but was he ready for more? Jake’s body tightened in response, his heart began to beat hard and fast. Nothing seemed more real than that moment. He felt it, saw it, understood what was happening around him and to him. No, this was no panic attack—it was the beginning of hope. An optimism that evaded him but no longer hid in the shadows of doubt and fear.

  * * *

  Holy Crap! That is the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done. Sophie could still taste Jake on her palette, and it was wonderful. She never had a man want her the way Jake did. He was a potent drug she desperately wanted to be addicted to. She craved him with a need that kept her up at night fantasizing, and this tiny fix wasn’t going to be enough. She wasn’t sure she would ever get enough when they fina
lly stopped dancing around the inevitable. Brushing her teeth became a feat with all the smiling she was doing.

  “Jake Sanders, you will be mine. We will make this work.”

  Reapplying lipstick, Sophie came to a sudden halt. Jake wouldn’t be a one-night stand. She’d have to be prepared to deal with his demons—something she didn’t know anything about but was prepared to learn, because that was what you did when you cared about someone.

  Walking back to her office, Sophie heard him laugh at something Dave had said. She stopped and studied his profile. Jake looked relaxed, and he wore a smile that actually reached his eyes. Had she done that for him? The magnitude to which their lives might change if they started a serious relationship hit like a sniper bullet to its mark. Fast, precise, and deadly—to her heart. She was in love with him.

  Sophie walked into her office and sat down in the very chair in which Jake had conceded defeat. His body was gone, but the memory of what happened still lay in the air with a sweet smell.

  “I want this,” she announced. “More than anything.” Hearing his laugh again made Sophie’s heart fill with joy and cemented her determination to learn more about his disorder.

  Jake poked his head into her doorway. “Hey. I’m headed out to do some stuff. See you tomorrow?”

  “Nope.” She smiled when his face dropped in disappointment. “I’m just kidding, Jake.”

  “Figures.” He came around her desk and pulled Sophie into his arms. She let her feelings soar as his lips pressed against hers. Their tongues did a slow, unrushed ballet as the tempo of their hearts beat faster.

  “Jake. Out.”

  “You have such a way with words.” He began to kiss her again, but Sophie pushed him to arm’s length.

  “We had our fun today. Now, get the hell out of my office before I call in reinforcements.”

  “Lieutenant.” He saluted her with a lopsided grin and left.

  Sophie sighed. Oh, that man gets cuter with every passing minute.

  Chapter Twelve


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