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Around the Way Girls 8

Page 19

by Tina Brooks McKinney

  She couldn’t tell Buddah about him. He was already under the assumption that he was on the radar and the police’s next target. If he found out that she was going to check for a cop, he would accuse her of being a snitch and he would never trust her again. Knowing Buddah the way she did, Kelly was certain that he wouldn’t hesitate to slander her name and reputation on the streets by labeling her a snitch. Her mind quickly went to Dora and all the shit she had been popping about Kelly being just like the rest of the chicks that had come and gone working for Buddah. It wasn’t going to be her; she was smarter than that.

  Laquisha was her only problem. She had peeped Kelly give the police her cell phone number with her very own eyes. She also saw Kelly flirting hard with the cop. Laquisha knew that Kelly took his number because she had to, but Laquisha also peeped the chemistry between her and Dante and she kept fucking with Kelly about it and asking her a bunch of questions, like had Kelly been talking to the cop and if she was going to really see him, but Kelly dismissed her every time. Kelly kept telling Laquisha that she just played the role to get them out of a charge, and that there was no way she would ever fuck with a cop. Laquisha was the last person Kelly could confide in. She had one of the biggest mouths in Colonial and she would most definitely tell the whole hood and with her ho-hoppin’ ass probably try to fuck Dante in the interim; so in essence, since Kelly really didn’t fuck with anyone like that, she had to keep it all bottled up inside. It was her secret.

  Kelly’s cell phone rang again. She answered it without checking to see who it was and inadvertently blurted out, “Yeah, Buddah.”

  “No, uh, this is Dante.”

  Wow, Dante, speaking of the devil, Kelly thought.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Dante, I thought you were my—you know what, never mind. You ready to get up?” she asked him hastily.

  “Yeah, I was on my way to pick you up,” Dante said.

  “Oh hell nah, I mean, nah that’s a’ight, I can meet you somewhere, anywhere you like,” Kelly said, trying to clean up her blunder.

  “Well, I live in Queens. I don’t want you traveling all the way out here this late all alone,” Dante told her.

  “Aw, come on now, I’m a big girl, Dante. Just tell me your address and I’ll put it in my phone and I’ll be there before you know it,” Kelly told him.

  Dante was enraptured. He loved her fearless attitude; it matched his own. That was a trait of a good police officer. He had dreamed about holding Kelly ever since the first day he laid his eyes on her, and it seemed as though his dream was about to come true. He pictured her face as he thought about the incandescence of her beautiful skin, the slight roundness of her eyes, her sweet and succulent red, shimmery lips. Dante told Kelly his address and they agreed that she would call should she run into any problems in finding his home.

  For a split second, Dante had second thoughts about Kelly coming to his home. His home was his private sanctuary. Was he losing his mind? He had just given his address to a young woman who he had to chase through the streets of New York. A young woman, who along with her girlfriend, had just committed a class-A felony, yet, he was caught up in what his dick was telling him to do. How did he know she wasn’t coming there just to case out his joint and have some sort of trouble come to him? He had arrested females like her too many times. Not as pretty as her, but still. Dante silently reasoned with himself. Why was he so drawn to her? He didn’t know where his feelings were coming from. The negative feelings that had arisen about Kelly left Dante’s mind just as fast as they came. It wasn’t just his dick that was talking to him; it was his head and his heart too. There was something about Kelly. She was different; someone special. Why, he didn’t know, he couldn’t pinpoint the reasons quite yet, but he would stick it out until he found out. He promised himself that much.

  Kelly had some second and third thoughts of her own as she drove toward her destination. She looked into the rearview mirror of the Ac and checked herself. What in the world was she doing? Why was she driving to another borough to see this man? What was she really getting herself into by taking this forbidden relationship further? Along with her brother Kevin, she too had a pure dislike for police officers, and anyone who represented an authority figure for that matter, yet she was on her way to chill with one. What would they talk about? What could they possibly have in common? Probably nothing, she thought. Kelly pulled Buddah’s car up to the address Dante had given her. Her mouth fell open at the sight of his home. He had a beautiful two-story beige cobblestone home with a circular driveway. Kelly had pulled Buddah’s car behind Dante’s Charger. There was also a black Jaguar parked in front of the Dodge Charger, and a black Cadillac Escalade parked in front of the Jag. Dante was waiting for her at the front door. She got out of the car and walked in his direction.

  “Hey there, look at you, I can’t believe you’re finally here,” Dante said happily as he greeted her.

  He couldn’t get over her outfit. She was in a short black dress with black thigh-high boots and a bolero-cut black leather jacket. In his opinion, Kelly was armed and extremely dangerous without a weapon, or maybe she did have a weapon, Dante thought, as he looked at the size of her purse. He held his hand out for her. Kelly placed her hand into his. Dante pulled her close and stole a hug as well as a kiss on her soft cheek.

  “Oh, you not shy at all, you gettin’ right down to ya’ business, huh,” Kelly said softly, laughing.

  It was obvious that Dante couldn’t keep his hands off of Kelly; she liked that. Kelly found Dante to be incredibly sexy out of uniform. She didn’t quite know what to expect when they talked on the phone, or what type of style he had or what type of gear he liked, but now that she was in front of him, she wasn’t mad at him. He was rocking a dark blue Sean John velour suit with no shirt, just bare brown skin, with his white-on-white low Nikes. Kelly was all the way turned up.

  Once inside his home, he invited Kelly to have a seat anywhere she liked. Kelly looked around his spacious home and saw that his kitchen had an inviting and open atmosphere. She was also a little hungry. Since their original plan was to have dinner, she suggested the kitchen. Dante thought it was a bit odd that she chose the kitchen, but he did tell her she could sit anywhere she liked, so he went with it. They sat on a pair of stools located under the island that rested in the middle of the kitchen.

  “This is crazy. I had so much to say to you on the phone, but now that you’re right here in from of me. I’m at a loss for words,” he told her.

  “Yeah, that’s crazy, right,” she said, smiling.

  “You look good as hell,” Dante said.

  “Thanks,” Kelly replied.

  Her smiled ceased, as she silently and seriously admired the African artwork that hung on the walls in Dante’s kitchen. She had never seen artwork in a kitchen before, but she thought that it was a fly idea. As Kelly observed the art, Dante keenly observed Kelly. He could tell the way in which she studied his artwork that she had untapped desires and hidden tastes. He wasn’t sure, but he had suspected that Kelly had not yet had the opportunity to travel outside of New York City to see all of what the world held. But he was someone who could change all of that for her. In Dante’s mind, Kelly was still young, and if she had the right man behind her, she could be molded and chiseled into the jewel he saw through his eyes.

  “So tell me, because I have been dying to ask you, face-to-face, did you and your girlfriend really steal that stuff?” Dante asked. He had to. It was simply the police in him.

  “Do you think we stole it?” Kelly asked in return.

  “Well, really, I want to believe that you were innocent and give you the benefit of the doubt, but my gut tells me that you did what you were accused of doing,” Dante told her.

  “Now, now Officer Evans, such negative presumptions; isn’t everyone supposed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?” Kelly asked.

  “Trust me, I’m not here to judge you, Kelly.”

  “Really? Wow, you could’a fooled me
,” Kelly said with an attitude.

  Dante saw that she was getting tight, but he wanted to see just how far he could go, so he continued to question her.

  “Which one of you had the gun?” he asked her.

  Kelly wasn’t about to tell him the truth. For all she knew, he could have been setting her up for a bigger fall. Kelly didn’t like his sudden line of questioning. Was that all that he called her out there for, to interrogate her about the incident at the store? She had hoped Dante didn’t get her all the way out there for some sort of crazy sting operation.

  “Do you always commit crimes with someone who can later be a witness against you and rat you out?” Dante asked her.

  “Yo, are you serious?” Kelly asked him, agitated.

  Dante noticed the disgusted look on her face. He realized how much he was really upsetting her and stopped firing his questions.

  “I’m sorry, Kelly. I didn’t bring you out here to upset you or to make you uncomfortable. You must think I’m some sort of asshole. I was just curious, that’s all. I’m a cop and they were just questions that I wanted the answers to, and my mother always told me, ‘Boy, if you wanna know something, just ask.’ So I just asked you,” he said in a humorous tone, trying to lighten the room that his badgering questions had darkened.

  Kelly didn’t know why, but she wasn’t mad at him anymore. Maybe because her mother used to tell her the same thing or maybe it was because he was standing all up in her face with his innocent puppy-dog eyes. She did, however, make note that she would be on her guard with Dante. He looked like he could handle the truth, but who was he really? Kelly thought long and hard. There really was no way of getting around it. At the end of the day, Dante was a police officer, the enemy, and he may have been able to be fucked, but he was in no way able to be trusted.

  “Dante, I didn’t steal anything from that store. I don’t have to steal, okay, I work for mine,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that. That makes me feel a lot better. So what do you do?” he asked her.

  “I do hair,” Kelly lied.

  “Ah, okay. I hear that doing hair can be a very lucrative profession,” he said, knowing that she was lying to him.

  “Yeah, I mean, it’s okay. It pays the bills,” she told him.

  “Do you work in a beauty shop?” he asked.

  “No, right now I’m working out of my apartment,” she said.

  “Oh, okay, well, that cuts out all of the overhead,” he joked. He wanted to see just how far she was going to take the hairdresser thing.

  He saw that Kelly was in no laughing mood and she was becoming quite distant. He had done it again, alienated a female with a million and one questions. Dante didn’t know why he had to interrogate every woman he met, but he did.

  “Do you enjoy it?” he asked.

  “Enjoy what?” Kelly hesitantly asked. He was asking her so many questions she had forgotten what it was he was asking.

  “Doing hair, do you enjoy it?” he asked again.

  “Yeah, I guess,” she said, nonchalantly.

  Kelly’s mind was completely somewhere else. The more she thought about it, the more she felt comfortable painting Dante the picture that she wanted him to see. She really knew nothing about this man, except that he was a police officer, and with that alone, she needed to watch what she did and said around him.

  “Would you like something to drink or even better, something to eat?” Dante asked. He thought that his fine cooking would make a great peace offering.

  “What you got?” Kelly asked.

  “I’ve got everything you could possibly think of, and hopefully, I’ve got you,” he said as he stepped off of the stool and eased his body up on Kelly as she remained seated.

  No, this man didn’t have the balls to piss her off and come on to her in the very same breath. A part of her wanted to rip Dante a new asshole by cursing him out and leaving him standing alone in his kitchen as she slammed out of his house. Another part of her wanted to grab his jacket off of his buff-ass body, kiss his neck, and suck his nipples as she ran her hands across his solid, muscular chest. Yes, he had truly gotten on her last nerve, but as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t resist him.

  She giggled, and said, “Nah, man, is you crazy? You don’t have me. You just had me all on the witness stand ’n shit.”

  “Aw come on, Kelly. Bottom line is I’m a cop. I had to chase you down Broadway. And if I would have searched you and your girlfriend, I probably would have had to arrest both of you. You had to know that eventually I was going to ask you about it.”

  Dante stared at her. If he could, he would make his living by simply staring at her. She was that fine to him. “Kelly, please don’t think that just because I’m a police officer, I didn’t ever do anything wrong. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, not too far from Marcy Projects. I came up in the hood and I was a regular kid who did regular things. I got in trouble all the time as a kid. Then I went to Boys and Girls High School and let’s just say I stayed in detention.”

  “Word,” Kelly said. He didn’t look like the Boys and Girls type. He looked more like a Brooklyn Tech type of guy.

  “Word, my moms was on public assistance and we ate no-frills items brought with food stamps. I remember I would wait all of my friends out in the supermarket so they wouldn’t see me using the rainbow dollars, as I used to call ’em. I didn’t have what I wanted under the Christmas tree on Christmas, but I had whatever my mother could afford to buy. Shit, a brother had a Voltron, so you know I thought I was doing it big.”

  Kelly laughed. Kevin had begged their mother for a Voltron too.

  “We weren’t special or any different. When I turned sixteen I started getting in trouble all the time. I started running with a gang, the Bloods—that is, until I came to my senses,” he told her.

  “The Bloods? Get the fuck outta here,” Kelly said in amazement. She would have never guessed that in a million years.

  “Yeah, the Bloods, so you can see that I have quite a past too. We all do. Now, are you gon’ hold that against me all night?” he asked in a deep, low tone as his lips got closer and closer to her neck.

  Dante paused for the cause and brought her chin up in his hands and looked deeper into her brown eyes.

  “Kelly, like I told you, I’m not here to judge you. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t judge me. People think they know cops and how and what makes us tick, like we’re some sort of mechanical robots. But you really don’t have a clue. We’re human, we feel, we hurt, and we love just like the rest of the people in this fucked-up and crazy world.”

  “That was deep. I’m feelin’ that, what you just said,” Kelly said, as her eyes stared into his eyes.

  “Thas’ wassup, I’m glad you feelin’ that,” Dante said, as he winked at her.

  Kelly liked Dante. She liked him a lot. Yes, he was a cop, but he was cool and very down-to-earth. And she liked having him all up in her face. His skin was dark and smooth; a big contrast to her own. He smelled real good and he looked even better. Their eyes met as he wiggled his nose gently against hers. Kelly then allowed Dante to place his tongue in her mouth and kiss her softly. He held her head gently as their tongues met and they got sensually familiarized with one another.

  “So, you gon’ let a brother cook for you, or what?” Dante asked her. He was a very good cook.

  “It’s gon’ take a lot more than that to get me,” Kelly slurred.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m cheap. I was going to take you out to eat,” Dante whispered in her ear when he finished his kiss, as he ever so lightly nibbled on her lobe.

  “It’s all good. I can eat something you got here. I’m not hard to please,” she told him, as she stuck her tongue out once again for him to grab hold of.

  Dante was hard as a brick. The little black dress that Kelly had selected was tempting him to touch her in places in which he knew he would have to ask permission. And the pair of black suede thigh-high boot
s she had on was driving him absolutely nuts. Sexy wasn’t the word for her; he was ready to grab his thesaurus in order to find a better word to describe her alluring appearance. He did notice Kelly liked to wear her hair in a ponytail. At least, that’s how it appeared to him. He grabbed her by her ponytail, pulled her head back, and shoved his tongue in her mouth.

  Before they both knew it, they were naked, with the exception of Kelly’s thigh-high boots. They looked as if they were grappling with each other as their bodies scrambled on the ceramic-tiled kitchen floor. Dante’s tongue was all over Kelly. He sucked her titties skillfully as he ran his hands all up in her hair. He had relinquished her hair of its rubber band and now had thick strands of red hair all in between his fingers.

  “Damn, I love sucking your titties; they’re so pretty,” Dante panted.

  “Thank you,” Kelly panted back.

  Dante licked and kissed her all over. Kelly noticed that he licked, sucked, and kissed everywhere except her pussy. He purposely avoided licking and sucking her pussy. She knew it. She knew there was going to be something about Dante that turned her off. Apparently the nigga was either turned off by eating pussy or scared of eating pussy. This wasn’t going to work for her. She loved being fucked, but foreplay was important to her. Her pussy wasn’t as wet as it should have been all the time. And she liked the extra lubricant to get it right. Maybe it was too soon. Some guys wanted to wait to get to know the female before they ate her pussy. Maybe that was it, she thought.

  “So, uh, what is it, you don’t go down on the first date?” Kelly asked. She figured why be in the dark about the shit when he could shed some immediate light on the situation. After all, this was a very important matter.

  Dante smiled at her. Oh, he went down, he just wasn’t sure that Kelly was ready to receive the gift of a lifetime. Without saying another word, he kissed and licked his way down to Kelly’s clean-shaven goodies. He slowly licked her clit, and then began to lightly nibble on it. Kelly liked what she was experiencing so far, so she slipped her fingers down to her pussy to pull it open for him. She wanted Dante to show her pussy extra-special oral attention. He took the hint well as he began to lick the insides of her walls, moistening her entire pussy. He grabbed back on to her clit and began to go to work. Dante did tricks with his tongue like a muthafuckin’ genie. He tricked the clit back and forth and forth and back and slipped his finger to the tip of the opening of her fat pussy and began to tap it lightly. He then jolted his finger lightly in and out of its wetness. Soon after Kelly was writhing uncontrollably, her body was jerking itself and in a complete frenzy. She tasted so sweet to him.


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