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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

Page 23

by Cross, Lindsay

  Marcus grabbed her hair and yanked backward. Evie's feet flipped up and she slammed into the polished hardwood floor. All the air left her lungs in a whoosh and she lay paralyzed. Marcus grabbed her hand and dragged her into the living room. She heard a drawer open and started to struggle. Too late. He latched an iron cuff on her wrist.

  She tried to get to her feet, but he pulled the chain attached to the cuff and her momentum drove her forward. She hit her knees. Marcus had the other cuff on her before she could move. He pulled her, on her stomach, down the hall attached to the living room.

  Evie's stomach bottomed out and she screamed. She knew where he was bringing her. He'd had the room built just for her. She screamed again.

  "Keep it up. No one will hear you. Well, except for your mother. You wanted to see her, right?" His smooth golden voice had disappeared into a snarl.

  He yanked so hard it felt like he’d pulled her shoulders loose. He stopped at the third door on the left, inserted a key, and pushed the door open. The lights were on, low and barely bright enough to highlight his torture chamber. He dragged her inside, used her hands to pull her to her knees. He grabbed her jaw and forced her head to the side. "Look. She's been waiting on you."

  Maxine's brown hair was tangled and her eyes were wild. Duct tape covered her mouth. Her hands and legs were tied to a chair. Tears fell down her cheeks and Evie felt a sob rise in her chest. Her mom was alive. For now.

  Maxine leaned forward and yelled behind her gag. Evie realized how it must look. Her daughter shirtless, beaten, bound and bloody.

  "Keep it up. I'll start in on you when I finish with her." Marcus's voice was pure menace. Evie tried to get to her feet, but he just dragged her forward again, throwing her off balance, and her stomach scraped against the floor. No more smooth hardwood. No. He'd wanted something easy to clean, easy to bleach free of blood. This floor was polished concrete.

  Marcus pulled her up and she fought. Evie summoned every reserve of strength she had left. But he was too strong. He got her hands overhead and she managed to aim a kick at his groin. He deflected the blow with his thigh and yanked her hands overhead. Latched the chain on her cuffs to a hook dangling from the ceiling.

  Evie spat in his face, unable to hold back her disgust. Marcus merely pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped her spit off, and calmly returned the cloth to his pocket. He kept his arms at his sides. Loose. Then he punched her in the stomach.

  She couldn't bend forward, but brought her knees up and gagged.

  "Looks like we will have to start over with your lessons." Marcus walked away and Evie frantically looked at her mother and shook her head. Maxine needed to keep as quiet as possible. He wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her now.

  He crossed to the wall nearest Evie and selected the longest, thinnest cane from the group.

  Oh no.

  "That's right. You remember this one. This one leaves the best impression."

  Chapter 34

  No matter how hard he listened, he couldn't hear her screams any more. He prayed it meant she was safe. But in reality, he knew it meant she was either dead or unconscious.

  He prayed silently for the latter.

  "Fuck, row harder," Hunter ground out. Tension coiled his entire body tight.

  "Take a left between those two cypress trees," C.W. called out from behind them.

  Hunter plunged the oar into the water on his right and steered the boat between the trees. As soon as they rounded the corner, he saw the lodge. Lights lit the inside, but the front porch was bathed in shadows. Even so, he couldn't miss the empty boat floating in front.

  "That’s Betsy. Evie is here," C.W. said. Hunter could hear the alarm in his voice. It was the same alarm crawling up his spine. They glided silently beside Evie's boat and tied off to the porch. The men unloaded one by one onto the porch.

  "Dead woman." Jared kneeled over a body, hiding her from view.

  Hunter's heart plummeted into his feet. "Evie?" he croaked.

  "No. Brunette. Pale. Tall," Jared said.

  Hunter reached out for anything to hold himself up straight. His hand landed on C.W. He nodded, got his feet straight and they eased their way to the door. Hunter tried the knob and found it open. He nodded to his team and they fell into place, Ranger behind him. Jared and Hoyt ran around to the other side of the house.

  "Dad, C.W., follow us in. Stay down. Keep your gun down, but be ready." Hunter waited for their nod of understanding before proceeding. The door swung open silently. He stepped inside, pistol raised, and walked into a gourmet kitchen complete with stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, and a pistol on the island.

  Hunter swept right into the dining room, and Ranger swept left, through the open door out of the kitchen. C.W. and Hank split up and followed. The kitchen led to a grand dining room, complete with a crystal chandelier, then continued around into an open formal living room. Dark leather couches were placed in perfect lines. A stone fireplace dominated the main wall and climbed up the vaulted two-story ceiling. Ranger and Hank started up the staircase to their left. Hunter and C.W. moved through the living room, heading toward the connected hall.

  Slow. Cautious. Careful.

  Evie's scream ripped through the house and Hunter stiffened. He wanted to take off running, but he forced himself to continue easing down the hall slowly, his feet silent. Hoyt and Jared appeared through a small back door.

  Hunter held his hand to his lips. He heard a snap, then Evie screamed again.

  Hunter kept moving and pointed to a door they had not yet opened. The men fell into line behind Hunter as he eased the door open and peeked inside.

  He saw Maxine first, tied to a chair, her eyes red and filled with tears. Her screams were muffled by a gag. Hunter swung the door in further. When he saw Evie, he almost snapped. Almost raised his gun and shot the bastard holding the whip in the back. But he would have risked hitting her.

  And fuck all if he could hurt her.

  C.W. gripped his shoulder. Hunter turned, barely able to restrain himself, and took the bowie knife C.W. handed him. And Hunter knew what he would do.

  He waited until the bastard pulled his hand back. "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

  Marcus's words gut-punched Hunter. He grabbed the middle of the long black whip and yanked. Marcus stumbled around in surprise and Hunter lifted the blade, ready to kill. Marcus stumbled right, barely missing Hunter’s knife.

  “Drop the whip. It’s over.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “I’ll put this knife in your fucking throat.” Hunter kept his gaze trained on Marcus as he circled back left, getting closer to Evie. “Stop now, this is your last warning.”

  “You think I'm scared of your little knife?” Marcus cracked the whip and took another step to the left.

  Hunter pulled the knife back, readying to throw. “You should be.”

  “Trash. You never deserved her. She’s mine. I’ll kill her before I let you touch her.” Marcus dropped the whip and dove back, grabbing the shelf behind him. His hand wrapped around a pistol.

  Hunter threw the knife, its whisper barely audible as it flew through the air. The blade sunk into Marcus’s flesh with a thud and the sound of a single gunshot echoed through the room.

  Marcus went down, the knife protruding from his throat. Blood pooled around him. Hunter felt something warm trickle down his face. He touched it and when he pulled back, blood covered his hand.

  “Shit man, you’re hit.” Ranger appeared in his peripheral.

  Hunter felt his temple again, the burn running across the whole right side of his skull. But he still stood. He could talk, walk and breathe. What did it matter if he was bleeding?

  “I’m good.” Hunter rushed to Evie and yanked on the cuffs that restrained her hands, but they didn’t move. Evie was panting. Shivering. Blood ran across her back in thin strips. MC was bold on her hip. He clenched his jaw, wanting to throw up at the sight of this violence that had been done to her, and r
an back to Marcus.

  He was still gurgling on the floor. Hunter ignored him and rifled through his pockets. Nothing. Then he spied the small chain around the man’s neck, pushed his shirt to the side, and spied a key. Hunter tore it from his neck and ran to Evie without looking back.

  His hands shook as he tried to find the hole. Fuck. He couldn't get it.

  Jared, who’d entered the room after him, stood across from him and took the key. "You catch her." His voice was gruff with emotion. Hunter cupped her beneath the arms. Her head hung limp. Jared turned the key. One hand dropped and Hunter caught it and draped it over his shoulder. When her other arm fell, he did the same.

  "I'm going to pick you up, honey. Okay?" Hunter leaned in and whispered in her ear. She nodded, a tiny motion, but he felt it. Hunter carried her to the kitchen, careful not to touch her back, and sat on a stool, keeping her body draped chest-to-chest over his.

  Evie hung limp in his grip. He prayed she had passed out.

  "Hunter?" Her voice was hoarse and barely audible.

  "Shhh. I'm here. Don't talk. We're getting you out of here." Hunter held her as tight as he could without touching her back. Each time she shivered, he cringed.

  "My baby! Where is she?" Maxine rushed into the kitchen and ground to a halt. Her normally perfectly-teased brown hair hung askew. Mascara trailed down her face. She approached them cautiously. "Is she…okay?"

  Hunter nodded. Maxine touched Evie's shoulder. "Baby?"

  Evie lifted her head from his shoulder. "I tried to make it in time."

  "Hush. You did fine. Just fine." Fresh tears tracked down Maxine's face and Evie's head hit Hunter's shoulder. He knew she was exhausted.

  Hunter avoided looking at Evie's back, which would only make him lose his mind with rage. Rage that would have no outlet now that her attacker was dead. "Get Jared. He’s a medic."

  Maxine nodded and took off for the living room. He heard murmuring voices then Jared strode into the kitchen. "Jesus Christ."

  Hunter clenched his jaw. "How bad is it?"

  "Sorry, man. I just don't like seeing women treated like this." Jared leaned in and touched Evie's bare back. She tensed and hissed out a breath.

  "It's bad, but she’ll be fine. We need to disinfect the wounds. Treat them and cover them with some bandages. My bag is in our temporary headquarters at Hank’s farm.”

  Hunter lowered his head to Evie's neck and inhaled her scent. "Do you think you can make it?"

  Evie mumbled something into his skin.

  "Baby, speak up. I can't hear you."

  Evie leaned back, using his chest for leverage, just enough for her gaze to meet his. "Yes. But not with you."

  Her words tore through him, ripped him from stomach to sternum. Hunter clenched his jaw. He saw the pain in her gaze. Not just physical. Emotional. Pain that he himself had caused.

  "Evie, I..." His tone was harsh with despair.

  "Don't. Just don't." She fell back to his chest, panting like she'd run for miles.

  He wanted to hold her forever. Never let her out of his sight again. But right now, he had to let her go. And Hunter knew it would be harder than hearing her screams of pain.

  His eyes found Ranger, who had joined them in the kitchen. He couldn't do it. He couldn’t willingly hand her over to someone else when she was in this condition. Half-naked and half-dead.

  His gaze snapped to his brother’s. "Find me something to cover her with."

  Ranger left and Hunter heard him running upstairs.

  Hank stood off to the side, holding Maxine, and she willingly returned his embrace. He'd never seen his dad look at a woman like that. With adoration and love.

  Ranger returned with a bed sheet, which the two of them draped over Evie. No matter how careful they were, she gasped and jerked with pain.

  Hunter clenched his jaw as Ranger slipped his hands under her legs and shoulders and lifted her gently. When he cradled Evie to his chest, Hunter bit back a roar of possession. Of pain. She was his woman. His.

  And he'd fucked it up. Again.

  Chapter 35

  By the time they reached The Wharf, Evie had passed out. As soon as Hunter realized she was unconscious, he took her back, unable to stand seeing her in someone else's arms. Even if they were his brother’s.

  Hunter sat in the backseat of Hoyt's truck, Ranger beside him. Jared and Hoyt were in the front. Hank and Maxine were in Hank’s truck.

  They made record time back to Hank's house. Hunter carefully carried her inside to his old bed and Jared met him there with his medic bag. "Pull the sheet straight up, slow. Try not to re-open any of her wounds."

  Hunter inched the damn thing off centimeter by centimeter. Blood had already dried in a criss-cross pattern on the material.

  When her back was bare, he almost exploded. Where there weren’t welts, there was blood. And then there was the fucking brand. Hunter stood and stalked across the room, barely resisting the urge to slam his fist through the wall. Rage ran through his veins.

  He needed an outlet.

  "Hunter. You need to get it together. For her." Jared spoke slowly, his words measured.

  How could his buddy expect him to calm down? Evie's back was a battlefield of bloody stripes.

  "You choose. Your needs or hers." Jared met him stare for stare, not backing down. And Hunter's anger deflated, and he sat on the mattress, feeling regret well in every cell in his body. He'd let this happen.

  "I didn't trust her. And because of that, she's like this."

  Jared nodded but didn't argue. "You fucked up big time."

  Hunter shot him a glare.

  "Hey, don't be mad at me. I support you. But you screwed up, and you’re gonna have to work your ass off to get her back."

  "And I get to sit back and watch you squirm," Hoyt said from the doorway.

  Great. Here he was, sweating over the love of his life, and his men were giving him shit. Well, he deserved it.

  "Just make her better," Hunter bit out. He didn't have a clue about how to win her back. He had set out to charm her and use her. He had thought her a cheater. Now he knew the truth. He was the reason she'd ended up in Marcus's arms.

  And she'd suffered there.

  Fuck. He wanted to scream. To tear something up. Anything to release this beast of self-loathing. But that would be too easy. He needed to suffer.

  He deserved it.

  * * *

  Evie woke to sunlight streaming through sheer curtains. She was in her mom's house, in the guest bedroom, on her stomach. Hunter held her hand, his face a mask of worry. Elation filled her as she met his gaze. But then she remembered his words and her elation turned to sorrow.

  He had lied. He had used her. And…she loved him. She still loved him.

  Evie wrested her hand from his, the slight movement pulling the skin across her back. Pain made her cringe.

  "Can I get you anything? How do you feel?" The questions came rapid-fire and Evie struggled to keep up.

  "I'm okay. The pain isn't anything I haven't dealt with before." Hunter cringed and Evie felt a pang of guilt, but she quickly squashed the emotion. Why should she care about hurting him after what he’d done to her?

  "Do I need to call Jared? Let him check out your back?"

  Evie bit her lip and shook her head no. She didn't want anyone to see her like this. Broken. Battered. Bloody.

  "Where is Mom? Is she okay?"

  "Yeah. She left about ten minutes ago. It’s the first time we've gotten her to leave your side. Hank drove her to town to get her a Dr. Pepper."

  Evie smiled. Her mom's idea of a pick-me-up had always been Dr. Pepper. Personally, Evie couldn't stand the sweet syrupy taste. But whatever made her mom happy...

  "So I took over," Hunter finished.

  A piece of hair fell over her eye and he brushed it back. Evie cringed. She couldn't handle him touching her. Not now. Not when the wounds were fresh. So raw.

  Hunter pulled back and she saw the pain her action had caused
him. First she felt sorry for it. Then she felt angry. "Dammit. Don't sit there making me feel bad for you. You screwed me, remember? I heard you. I heard every word. I was just a means to an end. A mission."

  His skin paled and he leaned forward like he wanted to argue, but Evie cut him off. "Get out. Now."

  "Evie, just give me a chance to explain," Hunter pleaded.

  "I don't want to hear it. I don't trust you. You lied to my face." And she had fallen for it. Just like she had fallen for the gentle giant next to her. Only he wasn't gentle. He was a liar. And he’d hurt her. She felt the tears start but was too tired to wipe them away.

  Hunter did it for her.

  "Leave. Please." Evie forced the words out.

  Hunter pulled back. "Evie..."

  "No! Get out!"

  The effort of yelling at him had cost her dearly. What little strength she had left vanished and her skin pulled tight across her back.

  But it had the desired effect. Hunter stood and walked to the door. He turned. "I'll be back, Evie. I'm not giving up on us."

  Her laugh was bitter. "There is no us."

  Hunter left. Evie laid her head back on the pillow and let exhaustion claim her.

  * * *

  The next time she opened her eyes it was dark. The lights were off. No sunlight. Evie glanced at the clock on the bed stand. Five a.m.

  The sun would rise soon. Her mom would get up by six. The woman had always been an early riser, unlike Evie, who could easily sleep past nine.

  The lamp was turned on at the lowest setting, casting a dim glow across the room. Evie moved and this time her back didn't scream in pain, so she tested her strength. She pushed up, locked her elbows, and held herself like that—her knees and hands supporting her. She caught her breath and eased back into a sitting position on the bed, her feet tucked under her.

  Each movement pulled and squished the sores on her back, but it was tolerable.

  What was not tolerable was the man asleep in the recliner three feet away from her.

  But as much as she wanted to tell him to leave again, she couldn't wake him and destroy the look of peace on his face. His face was relaxed, almost boyish, and she found herself drawn to him.


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