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Men of Mercy: The Complete Story

Page 146

by Cross, Lindsay

  Camera's flashed all around in a blinding storm of light. Merc shouted, “No cameras allowed. This is over, now.”

  But he was no match for the bottom feeders, pressing in for more, which Georgia was more than happy to provide. “The other girl's name is Celine. She was nearly sold at a slave auction but Caroline was held the longest. She suffered the most.”

  Celine's soft sobs pierced Nightshade’s conscious and she let the rage loose, flinging Georgia away. “You’re a liar. How dare you make up those lies.”

  Even more cameras flashed, the murmurs rose and their little circle tightened. Celine crouched behind Merc now, who was calling for back up into his communication system. He reached to pull Nightshade behind him, but she pulled away, turning her vengeance on the spiteful woman who started the frenzy. “We were never friends. My father wouldn't waste his time talking to yours, let alone sharing sensitive information.”

  Georgia gasped and put her hand over her mouth, pointing down at Nightshade's arm. “See! Look at those scars. He tied you up didn't he? The man - he had you for over a month. What else are you hiding?” A crafty gleam punctuated each filthy word she spoke about Caroline's father, a gleam emphasized by the seizure-like flashes of cameras. How dare she insinuate such disgusting things about her father or about what Caroline had been through? Forgetting she was supposed to act with quiet reserve like her sister, Nightshade sprung with hands bared for Georgia's throat. Merc swooped in and snagged her around the middle, pulling her back further from the crowd.

  “You see! She's lost it, look how crazy she's acting!” Georgia's calculating look passed quickly, hid under a false front of worry.

  Nightshade shoved against Merc, but he was as immobile as a brick wall. “Let me go. That bitch is gonna pay.”

  “Break it up people. Party's over in here.” Hunter parted through the crowd, with Ranger and Jared flanking him. They'd each donned tuxes that did nothing to hide their lethality. Most of the guests crowding the room left immediately, but not Georgia or the reporter and a few more guests snapping shots with their cellphones. Hunter grabbed the reporter by his collar. “No reporters allowed.”

  “You can't treat a member of the press this way.” The man kept snapping shots, despite the worry creeping into his once determine expression.

  Hunter snatched the camera, crushed it in one hand and passed it off to Ranger with a grin. “You can talk to the Senator about reimbursement, if he doesn't sue you first for slander and trespassing.”

  “But-” The man's voice faded as he was carried out of the room.

  Georgia watched the scene with fascination, completely unashamed.

  Nightshade struggled, “Merc, let me go.”

  He squeezed his arm until she couldn't breathe or move and then said, “Jared, please escort the girl in the red dress off the premises. Make sure you get her information so that Caroline can file a police report if she chooses.”

  Jared strode forward and grabbed Georgia's wrist, tugging her behind him. “You wouldn't dare. My father will hear about this!”

  Merc relaxed enough for Nightshade to draw in a breath and shout, “You’re going to the pen.”

  The room emptied quickly after that, leaving Nightshade alone with Merc and a shaking Celine. “Who was that woman? She was horrible.”

  Nightshade put her arm around Celine. “Merc, maybe you should call Aaron.”

  Merc nodded and spoke quietly into his comm. A minute later, Aaron ran into the room, his voice frantic. “What happened, honey? Are you okay?”

  Celine went to him and buried her face in his chest. Aaron glared at Merc over her head and Nightshade jumped between them. “It wasn't his fault. That bitch ambushed us with a reporter in here and stirred up a huge crowd.”

  “How the hell did a reporter get in?” Merc rasped out.

  Aaron blanched. “I don't know. We personally checked every single person who walked through the door. If they didn't have an invite from Cotter, they didn't come in.”

  “Surely Cotter wasn't dumb enough to invite the press,” Merc said.

  “After that press conference? Please, he's probably thriving on it.” Nightshade muttered and glared past Aaron's shoulder, wishing Cotter would stride into the room so she could let him have it.

  A glance passed between Aaron and Merc. Nightshade narrowed her eyes. They knew something and they weren't sharing. She turned to Merc first and crossed her arms. “Why exactly did my father hold that press conference?”

  “You'll have to ask him.” His expression was unreadable, not giving an inch.

  “Aaron, I think I want to go,” Celine said quietly.

  “I don't want you going back to the hotel alone. Why don't you stay here? I'm sure we can find a spare bedroom.” Aaron glanced at Nightshade and she nodded in agreement.

  “Absolutely, let me find Harriet. She'll know the perfect spot.” Nightshade bolted before Merc could follow or stop her. She zig zagged through the crowd, who instead of giving her polite nods, were flat out watching her every move. She didn't care, these weren't her people and they definitely weren't her sister's.

  Caroline wouldn't hang with these phonies. She wouldn't.

  Nightshade kept telling herself that all the way down the back hallway to the kitchen.

  Chapter 27

  She slipped through the crowd before he had a chance to grab her, watching her go with a sinking feeling in his chest. He’d seen the panic on her face when cornered by the reporter, but then he’d been privileged to watch her fear shift into fury when the reported attacked Celine.

  Tigress. She was no wilting flower, he knew that with as much surety as he knew that woman was not Caroline Cotter, but Marissa. No matter if Mr. J had done his damnedest to destroy the humanity inside her, he’d failed. She cared. And she cared just as fierce as he could ever hope for.

  He knew in that moment that the pain he’d seen earlier when she’d tried to destroy him was real. There was something else holding her hostage – something forcing her. Or someone. And he had a sinking feeling that tonight would be the night he found out the truth.

  Fuck Jack Mankel and fuck Merc’s past. None of that mattered compared to Marissa. Goddammit he had to go to her and find out the truth once and for all.

  Heart tight in his chest like a vise squeezing around him, Merc headed in the direction she’d left only to be brought up short when he saw her standing not five feet away. She’d come back.

  “Merc?” Her voice drifted across him, through him. Joy mainstreamed through his veins straight to his heart.

  “Caroline?” He didn’t care that his voice was gruff and uneven. Not when he could reach out and touch her again.

  She gazed at him with open longing, and he responded, needing to connect to her; to take her mouth and reclaim her as his.

  She broke the connection first, glancing over at Aaron and Celine. “Harriet has a room waiting. Second story, fourth door on the right. She said to go on up.”

  Celine went to her, hugging her and Merc realized that even if Marissa had deceived them all, her actions told her true self. She cared about those around her. She could have run just now, but she came back.

  She still wanted him.

  Merc felt his chest swell. If she still wanted him, he could forgive her. He would forgive her.

  He waited until they were alone. “Caroline?”

  She spun slowly, her honey blond hair catching the light like gold. “Yes?”

  “We need to talk.” In a trance, he crossed to her, taking up her hand in his, marveling once more at her softness.

  “Forget talking, I want you to kiss me.” Her request left him shaken and rock hard.

  Pulling her to him, he cupped her ass and lifted her bodily against him. He wanted her to feel his need. She arched and her breath caught. He groaned and claimed her lips, undone when she moaned and held him to her. Make her yours again. Make her mine.

  Merc slanted his lips over hers, plunging his tongue inside and l
aying claim. This was what he’d been missing ever since he’d woken scared and alone. Not Mr. J. Not the military. Not his past.

  His whole life Merc lived for revenge. He lived and died by the gun. He thirsted for blood – for vengeance against the man who’d had his trust and then destroyed it. Mankel had woken Merc as a blank slate – a man with no past and no future – had re-written him based on what he needed.

  When Merc had woken scared and alone in that sterile room, he’d needed guidance. And Mr. J had provided that in full measure, encouraging Merc to view him as a father figure and a leader to be emulated. Until Merc discovered Mr. J wasn’t a noble government agent righting the world’s wrongs. He was the evil bastard causing the world pain and he’d been using Merc to carry out his tasks.

  Merc became a liability, and Mr. J didn’t keep liabilities. He euthanized them.

  The only father figure he’d ever known had left him and Merc had found a way to live; even when J tried to assassinate him. He’d found a way to fight again. To try and right some of the wrongs.

  He’d needed her.

  She broke away first, both of them panting, her eyes watering. Marveling at the change, he caught her tear on his finger, holding it up in the light and then drawing it into his mouth. “Why are you crying?”

  A dark thought sent him reeling inside. Had she come back to say goodbye?

  No! He wouldn’t let her go. He’d tie her to him and force her to tell him the truth. There had to be a way.

  She cupped his cheeks in her delicate palms and Merc drew in a shuddering breath.

  If he’d thought her leaving would cause him to die, her next words brought him back to life. “I love you. I will love you forever, no matter what. I love you.”

  “Baby.” He could barely get the words out his throat was constricted so tight. He didn’t care what her name was, she’d come back. And she loved him. “I love you, too.” And then, unable to resist her, he took her mouth in a fierce way meant to seal her to him forever.

  * * *

  Nightshade died inside when she broke their kiss. Merc was so gentle, showing her his love despite the fact she’d tried to make him hate her. She felt him trembling.

  She couldn’t tell him now. She couldn’t bear it if he looked at her with disgust.

  She wouldn’t survive losing him, not if she had to face his contempt. She’d never wavered on a decision in her entire life, but now, now she knew she’d have to disappear. She had to take the coward’s way out.

  The thought cut soul deep, and another tear escaped. Just as gently as before, Merc dried her tears, staring at her like she was his life.

  Just like he was hers.

  If only it was her life to give.

  Her sister’s and her teammates’ lives depended on her finding out their location and rescuing them and that meant Nightshade had to break into Cotter’s secret room, steal their location and disappear.

  She didn’t care anymore about vengeance against Cotter. She just wanted to get out of here in one piece.

  Silly girl, you know your heart will stay with Merc.

  Her heart whacked her chest in response, like it was trying to break free of her treacherous body and go to him.

  My heart.

  Merc inched her to the floor, still cradling her in his arms even after her feet touched down. “Come with me.”

  He took her hand and she knew he would lead her upstairs to her bedroom. And if she could pretend for another minute, she would willingly and gladly go.

  But the time for pretending that she could have a life with this brave and honorable man had passed. Thankful he took the lead and couldn’t see her heart breaking behind him, she let him lead her. When they emerged into the crowded foyer, filled with outraged guests being turned out the front door, she slowed.

  And then Rainier caught her attention in the chaos – a perfect storm of distraction for them both.

  Nightshade sucked in a loud breath and pulled with all her might, staring into the crowd with what she prayed was fright on her face.

  Merc’s thick black brows swooped down. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  She licked her lips, not having to fake the creak in her voice. “I saw him. I saw him walking through the crowd.”

  Merc’s gaze turned to rock hard ice. “Who did you see?”

  She had to look him in the eye or he’d never believe her. Think of your sister. Think of your team. “Jack Mankel.”

  Merc shoved her behind him in a second. “What direction?”

  “Into the ballroom. On the right.”

  “Stay close.”

  She grabbed his jacket and tugged, letting him know she would stay with him. When he started forward, she pulled out the heavy metal bag clamp she’d swiped from the kitchen and clipped it on his jacket. Merc kept moving forward, talking to his team on his comm, satisfied she was right behind him.

  Nightshade melted backwards into the crowd. Goodbye, Merc.

  * * *

  “Roger, she saw him moving north in the ballroom.” Heart pounding, Merc continued forward, pushing through the crowd with relentless force. He hadn’t believed J would take the bait. Cotter had been right. Now J was within reach and so was Caroline.

  Reassured by her hand tugging on his coat, he kept his gaze forward, scanning every face across the room in front of him. He saw lots of men, mostly old men, but no black hair with silver temples. Not yet. “Hunter, you coming my way?”

  “Moving to your left. Ranger on your right. Aaron and Riser have the exits choked. If he’s in this room, he won’t be able to get out,” Hunter’s voice was just as breathless as his own.

  This was the moment every man on their team had been working toward for two years—finally catching the man who’d betrayed them all.

  Merc neared the north wall, there was an opening into an alcove and he went to it, zeroing in on the only place left in the room for Mankel to hide. He could taste the sweet joy of victory. Tonight he’d have his revenge and his girl.

  Merc broke out of the crowd and pulled his weapon, keeping it low so none of the guests would see and stepped into the shadowed alcove, partially blocked by tall green plants. Bright blue moonlight shone through the twelve-foot window, highlighting an empty space.

  Shit. “He’s not here.”

  Hunter and Ranger got to him at the same time. “Where could he have gone?”

  “Could he have gone south instead of North? Was she wrong?” Ranger asked.

  Merc spun, “Baby, are you sure-” His words died on his lips. “Where is she?”

  Had Mankel gotten her?

  Hunter lifted his shoulders and shook his head. “I thought you left her somewhere safe.”

  “No, she was right behind me.” He got up on his toes and started frantically searching the crowd for any sign of her and then he felt it. Felt the weight tug on his jacket.

  Stunned, he pulled the metal clamp free and held it in his hand. She’d never been behind him. She’d tricked him. Lied to him.

  Her tears hadn’t been from joy, they’d been tears of goodbye. Merc threw back his head and gnashed his teeth together to keep from screaming her name. A deep and dark well of lonely rage opened up in his chest, radiating out to engulf him whole. He was alone. Again. When he’d finally thought he’d found his soul mate….

  I lost her.

  Chapter 28

  "Caroline, come with me." General Rainier seemed to appear out of nowhere at her side and pulling her toward the side door. Stunned, Nightshade followed, realizing she’d set the plan in motion. This was the only way.

  Pop. Pop. Pop. Three shots rattled off in the ballroom. Nightshade immediately looked to the doorway, searching out Merc over the crowd. Despite knowing the man could take down a Mack truck with his bare fist, a tingle of apprehension managed to snake its way around her chest.

  If anything happened to him…

  Nightshade shook her head. She couldn’t afford to care. And coward that she was, she wanted
desperately to escape before he had a chance to return.

  Another gun shot. Through the open doorway, in the melee of rich suits and sparking gowns, Nightshade spotted Aaron and Merc working their way through the crowd. She accepted the relief that hit her seeing he was okay. For the briefest second, Merc caught her gaze over the crowd. Time stopped. The screams dimmed. Nightshade savored their connection, drinking in the sight of the man she loved. This would be the last time she saw him.

  “Caroline, please. We have to go now. My man is waiting outside to get you to safety.” Rainier stepped into her line of sight, severing the last thin line of connection with Merc.

  Another pop jerked Nightshade’s attention to see Merc making headway through the crowd, locked onto Rainier with fury. Shit.

  “Come on, we gotta go now.” She spun and took off for the side entrance to the room. The sounds of the panicked crowd dulled as she hung a left down the back hallway.

  Rainier’s footsteps thumped close on her heels. “I’ve finally got proof of his dealings. We can stop him once and for all.”

  “No talk. Just run.” Nightshade picked up speed, knowing Merc would have seen them bolt. He’d be right behind them. No matter how thick or wild the crowd, Merc was an unrelenting force.

  Rainier’s words replayed in her mind as she ran. He'd been helping her sister all along. Caroline had trusted this man to help her escape Cotter's clutches. And Nightshade had started to buy Cotter's doting father act.

  She’d actually started to question whether she'd pegged him wrong. The words of her father, her real father, crashed through her. "Cotter is a master of deceit, he spins webs of lies and he'll suck you in if you're not careful. He's already fooled the rest of the world…"

  She’d been so confident, so goddamn cocky. She’d thought with all her knowledge of the man's evil and all her hate at what he’d done to her family and her team there was no way on Earth he'd ever be able to fool her.

  And yet here she was, having been here nearly a week, dressed in a ball gown, her hair curled and her nails painted. Subconsciously sucked into this life of luxury and fake family. He'd tapped into a need she hadn't really known existed on such a deep level inside her.


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