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The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Adams

  Oliver locked the door behind them, turned on a table lamp to shine its welcome light, which was enough to see their way around the apartment, and led them into the only other room, the bedroom.

  All the bedding was new, even the mattress. He wanted it to be nice for their first night together. He’d bought sheets and blankets in a rich royal blue, a color he found attractive. If Leticia didn’t like them she could buy other colors, but for now this was his scene, his rules.

  “How does the butt plug feel in your ass, Leticia? Is your cunt dripping cream? Does it make you want us? Are you ready for my cock to be shoved up your ass while William is in your cunt?”

  “I feel aroused. Full. And boy howdy, am I ever ready for you both.”

  Oliver felt his lips twitch. She was so adorable. His woman. His cat. They’d walked from the dungeon to this apartment wrapped in towels, only wearing their shoes, as it was way too much trouble to get into all their finery only to take it off again. Besides, this was a BDSM community with shape-shifters. Naked people, or almost-naked people, were nothing new here.

  “Good.” Oliver pulled the blankets off the bed, leaving them in a heap at the foot of it. “Lie on your side in the center of the bed. William, you face her front. Entertain yourself with those delicious breasts while I unpack the lube.”

  Oliver hung the suit bag over the back of the bedroom door and removed the Ziploc bag with Leticia’s jewelry, laying it on the dresser, before unpacking the other plastic bag with the tube of gel. Then he slid onto the bed behind his partners, enjoying the luxurious feeling of high-thread-count cotton sheets. They had a totally different sensation against the skin from cheap sheets.

  He leaned up on one elbow, watching William caress Leticia’s breasts. They were beautiful. Pale brown, like all her skin, with darker brown nipples. Nipples that were standing up straight, indicating she was ready for more than just being touched. His dick was as hard as a spike once again and the thought of plowing into her virgin ass was almost enough to throw him off the edge of the cliff. He forced himself to look away and maintain his control. He was a Dom and control was second nature to him.

  When two panthers mated, they bit each other during climax. He really wasn’t sure about what happened when mating with a human but had decided against asking Omar. William would bite them both as well, although it would be more difficult for him, not having long, narrow cat canines. If their skin just bruised instead of breaking it was too bad. At least with a nurse in the family he’d know how to minimize any bruising. He’d certainly done a good job with Leticia’s shoulder. It’d healed fast.

  His dick once again under control, Oliver removed Leticia’s butt plug and thoroughly lubed her ass and his dick. He smiled as she hissed and almost purred at his touch.

  He lifted her top leg up high, sliding his lower leg under her body and placing her top leg over his top leg, then he pressed his dick against her rear entry. He had to push firmly, but soon the head breached the tight ring of sphincter muscles, and he was able to thrust inside. Oh hell, she felt hot and tight. His dick had never been squeezed so tight before in his life.

  Gently he stroked Leticia’s skin, giving her time to adjust to the feeling of him inside her and giving himself time to regain his control. When she was making that soft sound which was almost a purr again, he said, “Now you, William.”

  William gulped and nodded then pushed his lower leg under the pile of limbs, placing his top leg bent with the foot flat on the mattress. Then he wiggled closer and closer to Leticia. Oliver could feel William’s cock working its way inside her. There was just a thin wall of tissue separating them, and as William entered her she gripped his dick even harder. If he’d thought she was tight before, now she became even tighter, but slowly William pressed into her until his cock was right there beside Oliver’s, on the other side of the wall.

  Leticia wasn’t purring now. The faint sounds she made were almost a mewling. At first he worried she wasn’t happy, then he understood she was urging them to keep going, begging for more.

  “I’ll withdraw. When I start to come back in, you withdraw. We’ll do this slowly,” he said.

  William’s face was sheened with sweat as he nodded.

  Oliver moved as slowly as he could, but Leticia was so hot and tight he couldn’t help but gradually increase his pace. William synchronized his actions with Oliver’s and soon they were both jackhammering into her, rocking the bed on its legs with the power of their strokes. Oliver had one hand on her hips, the other pressed into the small of William’s back to keep them united.

  He could see her fingers gripping William’s shoulders, and her knuckles were white. Oh yes, she was close to release, no doubt about it. Which was just as well, because his dick would explode soon, no matter how much he tried to wait.

  He let go of her hip and forced his hand between her body and William’s. He didn’t think either of them noticed until he pinched her nipple hard.

  “Bite!” he ordered.

  She gave a shrill, keening wail, and for a moment he wondered if she really had snapped his dick in half. Her body clenched it so tightly it was painful, then she shook in release and his cum burst from him like a volcano exploding. He could feel the heat of his own release and added heat that meant William had come, too.

  He lowered his mouth to where her neck and shoulder joined, slid out his fangs, and bit her. He tasted her blood, flicked his tongue over the tiny wound, and repeated the bite at the same place on William. At the same time he felt Leticia’s fangs break the skin on his shoulder and received a powerful jolt of love from her.

  Immediately, he began stroking her sides to soothe her, to help her come down, and William copied him. William also bit him, catching a tiny piece of skin between his teeth and breaking it with a sharp nip. The man may only be a human, but he caught on fast, which was good. Or maybe it was his nursing background that helped him understand people so well. Whatever, it was working for them all right now.

  Oliver bent and kissed her shoulder. Looking at it closely he couldn’t detect any swelling. To him it appeared the same as the other one. Tomorrow he’d have to ask William about that. He needed to remember not to put added stress on it until she was fully healed.

  But the most important thing was to get some security in place in case her father returned. Their apartment was what they needed to be together, but it wasn’t as safe as her room in the main building had been. He couldn’t forget her father was not stable. And most definitely not to be trusted.

  * * * *

  When he woke the next morning, William thanked every god in the pantheon that he was rostered for the second shift at the hospital this week, not the first one. Over the years he’d heard almost every one of his colleagues complain bitterly at the way their shift rosters constantly rotated, and it could be vicious to finish a night shift then start a morning one, but it didn’t happen often and he’d always found the system very fair. But now that he was lying in bed with the woman he loved above all else and the man he’d promised to respect and obey, he was grateful he didn’t have to rush off to work but was free to spend most of the morning with them.

  He gazed at Leticia. She was so beautiful, her dark-brown curls all tangled around her face, her skin golden brown under the blue blanket. He stared at her neck but could see no marks where she’d been bitten. He had a clear memory of biting her though, hoping it didn’t leave a scar. He’d been careful only to pick up skin in his teeth, not too much underlying flesh to damage her. Perhaps he hadn’t bitten her as hard as he’d thought he had in the heat of the moment. Oh dear. I hope it was enough not to jeopardize our union. Even though this was just a handfasting, not a formal mating, he hadn’t meant to do anything to endanger their relationship. After all, he planned to stay with her not just for three months, but always. I was trying to be careful, but I know I did bite her.

  Doing his best not to wake her, he slid out of bed and went into the microscopic bathroom. It was about the
size of some hotel bathrooms where a person could sit on the facilities and turn the shower taps on and off. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at his neck. He turned his head to and fro, but there were no marks. “I did not imagine it.”

  “Didn’t imagine what?”

  William jumped. He hadn’t realized Oliver was standing in the doorway. The bathroom was too small for them both to be in it at once.

  “Biting you both last night and being bitten. But there’re no marks on my neck.”

  “Shifters heal fast.”

  “That explains why there’re no marks on Leticia’s neck and also why her shoulder has healed so well. But there’re no marks on my neck and I’m not a shifter.”

  Oliver just shrugged. “I’m about to make a pot of coffee. Would you like some?”

  “Yes please. I’ll be there in a minute to help you make breakfast.”

  Oliver had set a loaf of bread on the counter, so William made a pile of toast while Oliver brewed them a pot of coffee. Just as it was ready, Leticia staggered into the room. “Smells good,” she said, sinking into a chair.

  William felt love for her pour though him anew. Her legs might be awake, but it was clear the rest of her was not quite up to speed yet. He grinned, placing the toast, butter, and a jar of strawberry preserves in front of her, while Oliver brought over the coffee, plates, and knives.

  By the time she finished her first cup of coffee she was smiling, and halfway through the second cup she spread butter on her toast and bit into it. “Yummy, thanks,” she mumbled, her mouth full.

  There was silence for a while as they ate, then Leticia asked, “Oliver, are we going to move our clothes and things in here today? I think you said something about that?”

  William nodded. He’d thought Oliver had said that, too.

  “Yes, I reckon we bring here the things we really need. The current season’s clothing and the stuff we use all the time. When that’s unpacked we can estimate how much space is left and come to an agreement between us.”

  “I’ll need to get some cardboard boxes. I could just throw my clothes into my car, but I don’t think there’s going to be closet space for all of us here, so if I pack my things at home they can stay in the boxes here until I need to wear them,” said William.

  “JB has cardboard boxes in the storage unit. We’ll meet you after your shift tonight and bring boxes with us. Then we can help you pack,” said Oliver.

  “Thanks, that’ll be great.” Oliver did care about him. Was helping him. Wasn’t just pushing him to the side like the minor party in the union. And as well as that, he’d given William not only the privilege of the first dance with Leticia but also her first vaginal fuck. He was being treated better than he’d ever expected to be. Better than he deserved, probably.

  “Will we go and get Leticia’s things first? I should be able to help with that before I need to leave for my shift,” said William.

  “May as well,” said Oliver.

  “I’ll be easy as most of my possessions are still in the storage unit anyway. I’ve been staying in a room and only took up the things I really needed,” Leticia said.

  “Are there other things you’d really like to get from the storage unit? This apartment is small, but it’s big enough to have a few things around us,” said William, trying to gauge the size of the room they were in and where things could be stored.

  “I’d really like my box of gardening tools. I’ve got a proper kneeling pad and tools that fit my hands. Having them would be good.”

  Oliver nodded. “We can certainly get them.”

  “What about you, Oliver? Is most of your stuff in the storage unit, too?” asked William, suddenly curious. Had Oliver had his own house? Did he maybe have furniture? It could be nice to sit at a table instead of using the counter as they were this morning.

  “My heavy winter clothing is stored, but I don’t need it yet anyway. I lived in the main farmhouse back on the farm and all the furniture stayed behind when we left. I agree it’d be nice to have a proper meal table and some chairs.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “We’re sitting here eating. It’s pretty obvious we’d be thinking about a real dining table,” said Oliver dismissively.

  But William couldn’t help feeling it was weird that Oliver had basically just read his mind.

  Oliver got a serious look on his face and for a moment William’s spirits died and he began to worry Oliver would say something to push him aside. Then he told himself not to be silly. Oliver had said he’d help him move his things into this apartment.

  “There is something else we need to talk about right away. Leticia, seriously, you need to be careful about your safety. I’m not suggesting you don’t go where you want to go or don’t do what you want to do, but I’m telling you, ordering you, to be very aware that your father was talking to the leader of the rogue panthers. Until we know why he was doing that, you can’t, absolutely must not be alone with him or alone at all. Stay with the other women, always have someone in the garden with you. Be alert and remember that the danger isn’t over yet. Understand? As much as possible either I or William will be with you. But we both have to work and can’t be at your side twenty-four-seven. Never be alone. Never go anywhere with your father. Promise me,” ordered Oliver.

  “I do understand, Oliver. I’m not silly. I don’t know what bee my father has in his bonnet, but I am intensely grateful Carey, Jubilee, and Larry stopped my father kidnapping me. You can trust me to be careful and to stay with the other women when you’re both at work. Larry’s going to assign someone to help me in the garden, and I’m betting it won’t be Dad.”

  “I’ll talk to JB today about getting a security system for the windows and door here, too. Then you can be alone in the house if you want to be. But not until JB installs it. Okay?”

  William thought for a few moments and said, “I agree with everything you’ve said and what you’re doing, but I don’t believe Larry will let Sam come back here and wander around unattended. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t let Sam back at all.”

  “But how will my dad look after himself if he can’t be with his pack?”

  “Sweetie, it seems as if he’s changed packs. His new pack is the rogue panthers.” William didn’t like saying that to her, but he knew she needed to hear it. It demonstrated her loving heart that she was still worrying about the man who’d shot her then tried to abduct her, dislocating her shoulder in the attempt. But she needed to be realistic, too. The old man was a liability, not a loving father anymore.

  Leticia nodded and bowed her head. William hoped she wasn’t crying. He jumped up and wrapped an arm around her. She was his now. He’d almost forgotten he had the right to touch her.

  Oliver nodded at him over her head. He seemed to be saying, She had to be told even though it hurt her. William nodded back then thought, Wait a minute. Here I am imagining he’s reading my mind and I’m reading his. That champagne last night must have been very strong. It’s messed with my brain for sure.

  * * * *

  William had never been inside the private rooms in the main building at Carnal Connections, only to the communal areas. When the panther clan had moved here for refuge after it became evident the rogue panthers wanted to steal their unmated women, the women had been given rooms in the main building, but the men had shared apartments out on the grounds. On the few occasions he’d gone to someone’s home it had been to an apartment.

  Leticia’s room was at the end of the hallway and had a different type of door from all the other rooms. He wondered why for all of about ten seconds before remembering a couple of the men had kicked the original door down when Sam had shot her.

  “This won’t take long. I don’t have all that much stuff here,” said Leticia, pulling two suitcases out from under the bed and laying them on top of the blankets.

  William pointed to half a dozen cardboard boxes stacked under the window. “Should I take them t
o our new apartment?”

  “Likely JB has a luggage trolley, but really, we may as well just carry them down the stairs and put everything in a wheelbarrow. It’ll be faster and easier. Why don’t you help her pack while I go get the wheelbarrow?” asked Oliver.

  “All right.”

  Oliver left and William stood at the closet. She really didn’t have very many clothes. They’d easily fit in the two suitcases. Suddenly he longed to handle her things. To hold her sweaters and see if they smelled of her. To touch her lingerie and know that it had rested against her most intimate skin. But maybe she wouldn’t like that. “Would it help if I passed things to you so you could pack them?” he asked.

  “Good idea. Do my shoes first, then the jeans.”

  One case was full by the time Oliver returned and the two men carried it and the boxes down to the wheelbarrow. William wheeled it to their apartment and unloaded it while Oliver went back to the room to help Leticia.

  A shaft of jealousy ripped through William. Would this be his future? Oliver and Leticia doing things together while he was away from them? He’d be working at the hospital and they’d both be here. Even when he was here, too, they’d be off in panther form going for a run while he’d be sitting alone in the apartment.

  Would Leticia even notice if he was there or not, or would Oliver fulfill her completely? Was that why she wanted a handfasting not a mating? Because the other women in ménages had told her to try having two men for the great sex, but likely she’d end up settling in the long-term for a panther like herself, not needing him at all once the sexual experimentation was over?

  Hurriedly he unloaded the wheelbarrow, stacking the boxes and suitcase against the wall just inside the door, and then he raced back, needing to be with Leticia, wanting to make the most of these few hours before he had to go on shift at the hospital.


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