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The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Adams

  But what was the story with the leader of the rogue panthers? Why was he being brought back to Carnal Connections? And Larry had said they’re “all” coming back. Were there other bad people coming as well? “I hope to hell Larry knows what he’s doing. Lucky it’s a big dungeon.”

  * * * *

  By the time they were all at home together that evening they were all tense and stressed. Leticia had been worrying about her two men, but William had refused to let her help him splint Sam’s leg and strap up his foot. “Bill and Frank are all the muscle I need, thanks, sweetie,” was what he’d said, but she knew he simply wanted her to stay away from potential danger.

  Oliver’s blond hair was a tangled mess when he came out of the meeting with Larry and Omar, but all he’d said to her was that it was a tricky situation but they’d come up with as good a solution as possible under the circumstances. Which told her exactly nothing.

  Finally, they were all together in the bedroom. Oliver looked at her and William and asked, “William, you want to be completely free of all decisions and worries for a while, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Leticia, you need to be in control of things for a while, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “William, has anyone ever fucked your ass?”

  “Back in college, once or twice.”

  “Good. Leticia, make his ass ready. Lube it very thoroughly because he’s not used to taking a cock there, like you are.”

  While William lay on the bed on his front, Leticia took the lube out of the nightstand drawer, her hands shaking and unsteady. She’d never lubed an ass before, although she’d had hers lubed regularly since she’d been handfasted. So she knew the basic principles but had no hands-on experience as it were. First she rubbed the gel into the external ring of his sphincter muscles, painstakingly softening every little bit of them before coating one finger in lube and gently inserting it to rub around and around the entry on the inside.

  As those tissues became loose and supple, she covered a second finger with gel as well and used the two to continue her work, stretching the entry, softening more of the tissues. By the time she managed to insert a third finger William was thrusting back onto her hands, evidently highly aroused and enjoying her touch very much.

  “With only your index finger, feel around until you locate his prostate gland. It’s a hard little ball. Don’t tease it, just ensure you know where it’s located,” said Oliver.

  Why was she being asked to find his erotic place? Was she going to touch William and bring him to climax with her fingers? Not that she was complaining. It was quite exciting to be touching William like this, in a manner the men usually tried on her, and now she was turning the tables on William. She was aroused. It was very carnal to be in control like this. Except she wasn’t exactly in control, as she was doing what Oliver told her to. But hers were the fingers doing the touching. Besides, it was important to have someone who knew what they were doing in control here, and it wasn’t her.

  “Have you found it?”

  Leticia kept moving her finger around inside William, a fraction of an inch at a time. Finally, she felt a hard ball. William hissed, so she knew that was the magic gland. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Come over here.”

  Leticia climbed off the bed and walked across the room. “Turn your back to me.”

  She stood still in the correct manner, legs shoulder-width apart and eyes gazing at the floor. Oliver’s arms reached around her waist and between her legs as he snapped a belt on her. Suddenly she understood. It was a strap-on dildo. She was going to be in charge. She was going to fuck William instead of him fucking her. Oh boy!

  The dildo was heavily covered in lube, ready to use.

  “You know what to do?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Off you go then.”

  Leticia looked at William carefully before climbing back on the bed. He was facedown and couldn’t see her, so likely he didn’t know what she was about to do, so she wanted to keep it a surprise. Besides, she didn’t want to accidently rub the lube off the dildo by dragging it across the bedding or something. Cautiously, she sat on the side of the bed and swung her legs across then kneeled up and crawled into position. William and Oliver had given her so much pleasure, and she wanted to return that to William tenfold tonight. To demonstrate her love for him by caring for him as he had so often cared for her.

  Watching where the dildo was in relation to his body, she leaned up and stroked his back and ass then teased his anus again before pressing the fake cock at his entry. She had to use her hips to push the dildo forward, with quite a surprising amount of effort, as the dildo slid inside him.

  At first William held very still underneath her, then he seemed to relax. Evidently, she’d surprised him. Now she wanted to wow him and bring him to the kind of shattering release he gave her.

  With both her hands on his hips, Leticia pulled the dildo back about halfway out of him then pushed it in. After a little while she got a rhythm going and also became more daring, withdrawing it until only the head remained inside him. She also found she could swing her hips around to turn the dildo this way and that inside him. As her confidence grew she changed up the action even more, petting him with one hand while guiding the fake cock with the other. William was pushing back onto her strokes, his body raised off the bed a little ways, his hands on his cock underneath his body. Leticia decided he was ready and willing to come. She checked her mental image of where his prostate gland was and turned her hips around until she thought the dildo was moving over it. She must have been reasonably accurate because in moments William groaned and cum streamed out of his cock onto his hand. Gently, she pulled the dildo out of him and stroked both her hands over his back, soothing him as he always did her.

  Then she felt Oliver’s hands on her, removing the strap-on.

  “Lie on your side now, William, and Leticia, you rest your back against his chest.”

  Happily, she snuggled back against William, pleased she’d been able to give him an orgasm, as Oliver joined them on the bed and slid his cock deep into her cunt. She was sweaty and aroused, and she knew Oliver was, too. Oliver always made sure the two of them achieved their pleasure. He seemed to gain his arousal in fulfilling them, and that was how he demonstrated his love for them, in planning these scenes and watching them.

  Just thinking about how much she loved the two men, and how carefully they both cherished her and aimed to make her happy, was all it took to send Leticia crashing into an orgasm. She let her head rest back on William’s chest as her hands held tight to Oliver’s shoulders, and she looked forward to the day when she would fully understand BDSM and be a true obedient sub to Oliver, bringing him all the pleasure she could.

  William’s hands were on her hips now as Oliver thrust deep and fast inside her. She was sandwiched between the two men she loved, and even though she wasn’t being doubly penetrated it was simply good to feel their skin on hers and to be with them. Besides, her shaven pussy was still extra sensitive to every touch as Oliver moved against her.

  “I love you both so much,” she whispered.

  William’s lips rested on her neck. She didn’t think he spoke, but she felt him whisper, “I love you with all my heart.”

  Then she heard Oliver say so softly as to be almost below hearing level, “I love you, too.”

  That was the first time Oliver had ever said the words. William had told her many times he loved her, but Oliver usually spoke through his actions. Him verbalizing it now was doubly precious. She couldn’t bear to think of him getting hurt. Which reminded her…

  She needed to tell them both about the vision she’d had in the hot tub today. And there were a lot of questions she wanted to ask about her father and her—brother. Was he indeed her brother? And mental telepathy? Was that what they had? Or was she as crazy as her father?

  Chapter Six

  Leticia spoke quickly while th
ey were all wrapped in each other’s arms and before anyone could fall asleep. “When I was in the hot tub this afternoon I was looking at Jubilee’s tattoo on her thigh. It’s a dagger, and as clear as anything I saw my father with a long knife in his hand. He was about to throw it at the rogue panther with the long, dirty-blond hair. You, Oliver, were standing to the side in panther form. And when I was confused about what was happening you said to me that he is Sam’s son and his name is David. My brother. Why didn’t I ever know I had a brother, and why was my dad trying to kill him?”

  Behind her, William raised himself onto an elbow. “I’ve heard both of you speak in my mind, too. Oliver, you’ve answered my questions mentally. Is this a skill we’re going to be able to develop and use? Are all mated panthers telepathic?”

  “Both of you slow down a bit. I can only answer one question at a time, and that’s assuming I even know the answer. Very, very rarely two mated full panthers become telepathic with each other. I’ve never heard of it with a human before. But I know you’re telling the truth, William, because I’ve heard your thoughts occasionally myself. I need to find out if we can train the skill and build it up to be stronger and more defined. Actually use it deliberately to communicate.”

  “So does this mean we really are one? That our handfasting will be a permanent bonding?” Leticia heard the hope in William’s voice. She knew he loved her and he seemed to be happy with Oliver as his Dom, so it was logical he’d want the relationship to work. At times she’d wondered if he was worried Oliver didn’t want him. Yet Oliver had always acted quite fairly, she thought.

  She was feeling quite content with both men, too. Everything seemed to be going well so far, although she had no plans to change the three-month limit. Three months was a decent time to enable her to make a judicial decision, not one based on wild emotions, or from unsubstantiated hopes. Still, them being linked mentally did seem to indicate they would stay together.

  Shrugging off her thoughts she said, “Tell me about my brother. Why didn’t he live with us? Are you sending him to jail? Is he still in the dungeon?”

  “He’ll be staying in the dungeon for a while. No one trusts him, Leticia. His mother was only a half-panther, and when your father found out that she wasn’t a full-blood he was furious and left them. David’s mother mated another man and had two more children and was happy until something went wrong in their pack and the new leader didn’t want them because they weren’t pure-bloods and threw them out. David had built his new pack, which was a mixture of full-bloods, part panthers, and full humans. But it’s fallen apart over his ambition to get a full-blood mate. He seems to think that will solve all his problems.”

  “But that doesn’t explain why Sam tried to kill him,” objected William.

  “Or how his mother even got pregnant in the first place if they weren’t mated,” added Leticia.

  “With the pregnancy, if his mother loved Sam and wanted to mate him, it could happen. Well, anything can happen, but his mother loving Sam and wanting a permanent connection to him would make it more likely. Regarding the attack, Sam said he was going to kill him for not being a full-blood, but whether that’s the true reason or not, only Sam knows. Leticia, I’m sorry, but your father seems to have been a bit disconnected from reality lately, and your brother doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck either.”

  William snorted.

  Leticia argued, “But that may be because Dad hasn’t given him all the facts. Dad certainly never mentioned that I had a brother to me. Just the opposite. He’s often referred to me as his only child.”

  “Yeah, well, a DNA test will sort that out,” said William.

  “Which brings us to the main question. What’s going to happen to my father and brother?” Leticia heard her voice quiver. She couldn’t hate her brother. Life had given him a tough deal, and at least until she knew him better she had to give him the benefit of the doubt. The same with her father. He may have been acting rather strange lately, but he’d still loved her all her life—well, at least until very recently—and she still loved him.

  “Tor and Frank will be taking Sam to the hospital tomorrow. Frank will stay with him. Sam always used to trust Frank, so we have to hope somewhere in his messed-up psyche he still does. They’ll say the broken ankle was the result of a fall. Which Frank swears it was. Not that I believe him for a second. David is being kept in the dungeon while people interview him and try to find out more about his life and his plans and goals. Even if he’s let out it will be under a strict watch.”

  “Can I talk to him? I want to get to know him. As a child, I always wanted a sister. I guess a brother will do.”

  “We’ll go and talk to him when Larry and Omar say we can. But all three of us will go together. I want to see how he reacts to the situation of you being mated.”

  “Thank you. Going as a family is fine. I hadn’t expected my first experience of the dungeon to be visiting another guest, though.”

  “So you’re ready to try a true BDSM scene, are you? Ropes, handcuffs, whips, and chains?”

  Cream flooded from Leticia’s cunt. “Yes, Master,” she said firmly.

  “Me, too, Master,” said William.

  * * * *

  Leticia was eager to spend the day in the garden. It’d been several days since she’d worked on clearing out the weeds and she was keen to have a lot more garden beds prepared before winter arrived.

  Larry, as business manager of Carnal Connections, and Omar, as Alpha of the panther pack, had divided most of the men into teams to guard Sam and David, check their stories, and plan the community’s response.

  “I know JB has installed perimeter security CCTVs, and I know David said his pack no longer existed, but we can’t be sure the TVs would pick up any incursion by rogue panthers or humans, and we can’t trust the accuracy of anything David has said. I don’t think there’s any risk to you, but I don’t want you out in the garden alone,” said Oliver, twisting their mating bracelet around his wrist.

  “He’s not trying to confine you, sweetie. He’s just worried about you, and I worry about you, too. I wish I didn’t have to go to work today and could be there with you, but…” William shrugged.

  Leticia could tell both men were torn. They did both love her, and if she hadn’t already known, their body language clearly demonstrated it now. She glanced at her own bracelet and smiled. The contrast between Oliver and her father couldn’t have been clearer. Her father had ordered, demanded, locked her in her room, physically barred the door, and stood in front of it. Oliver told her to be careful, too, but he explained why. He was a very patient Dom, clearly explaining everything to her and giving her time to adjust to every new step they took. She guessed she should have already known that, because he said he’d loved her for years but had patiently waited for her father to come to terms with her being an adult. Which she wasn’t sure Sam ever had done. But that didn’t matter. The point was that Oliver took his position, explained everything, and waited until she was ready.

  “What about if Jill or Jubilee or Autumn comes out and sits with me? They could have their cell phone to call if there’s any trouble.”

  “It was Jubilee’s tattoo that gave you the warning last time, wasn’t it? See if she can come with you. Or a whole gang of women would be fine. And hopefully later today all three of us can talk to David,” said Oliver.

  “What about Sam? When are Tor and Frank taking him to the hospital? That broken ankle really needs to be X-rayed,” said William.

  Leticia smiled at him. He was ever the nurse, kind and caring to everyone. Her especially, but he even had compassion for the man who’d stood in the way of their personal happiness. William was a good, gentle, considerate man, and she loved him equally with Oliver.

  “First thing in the morning, once all the questions are done and what can be checked for truthfulness has been sorted out. Larry and Omar need to know if he really has been with David ever since he left here. Just because the bug on the truck
says that’s where he’s been, that doesn’t mean he didn’t get a ride with someone else to someplace or even catch a bus. We want to be sure he hasn’t hired some other group of bad guys to attack Carnal Connections or something.”

  “Can Omar check his bank accounts? From things Dad said to me more recently I got the idea his finances weren’t as healthy as they could have been. I do know for a fact he took a huge hit during the global financial crisis, but he would never hear of me getting a job to help out.”

  “Good idea, Leticia. Do you know where he keeps his private papers?”

  “Not for sure. But my birth certificate and their marriage certificate used to be in a small metal lockbox that looked rather like a workman’s toolbox or maybe one that a fisherman might carry.”

  Oliver bent and dropped a kiss onto her forehead. “I must go. I’ll check it out. Thank you for the idea. Remember what I said. Stay with other people. A group if possible.”

  “I can come into the garden with you for an hour before I need to get ready for work, if that’ll help,” said William.

  “That would be useful. I’ll get you to clear weeds from an area for me to start work on while I make notes about what else I need to do. And I’ll text Jubilee and see if she’s free this morning, too.”

  Leticia collected the things she’d need into a bag, and William carried her crate of gardening tools and helped her get set up in the garden. It was starting to look like a garden again. Most of the debris had been removed from the garden. One entire bed was weeded and cared for, ready for planting come spring. She wanted to get at least another entire bed prepared before the weather grew too cold.

  Jubilee phoned Leticia instead of texting her back. “Hi, Leticia. Jill, Diane, and I are rostered to provide meals for the men guarding David and Sam and for those in meetings all day. We’ve already done a lot of the preparation. Diane’s going to stay in the kitchen and I’ll stay with you. Jill will help Diane finish the meals then carry the trays for her and after that she’ll join us. I talked to Autumn, but she needs a large table for the project she’s working on today so she can’t help either the kitchen team or you.”


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