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Pregnant at Acosta's Demand

Page 17

by Maya Blake

  She smiled. ‘I know.’

  ‘But it’s lacking something, I think.’ He stepped inside, reached into his pocket and brought out a glittering necklace.

  More diamonds.

  Even more spectacular than her engagement ring. Before she could find the right words to express her shock, he was stepping behind her, securing the priceless jewellery around her neck.

  Turning her around, he stared down at her. ‘Your pregnancy suits you, guapa. You’re glowing.’

  ‘With all this bling I’m sporting, how could I not?’ she joked.

  One corner of his mouth began to lift. The buzzing in his pocket made him draw away from her.

  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he glanced at the screen. And tensed.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  Tucking the phone against his chest, he traced a finger down her cheek. ‘Sorry, belleza. I have to attend to some business downstairs. Stay here—I’ll be back up in ten minutes to escort you down.’

  She started to nod, but he was already walking away. Frowning at his abruptness, she picked up her tiny purse and left her suite.

  The butler offered her a drink but she refused, on account of the sudden nerves zinging through her stomach. Unable to settle, she slowly paced the living room. As she passed the open terrace doors a breeze blew in. She shivered, hating the disquieting vibes raising goose bumps on her flesh.

  When she heard footsteps behind her, she turned gratefully. Only to be confronted with the last person she expected to see.

  Svetlana Roskova was a magnificent vision in white. With her silver-blonde hair perfectly coiled on her crown, her figure-skimming halter-neck dress displaying graceful shoulders and a body that photographers and designers begged for, she was impossible to dismiss.

  Bright grey eyes surveyed Suki from head to toe before she glided forward and paused in front of her, her six-foot height on top of her heels making Suki feel like a midget.

  ‘You must be Suzy?’ she asked in a smoky voice.

  ‘It’s Suki. Can...can I help you?’ Suki asked, hating her stumbling voice.

  Her smile was shockingly warm. ‘Oh, honey, I’m here to help you.’

  ‘I... I didn’t realise I needed help.’

  ‘That’s okay. I don’t mind helping a girl out.’ Gliding past Suki, she walked in a small circle, her gaze flitting through the suite. ‘I love this hotel. My personal favourite is the Abu Dhabi one, though. Ramon spared absolutely no expense with that one. Which was why it received a seven-star rating, of course. It’s also a little less...old-fashioned, shall we say? I don’t see the draw in antiques to be honest.’ She gave a sultry laugh. ‘Which was why I couldn’t get the decorators into that mausoleum he calls home in Cienfuegos fast enough.’

  Suki gasped, her eyes widening on the supermodel. ‘You were the one who changed the rooms?’

  For a split second, Svetlana’s easy charm dropped. ‘He’s taken you there, I see.’

  ‘Why are you here?’ Suki demanded, the roiling in her stomach predicting unimaginable worst cases.

  The Russian beauty moved forward again, her steps faltering when she caught sight of Suki’s engagement ring.

  ‘Ah, looks like he’s given you one of these.’ She held out her right hand, displaying a diamond twice as big as Suki’s. ‘Did he wine and dine you, then surprise you with a visit from his diamond merchant?’

  Suki barely managed to stop herself from gasping again as a hot spike of pain lanced her heart. ‘It’s none of your business.’

  Svetlana shrugged, continuing forward to circle Suki where she stood. From behind her, Suki felt her lean forward. ‘He promised me the world too after I got pregnant,’ she whispered in Suki’s ear.

  She felt the blood drain from her head as she spun on her heels to face Svetlana. ‘What?’

  The icy blonde gave a sad smile. ‘Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be. And unfortunately, all the silliness started after that.’


  ‘Ramon wanted me to quit modelling. Stay at home and try for another baby. I love him but, boy, he’s a typical man when it comes to such things. He got his boxers in a twist when I asked for a little more time.’

  ‘Is that why you cheated on him?’

  Svetlana’s eyes widened ever so slightly, but she recovered quickly. A little too quickly. ‘All of that is behind us now. He’s forgiven me and now he’s got a mini him on the way, there’s no reason why we can’t be together.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Yes, excuse you. He’s probably spun you a story about how everything will work out with you and him and the baby. But what he hasn’t mentioned is that he still loves me. If you think you’re going to walk down the aisle with him any time soon, you’re delusional. He’s keeping you sweet long enough to get his hands on his kid.’

  ‘Why on earth should I believe you?’

  ‘Because I’m the one he can’t get out of his head. I’m the one he still paints and sculpts when he’s in that studio of his. He’s as obsessed with me as I am with him. Has been since the first time we met. If you don’t believe me, take a peek under all those black cloths in his studio when you go back. If you go back.’

  ‘So you came here to what...warn me off?’

  ‘Ramon is waiting for me downstairs so I’ll be quick. I came to give you a heads up before you started spinning fairy tales that will never come true. You can either break things off with him or content yourself with being the other woman in his life. He’ll always belong to me.’ She smiled and started heading out of the living room. At the last moment, she executed a perfect pirouette. ‘Oh, and don’t bother asking him. He’ll only deny it. Actually, on second thought, ask him. The quicker we get things out in the open, the quicker we can all settle into our places.’

  Suki didn’t know where she dredged up the strength to ask one last question, when everything inside her was ripped to shreds. ‘Are you seriously saying you don’t mind sharing him with another woman?’

  She smiled a megawatt smile. ‘Woman to woman? I don’t because I know he’ll always come back to me. When I call he comes running, and vice versa. But I hope for your sake you choose the path that causes you least embarrassment and pain.’

  With a wriggle of her perfectly manicured fingers, she sailed back out in a cloud of expensive perfume.

  Not a care in the world about the life she’d just shattered.


  SHE WASN’T A CHILD. Or a melodramatic actress in a daytime soap opera, choosing sullen silence or dragging things out for effect.

  Even before Svetlana had walked out, Suki knew she would ask Ramon. The need to stop the torture ravaging her insides aside, her assumption that he’d lied to her about his relationship with Svetlana was what had delayed her telling him about her first pregnancy. Condemning him again without concrete evidence would not only demean her, it would erode any possibility of trust between them.

  Yes, they had to start from a place of trust so, of course, she would ask him if anything Svetlana had said was true—

  ‘Miss Langston?’

  She composed herself and turned to find the butler a few feet away. ‘Yes?’

  ‘Señor Acosta called. He’s been delayed. He says I’m to escort you down to the gallery and he’ll find you there as soon as he’s free.’

  Trust. Trust.

  ‘I see. Okay.’

  The butler smiled.

  ‘Umm, you know what, you don’t have to come with me. I know where the gallery is. I’ll be fine on my own.’

  The older man frowned. ‘Are you sure?’

  Suki forced a smile. ‘Yes.’

  Without waiting for an answer, she picked up the clutch, which had somehow dropped to the floor, and walked out of the

  Half an hour after she arrived downstairs, Ramon was still nowhere to be seen.

  Trust. Trust.

  But the affirmation was growing weaker because, even though the size of the gallery and the number of guests were almost three times bigger than the Havana exhibition, she refused to believe she and Ramon would’ve continually missed each other. He wasn’t here. Neither was Svetlana. Which meant they were together?

  Was it true? Was he so madly in love with Svetlana he would take her back even after she’d cheated on him?

  Her soul shredding, Suki continued to look for him. Eventually, she arrived at a set of doors marked Employees Only.

  Biting her lip, she tried to talk herself out it. Then back into it.

  She was the fiancée of the gallery owner. Surely that allowed her inner-sanctum access? The pain ravaged, hysteria-stroking demon inside her gave a mocking cackle.

  Hand shaking, she pushed the door open. A wide hallway had two offices on either side, all of which were empty. Suki hated herself for the giddy relief that punched through her as she retraced her steps.

  About to walk through the doors, she heard the familiar, sultry laugh. Quieter. More illicit? The sound came from the stairwell she hadn’t noticed before. She only took one step before she heard Ramon’s deep rumbling voice. Another step onto the landing and she saw them, one floor down. Face to extremely close face.

  ‘I’ve done what you wanted, Ramon. Now it’s your turn,’ Svetlana murmured.

  ‘You think it’s going to be that easy?’ There was a throb of anger in his voice, but also something else. Something spine-chilling.

  ‘She’s right upstairs. All you have to do is tell her—’

  He caught her by the arms, the move so sudden it halted her words. The words snarled in thick Spanish were indecipherable to Suki.

  ‘God, I love it when you’re so bossy,’ Svetlana groaned. She swayed towards him, closing the small gap between them and sliding her arms up his chest. He didn’t push her away. Instead he walked her backward until her back touched the wall. Then he braced his hands on either side of her head.

  Suki’s stomach threatened to flip.


  ‘I’ve missed the way you say my name, Ramon. So much.’

  Suki stumbled back, the black carpeted floor thankfully dampening her footsteps. She had no recollection of returning to the exhibit floor, had no knowledge of how much time had passed. At some point someone must have offered her a glass of champagne because somehow she held one. When she realised it, she quickly set it down.

  She couldn’t stay here. She needed to leave. Needed to—

  ‘What’s wrong, belleza? You look pale.’

  She whirled around at the urgent demand. Stared at him, unable to believe he was in front of her. Unable to contain the pain ripping her heart apart. Unable to stand that guilty look in his eyes.

  Numbly, she shook her head. Hold it together.

  She turned, spotted Svetlana on the next wall over.

  Please. Please. Hold it together. From the dregs of her whittled emotions, she summoned up a smile. ‘Nothing’s wrong. Absolutely nothing. Did you take care of your business?’

  He stiffened, his eyes narrowing. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Oh. Good.’

  Two guests approached. One grabbed his arm. ‘Ramon? There you are. We’ve been searching everywhere for you. Come and meet—’

  ‘Pardon me a moment,’ Ramon rasped, ignoring his guests to frown down at her. ‘Suki—’

  With her last particle of energy, she waved him off. ‘It’s okay. You’re the host. Go and do your thing. I’ll find you if I need you.’

  He didn’t fail to catch the stress in her words. His jaw clenched, but, short of being rude to his invited guests, he had no choice but to be cordial.

  The hot, ragged breath that poured from the depths of her soul strangled when her gaze locked with Svetlana’s.

  The Russian didn’t need to say one word. Her smug smile said it all.

  * * *

  How she managed to get herself up to the suite and into bed would remain a puzzle to her for ever.

  At first she thought she was dreaming when she heard him call her name. The firm hand on her shoulder woke her into a fresh recollection of her nightmare. Turning over in bed, she stared at the tall form of Ramon cast in half-shadow from the bathroom vanity light. Beneath the drapes, sunlight filtered through.

  She sat up, praying there was no trace of the tears she’d shed. ‘Yes?’ she croaked.

  ‘You left the exhibition without me last night.’

  ‘You were...occupied.’

  He took a step closer, reached for her bedside lamp. ‘No!’

  He froze. ‘It’s nine in the morning. Any reason why you prefer to converse in the dark?’

  Because seeing you will hurt too much.

  ‘I had...have a slight headache.’ And a very large heartache. ‘What do you want, Ramon?’

  ‘I’ve been contacted by your mother’s doctors. She wishes to speak to you.’

  Her heart lurched as she sat up. ‘Is she okay?’

  ‘She’s having second thoughts about the next course of treatment. They tried to reach you earlier but didn’t get through. Nor did I last night.’ The question was clear in his tone.

  She’d seen his phone calls but hadn’t been able to bring herself to answer them. ‘I silenced it so I could sleep.’

  Reaching for the phone, she flipped the mute button off, still unable to look him in the eye. ‘I’d like to call my mother now, please.’

  ‘Suki, we need to talk—’

  ‘I don’t want to keep my mother waiting.’

  Grim silence met her request. Then he nodded and left the room.

  Suki was one hundred per cent sure the sensation zipping through her wasn’t relief. For the moment she pushed her turmoil aside and dialled her mother’s hospital.

  But it wasn’t her mother who answered, but the doctor.

  ‘Miss Langston, we think your mother could use some support to see her through this second stage. Are you able to be with her?’

  The lifeline wasn’t one she wished for but she grasped it all the same. ‘Yes. I can be there this afternoon.’

  ‘Excellent. We look forward to seeing you.’

  She emerged from her suite after a quick shower and hastily donned jumpsuit and sandals to find Ramon pacing the living room.

  As she’d predicted, seeing him in the sunlight, knowing what he’d been doing with Svetlana in the stairwell last night, was almost too much to bear. Every instinct screamed at her to launch into him, but she needed her energy for her mother. ‘The doctors think I should be there for my mother. I want to go.’

  Brooding eyes watched her for a second before he nodded. ‘We’ll head to the airport after breakfast—’

  ‘No, I prefer to go alone. I don’t want to overwhelm her with company.’

  He frowned. ‘Suki—’

  ‘The doctors checked me out yesterday. Everything’s fine. You’re beginning to smother me and frankly I could do with some room to breathe.’

  His jaw gritted and his eyes darkened. ‘Bueno. I have a project to finish in Havana for the next few days. You can have that time.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said stiffly.

  Breakfast was a silent affair with Ramon eyeing her darkly in between tossing back steaming cups of espresso. The moment she forced down her toast, she stood from the table.

  The porter had already headed down with her single suitcase. Behind her, Ramon prowled hard on her fast-clicking heels.

  His hand stayed the door before she could open it. When she refused to look at him, he caught her chin in his hand, raised her gaze to his.

Her breath caught at the dark storms swirling in his eyes. Again she wanted to ask the burning questions that trembled through her. But her mother needed her.

  ‘I’ll arrive at the end of the week, Suki. So get as much breathing done as possible because come Friday morning, we will talk.’

  Her hand tightened on her handbag, the alien weight of the ring cutting into her finger. ‘I’m sure we will. Goodbye, Ramon.’

  He didn’t respond, only stared at her for a fistful of seconds before he let her go.

  Her body operated on automatic while her mind churned for most of the journey. By the time Ramon’s plane landed at London City Airport, she’d worked herself back to her original conclusion. She needed to talk to Ramon, give him a chance to explain. But she was also sure of one thing. Regardless of what he said, there would be no future for them without love.

  Svetlana might have thrown a spanner in the works short term but, unless she could find a way to live without Ramon’s love, she might be the one to call time on this thing.

  * * *

  The private hospital where her mother was receiving the next phase of treatment in East London was so state-of-the-art, it was almost futuristic.

  Her mother was looking much healthier than Suki had seen her in a long time, but minutes after she arrived Moira Langston dissolved into tears.

  ‘Mum, what’s wrong?’ she asked after handing her mother a box of tissues.

  ‘It’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s only now, when the possibility of getting better and having my life back is in front of me, that I can’t help thinking about the past. Don’t get me wrong, this infection I’ve picked up that could derail the treatment is also responsible for my sorry state, but...’ Moira shook her head, silent tears filling her eyes.

  Suki reached for her hand. ‘Everything will be okay, Mum.’

  She eyed Suki. ‘Will it? Why have you been crying?’

  Suki gave a watery laugh. ‘Solidarity?’ she tried.

  ‘Has it got something to do with that rock you shoved in your bag before you walked in here? Or the pregnancy glow in your cheeks?’

  Suki grimaced. ‘I wasn’t trying to hide anything. I just—’


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