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Orchestra of Shadows

Page 31

by Charles Nall

  “I can't leave you here.”

  Riko grabbed Arnold's collar and moved his head down. She kissed him. “Get out of here. Please. We'll meet again.”

  “I've lost you once. I don't want to lose you again.”

  “I'll be fine. Here, Arnold, take his data disc. I had time after I was released to put together a small description of how to detect Iriguchi's stealth wake. Please get your crew to look over that, I think it may be important.”

  Arnold nodded and ran toward Rapture which was powering up its engines. Arnold looked back toward Riko as the loading bay was closing. Madcat-2 was also preparing to lift off. Security ran into the area as Rapture took off down the hangar bay and out the hypership and into hyperspace. Madcat-2 followed suit.

  Lieutenant Yamato Koizumi walked up to Riko Maeda as the security ran past. “Thank god, they got out of here. I fear the captain was going to do horrible things to them.”

  “Peace! Yamato! It's so good to see you!”

  They hugged.

  “I'm glad to see you, too, Riko.”

  “We have to get the information out that Captain Oshiro and Admiral Akeldamas are working on a plan to assassinate President Eridanys. What should we do, Yamato? I'm out of ideas.”

  “I have no idea, we’re trapped.”

  “You are in a position of quite a bit of power now, maybe we can do something,” Riko said.

  Koizumi shrugged. “Tsukino was in a position of high power too, but he was killed.”

  “Well, Slade is in the brig now. I don't know who else is on his side in this ship, but at least he's stuck in there. There's no way he could get out of the brig without people raising eyebrows.”

  “That's true. That reminds me, though. Captain Oshiro wishes to speak with you. He wants to make sure there are no hard feelings between the both of you. You can meet him in his quarters at your leisure. Be careful, though.”

  “Should I meet with him?”

  “I don't know, that is up to you. Do you have your sidearm?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “If you do decide to visit Captain Oshiro, make sure you keep your weapon. You may need it.”

  Riko nodded. “Thanks. I hope I don’t need it.”

  Yamato Koizumi hugged her. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks, Yamato. We have work to do. We have to stop this attack.”

  February 27, 0270 AC - 15:34

  Captain's Quarters, CFS Iriguchi

  Edge of Confederate Space

  Riko Maeda hesitantly pushed a button on the console outside Oshiro's quarters.

  “Haitte kudasai!”

  Riko pushed another button and walked into the captain's quarters. She was nervous.

  “Lieutenant! Peace. I'm so glad you got out of that cell. Sorry, I know I put you in there. I was wrong to put my trust into Slade. I've known you much longer. I can't believe I was about to allow an execution of someone I consider my daughter. I'm so glad you are free. Please, take a seat.”

  Riko slowly walked towards the captain and then took a seat in a chair in front of the desk Oshiro was sitting at. “A daughter? I'm touched.”

  “It's true. I apologize for what I did. Slade will rot in that cell, though, for killing one of my best friends.”

  Riko nodded. “Justice.”

  “Exactly. I'm glad the information got out, but I still don't know how someone came across that vid file. Do you have any idea who revealed the murder?”

  Riko hesitantly replied, “No, sir. I was stuck in a cell during all of that.”

  “Oh, I just figured you may know.”

  “I do not. But I think you sent security after them,” Riko said.

  Oshiro smirked. “Oh? The crew of those corvettes were behind that? Well that makes sense. How do you know I sent security after them?”

  “A bunch of security rushed the hangar as they were lifting off. I'm surprised you didn't jump after them,” Riko said.

  “I have no reason to believe it was worthwhile to chase them,” Oshiro said. “They are a minor pest! I shouldn't have let those despicable pirates onto my ship! They snooped around my home.”

  “Sir, I'm not comfortable with this conversation. I think it's best if I leave. I'm glad I'm out of the cell, and it was good to see you.”

  “You stay in that seat. You leave when I tell you that you can leave.”


  “That's an order, Lieutenant. Stay in that damn seat.” Captain Oshiro stood up and paced around the room. “I've known you a long time. I can tell when you are hiding something from me. You will reveal it to me, I guarantee it. This can be painful or not. It's really your choice.”

  Riko stood up. “Sir, I don't know what you are talking about. I knew this was a mistake. Good day.”

  “No, stop. Do you think you can do anything to stop us? Will anyone trust a rat that just got out of her cage?”

  “What's got into you, sir?”

  Oshiro laughed. “You have no idea...”

  Riko shook her head. “I'm sorry, sir, for whatever happened to you. Good bye.”

  She started walking toward the door when Oshiro ran in front of her and blocked her path. “You aren't allowed to leave, yet.” He shoved her onto the floor.

  “Captain, please...”

  Oshiro slapped her, as blood started to flow from Oshiro's mouth and nose.

  Riko felt the slapped side of her face and looked back up to Oshiro with concern.

  Oshiro sighed. “You chose the painful way. It was your choice.”

  Oshiro walked behind his desk and produced a silver chest that he sat on the desk. Blood was dripping onto the chest from Oshiro's face. He opened the chest and something jumped out into the room.

  A black, slimy creature with a long tail and insect-like legs scurried across the room towards Riko. The creature let out an unearthly hiss. A hiss that seemed to chill the very soul.

  Riko screamed.

  It leaped into the air towards Riko. She quickly retrieved her sidearm and fired. The creature fell limp onto the floor.

  She jumped to her feet and ran out the captain's quarters. She ran as fast as she could. She ran until she could not run anymore and then she ran some more. She had no idea where she was going. She just had to get away. She ran into Yamato Koizumi's arms.

  “Riko? Are you okay?”

  Riko cried in his arms. “Yamato–It's–Oshiro had something. I–I'm so scared. I have to get off this ship. We all do. Something twisted is here. He was bleeding–and acting strange I just–”

  Yamato cooed, “It's okay. I'm here with you. You're safe.”

  Security walked up to Riko and Yamato. “Is anything wrong?”

  “I'm not sure,” Yamato said.

  “The captain. It's the captain.”

  “Everything will be okay, I promise,” said Yamato, hugging Riko tighter.

  He stared into Riko’s eyes. She sniffed and looked up to him.

  Blood began to trickle out of Yamato Koizumi's nose.

  She shrieked in terror and tried to escape Yamato's arms but could not escape.

  “Shhh. It will be okay, Riko,” he said as he continued to bleed. “I have been enlightened for weeks now, it's not that bad. You'll see. Everything will be okay.”

  The security force surrounded them.

  Riko screamed.

  March 1, 0270 AC - 12:50

  Bridge, USS Freedom

  Orbiting Artemis, Galactic Union Space

  Freedom's entire command staff stood in a circle around the bridge. Captain John Devereaux and Admiral Bradley Akeldamas stood in the middle of the crew.

  Devereaux called out to his crew. “I gathered you all here today to discuss the upcoming peace conference. We are not expecting any hostilities but we must prepare for the unexpected. It's possible that the Orion Confederation, or even some other group, will attempt to end our President's life. Not likely, but possible.

  “Keep your eyes on your consoles and be ready for anything. We will be
at Con-2 during the talks. All traffic over Artemis will be shut down at this time. Therefore, any ship that enters Artemis space is considered a threat. Depending on the distance of the ship, we will decide if they will be outright destroyed or not.

  “We can't let anyone stop the future. We will embrace peace. Humanity has finally reached the next level of evolution. Any barbarians that do not wish to join us in the new era will be left in the ashes. To the future!”

  The command staff cheered.

  “I have no idea where this path will lead. Will a real peace be achieved? I'm not sure. We are not following a path laid before us. We are blazing a new one. To the future!” Devereaux yelled as he punched his fist into the air. “We will stand!”

  Akeldamas and Devereaux continued discussing the details of the upcoming conference to the crew. Little did the crew know that there would be an attack on the President's life–an attack that Akeldamas and Devereaux were fully aware of.

  March 1, 0270 AC - 13:00

  Hangar, CFS Iriguchi

  Edge of Confederate Space

  Captain Oshiro and Lieutenant Koizumi stood together. A large amount of the crew of the hypership crowded the hangar. Some were resting in their fighters and some were sitting on crates. Others listened from catwalks going over the hangar. The speech was routed through the internal speakers of the ship.

  Oshiro called out to the people under his command, “In only a few days we will be undertaking a mission of utmost importance. This mission is top secret, many in the command structure do not even know of its existence. They will deny the mission. They will call us rogues. You have been working hard and preparing for this mission and will not fail.”

  Koizumi then began speaking, “We understand some of you will not want to come along. You are bound by honor to come with us on this mission. If you have serious reservations and cannot in good conscience join us in the battle, then please talk to your commanding officers. We will work with you, but do note this will look unsatisfactory on your records.”

  Oshiro continued, “As some of you are aware our ship is equipped with a stealth system on our hyper-drive. We will carry a force of warships to Galactic Union space. We will attempt to destroy the flagships of the Galactic Union and Blood Dynasty. We will fire upon Abaddon and Agamemnon. Yes, I know you all may be shocked. The Galactic Union have been behind everything they blame the Confederation on. They are besmirching our honor. They are planning on joining forces and then attacking the Confederate States. As such, we must cut the heads off of both the Union and Dynasty. We cannot sit idly by while the Union and Dynasty targets its own people and ours. We must do this.”

  Oshiro's voice continued to rise as he pointed out all of the enemy's supposed crimes. “They were behind the Silver Cove bombing. They killed Mr. Kurosawa. They were behind the attack on Governor Lambrook. They were behind the destruction of Exodus. They oppress their own people! We must liberate them!”

  Koizumi nodded. “Not only all of that, Mr. Slade was a Galactic Union agent! He murdered the former XO! The Confederation must end this. We trust that none of this information will leave this ship. We cannot afford to let this information leak–those leaking this information will be dealt with under the laws of treason.”

  Oshiro roared, “This is the most important operation our ship has ever undertaken. I believe you all are prepared. It will not be easy, but the right thing isn't always easy. We will remember those who lost their lives on Exodus and everyone else who have been crushed under the oppressive heels of the Dynasty and Union. They claim to want peace. For the galaxy to truly know peace, we must stand by our principles. Principles the Union and Dynasty have long abandoned. We must liberate the galaxy from their tyranny. Even if we all perish, it is better to die for something than live for nothing! Make them pay for what they did to Commander Tsukino!”

  The crew cheered in agreement. The emotion level continued to rise as Koizumi roared, “When they realize we are upon them they will not have time to repent for their many sins! The moon of Artemis will be bathed in the blood of our enemies! The red moon shall rise!”

  Oshiro looked out toward the crew and a small trickle of blood left his nose, “We are the hand of judgment!”

  March 3, 0270 AC - 15:55


  Hyperspace, Edge of Galactic Union Space

  Arnold climbed up into the bridge of Rapture. The rest of the crew were sitting at their seats, except for Sharon who was sitting at Arnold's usual console.

  Arnold produced a data disc out of his pocket. “Well, here's that disc that Riko gave me. Supposedly she put some information on it regarding the stealth hyper-drive.”

  Trevor called out and waved to Arnold, “Here, slide it into this console.”

  Arnold walked up to Trevor's console and entered the disc into the console.

  Trevor looked through the file. “This doesn't make any sense.”

  Elijah walked over to Trevor's console. “Here, let me have a look at it.” Elijah glanced over Riko's notes. “I feel like I've seen this before.”

  Elijah walked back to his console and pulled up the sensor controls and started typing. “The stealth hyper-drive works by somehow producing a gravity storm around the wake of the hypership. Sensors would just detect this storm and not the approaching warships. However, if this wake runs across a gravity well it causes a noticeable graviton discharge. You can then extrapolate where the ships are with this graviton data.”

  Jacob laughed. “Not gonna lie, I have no idea what you just said.”

  Elijah smiled. “I barely understood it, myself. I'll set up our sensors to detect the stealth hyper-drive. We may need it.”

  “Look everyone, I'm no good at giving speeches. I'm no good at being a captain. I didn't really choose to be your captain, but I hope things have gone okay with me with that title,” Jacob said. “If we survive I want to continue being friends. We can stop this mercenary life if we want to, but we will decide together. No matter what happens, I am thankful to have spent time with all of you. I am so glad I took that transport from Urbania. I’m proud of all of you. I'm proud to call you my crew, I'm proud to call you my friends. I need all of you. The galaxy needs all of you. I have a feeling this is going to get messy. ”

  Elijah stared straight ahead out into the kaleidoscope of hyperspace. “Let's get this done.”


  March 2, 0270 AC - 12:33 Local Time

  USS Freedom

  Orbiting Artemis

  “Detecting notable hyperspace fluctuations,” said Lieutenant Jaxon Knight to Commander Sera Freeman. “Bearing zero-zero-zero dot twenty dis four hundred.”

  A flash of blue light welcomed the Judgment-class Agamemnon above Artemis. The capital ship drifted in space almost directly in front of Freedom. Agamemnon was designed mostly like Freedom, except everything was much larger. Freedom was two hundred and ninety-four meters long, whereas Agamemnon was five hundred thirty-seven meters long. Two additional solar sails emerged from the middle section. The capital ship’s stern section was forty-three meters taller than the destroyer.

  The heavy cruiser bristled with weaponry. Four large coil cannon batteries dominated the front of the ship, in contrast to the two coil cannons of the Freedom. Both ship’s hulls were sporadically lined with rotary cannons, mass drivers, and torpedo tubes, but Agamemnon had significantly more firepower than the Freedom.

  “Getting a vid link from Agamemnon,” Lieutenant Xan Draeden said.

  “Overlay to the viewscreen,” Commander Freeman said.

  A man with thinning gray hair appeared on the viewscreen. His eyes looked tired.

  “Welcome to Artemis, President Eridanys.”

  “Thank you. I'm looking forward to this meeting. When is the Regent scheduled to arrive?”

  “March 4th, the peace talks will happen later that day.”

  “Very good. I have time to stretch my legs a bit.”

  “Are you really considering visiting Artemis? A lot
of people who live there hate your guts,” Freeman said.

  Eridanys laughed. “That's true, but I'm sure they do have good reasons. I need to see Artemis with my own eyes. I've seen pictures and heard of their plight, but I need to see it myself to really understand. I'm committed to improve the conditions of the entire galaxy. That's why I am pleased to talk to Regent Mabus.”

  “You are really going to risk catching the disease?”

  “I probably won't catch vampirism just by shaking his hand, but it's possible. It's worth it, though. Perhaps I'll die from it, or become a vampire, but if true peace is achieved, what's the problem? One day we'll have one true alliance again across the galaxy. We have fallen from grace.”

  “I admire you.”

  “Oh, I'm not one to be admired. I'm just another man. But I think I may be able to do something that benefits the entire human race.”

  Commander Freeman smiled. “Indeed. Have fun on Artemis. We'll watch your ship's back, but I'm sure Agamemnon can handle itself.”

  “I'm proud of Aggy, she's part of the new line of powerful Judgment-class heavy cruisers. There are seven ships currently in the line, some of them are still under construction. Hopefully, we won't need these new heavy cruisers. I hope we can just scrap all of these machines of war. We won't need them in the future,” President Eridanys said.

  “I hope that vision of the future comes to pass,” Freeman said.

  “I'm sure it will.”

  March 2, 0270 AC - 13:13

  Brig, CFS Iriguchi

  Hyperspace, Near Galactic Union Space

  Captain Tanari Oshiro walked up to a cell in the brig. Oshiro carried a silver chest with him.

  “Did Riko keep that cell warm for you?” the captain asked.

  Slade laughed. “Hello, Captain. You are here to let me out of here, right?”

  Oshiro leaned against the bars, facing away from Slade. “You're sloppy. I cannot let you out without people questioning why.”


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