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Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One

Page 8

by Faith Starr

  Fortunately, I discovered Buck waiting for me downstairs. Hadn’t expected that. I signaled for him to open the trunk, so I could toss my duffel bags in the large space. I noticed other bags in it as well, ones I recognized.

  Shit, Trevor, the owner of said bags, sat in the backseat.

  “What the fuck? What’re you doing here?” I buckled myself in.

  “Taking the scenic route home.”

  I flashed him my best get-real expression. “Please don’t tell me you’re the one who dropped Lily off.”

  “I did drop her off, but not for the reason you probably think.”

  “Care to share?”

  He put his hand up. “First off, let me start by saying she’s a piece of work.”

  “No shit. Please explain this scenario because I’m a bit confused.”

  “She had a few too many at the bar with some of the roadies, one of whom she became overly chummy with. Not that I’m her keeper by any means, but you know how I feel about seeing drunk girls get taken advantage of. That shit doesn’t fly with me. I looked around for her friend, but didn’t see her anywhere. I didn’t see you either. Yet here you are. Do you care to share?”

  Fuck. He’d turned the tables on me. I usually didn’t kiss-and-tell. Most of my conquests were nameless faces. Teva didn’t fit that bill. Oh, but she had a face all right, a magnificent one.

  “Teva and I took off.”

  “No shit, Sherlock. I can see that, since you just got into the limo in front of her building. It would’ve been nice if one of you would’ve given me a heads-up that you were splitting. I ended up having to play babysitter.”

  “We told Lily. She knew we were leaving. She also told us she’d only consumed one or two whiskies but would wait to sober up before getting behind the wheel. She knew she had to drive Teva’s car home. Guess that didn’t happen.”

  “You’re very perceptive. Lily spoke too soon. She had several mixed cocktails along with her one or two whiskies. If you check your phone, you’ll see a couple of missed texts from me asking you your whereabouts. When you didn’t respond, I stepped in and cut her off from the bar, telling her the party was over. Jeff didn’t approve when I intervened and broke up their public displays on the couch, but too fucking bad. I knew Lily and Teva didn’t attend the after-party as groupies, and therefore, I wouldn’t allow Lily to be treated as such. Guess you had different ideas than I did.”

  “Don’t even go there. It wasn’t like that.”

  “Then why is Teva upstairs in her apartment while you’re sitting here next to me in this limo right now going home solo?”

  “Because a sleep-over wasn’t something we discussed. Now, back to Teva’s car—Lily said it’s parked in the garage.”

  “It is. I parked it there after driving her home. Buck followed behind, knowing I’d need a ride from her apartment afterward. Ironically, you happened to call for pickup service at the exact same location I’d just dropped her off. Glad we were in the vicinity.”

  “Aren’t you just the hero of the day?” I knew of all three of us, Trevor had the most consideration for others. Not that I thought of myself to be a dick by any means, but I had my days. Everyone did. I could honestly say Trevor didn’t have too many of them.

  His disapproval came across loud and clear though.

  “I hope you did the right thing by her. These girls won tickets to our show, and from my end, the entire night with Lily…” He drew his lips together. “A fucking spectacle.”

  “I hear you, man.” I swiped my hand through my hair. “Can we please drop the subject for now, though? I’m wiped.”

  “As you wish. Just so you know, Buck’s dropping me off first.”

  I nodded in acknowledgment before closing my eyes. The next thing I knew, Buck informed me we had arrived at my place.



  My eyes struggled to open. The alarm was blaring. I rolled over and blindly shut it off. My body screamed it hadn’t had enough sleep, not wanting to wake up yet. They popped open the minute I discovered the space next to me was empty.


  I scrambled out of bed and slipped on my robe. I scanned the room, Joey’s clothes gone. I went out to the living room, hoping he’d crashed on the couch.

  Nope, empty too.

  Blah. I dropped down onto it. Of course he’d left. What did I expect, breakfast in bed? And what gave me the right to be upset? I had been the one who wanted a wild night with a rock star, making the choice to sleep with him and following through with it. Maybe it was because my wondrous night had turned out to be so much better than I would have ever dreamed of. And I didn’t base my reason solely on the fantastic sex we’d engaged in either.

  I dragged my sorry butt to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee to help get the ball rolling. Today was going to be a challenge. Sleep deprivation and I didn’t mix well.

  While waiting for the coffee machine to warm up, I tiptoed over to Lily’s room and peered inside to check on her. She snored faintly, out like a light. Lucky girl. At least she didn’t have a shift today. I guess I could view mine as a blessing. Work would help keep my mind occupied instead of the direction my thoughts kept drifting in, all of them including Joey Fine. I wanted to kick myself for behaving so impulsively.

  He probably viewed me as a bimbo, similar to that slutty girl Logan had brought onto the bus. Wham, bam, thank-you, ma’am.

  During my walk back to the kitchen, I sighed. I normally went for half caff, but this morning called for something more potent. I dropped a leaded coffee pod into the machine and pushed the Start button. I reached for a mug from the kitchen cabinet and set it on the metal tray in perfect time to catch the coffee that had just started pouring from the dispenser. That was when I noticed two notes on the kitchen counter.


  I hope you slept well. I knew you had to work today, so I took off. I don’t have your contact info, so I’m leaving it up to you to reach out.

  Last night was fantastic. Let’s do it again. Let me take you out on a proper date.

  I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.


  The second yellow square paper had his contact info scribbled on it.


  I retrieved my mug, added creamer and carried my hot cup to the bathroom. I had to shower and get a move on.

  As I washed the residual sweat and sex off my body, I couldn’t help but think what an awesome night it had been. Crazy good, as a matter of fact. So now the question became, did I leave it at that, or did I call Joey Fine?

  I pondered that thought off and on all day. It had been a hectic shift, to say the least, one I couldn’t wait to be over, so I could leave and go home.

  When I arrived at my apartment after work had finally ended, Lily sat curled up on the couch, eating a bowl of cereal.

  “Hey you.” I set my purse on the counter, washed my hands, and joined her on the sofa, sitting next to her. I kicked off my MediClogs and tucked my feet underneath me.

  “Hey yourself. You’ll never believe who I bumped into last night.”

  When it came to Lily, I never knew what to expect.


  “Joey Fine. He happened to be wandering around our apartment when I got home.” She set the spoon down in her bowl and placed it on the coffee table unfinished.

  I rested my head against the back of the couch, closed my eyes, and covered them with the back of my hand and wrist. Maybe the darkness would provide clarity, because I had none when it came to that man.

  “So?” She nudged my knee.

  I pulled both knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them in response. “We had a great night.” Explicit details wouldn’t be provided.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me?”

  “I’m sure you can fill in the blanks.” I buried my head in my knees, a feeling of shame overcoming me.

  She nudged me again. “Hey, look at me.”

/>   Fine. I lifted my head but didn’t face her. Instead, I stared ahead at the television, another rerun of Family Feud playing on Game Show Network. The two of us watched that show obsessively.

  “Hello… Earth to Teva.”

  I briefly acknowledged her then resumed watching Steve Harvey, the man wearing another fancy suit.

  “Please stop shutting me out. I know what you’re thinking, and you need to quit it. You should be celebrating instead of questioning yourself. You fucked Joey Fine from Steam. Damn. I’m so jealous. Does that not register in your brain the same way it does in mine?”

  “Did he say anything to you before he left?” My curiosity got the better of me, dying for her to answer the main question burning in my mind. Her over-the-top enthusiasm could wait.

  “Oh, I busted his chops about sneaking off in the middle of the night. He asked for paper and a pen to write you a note. I told him to be nice. He took off. The end.”

  “He left me his number.” I let out a deep breath.

  She opened her mouth wide. “Lucky, lucky girl. Let me tell you something, girlfriend. If you don’t call him, I will.”

  Now she got my full attention.

  “Kidding.” She smiled. “Are you going to call him?”

  “I don’t know if I should. I’ve been thinking all day about the different scenarios that could result if I do. If I don’t reach out, I can keep the memory of our fantastic evening just as it was—a wonderful moment in time that has since passed. If I do call him, it could ruin everything.”

  “Why are you being so black-and-white in your thinking? Calling him could extend the memory. That’s another possibility. From what I saw, you guys hit it off and had a good time together. Call him. If he didn’t want to see you again, he wouldn’t have left his number. I’m sure he doesn’t give it freely.”

  She spoke the truth. I gave her that. If he considered me to be a one-night stand, he wouldn’t have left his contact information. After all, he was a celebrity. And I agreed with her that he probably didn’t give out his personal info to every woman he spent the night with. Perhaps he felt something too? A little bit, perchance?

  A small piece of skin next to my thumb nail got some serious attention as I deliberated whether or not to dial his number.

  “Stop that.” She slapped my hand. “Don’t pick your nails. They’re too pretty, and you’ll mess up your manicure.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  “So, I’m dying to know. Are you going to call him?”

  “Now?” Hell no. She’s out of her mind. “I don’t want to come off as desperate.”

  “Call him and thank him for the good time and for leaving the note. You can also say you wanted to make sure he got home safely, since you woke up to find him gone this morning.”

  “Fine. I’ll call him.” I pushed myself off the couch and did some deep-breathing exercises to prepare myself while I strolled over to retrieve my phone from my purse.

  Phone in hand, I stopped midway, expressing my thought aloud to Lily. “Maybe I should text him instead?”

  “Stop being such a pussy and call him!”

  Damn, talk about peer pressure.

  “Wait a minute.” I held up a finger and ambled back over to the couch. “You never told me about your night.”

  “Trevor brought me home.” She smiled dreamily.

  She had to be lying. “Nuh-uh.”

  “Uh-huh. He did bring me home. But there’s more to the story. I ended up getting trashed and making out with one of the roadies.” She sighed and placed her hand over her heart. “What a great time I had.”

  “It’s good to see you feel so proud of that accomplishment.”

  “Hey, I didn’t screw my guy. I only kissed him.”

  She may have only been teasing, but her words stung. Her getting drunk and making out with a stranger could be put in the same category as me taking a walk in the park. My actions with Joey, however, had been a fluke, totally out of character as well as out of my comfort zone.

  I did a half-circle whirl and left for my room, not wanting to hear any more.

  “Teva, you know I’m only kidding. Please don’t be angry.”

  I spun around to face her. “That wasn’t nice. You know I’m having a difficult time coming to terms with my behavior. You don’t have to rub it in my face.” My tone came off harsher than I intended, but it felt good to say the words.

  “Christ, you’re a grown woman. Live it up. Have some fun. I’m happy you fucked Joey Fine. All you do is work and study.”

  “Yes, it’s called being a responsible adult.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. A responsible adult takes care of all her needs. You can’t tell me a small part of you didn’t jump up and down inside when you saw he had left his number for you to call him.”

  A small smile broke free. I gestured with my thumb and forefinger to indicate the little part of me that had jumped up and down.

  “I think it’s much more than that. Now stop stalling and go call him.” She shooed me away and picked up her bowl of soggy cereal.

  I pulled the folded notes out of the pocket of my scrub top where they had rested safely all day and sat on my bed. I knew it sounded silly, but the fact he had written them and they had sat in a pocket next to my heart made me feel closer to him.

  I opened up the first one and read it again.


  I hope you slept well. I knew you had to work today, so I took off. I don’t have your contact info, so I’m leaving it up to you to reach out. I hope you will.

  Last night was fantastic. Let’s do it again. Let me take you out on a proper date.

  I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.


  With my phone in one hand and Joey’s notes in the other, I flopped into a reclining position on my mattress and stared up at the white ceiling. I took a deep breath for courage, read his number, and punched it into my phone without giving it a second thought. A part of me prayed the call would go to voice mail, because my nerves took over and I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to speak.


  Shit! A woman answered the phone. I abruptly ended the call and sucked in my lower lip, gently biting down on it. Did he have a girlfriend I didn’t know about?

  How could I have been such an idiot? I clenched my jaw at my own stupidity for allowing Lily to get me all pumped up into believing the fantasy that my and Joey’s encounter could develop into something more.

  My phone rang, startling me. I peered down at it, recognizing Joey’s number.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  It rang again.

  I couldn’t decide whether to answer it or let it go to voice mail.

  It rang again.

  Oh well, the decision had been made for me. The call went to voice mail.

  I waited for the ding to signal a message. If he intended to leave one. My heart raced a mile a minute the entire time, the curiosity of whether he would or not driving me insane. I couldn’t take my eyes off the small device. Finally, it signaled a voice mail.

  Thank God!

  “Hey Teva, if this is you, I’m sorry I missed your call. My sister loves to answer my phone. If you’re still available to talk, give me a call. If this isn’t Teva, don’t bother to return the call.”

  Oh, right, he had a twin sister. I’d forgotten about her.

  I slowly inhaled and released my breath, realizing how unfair I was behaving for not giving the guy any slack or credit. I pushed the green circle on my phone to redial his number.

  “Teva, I’m so glad you called back. I’m assuming you got my notes?“

  His sexy voice gave me goosebumps. I could almost see his hypnotic gaze while he spoke. I wiggled my foot with nervous energy.

  “Yes. Thanks for leaving them.” I picked at the piece of loose skin on my thumb again. Tough shit, Lily, you’re not here to stop me this time.

  What were the suggestions she had given me about my reasons fo
r calling him? Shit, I should’ve written them down.

  Oh yeah!

  “I wanted to make sure you got home safely and to thank you for last night. I had a great time.” Try, the time of my life. I anxiously brushed some loose hair behind my ear.

  “I did too. If you’re up to it, how about a repeat? Have you eaten dinner yet?”

  What? He wants to get together tonight?

  I picked at the skin next to my nail with such vigor the damn thing started to bleed. Darn, it hurt too. I stuck my thumb in my mouth and sucked on it, hoping to stop the minor bleeding.

  “Umm, no. I just got home from work a short time ago.”

  “And I pretty much woke up a short time ago. How about we grab a bite? For you it’ll be dinner, and for me it’ll be breakfast. What do you say?”

  My heart picked up speed, not that it had slowed down. I shifted around on my bed, excitement seeping out of my pores, but tried my darndest to keep my inordinate amount of elation at bay. “Sure. That would be great.”

  Yes! My voice didn’t betray me. It sounded even-keeled but happy. What a comforting feeling to know I could still maintain some sense of self-control when it came to Joey Fine.



  She’d actually called. I had been skeptical about it. What a welcome treat, getting her phone call after sleeping most of the day.

  I had literally come home from her place, showered, and crashed, exhaustion hitting me hard. But now I was wide-awake. Teva would probably be tired after our activities last night and a full day of work.


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