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Hold Me: Music For The Heart - Book One

Page 16

by Faith Starr

  If I invited Trevor, Logan would have to tag along with him. I’d never set Trevor up for a fall, something Lily would be to him. He had zero interest in her. Besides the fact that he’d kill me.

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter to me. I’m starving, so as long as we go eat soon, I don’t care who joins us.”

  Even with Teva’s tightly wound persona, for the most part she was pretty easygoing.

  I texted the guys, Dani too. A part of me hoped they’d decline, because I knew if they agreed to meet us, they’d all want the scoop on me and Teva. As off base as it sounded, though, I felt ready to take the plunge. I had the feeling this thing between us wasn’t temporary, which scared the living shit out of me.

  My phone dinged.

  “Logan’s in as long as we meet at a sports bar. There’s a game being televised he wants to watch.”

  Lily’s disappointment couldn’t be any more evident. Teva brushed past her to go to her room to dress. I retrieved my boxers and jeans from the floor and followed suit, closing her bedroom door behind me.

  I put my boxers and jeans on while Teva did the same, minus the boxers, adding undies instead with her jeans. A nice, lacy pair too. It’s a shame we had to leave. Just watching her bend over to get her feet into the legs of her dungarees had me practically salivating.


  She had caught me staring at her. I didn’t care. I’d tell her how gorgeous and sexy I found her to be a hundred times a day if she wanted because it was how I felt.

  She continued with a bra. What a show she put on. I stood, mesmerized, and watched as if I had never seen a woman dress before.

  “I like what I see.”

  A small blush spread over her cheeks.

  My phone dinged again. Guess she had been saved by the text.

  “Dani’s in.” Good. I wanted Teva and Dani to get to know each other. I knew they would get along splendidly.

  “Great.” Teva gave me a once-over, probably to make sure I had all my clothes on before opening the door.

  Lily stood anxiously in the hallway. I wouldn’t doubt if she had pressed her ear against the door, wanting to hear Trevor’s decision about joining us.

  “Shall we go?” Teva reached her hand out to me. I slipped it into mine.

  “Holy shit! What the hell happened to your arm?” Lily stared at the bandage.

  Teva lifted her arm and took a gander at it. “One of the patients in the ER had a moment of unreality.”

  “I don’t understand why you still work there. This is the third time you’ve gotten hurt in the last four months. It’s ridiculous already. At least where I work, I don’t have to worry about psychos going ape shit and causing bodily harm.”

  Teva’s hand tightened in mine. Lily had hit a nerve. Guess the two of them had discussed this type of thing in the past.

  “Can you please drop it?” Teva’s tone came across threatening enough to keep me quiet. I kept her hand in mine as we journeyed to the kitchen area so she could collect her purse.

  Lily followed behind, flustered. “Fine, but you know I’m right. You can’t save the world.”

  Teva spun around. “I said to drop it.”

  Fuck, the air became so thick a machete wouldn’t have been able to cut through it.

  My phone signaled another incoming text. What perfect timing. Lily peered at me with hope in her eyes. “Trevor’s in.”

  She jumped up and down, clapping her hands, a smile overtaking her entire face. “Yay! In that case, I’ll be right out. I want to freshen up.”

  “I’m hungry, Lily.” Teva sighed with impatience, her frustration visible.

  “I’ll just be a minute. Chill out,” Lily snapped. She rushed off to her bedroom.

  With Lily temporarily out of the picture, I pulled Teva into my arms. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “Yup. I’m fine.”

  She lied. I knew she didn’t speak the truth. I felt tension pooling in her body.

  “If you say so.”

  “I say so. I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

  She spoke curtly, shutting me down. I blew it off, not wanting her to get more upset.

  “It’s all good. You should have told her no if you didn’t want her to come.”

  “That’s something you’ll learn about me if you stick around for a while. I don’t get pleasure out of hurting other people’s feelings. Besides, I’d love to get to know your sister and bandmates.”

  “Me too.”

  A bit harsh, if she asked me, especially the part about me sticking around for a while. She gave off the impression I only came around for a good time only to check out afterward.

  Isn’t she right in her assumption?

  Bottom line, I fooled myself if I believed Teva and I could be together for the long haul. My modus operandi typically played out the same way: bask in a woman’s company, she tries to get close, goodbye. I had learned early on that the more control I kept over my emotions, the better for all involved. I didn’t want anything stirring the pot and kicking up old shit, even if I couldn’t stop my feelings for Teva from growing with each passing minute.

  “See, I didn’t take long at all. I’m ready.”

  Lily strolled past me, her perfume making me cough. Fuck, did she pour the entire bottle down her shirt? Did she even have a shirt on? I couldn’t tell with the barely there fabric exposing her lower abs, shoulders, and a decent amount of cleavage. Not that it affected me. I preferred Teva’s conservative sexy vibe.

  Being my car had a backseat and plenty of room, I offered to drive.

  “Damn, Joey. This car is so hot, like the driver.” She batted her lashes at me in the rearview mirror.

  What the fuck?

  Teva whirled around in her seat, steam coming out of her ears. Figuratively speaking. “Lily, what’s your problem?”


  Lily knew damn well she had acted out of line.

  I focused on backing up my car, but the drama taking place inside it had so much more excitement to it than the screen on my dashboard displaying the cars behind me.

  “You know exactly what.” Teva glared at Lily. I remained quiet.

  “Why are you being so sensitive? Jeez.”

  Wow. Lily totally tried to work the situation in her favor. I had pegged her correctly. This girl meant trouble.

  Teva exhaled deeply. “Maybe you shouldn’t come with us.”

  “Oh stop it. I’m only playing around. Quit taking everything I say so seriously.”

  In the rearview mirror I saw Lily roll her eyes.

  “To be honest, I don’t think you’re playing around.”

  Shit, things were about to get worse. I waited to proceed out of the lot, unsure if I would be losing a passenger.

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Lily finally showed some real emotion.

  “I think if given the opportunity, you’d take it.”

  I sensed Teva’s gaze on me. I kept my eyes on the parking lot in front of me, my car pretty much stalled in the middle of it.

  The air inside became hot to go along with the thickness. I kicked the A/C up a notch.

  In the rearview, Lily’s rage was evident. Before she could respond, I intervened. “Ladies, please tell me whether I should drive or if I should park the car again.”

  “Trevor’s going, so I for one would like to proceed to the restaurant.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but I wouldn’t get my hopes up about Trevor.” I too didn’t delight in seeing people get hurt and felt it appropriate to forewarn her.

  “Really, and why’s that?” Her reflection in the mirror revealed my comment had hit hard, but she tried to shrug it off.

  “I’m merely saying he’s not the type to get involved with fans.”

  “Unlike you,” she shot back.

  I wanted to smack the sarcasm right off her.

  “I’m a woman. He’s a man. Period.”

  “Just putting it out there. You can do with it
as you please.”

  She fidgeted in her seat. “I still want to go.” She stared out the window, her lips drawn tight, clearly telling me to go fuck myself. She didn’t want to hear what I had to say. Oh well, at least I’d tried.

  Teva also focused her attention out the window. I reached for her hand and took it in mine. I nudged it so she’d face me. When she did, I winked at her, and she gave me a faint smile. Even though I knew she had a better one inside, I’d take it. She still looked beautiful to me.

  So much for wanting a night to chill out with Teva. Soon we’d have a bigger audience.

  When we got to the restaurant, Lily waited in the backseat for me to open her door. Damn, what a high-maintenance woman. Not that I wouldn’t have opened her door, but still.

  Logan needed a heads-up about her. He typically preferred the type who wore slutty attire and had forward personalities. He considered it less work on his part. Lily fit that description perfectly. I hoped to God he would heed my warning.

  Before getting out of the car, I covered my head with a baseball cap, not in the mood for public recognition this evening.

  I opened Lily’s door first, then escorted Teva out. The three of us entered the sports bar together.

  Once inside, the hostess informed us our party had already arrived. I scanned the open space to see Dani waving at us from a large table by the bar. She rose from her seat to greet us when we approached, giving me a big hug.

  “Dani, this is Teva and her friend, Lily. I’m sure you remember them from the meet and greet.” I winked at my sister, signaling for her to play it off as an introduction, when in truth, she knew about Teva, since we’d discussed her at home.

  She pretended to think about it for a minute. “Ah, yes, the fainter.” She pointed at Lily. “And the nurse.” She pointed at Teva. “It’s nice to see you both again.”

  “You as well.” Teva wore an endearing expression, one of warmth. Seeing how friendly she acted toward Dani filled me with affection and comfort.

  Lily nodded, not paying any mind to Dani. She’d spotted her target, Trevor. I had to say she was so entranced by him, I don’t think the woman even blinked. Trevor sported his own cap. “Hi, Trevor, Logan.”

  Logan tipped his head and saluted Lily. She ignored him.

  Trevor smiled cordially, eyeing me afterward with pure evil. Yeah. I might’ve left out the part about Lily joining us in my group text.

  Dani slid back into the booth next to Trevor, causing Lily to pout. Logan took the end. Lily ended up sitting across from Logan, with me and Teva across from Dani and Trevor. Teva made sure to sit next to Lily, with me in the innermost part of the booth, next to the partition. I’d say in an effort to separate me and Lily. I myself had found Lily’s behavior in the car utterly despicable.

  “I hadn’t realized the three of you had become so chummy.” Logan’s eyes darted between me and the girls. The dickhead probably thought I was fucking both of them.

  My direct eye contact with him spoke a thousand words. The last thing I needed was for him to say something inappropriate especially after the scene that had taken place between the two girls in my car.

  The waitress approached, carrying a tray with glasses of water for each of us, clearly taken aback when she caught sight of us.

  Her gaze flitted between me and the guys as she scribbled down our beverage order, beers all around, except for me and Teva. She went for a sparkling water with lime, and I went for a good old-fashioned iced tea with lemon. We also ordered some appetizers to get the ball rolling.

  “So you guys kept in touch after the meet and greet?”

  Logan dared to go there. I wanted to wipe that sly smile off his fucking face.

  “I’m surprised Joey hasn’t mentioned how much time he’s been spending at our apartment.”

  What is Lily talking about?

  Teva let out a deep breath.

  “Teva and I have been hanging out.” I clarified the situation.

  Dani sat quiet, knowing exactly where I had been the past few nights.

  Lily’s jaw tightened. How awful of me to spoil whatever twisted story she’d concocted and was trying to sell.

  “I want you guys to hear the beats I added to the new song.” Trevor changed the subject entirely, talking shop instead, tapping two fingers against the table, in a drumming motion.

  “I’d love too.” I was always game for hearing new ideas for our songs.

  “I would too.” Lily wore a stupid-ass grin.

  “Sorry, doll, but no one outside the band gets to hear new stuff until it’s recorded,” Logan affirmed.

  “How does one get inside the band?”

  Lily posed her question to Trevor, but I was the recipient of his harsh glare. Damn, I actually felt his anger too. I should’ve thought twice about bringing Teva’s train wreck of a roommate to dinner with us.

  Dani almost choked on the water she’d just sipped. Trevor patted her back. Logan stifled a chuckle. Dick.

  “If you’ll please excuse me, I have to go to the ladies’ room. Lily, why don’t you join me?”

  Teva and Lily climbed out of the booth. I watched Teva’s ass as she walked away. Her jeans shaped it perfectly, doing it justice.

  “Ooh. Someone’s got it bad,” Logan teased, all bright and sunny-eyed.

  “Yeah. The girl obviously has a thing for Trevor. Sorry, bro.” I shook my head in pity for the poor bastard.

  “I was referring to you, dickwad.”

  I knew that. I merely wanted to give Logan a hard time.

  “Speaking of which, it would’ve been nice if you had given us a heads-up about your new friends joining us. You know how much I love surprises.”

  Trevor continued to tap the table with his fingers. To him, anything could be used as a drum. He tapped on everything, all the fucking time.

  The waitress came back with our drink order, setting the glasses down next to the water glasses, along with our appetizers.

  “I know it’s not appropriate for me to ask, but you’re Joey, Trevor, and Logan of Steam, right?” The woman’s cheeks flushed.

  “Yes, but please keep it on the down low. We want to enjoy our meals without a fuss,” Trevor replied.

  “No problem. Would you mind a quick picture, though?”

  Because that wouldn’t keep things on the down low, would it?

  “Not right now, sweetheart. Maybe before we leave.”

  Did I detect a hint of flirtation in Logan’s voice? The waitress’s eyes went wide in response.

  “Great. I look forward to it.” She stared directly at him.

  “As do I.” He reached for a mozzarella stick.

  She smiled and left the table.

  Christ. The guy was such a player, forever on the prowl and ready to take full advantage of every opportunity to screw a female admirer.

  “Fuck.” He dropped the cheese stick on the small plate in front of him and took a gulp of his beer. “These suckers are hot. Now my tongue feels weird.”

  “I think Teva’s super cute.” Dani directed her comment at me, ignoring Logan’s burned-tongue situation.

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “What’s the deal between you two, or three?” Logan blew the end of his cheese stick before taking another bite.

  “Please lay off the friend thing. And there is no deal. We’re on break from touring, and we have some free time. I plan on taking full advantage of it.” I grabbed a cheese stick as a diversion tactic, wanting to be finished with this particular topic of conversation.

  Dani eyed me. Thank goodness we could read each other. She understood my vibe that now wasn’t the appropriate time to discuss me and Teva any further.

  “Well, the next time you want to take full advantage of it, please don’t bring her shadow along,” Trevor all but begged. Dani giggled next to him. “What’re you laughing at? She’s practically stalker category.”

  He was right. I shouldn’t have brought Lily along. His edginess and tension heig
htened with her presence.

  “She’s just an overzealous fan. Can you blame her?”

  Why the fuck is Dani looking at him all googly-eyed?

  My muscles tightened.

  In response to her comment, Trevor winked at her. Uh-uh. Not happening on my watch. Add another topic to the conversation Dani and I would be having in private.

  “We’re back. I hope you didn’t miss us too much.” Lily acted more subdued, her voice not as peppy, her gestures not as animated.

  Why couldn’t this be her regular behavior? Teva must’ve given her one hell of a reaming in the bathroom.

  Teva slid in next to me, happy as a clam. I rested my hand on her thigh, needing to touch her. She placed her hand on top of mine and stroked the back of my fingers.

  The waitress returned to take our dinner orders. She watched Logan the entire time she stood next to the table. He gave her plenty of eye time in exchange. By this point, he had her so spellbound, she probably would have agreed to fuck him in the bathroom if he asked. Whatever.

  Since none of us had picked up our menus, we did so, quickly scanning through them and informing her of our selections.

  “I almost forgot we’re playing that charity event Monday night. I don’t understand why Camilla planned it for during the week.” Trevor continued to tap on the table.

  Logan reached across Dani and put his hand on Trevor’s, to stop him. Trevor glared at him. “You’re making me fucking crazy with all that tapping.”

  “I’m jonesing to play.” Trevor’s body rocked back and forth to the rhythm of the song playing on the overhead speakers.

  “Then let’s book studio time. I’ve got some songs I’ve been working on for the new album,” I informed them. “May as well start a few weeks early and get ahead of ourselves.”

  Trevor nodded and resumed tapping the table again. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  “Do you guys practice new songs in advance, or do you go to the studio and spontaneously make the magic happen?” Lily took a bite of a fried pickle.

  “I’m all about making magic happen.” Logan winked at her.


  I gave him the evil eye. He blew me off.

  Oh well, he could dig his hole as deep as he wanted to. I merely tried to prevent him from doing so.


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