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His Lady: The Wounded Souls

Page 13

by Leah Sharelle

  “Mannix, as usual, we aren’t talking. You are demanding, telling, insisting, and not including me in the decision. That isn’t how relationships work, and I’m not going to be a part of one that you think will work that way.”

  The blood in my veins iced over, and the cold dread I felt once before, a long time ago, returned with a vengeance. Then, I had walked away with my tail between my legs and lost everything. It very nearly killed me. I lost who I was, my family, and my heart, but if Rainn left me and took my babies with her? Nope, there would be no coming back from that.

  “Lady, please. Don’t go away mad. I’m sorry, I just don’t want—” I drew in a deep breath. I didn’t see anyone but Rainn, my beautiful, fire-breathing, sexy dancer, and suddenly, things just got clear. “I love you so much, more than I ever thought possible. Those months when you pulled back from me, stopped letting me in and stopped letting me touch you, hurt and cut me deep. But when you disappeared, and I had no clue if you were safe or in danger, that completely shattered me.” The pain was still there, and the fear. The not knowing.

  “Mannix, I’m okay, and the babies are okay. I’m here. Baby, I’m mad with you, not leaving you,” Rainn whispered, tears streaming down her face. She was void of any make-up, and she had never looked more beautiful.

  Her words penetrated my mind, and I looked at her. She had made her way back across the room and was standing right in front of me. Quickly, I reached out and pulled her into my arms, careful of my daughters.

  “I can’t take the thought of men ogling you. Please, Lady.” I sounded like a pussy-whipped wanker, but if Rainn was in my arms and not leaving me, then I couldn’t give a fuck.

  Rainn was my game changer. My fiery storm and the very fucking beat of my heart.

  Chapter 24


  “Are you and Dad going to be okay, Rainn?” Ebony asked me an hour later. After Mannix’s outburst in front of the club, his brothers thought it a good idea to take him and James to the back of the property and play some good ole Aussie rules football. I decided to take advantage of the time away from Mannix with some chick bonding with Ebony.

  “Sweet girl, your dad and I are going to be just fine, I promise. Sometimes, adults argue, but that doesn’t mean they are breaking up. Your father can be a bully at times, and when he does that, I have to pull him back into line,” I said with a laugh as I uncapped the mascara and pulled out the wand.

  “Don’t blink,” I warned as I slowly and expertly brushed Ebony’s lashes with a soft brown colour.

  She had been asking me all day about dancing, clothes, and make-up, so I figured for Mannix’s peace of mind, I would start with the smaller stuff. Ebony was sixteen. Mannix should count himself lucky she wasn’t parading around boyfriends yet.

  “Knock, knock. Can we come in and join you guys?” Stella asked from the open door to Mannix’s and my suite. Behind her was the rest of the flock.

  “Of course, come in. I’m giving Eb a makeover.”

  “And some good advice by the sounds of it,” Mia added.

  “If anyone knows how to deal with over-the-top men, it’s the women of the Wounded Souls, Ebony,” Stella declared as she grabbed the hairbrush off the vanity and started brushing the teen’s long hair.

  Ebony looked exactly like her mother with long black hair and olive skin. The only thing she got from Mannix was his brown eyes. Cade must have the same eyes, too, I thought to myself. It was crazy that her father was really her second cousin in the eyes of the law. In my eyes, she was her father’s daughter.

  “Boys are very confusing. Mum said I would be better off staying away from guys like Dad and my uncles,” Ebony muttered, making me mad as hell at Alannah.

  How dare she speak so poorly of Mannix to his own kid? She was the only one at fault in the situation, and all the blame landed at her feet.

  “Oh, sweetie, just wait until they turn into men.” Charlotte laughed. “Take Deck for example. He is one hundred percent alpha. He makes my head spin with his growling and demanding to know where I am at all times, but he is the sweetest, most loving man I have ever met. You just have to watch him with Shiloh, and you know that little spitfire has him wrapped around her chubby little finger. All of the guys would lay down their lives for her and any one of us.” Charlotte reached and grabbed Ebony’s hand in her own. “When you are old enough and ready, I hope you are lucky enough to find a guy just like your dad. A guy who will fight for you and treat you like his world begins and ends with you. Like your dad does with Rainn. Like Deck does for me and Booth for Stella. Like what Mia found with your Uncle Steel, even Vegas and Darth.”

  Charlotte’s eloquent words brought tears to my eyes. She was perfect for Deck. The man was alpha—there was no doubt—but he had a romantic side that suited the dance teacher. To watch them together was like watching a Nicholas Sparks movie at times.

  I regretted the night of the sex-toy party when I got drunk and mouthed off at her about my brief one-time history with Deck, not knowing that I was already just a couple of weeks pregnant. I had apologised to her many times since, and even though she forgave me and stuck up for me when Deck wanted to chew me a new one, I still felt horrible for my appalling behaviour.

  “Just remember not to grow up too quickly, Eb. Be sixteen, honey. Wear make-up and try new clothes. Finding the right boy will happen when the time is right,” Vegas said.

  Lately, my friend had sadness clouding her. We were really close, but Vegas wasn’t a sharer when it came to her personal life. I made a mental note to sit down with her and remind her I was always there for her if she needed a friendly shoulder.

  “Who wants dessert?” Stella asked as she got up from her perch on the end of my bed. The pretty blonde still looked a little green around the gills. Pregnancy and she didn’t get along too well. Booth was worried about her and made her do as little as possible around the compound now. He had hired a new part-time cook and cleaner, but Stella insisted that she still play a role in her original position.

  Everyone let out a groan and held their bellies, all grumbling they were still full from the BBQ earlier. I groaned for an entirely different reason. I wanted dessert despite how much I ate for lunch, and I ate a tonne of food. I was still hankering for some of Stella’s sugary goodness. Eating for three did nothing for my future weight loss.

  “I think before I eat myself into another food coma, I best go down to the range and rescue the guys from Shiloh. It’s been over an hour now, and God knows what that child has picked up. Her swearing is getting better, but left unsupervised with the men…” She left the rest unsaid because, well, what else was there to say. It was Shiloh, so anything was possible, and it was very probable that she had learnt a slew of new colourful words by now.

  “Um, Charlotte, do you mind if I have a word real quick before you go?” Suddenly, I felt nervous. An idea had started to take shape in my mind a few weeks ago, and even though I got pissed at Mannix earlier about his ‘no dance’ demand, I’d come to that conclusion on my own long ago. Dancing on a stage might be out, but I wasn’t going to give it up completely. He just needed reminding that his bossy ways, while sometimes appreciated, other times he went too far and could find himself on the wrong end of one of my stilettos.

  “Of course, hon.” She smiled at me, then turned to my sister-in-law. “Mia, do you mind traipsing down there and bringing the princess back? It’s time for her bath.”

  “Absolutely, I want to go find Steel anyway. If they won’t let us out on our own, then my studly husband is on baby-store duty,” she said with a wink.

  Without even being there, I knew he would grumble and carry on, but there was nothing Steel wouldn’t put up with for his wife. It was wonderful to see Mannix’s twin brother so happy. Mia’s love for him had lifted the black around his heart and had given him purpose and trust. Just the other day, I witnessed the studly VP walking around the compound in a pair of shorts, his prosthesis on display, loud and proud.

; “What’s wrong, Rainn? Everything okay with the babies?” The concern Charlotte showed not only to me but to all the ladies of the flock was just another reason I felt bad and wanted to apologise to her all over again. But she had forbidden me from any more guilty breakdowns. In fact, she had threatened to fine me if I ever did it again. The teacher in her was still in full force.

  “All good on that front, sweetie, apart from the endless eating, and not being able to wear heels, sexy lingerie, or touch my toes,” I said dryly, which earned a snort of laughter from her. “Actually, I wanted to discuss an idea that has been brewing for a while now, and I was hoping you would want to get on board with me.” I wiped my sweaty hands on my maternity jeans, and yes, I did say maternity jeans. A stretchy waistband was now my new best friend.

  “This sounds interesting. Do tell.” Charlotte sat back down on the bed and looked at me with a kind smile.

  Okay, this is it. I set about telling her what I thought was going to be good not only for her and I but for the Wounded Souls, too.

  “Booth mentioned that the club owns that building across from the Bar and Grill, the one he set up surveillance in that night.” I stopped to take in a shaky breath. That night was still hard to talk about, thinking about how worse it could have gone, and it was a nightmare I feared I would never be free from.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Rainn. No talking about what happened, okay? Now, yes, I know the building. What’s your idea?” Charlotte encouraged me to go on, and I was thankful she wasn’t going to make me relive what I witnessed.

  “My days as a stripper are over. My kids deserve more than that from their mum, but I love dancing, and choreography is something I have always been interested in. I would like to open a dance studio and school. I want to hold dance classes for beginners, all age brackets—jazz, tap, and ballet. Even pole dancing classes for fitness and the professionals. I also want a studio for the more experienced dancers so they can come in and practice with teachers to hone their skills.” The more I talked and laid out my plans, the more Charlotte smiled.

  “Rainn, that’s a fantastic idea. Oh, honey, you have to take this to the club. I know all of the guys will agree and give you the green light to use the building, and I’m sure all the ladies will do anything they can to help make it happen. Decorating, even just helping you lay out a business plan so Booth can see how serious you are about this,” Charlotte gushed out all at once, her excitement infectious.

  I smiled back at her and grabbed her hand.

  “And you, Charlotte, would you be interested in coming on board with me as a teacher? I know pole dancing and freestyle. I can take those type of classes myself, but ballet? That, I know nothing about. You can continue what you had at the day care only it will be better because it will be not just kids but teenagers, adults, and proper dancers. You have all the experience the place will need to be successful.” I held my breath, waiting for her answer. I saw tears form in her beautiful green eyes.

  “Rainn, I can’t believe you would want me. Oh, sweetie, yes, yes. Yes!” She threw herself against me, our bellies crushing against each other. “Maybe we should wait to take the classes ourselves until we give birth,” Charlotte mumbled as she rubbed her belly.

  I laughed aloud. “Good plan. Seriously, Charlotte, thank you. I still can’t believe you forgave me for that—”

  I was cut off with a smack to the shoulder.

  “Five-dollar fine. Pay up,” demanded the pretty dancer and my new business partner as she held out her hand for the money.

  Chapter 25


  “You know what I find interesting?” Steel asked out of the blue.

  His eyes and concentration never left the target as he unloaded a full clip into it, each bullet hitting dead centre. All of us were accurate shooters, but it was a bloody pleasure to watch my brother with a handgun and a target. Both he and Creed had skills none of us possessed when it came to shooting.

  “What’s that, brother,” Booth inquired. His attention wasn’t so much on the shooting than it was on the garden shed, which held bad memories for all of us but Booth more than anyone. He still held some guilt concerning Stella and her reason for hiding out in there.

  “I find it interesting that Mannix still manages to get himself into shit with Rainn just by opening his mouth,” Steel said, then laughed when he looked over at me.

  I held both hands up with my middle fingers pointing directly at him. The rest of my brothers all laughed, as well.

  “Go fuck yourself, Cooper. And the rest of you, too,” I grumbled.

  Steel wasn’t wrong. I opened my mouth, and the worst kind of wrong shit came out. I was starting to think it would be best if I kept my mouth busy doing other things to Rainn instead of pissing her off. Her sweet, warm pussy came to mind. I could lose myself in that heat for days, which should keep me out of trouble and her sated so she couldn’t fire off at me.

  “Deck, we all set for that explosive job later in the week?” I asked Deck, needing a change in subject.

  Even though Rainn and I parted with things somewhat worked out earlier, we were only in an okay place, which didn’t sit well with me at all.

  Ever since I got Rainn back, I had a heightened sense of worry. Worry she would take off again, worried she would fall again and hurt herself or the girls. Worried that Rogue was still lurking somewhere waiting, his sights set on my woman. The job that Deck wanted me on would be the perfect distraction, if only for a while.

  “Yeah, brother, I got all the necessary permits all sorted, explosives will be delivered the day before and locked in the shed on site. I will have Seb and Darth on security detail.”

  I nodded in agreement. The last thing the club needed was for Rogue to get wind of the job and that there were explosives on site. But if Deck was right, and Rogue was the client… it might be too late. Booth knew about Deck’s concerns with this guy, he was all for us tightening security at the site. Booth might be the president of the club, but he wasn’t the kind to call all the shots. If Deck had a hunch, that was good enough for Booth.

  “Righto, then. Well, I have some major grovelling in my immediate future. Do you want me to take Shiloh back up to the compound?” I asked Deck.

  Deck turned to look at his daughter, who was currently sitting on a makeshift stool with pink earmuffs on and engrossed in watching Darth, Steel, and Creed still competing in the target shooting.

  “It’s okay, Mannix. I’ve got her,” said my sister-in-law as she came up beside me. Today, she had on a T-shirt, which had an arrow pointing down to her belly with the words fingers crossed it’s not an alpha. Steel was convinced they were going to have a girl. I hoped they did. It would give Steel some of his own medicine for all the worry he caused fathers all over Australia back in his playboy days.

  “Hey, beautiful, how you feeling?” I asked Mia, but her attention was somewhere else.

  Creed was standing beside Steel with ear protection on, so he wouldn’t have heard Mia turn up, but judging by the way his shoulders had all of a sudden gone tense, he knew. Creed hadn’t really spoken to Mia much since the day Booth sent him off to the doctor’s clinic to escort her and Teach home after they left the compound without detail.

  “Still won’t talk to you, hey?”

  Mia shook her head sadly. “He isn’t completely ignoring me, but it’s not the same. I feel like I have lost my friend,” she whispered.

  Her bond with Creed was similar to the one I shared with Rainn, with the only difference being Creed hadn’t slept with Mia, but that didn’t mean what they had wasn’t just as important.

  “Mia, cut him some slack, okay? You were the first person he ever considered being with since Lila Rose. After you were targeted and that stunt with Teach, he isn’t in a good place right now. But don’t give up on him, sweetie. It’s only a matter of time before he comes around again, and if it doesn’t, then you can kick his arse.”

  As Mia laughed, her brown hair in a high ponytail on the top
of her head swayed with her movements. I was glad that not only was she in my club family but my other family, as well. My mum loved her, and Dad thought she was perfect for Steel. Her love and devotion for my twin were evident every time she set those chocolate-brown eyes on him.

  “He better believe I will be doing just that if he makes me wait too much longer.”

  My laugh was cut short by Ford as he ran down to us with a piece of paper in his hand, yelling, “Got another one.”

  “Mia, get inside and take Shiloh with you,” I said quickly.

  I ran over to where Squirt was sitting and grabbed her to me. I held her tiny body against mine, my arms folded protectively around her back, not giving anyone with a gun too much of a target.

  Steel, Deck, and Creed had their guns trained in different directions, all looking for a threat. Steel’s face went white when he saw Mia was standing beside me.

  “Beauty, get inside, please, baby.” I could see how torn he was between going to his pregnant wife and holding his position.

  “Seb, take Shiloh. Get them in the main room, and lock it down. No one in or out until you get the okay from a patch, got it?” I ordered, kissing the top of her head before handing Shiloh over to the prospect, who held her the same way I had, using his body as a protective shield.

  “Get her in safe, prospect. Nothing happens to her, understand?” Steel said, his eyes never leaving Mia.

  I watched as he mouthed the words, “I love you,” to her.

  “Be careful, stud. I love you, too. Creed? Be careful, okay?” Mia said softly.

  Creed gave her a curt chin lift, but the soft look in his black eyes told another story. He wouldn’t stay mad at her forever, but he may just stay away from her until he could handle his shit again.

  “What is it now, Ford?” Booth boomed.


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