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New Erotica 5

Page 16

by Неизвестный

  It was a long time before he ceased shuddering.

  He filled her mouth many times but seemed always to remain hard. Perhaps there were quiet times. She had a memory afterwards of being held, but it was indistinct, like a dream. Only his hardness as he filled her mouth and the taste of him was clear – and the words that outlined her fate: his insistence, though she made no argument, and his hardness when she was as soft as love.


  Lisette Ashton

  Lisette Ashton is one of the most talented new authors of erotic fiction in the field. Her novels always have unusual and contemporary settings: one is set on the Amazon (Amazon Slave), while another (Fairground Attractions)is set – you’ve guessed it – in a fairground. Her characters are always credible, and they demonstrate her enthusiasm for the perverse world of domination and submission.

  The following extract is taken from Lisette’s third Nexus novel. Here, Debbie is worried that the members of the Black Garter know that she’s been selling stories about them to the local paper. Here’s a full list of Lisette’s novels:

  The Black Room

  Amazon Slave

  The Black Garter

  The Black Widow

  Fairground Attractions

  The Black Masque

  Dance of Submission

  The Slave Auction

  Slave Sentence

  The Torture Chamber

  The Black Flame


  Original Sins

  Debbie replaced the telephone receiver, her heart beating fast. She did not like having to use the public telephone in the common room but her mobile was charging back in her dorm and she had needed to make the call quickly. The fear of being overheard had stayed with her as she talked and it was only when she finally severed the connection that she allowed herself to breathe easily again.

  Chalmers. I want a word with you. A hand fell on her shoulder and the gentle tinkle of golden charms, rattling softly on a heavy bracelet, left Debbie in no doubt as to who had caught her.

  She whirled around, startled to hear Hera’s voice so close to her. She swallowed nervously when she saw that Hera was not alone. Standing on either side of her, arms folded and impatient scowls twisting their lips, were Melanie and Grace. The two women glared menacingly at Debbie.

  ‘Hera?’ Debbie said, her heart beating like a military tattoo. ‘What do you want?’

  Hera smiled. ‘I think you know what I want,’ she said coolly. ‘It will be best if you and I talk in private.’

  Debbie glanced around the empty common room, wishing there was someone she could turn to for help. The idea was ludicrous as she had few friends at the Kilgrimol and, even if she had been adored by everyone, Debbie knew that she would still have been alone in a confrontation with Hera. ‘I have a class,’ she stammered nervously, snatching at the first excuse her frightened mind could think of.

  Hera shook her head. ‘All your classes have been cancelled for today.’

  Debbie glanced from Hera to Melanie and Grace. She knew she had no choice other than to do as Hera commanded. The prospect of what might lie ahead left her cold.

  ‘We’ll talk in your room,’ Hera said, turning her back on Debbie. ‘Anna’s going to be out for most of the evening so we should be afforded some privacy.’

  Debbie watched the woman walking away and when she noticed Melanie and Grace still staring impassively at her, she knew she had to follow. As she fell into step behind Hera, the two women walked on either side of Debbie. Sullenly, she realised she had no hope of escape. Whatever Hera had in mind, there was no chance of avoiding it.

  They walked along the empty corridors of the Kilgrimol’s long halls, heading towards the east wing where the dormitories were situated. The sun had already fallen from these corridors and the building was held in the thrall of a still, grey light. Debbie glanced at the baize-covered cork-boards they passed with unseeing eyes. She was dreading whatever lay ahead and she knew she had every reason.

  ‘I was a trifle hard on you the other evening,’ Hera said quietly. She was still walking purposefully forward, the words thrown casually over her shoulder as she marched towards the dormitories.

  Debbie frowned, not sure she had heard the woman correctly. ‘When?’ she asked.

  Hera stopped and turned to face her. Her features were contorted into a dark mask of anger and Debbie wanted to cower away from them. ‘The other evening when I had you tied to a bed and I was dripping candle wax on your cunt lips,’ Hera hissed sharply. She pressed her face close to Debbie’s and said, ‘Do you remember that, or do you need a reminder?’

  Debbie’s cheeks coloured darkly. She remembered the evening so vividly that when she closed her eyes, she could still feel the burning spatter of wax against her bare flesh.

  Like the majority of girls at the Kilgrimol, Debbie had embraced the dream of becoming a Black Garter girl. The panache and flair of the women involved with the group was enviable and to be accepted by them would have meant she was part of an elite team.

  The night had started with the usual air of menace and gloom that seemed to pervade all of Hera’s ceremonies. The bedroom was dark save for the flickering glow of the candlelight; long, wavering shadows stretched along the walls of the bedroom. Naked, and frightened, Debbie had been tied to the bed. Before she had started to do anything, Hera had demanded Debbie remain silent throughout the initiation. It was the only condition she had insisted on. If Debbie managed to obey that condition, Hera explained that she would have earned her black garter.

  Desperately wanting to join the group, Debbie had agreed to the condition. She had tried not to fidget restlessly as the woman undressed and she had tried to contain her rising panic when Hera had dripped molten candle wax across the taut buds of her bared nipples. She had stayed silent throughout the entire beauty of the punishing experience. The pleasure of submitting herself to such indignities was greater than she would have believed and she did not know if the promise of acceptance was the thing that excited her or if she had a submissive side that Hera had inadvertently discovered. Whatever the cause of her enjoyment, the fact was she had orgasmed twice whilst Hera punished her. The pleasure had been bitter and tinged with degrees of pain that should have made her scream. Aware that she was unable to make a sound, Debbie had stayed silent until the last moment. As Hera held the candle over the lips of her pussy, Debbie had thrilled to the exquisite sensation of having her labia waxed. The searing sensation inspired an explosion of delight to rush through her body and she had barely managed to hold back her scream of joy.

  And then Hera had blown the candle out. She had placed the base firmly against the lips of Debbie’s sex, and was about to push it inside her when Debbie had screamed for her to stop. The words had come out before she knew she was making them. The initiation had ended abruptly. And so had her chances to join the Black Garter. She had allowed herself to be subjected to Hera’s initiation ceremony and before it was over, she had failed. The memory of what she had lost was more unsettling than the pain could ever have been.

  ‘I don’t need a reminder,’ Debbie whispered softly.

  Hera nodded. She turned away and started back towards the dormitories. ‘I was a trifle hard on you then,’ Hera repeated, ‘and I suppose I owe you some sort of an apology.’

  Debbie stared uncertainly at the woman’s back. She had been expecting a punishment of some sort, or worse. Because Hera had caught her concluding the telephone call, Debbie had thought her secret had been exposed and waves of relief washed over her.

  ‘An apology?’ Debbie whispered.

  ‘Not that I’m going to apologise,’ Hera went on, turning a corner and starting up a flight of stairs. ‘But to try and rectify the situation, I thought you’d appreciate a second chance to join us.’

  Debbie felt her heart beginning to soar. She glanced from Melanie to Grace, her eyes wide with disbelieving happiness. A sudden thought struck her and she felt a heavy storm cloud pass over
the sunshine of her hopes. Placing a hand on Hera’s shoulder, she stopped the leader and placed her mouth to the woman’s ear.

  Hera frowned. ‘Initiates have no place dictating what will or won’t happen.’ A smile softened her face and she added, ‘But because you had the guts to say that, I’ll bear it in mind.’

  Debbie followed the woman into the dormitory with a grateful smile on her lips. Melanie closed the door and Grace sat herself on the dusty chair next to the cluttered desk. Anna was continually complaining about the untidy, dishevelled appearance of the dorm but Debbie was quite fond of its homely charm. She stared at Hera, standing amongst the clutter and disarray of the room.

  Before the woman had a chance to say anything, Debbie uncoupled her mobile phone from the battery charger, annoyed that it had already replenished its battery. The realisation of how much she could have lost through using the public telephone still weighed heavily on her mind. Aware that Hera was frowning at her, Debbie placed the phone in a drawer.

  ‘You didn’t do very well the other evening,’ Hera said crisply. ‘Silence doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.’

  Debbie blushed, her cheeks not just reddening at the memory of blowing her first chance of acceptance with the Black Garter. But before she had a chance to dwell on the other matter, she realised Hera was still talking.

  ‘In the light of what you’ve just told me, I suppose I can understand your stopping me. I realise now that I was right to give you a second chance but be warned, this is the last one. You won’t be given a third chance to join us.’

  Swallowing nervously, Debbie nodded.

  ‘Strip her,’ Hera commanded crisply.

  Before Debbie had a chance to respond, she felt Melanie and Grace grab hold of her. The two women tugged at her clothes and began to briskly remove them from her body. Not daring to protest, Debbie allowed them to do as they wanted.

  ‘Before we get down to business,’ Hera said tersely, ‘I think we need to talk about your abominable behaviour this morning.’

  Debbie swallowed unhappily. ‘Yes,’ she said quickly, remembering her outburst in the canteen. ‘I’m sorry about that. I –’

  Hera cut her words off. ‘Assume the position,’ she commanded crisply.

  Debbie opened her mouth, about to make a protest, then stopped herself. The delight she felt at being given a second chance to join the Black Garter was stronger than her fear of Hera’s punishment. The woman had said this was a matter to be dealt with before her initiation and that meant she could look forward to being allowed the chance of joining after she had earned her forgiveness. She turned her back to Hera and bent over, pushing the cheeks of her arse out.

  A pair of hands, Hera’s she assumed, caressed the peach-like skin of her backside. The touch was soft, almost loving, and Debbie suppressed a tremor of excitement.

  ‘Nice arse,’ Hera murmured.

  Debbie felt the woman’s fingers brush daringly close to the cleft of her sex and, unable to stop herself, she drew a sharp breath of surprise. The intimacy of Hera’s touch had aroused her more than she had anticipated and she struggled against the emotion that welled within her.

  A hand slapped hard across one cheek. The blow was hard and unexpected and left a stinging redness in its wake that had her shivering. She released a small groan of surprise, not wanting to give her discomfort greater voice for fear of being thought unworthy.

  A second blow, harder than the first, slapped the other cheek.

  This time it was harder to bite back the squeal of surprise as the stinging handprint on her arse burnt dully.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Melanie and Grace move behind her. Their hands were suddenly holding her legs and she could feel their fingers close to the tops of her thighs. Without any care or tenderness, she felt the cheeks of her arse being spread wide apart.

  She held her breath, not daring to think what Hera had in store for her. The woman’s intentions already seemed obvious enough but Debbie dared not dwell on them for too long. She was afraid that her nervousness would make her do, or say, the wrong thing.

  She felt another stinging blow of pain on her backside and she grunted unhappily. This time the bite had been harder and crueller. This had been no slap from Hera’s open palm, she realised. The blow had been too stiff and impersonal for that. Recalling the untidy clutter of papers, sweet wrappers and stationery on her desk, she wondered if Hera had taken something from there.

  Her thoughts were confirmed a moment later when Hera asked softly, ‘You don’t mind my borrowing your ruler, do you?’

  Debbie shook her head. Her thoughts were a turmoil of fear and excitement and she was dreading the sting of the ruler against her arse again. She dared not contemplate why Melanie and Grace were holding her in such a way as, although the proximity of the two women and the softness of their touch was exciting, Debbie still felt more apprehension than she was comfortable with.

  Repeatedly, Hera slapped the ruler hard against Debbie’s arse. The tip bit like acid into the hot flesh and it took every ounce of willpower she possessed to stop herself from shrieking. Each blow seemed to get closer and closer to the ultra-sensitive flesh of her sex and the effort of self-restraint became greater with each resounding thwack of the plastic against her exposed skin.

  The hardest stroke, as she had feared it would, landed squarely against the puckered ring of her arsehole. In spite of all her efforts to contain her cries, Debbie heard herself shriek as a bolt of pain shot from her backside, filling her body with a tingling explosion. The sensation felt so close to pleasure she wondered briefly how she should be able to tell the difference.

  A second blow, lighter but just as accurate, sparked a second eruption of fire throughout her. The ruler’s tip felt suddenly sharp against her anus and instantly she could differentiate between these feelings and true pleasure. Pleasure, she could endure. The intolerable explosion that now inflamed her body was something she could not endure for a moment longer.

  As though she had read Debbie’s thoughts, Hera commanded her aides to let go and turn Debbie around. ‘Do you consider yourself punished?’ Hera asked crisply.

  Blushing and unwilling to meet the woman’s eyes, Debbie nodded.

  Hera smiled softly. ‘I suppose that will do for the moment,’ she conceded. ‘I’ll allow you to speak during this initiation,’ Hera went on magnanimously. ‘You may say yes, or no. Just remember if you do say any other word, your last chance will be over. Do you understand?’

  Debbie nodded. ‘Yes,’ she whispered.

  ‘That’s good.’ She glanced around the untidy room and her eyes fell on a collection of sweets on the corner of Debbie’s desk. Hera picked up an M & M and placed it in her mouth. As she teased the sweet with her tongue she appraised Debbie’s large breasts. ‘I love your tits,’ she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Debbie blushed. She was about to mumble a thank-you when she remembered the condition Hera had given – the words ‘thank you’ were neither a yes or a no. Smiling with embarrassment, she tried not to meet Hera’s lascivious gaze. When she felt Hera’s finger tracing softly against the dark brown flesh of her areola, she forced herself to stay still and endure the woman’s touch.

  ‘Do you like Debbie’s tits?’ Hera asked.

  Debbie glanced up to see the question had been directed at Melanie. The mousy-blonde girl smiled and nodded. Without any encouragement, she placed her hand over one of Debbie’s orbs and squeezed the mound fondly.

  Debbie inhaled deeply.

  Melanie’s fingers stroked and caressed the bare flesh, her long manicured fingernails teasing the taut tip of Debbie’s nipple and rolling the hard little bud between her finger and thumb.

  Still fearing Hera’s retribution, Debbie resisted the urge to sigh.

  Hera was smiling at her. ‘I want to test your obedience,’ she explained carefully. ‘Is that acceptable to you, Debbie?’ As she asked the question, she slipped a second M & M into her mouth.

��Yes,’ Debbie replied nervously. To get into the Black Garter she was prepared to do almost anything.

  Hera made a show of enjoying the sweet and reached for a third. ‘Do you like these sweeties, Debbie?’

  Puzzled by the sudden distraction, Debbie frowned and nodded. Aware that she was able to respond properly, she said quickly, ‘Yes.’

  Hera placed the third sweet between her teeth and moved her mouth close to Debbie’s. ‘Take this one,’ she commanded.

  Debbie moved her mouth close to Hera’s, all too aware of what she was being asked to do. Her lips touched Hera’s and she reached for the small round sweet with a hesitant tongue. She felt the sweet fall into her mouth and before she could move her head away, she was being kissed. Hera’s tongue plunged into her mouth, tasting her, exploring and exciting her.

  The tight buds of her nipples, still enjoying the gentle caresses of Melanie’s fingertips, stood harder than before and then a second pair of hands began to stroke her body and she realised that Grace was touching her as well. The multiple stimulation was delightfully unanticipated and a light film of excited sweat rose across her forehead.

  Hera broke the kiss and grinned at Debbie who was still enjoying the attention of the two other women. She swallowed the untasted sweet whole and fixed Hera with an expectant expression.

  ‘Did you enjoy that?’ Hera asked coolly.

  ‘Yes,’ Debbie replied.

  Hera grabbed the packet of sweets and passed one each to Melanie and Grace. They both seemed to know what was expected of them. Melanie placed an M & M between her teeth and placed her mouth mere inches away from Debbie’s.

  With a sigh of excitement, Debbie found herself kissing another woman within seconds of having kissed her first. On the night of her initiation, even though they had both been naked and Hera had been exciting and aroused her, there had been no real intimacy. Then, there had just been the flickering threat of the candle and the exquisite delight of the molten wax. Admittedly, she had climaxed and each orgasm had been a rich, satisfying experience but they had not been warmed by the pleasure of intimacy.


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