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Lesley Davis - Dark Wings Descending

Page 19

by Lesley Davis

  “Did they find out why?” Ashley asked, moving to look over Alona’s shoulder.

  “No, but the description of the women he stopped was all the same. They were all blondes. Enough of them filed complaints about it, and one even followed him home and got his address. The police paid him a visit to warn him off terrorizing the neighborhood. In the file it says his excuse was mistaken identity, he thought these women were the woman who’d wronged him. He said something about how she stole everything that was his. The cops who interviewed him said he was very convincing. They even offered to help him find the woman he was after so it could be sorted out legally.”

  “I wonder if he’s still continuing in that trend. It could be worth checking out, if only to rule him out.” Rafe watched the screen as Alona scrolled down it.

  “I’ve got an address for him here in Chicago.”

  Rafe sat up straight in her chair. “Give me his name.”

  “Lucas Thorpe.”

  Ashley’s body reacted as if she’d been shocked. Rafe gave her a puzzled look until the name sank in and she remembered. Lucas Thorpe, Ashley’s half brother, born of demon parentage. Supposedly dead and buried.

  “I need to go.” Ashley hastily began gathering up her things.

  “Give me the address, Alona.” Rafe watched Ashley’s frantic scrabbling for her jacket. She took the printouts from Alona and shoved them into Ashley’s hands. “You’re with me. Let’s go pay this man a visit, shall we?”

  “Shouldn’t Dean go with you?” Alona said.

  Rafe pulled on her jacket. “I doubt this will pan out to be much. Tell him I’ll be back soon enough and we can go over the autopsy report together.” She steered Ashley out of the office and toward the elevator.

  Ashley began to speak. “Rafe…”

  “Not here,” Rafe said as they rode the elevator down in silence.


  Ashley sat stunned in the passenger seat of Rafe’s car. She had no recollection of how she had even gotten to the vehicle in the first place; her mind was a blur. They hadn’t left the parking lot, and Rafe had been unusually quiet reading over the reports.

  “My brother’s supposed to be in Boston, in their family plot, buried beside his mother,” Ashley finally spoke. She willed her brain to remember the long-forgotten details of a family she’d had little contact with growing up and none at all since she’d moved away.

  Rafe riffled through the pages. “It might not be him.”

  Ashley gawped at her. “You can’t honestly believe that? The only Lucas Thorpe I know of is the son of a demon. He’d fit your profile.”

  “My profile fits a man who is your brother’s age but is also a butcher or someone who knows how to handle a knife. It’s your profile of these cases that says I should be looking for a demon.” She looked over at Ashley. “Just because he’s your father’s son doesn’t make him the bad guy. You’re wonderful breathing proof of that fact, sweetheart.”

  “What if it is him? Alive and kicking and killing?”

  “And what if it isn’t?” Rafe took Ashley’s hand in hers. “I didn’t pull Dean in on this. If this is your half brother then we’ll deal with the fallout if and when it comes. Your names aren’t the same. You can’t be linked with him unless someone digs deep and knows your father. I need you to come with me.”

  “I haven’t seen him for years,” Ashley said. “I couldn’t pick him out of a lineup; it’s been so long, and he was just a little boy when I last saw him.”

  “He’s got a place on Washington Road.”

  Ashley’s brain kicked in and she frowned. “Washington Road? That’s only a few blocks east of last night’s scene. We passed it driving to the scene this morning.” She buried her head in her hands. “Tell me this is not happening.” Her stomach churned at the realization and implications that suddenly opened up for these cases if indeed her half brother was involved.

  “Let’s discount him before you find him guilty.”

  “And what if he is guilty?”

  “Then we bring him to justice.”

  Ashley laughed hollowly. “That’s just it, Rafe. Whose justice? Yours or mine?” She held in the terrible wail that tore at her chest as she realized her true role in this case. Damn you, Eli. Damn you to hell. You knew he was alive, you had to know. And you led me blindly along while he just kept on killing. The sob tore out of her throat unbidden and she felt Rafe’s arms wrap around her and hold her. She buried her face in Rafe’s jacket, racking sobs escaping her in painful gasps.

  “It could all be a coincidence,” Rafe soothed her. “We just have to be sure.”

  Ashley nodded against her, listening to the steady rhythm of Rafe’s heart, feeling the brush of Rafe’s hand through her hair. “What if it is him? What does that mean for us?”

  “It won’t change how I feel about you. It won’t alter the fact that I love you.”

  Ashley’s chest hitched as another sob rattled through her at Rafe’s gentle words.

  “You said we were soul mates. I believe that is supposed to be for life,” Rafe said.

  “And beyond that?”

  “There’s nothing beyond that for me unless I have you beside me.”

  Ashley’s heart broke at the sincerity in Rafe’s voice. “What happened to my big bad detective who didn’t believe in such things?”

  “She’s laid her badge aside for a moment to let the woman who loves you speak.”

  “I love you so much,” Ashley whispered.

  “And I love you. We’ll leave only when you’re ready.”

  “Can we just stay like this for a minute longer?” She tightened her grip around Rafe’s waist.

  “You can stay right here in my arms for as long as you like.” Rafe laid her cheek on Ashley’s hair.

  “You should be going to interrogate this suspect, not having to hold me while I fall apart.”

  “He can wait for a moment. You need to know that I will always put you first when I can.”

  “God, Rafe, what did I ever do before you came into my life? Someone who sees me and isn’t frightened by me or what I am. You’ve banished the darkness and the loneliness from my life. Soul mate or not, I’m never letting you go.” She pulled away but leaned up to place a tremulous kiss on Rafe’s lips. “Let me fix my face and then we can leave.”

  Rafe watched her silently. Ashley was intrigued by the lack of impatience she usually associated with her and which normally sent Rafe rushing into things unheeded. “You’re remarkably patient for someone who might have found their killer.”

  “I’m waiting on you. Yes, I want to go grab this guy. Yes, I want to beat the truth out of him. Yes, it is seriously driving me seriously fucking insane just sitting here when I really just want to put the car in drive and peel out of the lot. But I’m doing it for you. We’ll go when you are ready to face him because I think this is going to be harder for you than it ever will be for me if it does turn out to be your supposedly dead brother.”

  “Who made you so wonderful?” Ashley caressed Rafe’s cheek and held her breath when Rafe laid a kiss in her palm.

  “Ask your angel friend. I’m sure he knows more about it than I do.”

  I’m sure he knows more than he ever let on. Ashley resisted the urge to call Eli forth because at this moment she didn’t know if she wanted to question him or rip his wings off. Please let my half brother be somewhere else today, anywhere but at this address that’s home to a possible murderer. I’d even wish him to be six foot under if it meant it wasn’t his cruel signature being scrawled in Chicago’s alleys.

  “You might want to fasten yourself in,” Rafe said as she started the engine.

  Ashley didn’t begrudge her the screeching of rubber as Rafe reversed the car out of her space and shot them out of the lot. The flashing light in the windshield provided a steady rhythm for Ashley to watch as they drove through the busy morning traffic.

  “You going to call Eli?” Rafe asked.

  “No, I really don’
t want him involved at the moment.” Ashley took a deep breath, and for the first time in a long time, couldn’t feel the presence of the guardian who watched over her in life.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Ashley stayed belted in long after Rafe had pulled up outside the duplex listed as the Thorpes’ residence. I really don’t want to do this.

  “Ready?” Rafe unfastened her jacket and removed her gun from its holster.

  Ashley stared at it. “Do you really need that?”

  “Four murders say I might. Just stay behind me, okay?”

  “I’ll just follow your lead.”

  “If he starts growing horns, I’m deferring to your expertise, and whether you have a problem with Eli or not, I’d be happier to know he was backup for us.” She got out of the car and waited until Ashley joined her.

  Casting an eye up and down the street, Ashley couldn’t see any sign of anything remotely demonic. “The street is clear.”

  “Glad to hear it. Let’s go see if he’s in.” Rafe led the way up the cracked pavement and opened the screen door. Ashley winced as the squeal of its hinges set her teeth on edge.

  Why do I suddenly feel frightened? I’ve faced demons before; what makes this one so scary? If it is my half brother then surely I shouldn’t feel so apprehensive. We’re family. She chewed on her lip while Rafe banged on the door. It’s bad enough being linked to a cast-out angel, but a killer was something my father never was. Oh please, don’t let this be little Lucas.

  An angry voice shouted from inside. “I’m coming, I’m coming! Quit your banging!”

  Rafe looked over her shoulder at Ashley. “He has his dead mother here with him?”

  The door opened fractionally and a red-rimmed eye appeared in the crack. “What do you want? I ain’t buying anything.” The voice was scratchy and gruff. Ashley recognized it as belonging to Marion Thorpe, her father’s last mistress.

  Rafe held up her badge. “Detective Douglas, ma’am. I’m looking for Lucas Thorpe.”

  “What’s he done now?” Marion looked suspiciously at Rafe, then opened the door a touch wider.

  “Is he here?”


  “Do you know when he’s expected to return?”

  The door opened even wider. “No, I don’t because the little bastard never tells me anything. He just leaves me alone for hours at a time and expects me to cope.” She stepped out onto the porch and looked Rafe up and down. “Looks like someone beat the shit out of you.” She looked behind Rafe and shock was clear on her face. “Oh my God,” she gasped. “Ashley?”

  Whatever hope Ashley had of this being unconnected to her had vanished the second Marion opened the door reeking of whiskey and cigarettes. She’d aged but was still recognizable as the woman who didn’t want Ashley as any part of her family.

  “Marion,” Ashley acknowledged her. “I was told you and Lucas were dead.”

  Marion laughed harshly. “I might as well been. I swear that bastard son of mine aimed for that other car on purpose and slammed his truck into it. How we got out alive I’ll never know. Lucas dragged me out of there before the whole mess just blew up before us. I read reports that everyone died in the crash and there wasn’t much left of the bodies to be identified. But I’m still breathing, girl. Bet that just about has ruined your day, hasn’t it?” She smiled unpleasantly and revealed smoke-stained teeth. “Now what the fuck brings you to my doorstep?”

  Ashley clenched her teeth to stop from responding in the same tone as Marion. Still as charming as ever, I see. “Where’s Lucas?”

  “Well, he’s not here. And what do you care? Are you police too?”

  “I’m a private investigator.”

  “Same difference,” Marion spat. She glared at Rafe again. “You going to put that gun away or are you going to shoot me with it?”

  The corner of Rafe’s mouth twitched as she obviously considered her options. She holstered the weapon but left her coat open.

  “May we come in?” Rafe brushed past Marion and stepped inside the house.

  “Like I could stop you anyway.” She limped back to her chair, sat down with a thump, and reached for another cigarette.

  Rafe was checking out the various doors that led from the living area. “I need to check the other rooms to make sure they’re empty.” She gave Marion a look. She was waved away.

  “Go ahead. Knock yourself out. Just don’t steal anything.”

  Ashley didn’t know where to look. She desperately wanted to trail after Rafe and get out of the sight of Marion, who was staring holes through her with those penetrating hate-filled eyes of hers.

  “You’ve still got your father’s eyes,” Marion said.

  “They’re not something I could grow out of.”

  “When I saw you, I thought you’d come after him. But then you’d know more about where he is than I would, wouldn’t you? He always kept you close. Any time he spent with us he was only half there. You were always on his mind.”

  “You had him more than I did growing up, Marion. He left me on my own. I was a child.”

  “I had a child too!”

  “And you made it very clear you didn’t want another one in the way.”

  “He needed to be a proper father to his son. He couldn’t do that with another kid in the way.”

  “I was his firstborn.”

  “Your mother was gone. He was mine.” Forcefully stubbing out her half-smoked cigarette, Marion immediately shook out another from her packet. “So where is the bastard? Did he find some other woman to fuck around with once he’d left my bed?”

  Ashley frowned. “You think Dad left you?”

  “He just up and went and never came back. Broke my Lucas’s heart, and what was I supposed to tell him? That his daddy’s a cheating demon who can’t keep it in his pants?”

  “Didn’t Dad tell you what was going to happen to him?” Ashley couldn’t believe Marion didn’t know the truth. No wonder she’s so bitter.

  “He left me for someone else. That much I gathered.”

  “Surely he explained that he could be captured and banished?” She was surprised when Marion shook her head.

  “Banished? Banished where?”

  “Dad was banished years ago to hell for daring to come to earth and take on human form.”

  Marion took a long drag from her cigarette. “So he didn’t leave me for some slut?”

  “No, he’s in hell for all eternity because he fell from grace.”

  “I’ll give him hell when I catch up with him! Bastard left me with his damn kid to raise all on my own.”

  Rafe called Ashley’s name from another room. “I think you might want to come see this.”

  Ashley hastily located which room Rafe was in and saw immediately what she had found. Hanging on the wall of what was undoubtedly Lucas Thorpe’s bedroom was a painting. A woman adorned with huge white wings lay naked on the ground. Beneath her raged hell in vibrant reds and blacks, demons grabbing for her feet. Her one arm was stretched out above her as she reached toward the heavens. A beam of light lit up her blond hair like a halo as she pleaded for entry.

  “Dad painted it,” Ashley said. “I knew I recognized the damn pose.” She clenched her fists to stop herself from punching something. “Mom hated it and I remember her making Dad put it away. It hung in the hallway of our home, and I was always frightened by it. I was only tiny, and when it was hidden away I forgot all about it.”

  “Looks like Lucas had inspiration for his own works of art.” Rafe reached over the bed to remove the painting from the wall. “It needs to come with us. This is evidence.”

  Rafe carried the painting back into the living room and confronted Marion. “We have reason to believe your son is behind four murders that have occurred in the city.”

  Marion snorted with laughter. “You have got to be joking. That boy can’t do anything without being pushed into it first. He’s spineless.”

  “Marion, did Lucas ever display any powers?” As
hley caught Marion’s flash of fear and how she glanced at Rafe nervously. “It’s okay. Detective Douglas knows all about demons and their powers. You can speak in front of her.”

  “Powers. All we ever heard from your father was how smart you were. How talented you were. How you could be anyone you wanted to be.”

  “You know I can alter my appearance.”

  “Why didn’t you today so I wouldn’t have to see you?”

  Ashley reeled back under the venom spat at her. “Because I have nothing to hide where you’re concerned. And my dad, for some reason, loved you, so I granted you the courtesy of that knowledge and came as myself.”

  “You say this cop knows what you can do?”

  “Yes, she’s aware.”

  “You’re some kind of disgusting shape-shifter. Christ, your father was just so proud of that fact. My boy tried so hard to live up to that, but he didn’t stand a chance. He couldn’t match up to Daddy’s Little Angel. So what does he get from me being impregnated by a demon? Something he could do easily enough on his own. He’s not handsome. In fact, he’s just as plain as they come. You wouldn’t pay him the time of day. He might as well be invisible. Stick him in a room and he just blends into the background.”

  Ashley’s jaw dropped. “You’re talking literally? He’s a chameleon?”

  “Just slips right into the shadows. What fucking use is that for a boy? So I dragged him straight out of school right into a job. Might as well get some use out of him, I thought. I got him a trade he could be proud of. Got him a good one too. There’s always work in a slaughterhouse.”

  Ashley felt the floor tilt beneath her feet. A moan rumbled in her chest and nausea rose to her throat.

  “He’s a butcher?” Rafe asked, flipping open her phone and dialing.

  “He’s that and more. He’s a master at the trade. It’s about the only thing he ever did right.”


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