Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8)

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Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I had a lot of fun cooking for you.” Dante and Bethany had both been vocal in their enjoyment of her food, which she had loved so much.

  “I want to bargain with you, but I have nothing that you could possibly want.”

  “What kind of bargain do you want?” Zadie asked.

  “You at my house, living there, cooking there. I need breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a late-night snack.”

  “I can try and make you something so that you can heat it up yourself. It’s no biggie.”

  “You mean I can’t get you to stay with us at the cottage?” Bethany asked.

  “No. I wouldn’t feel comfortable being there all that much.”

  “I would love for you to be there. I happen to find your company utterly charming,” Dante said, moving up behind her. He placed a hand at her back, and she turned to find him smiling down at her.

  Those lips, and those dimples. Her pussy flooded with heat, and she was so mortified that she pulled away. “I’m so sorry, I just need to go and check on something.”

  She moved away, and went to stand near one of the tables with the food on it.

  Sloane was cooking, and she offered him a smile. “Is everything going okay?”

  “Yes. You left directions on the packet. I already know everyone is going to love it.”

  “I’ve just got to head home for a moment.” She needed the space, especially as her body just seemed to be reacting strangely.

  Arousal was something she was used to, but this was intense. Heading back home, she made her way into the kitchen, and poured herself a large drink of water.

  “You didn’t have to leave like that,” Dante said.

  She had heard someone enter, and she turned to face him. “I’m fine. I’ll be back out soon.”

  He moved toward her, and she could do nothing but watch him. He sniffed the air around her.

  “Being aroused has you all scared?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  His hand went to her hip, and he squeezed, making her gasp. He didn’t hurt, but it was the first time someone had touched her.

  Licking her dry lips, Dante took the glass of water out of her hand, placing it back on the kitchen counter. His other hand touched her cheek, moving back to cup the back of her neck. He used his thumb to tilt her head back.

  “What’s there to talk about, Zadie? You’ve never known what it’s like to be aroused by someone. Never known that someone could feel desire.”


  “Shh, I told you yesterday that someone out there could be attracted to you, that they could want you more than anything else in the world, and I didn’t lie.”


  “I was talking about myself, Zadie. I find you attractive. When I look at you, I want to touch, caress, have you screaming my name in pleasure, and never letting it stop.”

  “You’re supposed to be here for Bianca.”

  “I can’t stand her. You’re the only woman I’m interested in. The only one I want.” He pressed her up against the fridge, and she felt the evidence of his arousal pressing against her hip. “That is what you do to me.”

  “Dante, I don’t—”

  He once again silenced her, only this time, he did it with his lips, kissing away any protest that she might have. She pressed her hands against his chest, intending to push him away.

  The first touch of his lips awakened her body in a way she hadn’t experienced before in her life. When he held her more tightly, more firmly, she had hoped their clothes were gone, and they were naked.

  She released a whimper, and Dante plunged his tongue inside, tasting her.

  They both moaned, and it wasn’t long before she was holding him just as tightly as he did her.

  Suddenly, someone cleared their throat, and she looked up to find her brother there. “Sloane’s looking for you.”

  He didn’t linger, and Zadie didn’t know what to say. Her lips tingled, her body was on fire, and she wanted Dante.

  “I better go and see what he wants.”


  Dante watched as Zadie finished turning some of the meat on the grill. She was talking with Sloane. There were so many people around that he couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

  He hadn’t expected to make that sudden leap from them being friends, to him kissing her, or admitting that it was he who wanted her. She’d looked so scared at her reaction to him that he couldn’t allow her to just leave like that. He’d needed to talk to her, for her to understand what the hell was going on between them.

  “I love my sister. I’ve been taking care of her for years, and if you hurt her, I will fucking kill you. Alpha or not,” Luke said, coming to stand beside him.

  “I have no intention of hurting your sister. You won’t have to fight me. I am curious though, she told me of some of the men who spoke badly of her. Do you want to point them out to me?” He would gladly spend the entire visit showing these fucking man-boys what respect really meant.

  Luke shook his head. “I dealt with it. You start fighting with Sloane’s pack, it’s an insult. My sister seems happy with you, but please be careful with her. I don’t want to see her hurt.”

  With that, he left.

  Dante had enough of her hiding from him. Moving through the crowd, he ignored all the offers to dance, and took Zadie’s hand the moment he was there.

  “You don’t mind me stealing her away, do you? I want to have this dance?”

  He already had her in his arms, and between many of the young children of the pack.

  “You can’t run away from me for the rest of the month.”

  “I have no intention of running, Dante. This was a big mistake.”

  “No, it wasn’t. You and I both know it wasn’t. Don’t be a coward, and stop trying to pretend you don’t feel this, too.”

  She finally looked him in the eye. “What do you want me to say? My body just reacted, and it scared me.”

  “No. I want you to admit that you’re turned on by me. That the thought of me touching you, licking you, arouses you.” He paused, giving his words a chance to sink in. “Because I know that I do. From the first moment, I saw you a couple of days ago, I knew I wanted you.” He gripped her hip tightly. “And if you feel anything for me, or want to feel then you will ditch this party, and you will meet me at my cottage in thirty minutes.” He pulled away from her, leaving her on the dancefloor, as he said his goodbyes to Bethany, and told his sister to find another place to stay that night.

  When he was sure no one was watching, he slipped away, and made his way back toward his cottage. No one was around, and he and Zadie would have privacy. Entering his home, he poured himself a glass of water, and waited.

  Time passed. The clock on the wall seeming to mock him as it ticked on by, letting him know that time was running out. When twenty minutes passed, the door to the cottage opened, and there she was, in the kitchen.

  “I don’t know what is happening here. I don’t get it. I don’t understand it, and it frightens me, more than anything.” She fisted her hands at her side. “All of my life I’ve been made aware that I’m undesir—”

  “My dick is rock hard right now,” he said, cutting her off. “Some men think your curves are less attractive. I think they’re fucking fools. Your tits, I can’t wait to have them bouncing above me as I fuck you hard. Your ass, I want it nestled against my cock as I pound you. Your thighs, I want them wrapped around my waist, claiming me as I want to do to you.” He left the kitchen, and advanced toward her. He stopped only when he was right in front of her, and there was no way to escape, or at least no escape from him. He moved her backward until she was against the wall, and he placed his hands on either side of her, trapping her. “I’m getting tired of you thinking that you’re not attractive, when every single time I look at you, I think of only the dirty things I want to do to you. It should be illegal.”

  Her chest was rising and falling with her breathing. The d
ress she wore molded to her tits and waist, and flared out over her hips.

  Putting his fingers at her knee, he slowly began to lift them up, going underneath her skirt. The lemon scent was coming off her in waves, and making his mouth water for a single taste of her.

  Neither of them spoke as he glided his fingers up the inside her thighs, teasing right near her panties. Finally, after what felt like forever to him, he cupped her pussy. The panties she wore were wet. The scent of her arousal was heady in the air, making the lemon seem stronger.

  Staring into her green eyes, Dante moved his finger beneath the band of her panties, and slid inside.

  She closed her eyes, and released a gasp.

  “No, I want you looking at me, and only me,” he said.

  Once her eyes were open, he touched her clit, just a single finger against her clit.

  “Has anyone else touched you like this?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. From this day forward, no one else will touch you. Every single part of you belongs to me, Zadie.”

  In one yank, he tore the panties from her body, and dropped them to the floor. He cupped her pussy with nothing obstructing his touch.

  Sliding a finger through her slit, he found her clit once more, and began to stroke her body.

  “I’m going to take you, Zadie. You’re going to give me every single part of yourself, and I won’t let you hide. I won’t let you lose yourself. I want you. What I want more is for you to see how beautiful you are, how special, and how you deserve so much more.”

  Moving his hand from between her thighs, he licked the cream off his finger.

  “Tell me what you want?” he asked.


  “I want you to tell me exactly what you want, Zadie. I’m going to take from you, but I will be giving a lot back. Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.”

  She stared past his shoulder, and he saw the wheels in her mind turning.

  “I can have anything I want?”


  “I want to be held? I want to be taken, and fucked so hard that I don’t even care about who I am anymore.” She stared at him, and her words did shock him a little. “I want to be so consumed with lust that all I can think about is being in your arms again, with you being inside me.” Silence fell between them. His cock was going to break through his pants with that kind of dirty talk. “Can you give me that?” she asked.

  He took hold of her hand, and pressed it against his aching dick. “I can give you that and more. I can make you beg for more, and you’ll gladly do it.” Moving his hands to her shoulders, he pulled down the straps of her dress. This was going a lot faster than he’d imagined, but he didn’t mind. She was going to be his mate, and he planned to have her desperate for him so that by the end of the next full moon, she would leave this pack, and join him.

  The straps of her dress slid down her arms, and he stared into her eyes as he pulled the dress down. The bodice gave way, and he couldn’t deny himself a peek.

  Staring at her tits, he groaned. She wore a white lace bra. They were large, heavy, and he released her straps, to cup her tits. They filled his hands to perfection. With his thumb, he teased over her nipples, and she gasped, holding onto his shoulders as he stroked her breasts.

  “I’m only just getting started, and you’re already soaking wet for me, Zadie.”

  “Please, Dante,” she said.

  “Please, Dante, what?” he asked.

  “I ache. I need so much. Take it away, please.” Releasing her breasts, he had the dress torn from her body, and he moved her so fast, lifting her up, and placing her down on the edge of the dining room table. Spreading her thighs, he stared down at her soaking wet pussy.


  She belonged to him and him alone.

  No one else would know exactly how good she was.

  Chapter Seven

  Dante held onto her knees, spreading her thighs wide. This was really going to happen. Zadie stared up at him, and her arousal was only seemed to get stronger. She wanted him, and there was no denying that. Unlike the men in her pack, he wasn’t like anyone she had ever known.

  He stepped back, removing his shirt, and then quickly, he was naked as well. She stared down her body as he held onto his cock. The length was long, the tip already slick with his own arousal.

  “This is what happens when I’m near you. You don’t even have to be naked to have me like this. I want you so damn badly, and I can’t think fucking straight half the time.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked.

  “You’ve spent way too long having this shitty idea about yourself. Not happening. Not on my watch. As far as I’m concerned, I think you’re fucking beautiful, and right now, this has been my dream come true since I first saw you in the town square when I arrived. I noticed you even before Sloane made the introductions.” He reached out, his fingers twirling a curl of her long red hair. “I’m interested in you, Zadie. No one else. You have my undivided attention.”

  His hand dropped the curl, and he cupped her breast. Closing her eyes, she arched up. Her body was so sensitive to his touch. He glided down, going to her waist, and then her hips, to finally back to her knees.

  While his hands had been elsewhere, she had closed her spread thighs. Once again, he opened them up, and he slid down, his fingers teasing open her slit. She stared into his eyes as he once again stroked her pussy.

  Holding onto the edge of the table, she gripped it hard as he continued to work on her clit.

  “I’ve got to taste you. You smell so amazing.”

  His tongue was attacking her clit before she knew what to do. He flicked across her clit, and slid down, teasing over her entrance. “Are you going to give me this precious cherry?”

  “Yes.” There was no doubt, nor was there a single hesitation. She was more than willing to give herself to him. Her virginity was his for the taking.

  “You want to feel my dick sliding inside you?”


  In one quick move he had her picked up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to last much longer, and if I keep that up, you’re going to have your first time on a table. Not happening. Not on my watch. Tonight is going to mean something.”

  He kicked open the door, and dropped her to the bed. She chuckled as he followed her down, and then moaned. His lips covered hers, and all thought fled her mind as he kissed her deeply, his tongue plundering her mouth. She held onto him, not wanting to let him go.

  Touching and being near others was part of being in a wolf pack. For the past seven years, she hadn’t been touched by anyone, not a hug, nor a kiss. She kept her whole family at arms’ length. The rejection on every run made it impossible for her to even want to hug or kiss them. Every now and again, her mother would hug her, but Zadie would do everything to brush the closeness away. Part of her had felt that she didn’t deserve it because no one else would ever want her. Was she a burden to her family? She was scared of the answer. She had craved touch, closeness in more ways than she could have ever imagined, but it wasn’t from her family she wanted it. No, it was from a mate. A mate who would love her no matter what.

  Dante took her hands, pressing them up above her head so that she was clasped in one of his. With his free hand, he stroked down her body, finding her pussy, and he began to stroke her clit as he kept on kissing her.

  He broke from the kiss, moving his lips down to her neck, sucking over her pulse. She was on fire, desperate for more.

  “I can’t wait anymore. I want to feel you squeezing my dick as I come inside you.” He pulled back, and she knew without a doubt that this was it.

  This was the moment that he was going to take her.

  He gripped his cock, and she stared down as he ran the tip through her slit.

  “Do you have any second thoughts?” he asked.
r />   When she looked at him, she saw that his teeth were clenched.

  “Please give me an answer. I may be an Alpha, but I’m holding on by a thread right now, and there’s only so much control that I can give.”

  “I’m sure. I want you, Dante. I want this. Please, don’t stop.” She kept her hands above her head, showing him, she hoped, that she was giving herself up to him. “Take me. I’m yours.”

  The tip of his cock slid down to her entrance, and she held her breath. She had watched many couples mating when in the forest. There had been so much she had yearned for, craved, wanted more than anything else.

  Bianca and the women who had been regularly claimed didn’t know how good they had it. They didn’t go to bed at night craving touch, comfort, love. They knew what it was like to have it firsthand.

  Dante moved over her, and then in one hard thrust, he broke through her virginity, and seated himself to the hilt inside her.

  The pain was what shocked her first, and then it was Dante’s strength to keep her in place. He held her arms and took possession of her mouth as his cock branded her.

  “It’s okay. Sh, I’ve got you, baby.” He spoke in between kisses.

  Her pussy was on fire, and right now not in a good way. Tears filled her eyes, and several escaped.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed until the pain started to ebb away. She stared at Dante, into his hard eyes that were so dark they were almost black. In some strange way, he calmed her, made her feel like everything was going to be more than okay.


  Zadie’s pussy was incredibly tight, and seeing her in pain was the last thing Dante wanted. He didn’t want to ever hurt her, and right now he was struggling to keep his own anger at bay. He was angry at himself for not having the patience to prepare her.

  This was his own failing, and he would make sure that she was treated better. He’d been so desperate, so impatient that he’d not wanted to wait.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” he said, taking her ear, and sucking it into his mouth.

  She released a little gasp, and her body moved. It was only a slight movement, but it was there.


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