Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8)

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Fat Mate (The Alpha Shifter Collection Book 8) Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Her pussy continued to pulse around his shaft, milking him. The scent of blood was also in the air, confirming her virginity, not that he minded. Actually, that was incorrect. He would have had to go out and slaughter every single man that had touched her. He didn’t like the thought of anyone touching her. She belonged to him, and him alone.

  The wolf inside him wanted nothing more than to keep her by his side, to love, and to protect her every single day of his life.

  “That hurt,” she said. “I didn’t think it would hurt. I knew it would hurt because I’d read that everyone’s first time would, but wow, that hurt.”

  He chuckled. “I can take all the time in the world.”

  “You were a little impatient to start off with.”

  “Yes. I’ve been wanting you for a long time.”

  “You’ve not known me all that long.”

  “I know. But that’s the thing, Zadie, you’re the woman I’ve been hoping for. The woman I’ve been lying awake at night hoping to find. You’re her, and that is why I can’t wait for us to be together.”

  “What about Bianca?”

  “Don’t mention her name in my presence. Especially not when I’m balls deep inside you. My dick could shrivel up.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re kidding?”

  “Not kidding, babe. She holds no attraction to me. I don’t care about her, and I certainly don’t find her appealing. There’s only one woman I want right now, and she’s currently in my bed with my dick inside her.”

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of pink.

  “I’m making you blush.”

  “You have that ability it would seem.”

  “You’re missing your own party.”

  “I’d miss everything just to be with you.” He saw her words were melting her. Any doubt she had was dripping away from her body. Pressing a kiss to her collarbone, he heard her gasp.

  “Are you ready for me to move?” he asked. “Do you want me to try and see if there’s any more pain?”


  Slowly, he eased out of her. At first, she tensed as if she was expecting pain. Slowly, she relaxed, and he held his cock with just the tip inside her.

  “That’s it. How do you feel?”

  “The pain is gone. It feels incredible,” she said.

  She arched up and thrust her pussy onto his cock. He groaned, as he felt her suck him inside. The heat of her, the wetness, it only served to arouse him even more. Sitting back, he gripped her hips, and watched as his cock sank inside her body.

  His shaft was coated in her cream, and she was getting wetter as the seconds passed.

  Pressing his thumb against her clit, he began to stroke, going backward and forward, feeling her cunt tighten around him as he played.

  “All of this body belongs to me. I don’t want anyone else to know how perfect you are, how you belong to me, and only me.”

  “Yes,” she said, panting. “Please, Dante.”

  “Do you want to come?”

  “Yes!” She screamed the word, and he wondered if anyone in town heard her voice. It was a heady sound, so full of sex.

  This woman was designed to mated, to be fucked. Her large clit, fat tits, and fuckable body now all belonged to him.

  No other male would take her from him.

  He brought her to orgasm, stroking her pussy as he also rocked inside her. His movements were slow, but making sure she felt every single inch of him claiming her.

  “Dante, please,” she said, repeating the words over and over again.

  Finally, he tipped her over the edge a second time, only he didn’t give her the chance to come undone. Releasing her hips, he was once again over her, and pounding inside her tight heat.

  Holding her hands above her head, he fucked her hard, claiming her with his cock, wanting to brand every fucking inch of her.


  No one else wanted her but him.

  Pumping his cock inside her, it wasn’t long before he found his own release, and spilled every single drop of his cum inside her.

  “Dante,” she said, moaning.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly, and vowing to never let her go without again. She needed his touch. He had seen it in her eyes, and knew that she’d been going without.

  His weight was crushing her, so he moved to the side, giving her room to breathe. With his cock still deeply inside her, he didn’t want to ever be without her. Pushing some of her red hair off her face, he cupped her cheek and tilted her head back.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, concerned. The scent of blood was still in the air.

  “At the moment, I feel better than anything. I always dreamed about what that would be like, and I never for a second thought it would be that … wonderful.”

  “You’re going to be sore. I wasn’t gentle with you.”

  She smiled. “You don’t need to be gentle with me. I’m a big girl.”

  He kissed her head. “I’m always going to be worried about you now, babe. I can’t take it back.”


  “I want to take you with me, at the end of the full moon. This is just the beginning, Zadie. I want to claim you as my wolf, as my mate, as the love of my life.”

  Chapter Eight

  The floorboard creaked beneath her, and Zadie paused, glancing up and down the long hallway expecting her parents to walk in any minute. She had left Dante’s house the moment he’d fallen into a deep sleep. At first, she didn’t think for a second that she’d be able to get away, and it felt stupid to her to even try.

  “Seriously? You’re trying to make the walk of shame look easy?” Luke asked, standing in the kitchen doorway with his arms folded.

  She ran fingers through her hair, and sighed. “I was trying.”

  “And totally failing. I have to say this is certainly a turn of things. You being a little tramp staying out all night.” The smile on his face gave away his teasing. “It’s about time. Twenty-five years old, and finally living a life instead of being a saint.”

  “I never claimed to be a saint.” Seeing as her brother was already awake, she gave up her sneaking and took a seat at the kitchen counter. Glancing at the time she saw it was a little after three in the morning. She wasn’t tired, and in fact felt really wired.

  Her body was sore, but she didn’t for a second regret a moment of what they had shared.

  “Still doesn’t mean people don’t see you that way. I take it you were with Dante.”

  “Of course. There’s no one else that would be seen with me.” She dropped her head into her hands. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “Do you think it’s wise to be with Dante?”

  “I don’t know. He has this way about him. It’s hard to explain. When I’m with him, I forget that I’ve only known him a matter of days. He makes everything … fade away. He sees me, Luke. I’m not just a babysitter, or a cook, or a baker, or someone to ignore. I mean something to him.” She tucked some of her hair behind her ears. “I like the way he looks at me.”

  “With all due respect, why are you walking in late at night? Shouldn’t you be with him?”

  “Ugh, I don’t know. This is … complicated.”

  Luke put a tall glass of milk in front of her.

  “We’re out of cookies,” he said.

  “I’ll bake some more soon.” She took a sip of the cold milk. “He wants to mate with me, Luke.”

  “That’s a pretty big step.”

  “It’s not just big. It’s huge. He’s supposed to be here for Bianca. Why would he want me when he could have her?”

  “Hate to break it to you, sister, but Bianca’s not that great.”

  “You fell for her.”

  “When I thought all I needed was a pretty face. Bianca doesn’t have it in her to be an Alpha’s mate. Not now, not ever. She’s too selfish, and Dante will want children. You’ll want children, and you’l
l be part of a pack with a mate who clearly adores you. I had my doubts, but he does look to you as if you’re some kind of goddess.”

  “He makes me happy, Luke.”

  “Again, why are you sitting here? Why do the walk of shame?”

  “Because, what if I’m not really what he’s looking for? What if I was just a bit of fun?” Tears filled her eyes as doubts threatened to overwhelm her. Rubbing her temple, she frowned. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be…”

  “This insecure?”

  “I guess everything that he’s offering me, it’s all I’ve ever wanted, and I guess now I’m afraid that it’ll disappear.”

  Luke moved toward her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “You have to believe in him. He’s not leaving for an entire month. After the next full moon. Don’t hold back. Try and be yourself with him. Embrace everything he has to offer, and fall in love. Let yourself be taken, Zadie.” He kissed her temple, and moved away. “I do think you have a real chance with this.”

  “Why did you sound so negative in the beginning?” she asked.

  “Simple, I didn’t know how serious you were with him. Now I’ve got an idea, and I even understand it. Let yourself live a little, Zadie. It has always broken my heart seeing you shatter piece by piece. Don’t let those bastards win anymore. Dante wants you, and I know you want him. Take that chance. I’m going to head to bed to get some sleep. Try not to give yourself a headache with overthinking everything.”

  She watched her brother leave, and finished her milk. There was no way she was even going to try to get some sleep. Heading up to her room, she took a quick shower in her en-suite. Standing under the spray of the water, she released a sigh. It was a really hot night, and after the trek back to her own place, she felt the dirt beneath her feet. Once she was clean, she climbed out, and made her way into her bedroom where she gasped.

  There, on her bed, was Dante.

  Covering her eyes with her hands, she waited a second, and then opened her hands. He was still sitting there.

  “Seeing if you’re dreaming now. That’s a little … silly,” he said.

  She glanced toward her window, and then back at him. “How did you know this was my room?”

  “I didn’t I guess.”

  “You could have woken my parents, or Luke.”

  “Then I had a very lucky guess.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I have to say this is new for me, Zadie. I’ve never had a woman actually sneak from my bed. Nor have I had a woman wait until I was in a deep enough sleep to leave.” He stood up.

  She only wore a towel, and just the sight of him in a pair of jeans, and only that, turned her on. Her body no longer felt like her own, but like he owned every single part of her.

  “I didn’t do it to upset you.”

  “Why then?” he asked. He stepped toward her, and his finger traced the path of her towel, toward the knot that held it together. “Why did you leave me? Was I not good enough? Did I make you hurt?”

  She hoped her brother was asleep. “It was perfect, Dante. I loved every second of belonging to you.”

  “Then tell me what went wrong,” he said.

  “Nothing went wrong.”

  “A satisfied woman doesn’t sneak out at the end of the night. Tell me what I did wrong, and I will fix it.”

  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and spoke the truth. “It was what you said.”

  “What I said?”

  “About owning me. About claiming me as your mate.” She opened her eyes, and stared into his.

  “Isn’t that what you want?”

  Dropping her head, she stared at his chest. “We’ve known each other a matter of days, and … I honestly don’t know what to think. Everything is just so crazy.”

  He tilted her head back with his fingers beneath her chin.

  “You’re afraid?”

  “I’m used to being ignored, and you don’t do that. Every time you look at me it’s like you know me better than I know myself, and that is what I’m not used to. Everything else, it’s just … I don’t know.” Tears spilled down her cheeks, and she hated that. Pointing at her face, she growled. “I hate that. I hate crying, and being weak.”

  Dante pressed her against the wall, and his lips were on hers. With his hands on her hips, she held her in place. His dick was rock hard against her stomach.

  “You’re one of the strongest women I know, Zadie. I’ve got a month. In that month, I will prove to you that I’m a strong enough mate for you. That there’s no one else in the world who can make you feel the way that I do.”

  He glided his fingers down her cheek.

  “There is only you, Zadie.” With that, he moved toward her window.

  “Wait, what are you doing?”

  “I got in this way. I’m totally going to leave this way. I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said, climbing out of her window, and dropping down.

  Rushing toward it, she watched him land gracefully, and then take off. She was shocked that he’d visited her at her home, but also thrilled that he would.

  Pressing the tips of her fingers against her lips, she smiled. That kiss had really been something. He was going to prove to her that they were meant to be together.

  She didn’t know what that meant, but she suddenly looked forward to the morning. It wouldn’t be long before she saw him again, and she was more than okay with that.


  “Camping out in the forest is all fine and good in wolf form, but when you’re in human skin, the bugs are a fucking menace,” Bethany said, eating grapes one after the other.

  “I didn’t expect you back so soon.”

  “I saw you leave, and when I entered no one was around. I thought things were going well with you and Zadie.”

  Dante sat down in a chair. It was late, and he had no intention of going to sleep. “I scared her.”

  “Really? With that? Your charm?”

  “With telling her that I want her to be my mate, and take her back to my pack.” He began eating the grapes, suddenly hungry from the evening he’d had.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I had her in my arms, Bethany. She felt it, too. The connection. She’s meant to be mine, and she is perfect in every single way.” He stopped talking to chew on the grapes, their sour sweet flavor bursting in his mouth. “I thought she was on the same page, and then she waited until I was asleep, and left me. This pack really did a number on her without even meaning to.”

  “I’m sorry,” Bethany said. “I do like her. Sloane was looking for you at the barbeque today. I stalled for you.”

  “I’ve already told him my intentions.”

  “What are your intentions exactly? I know what you think you want, but what if you get bored?”

  “I won’t get bored. You don’t get it. Something happens to me when I’m with her. She makes me feel like I can do everything. Nothing else matters, and I can’t lose that feeling. Not now, not ever. I’m going to win her over. No matter what.”

  “I will wish you luck, big brother. You are going to need it.” Bethany left the kitchen, and Dante stayed there, eating the last of the grapes. He needed to come up with a plan. Tomorrow he’d talk with Sloane, find out what the other Alpha wanted, and then he was going to be attached to Zadie’s side. He wanted to talk with her brother as well. Maybe he could help him on his quest.

  Dante didn’t go back to bed. Once it was light enough, he took a shower, changed into another pair of jeans and a long shirt. Putting on some boots, he headed out of the cottage, and made his way toward Sloane’s place.

  The Alpha was already enjoying breakfast on his front porch with his wife, Anna.

  “Morning,” Dante said. He entered the garden, and took the few steps toward the breakfast table.

  Sloane stood, and shook his hand. “Have a seat.”

  “Bethany said you were looking for me yesterday,” Dante said. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Is th
ere anything I can do?” He nodded at Anna, and then looked at Sloane.

  “Breakfast, I’m so famished right now,” Bianca said, taking a seat next to him. She reached out for a piece of toast and buttered it.

  Dante saw Anna glaring at her daughter.

  “You’re only just getting in?” Sloane asked.

  He looked at Bianca’s clothing, and saw she was still wearing the short skirt and tight tank top that she had been wearing yesterday.

  “It’s no biggie. Everything is more than good. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  She took her toast, winked at him, and left.

  “I have no interest in mating with your daughter, Anna.”

  “I’ve told her that you want Zadie,” Sloane said.

  “Bianca doesn’t take her role seriously, and I worry that she is going to regret her past actions. Nothing can be done about it now I’m afraid,” Anna said. “Zadie is a wonderful woman. She is a treasure, and I know she’s going to make one hell of an Alpha’s mate.”

  Everyone always had something nice to say about Zadie. He liked that.

  “I want to make sure that this is not going to cause any problems. I have a month, and by the end of it, I intend to take Zadie home with me.” He never failed.

  “Are you sure?” Sloane asked.

  “More than sure. I’m about to go and visit with her parents. Once I’m done, my focus is going to be getting her to trust me. She’s the one for me.”

  “You have my backing and my support,” Sloane said.

  “We’ll find someone else for Bianca,” Anna said, looking toward the house.

  If looks could kill, Bianca would be in a lot of trouble. He finished his breakfast, and didn’t take time to linger. He wanted to get as much work done as he could, and let the relevant people know his intentions.

  The town center was already busy, and he waved, nodded, and did everything that was required of him. He got to Zadie’s house in no time at all, and knocked at the door.

  He heard her parents inside, but he couldn’t hear her. Checking the time, he saw it was a little after eight, and figured she’d be at the nursery or something like that.

  Tristan, her father, opened the door.

  “Dante,” he said.

  “Hello, Tristan.”


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