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Raven Willow-Wood

Page 6

by The Bodyguard (lit)

  She would soon see to that! She would soon ensure that he was so aware of her love that he floated on air with it!

  Nodding her head resolutely, Brooke grabbed a sheet and wrapped it around herself to cover her body and began to wonder where Zeno was. Why hadn't he been by her side when she woke up?

  The thought didn't worry her as it once might have done. He wouldn't have left her unless it was vital. She knew that and somehow knew that he was safe. Deep in her heart, she realized that he was fine and that she had no need to concern herself about his welfare.

  Elation bubbled through her as she thought about the future they would have ahead of them. It didn't matter if they had to duck and dive for the rest of their lives. They would be together and that was all that mattered. That was all she needed to get through the days. Her love for him strengthened her now, encouraged her to regain her confidence in herself.

  So rather than staying in the room she'd slept in, she trailed slowly out of it and down the stairs. She could only assume that it would be safe for her to do so, otherwise Zeno would never have left her alone.

  Brooke wandered along the corridors and down stairways, straining for a sound. She strained to hear the hustle and bustle that she’d heard the day before at this Godforsaken place.

  Eventually she heard noises and headed towards them. Ignoring the sights in each room she passed, she concentrated on the noise up ahead. On the ground floor, there was a huge room, and it was crammed with humans. She frowned and walked into the chamber, standing on her tiptoes to see whatever the hell was going on. Spying Zeno at the very front on some sort of pedestal that lifted him above the crowd, she began to walk through the crowd towards him. As she moved nearer, she heard him speak.

  “Humans, I can only apologize for the treatment you have suffered at my brethren's hands. I hope that you can accept this apology and know that you are released from your captivity.”

  A buzz of excitement washed over the room, but it was quickly dampened.

  Brooke realized that they thought this was another punishment. They must have thought this was some sort of mental torture where they were leading them to believe that they were free only for their freedom to be whipped away cruelly. False hope could be so heart-wrenching.

  She'd seen the slaves roaming around the building the day before doing the Cyborgs’ bidding and generally being both their servant and plaything. Their treatment had been horrific. Even in her dulled and somewhat vacant state of mind, she’d been able to realize that.

  “If you wish to stay with your allotted Cyborg, then you can. But if not, you are free to leave. A warrior will return you to your home. You are free to go.”

  Another wave of excitement rippled through the chamber and was once more flattened within an instant.

  Brooke pushed and tugged her way through the crowd, finally reaching the front and Zeno after getting elbowed in the stomach and stepped on. She rubbed her stomach where she'd been hit and wanted to rub her bare feet after they'd been trod on by members of the surging crowd.

  Walking towards Zeno, she stood in front of him and pulled at the toga-like garment to gain his attention.

  “They don't believe you.”

  Looking down at her with a slow smile of welcome that made her toes curl, he muttered, “I can only tell them they're free so many times, Brooke.”

  “Let me tell them,” she whispered helpfully.

  He nodded, obviously a little shocked at her offer as he knew how she hated large crowds, but willingly lifted her up and held her upright and aloft.

  Being held so close to his body was like being in heaven, she had to refrain from shuddering and shivering in pleasure.

  However, this was obviously important to Zeno, so she tried her best to concentrate and focus on Zeno's earlier speech.

  “People,” she started, her voice quavering a little as she tried to collate her thoughts and rein them in so that they would believe her. “I'm human, too. I was also captured by a Cyborg and released by the man holding me. I can honestly vouch for him. His words aren't false. I've known him for twelve years and he's a good and honest man. You may see him as a Cyborg and someone to be feared, but he isn't. He isn't offering you false hope. He means what he says, and, if he says you're free, then you're free.”

  She could feel wonder start to affect the crowd in front of her and realized that they'd started to believe when someone from the crowd shouted out a question.

  “How do we know this isn't just a cruel joke?”

  “You don't,” she'd answered on a shrug. “There are no assurances in this life, but listen to me, he speaks the truth. If you wish to remain with your Cyborg partner, as I do, then move to the front and please be courteous enough to respect that decision by allowing them to pass to the front.”

  Silence reigned for a few moments until, hesitantly, the crowd began to shuffle slightly. Some women began to move forward and they gathered at the front, their heads ducked as though racked with shame.

  Seeing that, she cried out, “There is NO shame in staying with a partner you love. Do not be ashamed of any emotion you hold for a Cyborg. Please step forward now, if you wish to remain with your partner.”

  Silence again reigned until a small number of people moved forwards.

  Nodding as she realized that these people genuinely wanted to stay, she said to the others, “The rest of you are free to go. Please wait to be escorted by a warrior who has been ordered to return you safely to your home. It is imperative that you wait, as this new law will not yet have passed through every corner of society. There is a danger you will be recaptured. But fear not, if you are, then you will be released again.”

  She had no idea where the words came from. But she knew she spoke the truth. Perhaps she had taken a little liberty in saying all that. Maybe Zeno had only wanted to free those at this awful place, but she doubted it. She assumed he now held some position of power, as behind him stood around one hundred Cyborgs who weren't arguing with his right to say these words.

  Knowing that he could free these captives made her even happier, as no one deserved to live the way these poor people had. If some of them had fallen in love with their Cyborgs, then who was she to judge when she herself had fallen for her own?

  The crowd before her fell silent and then another person shouted out, “How can we trust you? You could be one of them!”

  “I can promise you, I'm human. I was captured and torn from this Cyborg's hands by one of his own. Believe that if you can believe nothing else. I love him and he loves me. He, in no way, agrees with humans being taken captive. I wouldn't care for him the way I do if he could accept and uphold such hideous beliefs. You're being gifted with your free will. Take it and accept it.”

  She wasn't sure why, but she thought that her words resonated with the crowd and once more a few women ducked forward and stood with the rest of those who wished to remain with their Cyborgs.

  The crowd behind them quieted down.

  “When can we leave?” another person shouted.

  This time, Zeno answered. “As my good lady has said, as soon as the warriors are free to return you to your homes you can go. It should be within the next day or so. You may stay here in the hall as you wait. For those of you who wish to remain, call out your names and your partner will collect you and you may return to your rooms.”

  In the crowd of hundreds that stood before them, only around fifty or so women had chosen to remain with their partners. It saddened her that these huge numbers of women had been taken captive and possibly, who was she kidding, probably, had been abused by their captors.

  There was nothing that could be done for them though. Their freedom and returning to their family's bosoms should offer them some comfort.

  As the Cyborgs collected their partners and scuttled out of the hall, Zeno lowered her to the ground then stepped down himself. Clasping her hand in his own, he called out, “Adfa?”

  “Yes, Zeno.”

  “Ensure t
hat I'm not disturbed for the rest of the day. You're in charge until tomorrow morning when my leadership will truly start. Your orders are to ensure that throughout every other base in the country, it is known that to seize humans is an offense worthy of time in jail, and that these good people are to be returned home with an escort.”

  The Cyborg nodded his head before turning on his heel and leaving the hall.

  Together, Zeno and Brooke walked hand in hand through the crowd of women in front of them. They managed to pass through to the front without trouble and soon stepped into the hallway.

  Zeno led her to another set of rooms in a completely different direction to the one she'd taken earlier.

  As they walked, she asked, “This is real, isn't it, Zeno? I'm not dreaming?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, honey, you are walking through the Cyborg Base in a bed sheet, and, yes, I'm alive.”

  She sighed contently, although a smile played on her lips. “I'm glad.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Thank you for coming to save me, Zeno.”

  “You should never have doubted I’d come for you. You didn't believe I'd let you rot here, did you?”

  “I thought you were dead,” she whispered. “Life wasn't worth thinking about without you in it, Zeno. I didn't care.” She bit her lip. “I love you. I think I’ve always loved you.”

  Zeno pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her, grateful to feel her warm and safe in his embrace. “I know you don’t think I’m capable of it, Brooke, but I love you and I always have.”

  She nodded shakily, the words making her heart flutter weakly.

  “Are you really the leader now?”

  “Yes,” he nodded somberly. “I'm sorry, sweetheart. The bastard who took you was the leader. I had to ... get rid of him, and, in Cyborg law, it's survival of the fittest. I was fitter than the leader, so now I am the leader.”

  She nodded but didn't reply, just allowed him to lead her to their new quarters.

  The sprawling vastness of the building in which they stood was quite amazing. It took five minutes just to reach their room.

  She went in and glanced around. It was clean and not overly decorated. There was a bed and a few other bedroom accoutrements, such as the closets and other bits and pieces.

  Spinning around as soon as he shut the door, she whispered, “Zeno, when I saw you yesterday, I couldn't believe you were there. Then I realized that you could have been killed and ... I-I couldn't stand that. How could you put yourself in such danger? I can't cope without you. Surely you know that? You have to promise me that you'll try to stay safe. For me!”

  “Sweetheart, I can't make that promise. Life isn't like that. I could have been killed, but life without you is nothing for me either. You're my woman,” he murmured softly.

  With dazed eyes, she allowed that thought to register, then whispered softly, “I am? You really meant that?”

  He nodded.

  She flung herself into his arms and hugged him tightly.

  “How can you not know that, Brooke?”

  “I don't know,” she whispered, her voice quavering.

  “Well, start believing it. You're mine,” he growled and, bending his head, placed a hungry kiss upon her lips. His tongue swept into her mouth, and he began to devour her.

  His need for her sent a quiver of sensation throughout her.

  Greedily, she returned his kiss. Her lips were smothered beneath his before he pulled away from her and, with great restraint, walked her into the bathroom.

  Heading directly for the shower, he turned the water on. The mist encompassed them and, reaching for the cleanser, he slowly rubbed it into every part of her body. Paying particular attention to her pussy and breasts, he then rinsed her clean and whispered, “All gone now.”

  Eyes fluttering at the feel of his hands pampering her, she said softly, “He didn't ... you know.”

  Ducking her head, she didn't see the ire in his eyes before it was banked. “You don’t have to lie to me, Brooke.”

  Brooke gaped at him. “What do you mean?”

  He shook his head at her. “A woman who’s never known a man has a hymen,” he said, trying to gentle the anger in his voice. “You didn’t.”

  Brooke felt her jaw sag. “You don’t believe me?”

  His expression hardened. “It doesn’t matter. I killed the son of a bitch! You’re mine now.”

  Anger flickered through her. “I was always yours! I don’t know how you could think such a thing!”

  “I will never allow anyone to take you from me, ever again. Any bastard that touches you will be punished. You're mine, and I protect what's mine. It killed me to know that I hadn't saved you from him. It does now. I love you regardless of what's happened,” he muttered hoarsely. “Never forget that. From now on, you'll only experience love, and I'll make damned sure of that.”

  Brooke didn’t know whether to clobber him or kiss him. “You think … because I was … eager that I’d had sex before?”

  His expression was taut. “I told you it didn’t matter.”

  “It matters to me!” she snapped. “Do you think he would’ve still been trying to seduce me when you got here if he’d already … fucked me? He chained me up because I fought him! I couldn’t bear to think of him touching me when all I’d ever wanted was you!”

  He stared at her a little strangely for a moment, clearly considering what she’d said. “That’s the truth?”

  She gave him a look but finally relented. Moving closer, she placed a kiss against his chest. “I want to experience love. In our bed. Yesterday was wonderful, but you hadn’t told me you loved me then.”

  Inclining his head regally, he lifted her against him and walked with her back into the bedroom. Lowering her on the bed, he said quietly, “What my woman wants, my woman gets.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she pondered that statement for a second. Then, eyes flaring wide at the possibilities, she slowly spread her legs and reached down to touch herself a little.

  “Kiss me. Here.”

  He bowed down and kneeled against the floor. Dragging her legs forward, he placed one over each of his shoulders so that his face was practically pushed into her pussy.

  He breathed in deep. Nudging her with his nose, he rubbed her clit with the end and dragged it down between the lips and slowly back up again.

  “God, your scent...,” he said on a shaky breath, “heaven.”

  Her legs twitched a little.

  It always astounded him, how she could remain so nervous in some regards and so free in others. There was nothing they hadn't done to each other, yet she could still feel unnerved when he did something simple like inhale her scent.

  Smiling, he clasped her clit between his lips and tugged for a little while. Then lapping at it with his tongue, he slowly built up her need; bringing it up and up until her inner thighs clutched his head.

  His tongue slowly slithered down and pushed deeply into her cunt. Lapping up her juices, he thrust in and out of her, teasing her with what was to come. Nibbling at her clit for a moment, he pressed a kiss to her pussy then asked hoarsely, “What else would my woman like?”

  Breathlessly, she whispered, “I want you to fuck me, Zeno, from behind.”

  Tenderly, he turned her over so that her butt faced him and rested against the edge of the bed. Leaning down, he bit her butt cheeks then slid his hand over her ass and delved in between the wet lips, spreading moisture as his fingers moved.

  He fucked her with those digits for a little while, allowing his fingers to drive her insane. Only when she started whimpering did he remove them to suck his fingers clean of her juices.

  Standing up, he reached underneath her and lifted her slightly at the juncture of her thighs. Grabbing his cock, he smoothed it along her wet cunt then slowly thrust into her.

  Placing both hands at her hips, he levered her for his comfort. He hissed as he slid in deep. In this position she could take all of him, and the feel of those moi
st wet clinging walls drove him mad with lust.

  Her muscles fluttered around him. That little move almost made him cum. Smacking her on one cheek, he muttered, “Behave.”

  “Well, fuck me then! Hard!” she muttered, and he just knew if he saw her face that she'd be pouting, her luscious lips rounded into the perfect O. The thought made his eyes glaze over.

  Complying with her wishes, he begun to fuck her. Hard. His hips thrust fiercely into her, banging the flesh of her ass against his thighs. He allowed her no quarter. He fucked her until sweat dotted his brow and whimpers, mewls of need, had started to escape her throat. When her hand reached down and started to play with her clit, he allowed his mind's eyes to reenact what he couldn't see.

  When those delicious muscles of hers began to flutter around him once more, this time in climax, he roared gutturally as his balls tightened and hugged his body and his cock jammed deep into her, his cum spewing deeply into her womb.

  Her cries blended with his groans, and slowly they reached the peak together.

  * * * *

  “Now, what does this remind me of?” he asked hoarsely.

  She didn't reply, but then he hadn't expected one. She couldn't exactly answer when her mouth was stuffed full with his cock.

  Looking down, he groaned and watched that mouth, that fucking bewitching mouth, swallow him whole.

  It was then he realized, she'd once more somehow bypassed his guards and sensors, managing to touch him without him instantly awakening.

  On a frown, he contemplated why and realized that his defenses and his body knew that she was his. That when she touched him, it was as though he was doing the touching. His system simply accepted her as his.

  “I've warned you about the consequences before, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes glowed in excitement and if he wasn't mistaken challenge.

  “Release me,” he commanded.

  She complied breathlessly and waited for him to make his next move.

  Climbing off the bed, he stood at the edge and said, “Get on the floor.”


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