The Boarded-Up House

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The Boarded-Up House Page 3

by C. Clyde Squires

  “As usual, you’ve thought of just the thing to do. I never would have,” murmured Cynthia, still gazing at the picture of the lovely lady. Suddenly Joyce started nervously:

  “Hush! Do you hear anything? I’m almost certain I heard a sound in the other room!” They both fell to listening intently. Yes, there was a sound, a strange, indefinable one like a soft tiptoeing at long intervals, and even a curious, hoarse breathing. Something was certainly outside in the drawing-room.

  “What shall we do?” breathed Cynthia. “We can’t get out of here without passing through that room! Oh, Joyce!” They listened again. The sound appeared to be approaching the door. It was, without doubt, a soft tiptoeing step. Suddenly there was the noise of a chair scraping on the floor as if it had been accidentally brushed against. Both girls were now numb with terror. They were caught as in a trap. There was no escape. They could only wait in racking suspense where they were.

  They stared with the fascination of horror

  As they stared with the fascination of horror, the partially open door was pushed farther open and a dim gray form glided around its edge. Joyce clutched Cynthia, gave one little shriek, half-relief and half-laughter, and gasped:

  “Oh, Cynthia! It’s Goliath!”



  IT was, indeed, Goliath. He was an enormous cat, and his purr was as oversized as his body. That was the hoarse sound that they had thought was heavy breathing. His footfalls too could be distinctly heard when all else was quiet, and he had evidently rubbed against some light article of furniture in the outer room and moved it. In the reaction of relief, Cynthia seized Goliath, sat down on the floor, and—cried! having first deposited her candlestick carefully on the table. Joyce did quite the opposite, and laughed hysterically for several minutes. The tension of suspense and terror had been very real.

  “How did he get in here?” sobbed Cynthia, at length.

  “Why, through the window, of course. And he must have been in before we came. Don’t you remember, we found the door at the head of the cellar steps open? I closed it when we came up, so he could n’t have got here afterward.” Joyce bent down and scratched Goliath’s fat jowls, at which he purred the louder.

  “Well, let’s let him stay, since he’s here,” sighed Cynthia, wiping her eyes. “He’ll be sort of company!” So Goliath was allowed to remain, and the two girls, escorted by him, proceeded on their voyage of discovery. Back across the drawing-room and hall they went, and through the dining-room. There for a moment they stood, surveying anew the curious scene.

  “Does it strike you as strange,” Joyce demanded suddenly, “that there’s no silver here, no knives, forks, spoons, sugar-bowls, or—or anything of that kind? Yet everything else in china or glass is left. What do you make of it?”

  “Somebody got in and stole it,” ventured Cynthia.

  “Nonsense! Nobody’s been here since, except ourselves, that’s perfectly plain. No, the people must have stopped long enough to collect it and put it away,—or take it with them. Cynthia, why do you suppose they left in such a hurry?” But Cynthia, the unimaginative, was equally unable to answer this query satisfactorily, so she only replied:

  “I don’t know, I’m sure!”

  A room, however, beyond the dining-room was awaiting their inspection. In a corner of the latter, two funny little steps led up to a door, and on opening it, they found themselves in the kitchen. This bore signs of as much confusion as the neighboring apartment. Unwashed dishes and cooking utensils lay all about, helter-skelter, some even broken, in the hurry with which they had been handled. But, apart from this further indication of the haste with which a meal had been abandoned unfinished, there was little to hold the interest, and the girls soon turned away.

  “Now for up-stairs!” cried Joyce. “That’s where I’ve been longing to get. We will find something interesting there, I’ll warrant.” With Goliath scampering ahead, they climbed the white, mahogany-railed staircase. On the upper floor they found a wide hall corresponding with the one below, running from front to back, crossed by a narrower one connecting the wings with the main part of the house. Turning to their left, they went down the narrow one, peering about them eagerly. The doors of several bedrooms stood open.

  Into the first they entered. The high, old-fashioned, four-post bed with its ruffled valance and tester was still smoothly made up and undisturbed. The room was in perfect order. But Joyce’s eye was caught by two candlesticks standing on the mantel.

  “Here’s a find!” she announced. “We’ll take these to use for our candles. They’re nicer and handier than our tin one. We will keep that for an emergency.”

  “But ought we disturb them?” questioned Cynthia.

  “Oh, you are too particular! What earthly harm can it do? Here! Take this one and I’ll carry the other. This must have been a guest-room, and no one was occupying it when—it all happened. Let’s look in the one across the hall.” This one also proved precisely similar, bed untouched and furniture undisturbed. Another, close at hand, had the same appearance. They next ventured down a narrower hall, over what was evidently the kitchen wing. On each side were bedrooms, four in all, with sparse, plain furnishings and cot-beds. Each room presented a tumbled, unkempt appearance.

  “I guess these must have been the servants’ rooms,” remarked Cynthia.

  “That’s the first right guess you’ve made!” retorted Joyce, good-naturedly, as she glanced about. “And they all left in a hurry, too, judging from the way things are strewn about. I wonder—”

  “What?” cried Cynthia, impatient at the long pause.

  “Oh, nothing much! I just wonder whether they went off of their own accord, or were dismissed. I can’t tell. But one thing I can guess pretty plainly—they went right after the dinner-party and didn’t stay over another night. ’Cause why? Most of their beds are made, and they left everything in a muss down-stairs. But come along. This isn’t particularly interesting. I want to get to the other end of the hall. Something different’s over there!” They turned and retraced their steps, emerging from the servants’ quarters and passing again the rooms they had already; examined.

  On the other side of the main hall they entered an apartment that was not a bedroom, but appeared to have been used as a sitting-room and for sewing. An old-fashioned sewing-table stood near one window. Two chairs and another table were heaped with material and with garments in various stages of completion. An open work-box held dust-covered spools. But still there was nothing special in the room to challenge interest, and Joyce pulled her companion across the hall toward another partially open door.

  They had scarcely been in it long enough to illuminate it with the pale flames of their candles, before they realized that they were very near the heart of the mystery. It was another bedroom, the largest so far, and its aspect was very different from that of the others. The high four-poster was tossed and tumbled, not, however, as if by a night’s sleep, but more as if some one had lain upon it just as it was, twisting and turning restlessly. Two trunks stood on the floor, open and partially packed. One seemed to contain household linen, once fine and dainty and white, now yellowed and covered with the dust of years. The other brimmed with clothing, a woman’s, all frills and laces and silks; and a great hoop-skirt, collapsed, lay on the floor alongside. Neither of the girls could, for the moment, guess what it was, this queer arrangement of wires and tape. But Joyce went over and picked it up, when it fell into shape as she held it at arm’s-length. Then they knew.

  “I have an idea!” cried Joyce. “This hoop-skirt, or crinoline, I think they used to call it, gave it to me. Cynthia, we must be in the room belonging to the lovely lady whose picture hangs in the library.”

  “How do you know?” queried Cynthia.

  “I don’t know, I just suspect it. But perhaps we will find something that proves it later.” She held the candle over one of the trunks and peered in. “Dresses, hats, waists,” she enumerated. “Oh,
how queer and old-fashioned they all seem!” Suddenly, with a little cry of triumph, she leaned over and partially pulled out an elaborate silk dress.

  “Look! look! what did I tell you! Here is the very dress of the picture-lady, this queer, changeable silk, these big sleeves, and the velvet sewed on in a funny criss-cross pattern! Now will you believe me?”

  Truly, Cynthia could no longer doubt. It was the identical dress, beyond question. The portrait must have been painted when the garment was new. They felt that at last they had taken a long step in the right direction by thus identifying this room as belonging to the lovely lady of the portrait down-stairs. Joy grew so excited that she could hardly contain a “hurrah,” and Cynthia was not far behind her in enthusiasm. But the room had further details to be examined.

  An open fireplace showed traces of letters having been torn up and burned. Little, half-charred scraps with faint writing still lay scattered on the hearth. On the dressing-table, articles of the toilet were littered about, and a pair of candlesticks were set close to the mirror, (There were, by the way, no traces of candles about the house. Mice had doubtless carried off every vestige of such, long since.) A great wardrobe stood in one corner, the open doors of which revealed some garments still hanging on the pegs, woolen dresses mostly, reduced now to little more than rags through the ravages of moths and mice and time. Near the bed stood a pair of dainty, high-heeled satin slippers, forgotten through the years. Everywhere a hasty departure was indicated, so hasty, as Joyce remarked, “that the lady decided probably not to take her trunks, after all, but left, very likely, with only a hand-bag!”

  “And now,” cried Joyce, the irrepressible, “we’ve seen everything in this room. Let’s hurry to look at the last one on this floor. That’s right over the library, I think, at the end of the hall. We’ve discovered a lot here, but I’ve a notion that we’ll find the best of all in there!” As they were leaving the room, Goliath, who had curled himself up on a soft rug before the fireplace, rose, stretched himself, yawned widely, and prepared to follow, wherever they led.

  “Doesn’t he seem at home here!” laughed Cynthia. “I hope he will come every time we do. He makes things seem more natural, somehow.” They reached the end of the hall, and Joyce fumbled for the handle, this door, contrary to the usual rule, being shut. Then, for the first time in the course of their adventures in the Boarded-up House, they found themselves before an insurmountable barrier.

  The door was locked!



  YES, the door was locked, and there was no vestige of a key. Joyce was suddenly inspired with, an idea.

  “Let’s try the keys of the other doors! I noticed that they most all had keys in the locks. Perhaps one will fit this.” They hunted up several and worked with them all, but not one made the slightest impression on this obstinate lock.

  “Now isn’t this provoking!” exclaimed Joyce. “The only room in the house that we can’t get in, and the most interesting of all, I’m certain! What shall we do?” Cynthia made no reply, but looked at her little silver watch.

  “Do you know that it’s quarter-past six?” she asked quietly.

  “Mercy, no! We’ve got to go at once then. How the time has gone!” Reluctantly enough they hunted up Goliath, who in thorough boredom had returned to his place on the hearthrug in the big bedroom, gathered together their candles, and found their way to the cellar. Cynthia had thoughtfully requested a tin biscuit-box from the grocer, and in this they packed their candles, thus protecting them against the ravages of mice, and left them in the cellar near the window. Then they clambered out.

  “To-morrow’s Saturday,” said Joyce. “In the morning we’ll go to the library and look up that book of costumes. After lunch we’ll go back to the B. U. H. and finish exploring. There’s the attic yet, and maybe we can find that key, too!” With a gay good-by they separated each to her home, on opposite sides of the Boarded-up House.

  The result of their researches in the library, next morning, was not wholly satisfactory. They found that the most recent fashion of hoop-skirts or crinolines had prevailed all the way from 1840 to 1870, or thereabouts. And while these dates limited, to a certain extent, the time of the mysterious happening, it did not help them very much. They felt that they must look for some more definite clue.

  That afternoon they entered the Boarded-up House for the third time. They found Goliath already in the cellar, owing, no doubt, to the fact that Bates’s pup was patrolling the front yard. So they invited him to accompany them, an invitation which he accepted with arched back and resounding purr. Deciding to explore the attic first, they found that a door from the upper hall opened on a stairway leading to it.

  At any other time, or in any other house, they would have found this attic of absorbing interest. In its dusky corners stood spinning wheels and winding-reels. Decrepit furniture of an ancient date had found a refuge there. Antique hair trunks lined the sides, under the eaves, and quaint garments hung about on pegs. The attic was the only apartment in this strange house that received the light of day, for the two little windows like staring eyes were not boarded up. So dim were they, however, with dirt and cobwebs, that very little daylight filtered through.

  But the attio had no great holding interest at present, since it was evident that it contained no clue to help them in the solution of the mystery. And they soon left it, to search anew every room below, in the hope of coming upon the missing key.

  “These old-fashioned keys are so immense that it hardly seems possible that any one would carry one off—far,” conjectured Joyce. “But why in the world should just that room be locked, anyway? What can be hidden there? I’m wild,—simply wild with impatience to see it all!

  The search for the key was not exactly systematic. Neither of the girls felt at liberty to open bureau-drawers or pry into closets and trunks. Besides, as Cynthia wisely suggested, it was not likely that any one would lock a door so carefully and then put the key in a drawer or trunk or on a shelf. They would either carry it away with them or lay it down, forgotten, or hide it in some unusual place. If it had been carried away, of course their search was useless. But if it had been thoughtlessly laid aside somewhere, or even hidden away in some obscure corner, there was a possibility that they might come upon it.

  With this hope in mind, they went from room to room, searching on desks, chairs, and tables, poking into dark comers, peeping into vases and other such receptacles, and feeling about under the furniture; but all to no purpose. They came at last to the great bedroom where were so many signs of agitation and hurried departure, deciding that here would be the most likely field for discovery. Goliath had evidently preceded them, for they found him once more curled up on the soft rug before the fireplace. He seemed to prefer this comfortable spot to all others, but he rose and stretched when the girls came in. Joyce went straight for the chimneyplace.

  “I’m going to poke among these ashes,” she announced. “A lot of things seem to have been burned here, mostly old letters. Who knows but what the key may have been thrown in too!” She began to rake the dead ashes, and suddenly a half-burned log fell apart, dropping something through to the bottom with a “chinking” sound.

  “Well, what do you suppose that can be?” queried Cynthia

  “Did you hear that?” she whispered. “Something clinked! Ashes or wood won’t make that sound. Oh, suppose it is the key!” She raked away again frantically, and hauled out a quantity of charred debris, but nothing even faintly resembling a key. When nothing more remained, she poked the fragments disgustedly, while Cynthia looked on.

  “See there!” Cynthia suddenly exclaimed. “It isn’t a key, but what’s that round thing?” Joyce had seen it at the same moment and picked it up—a small, elliptical disk so blackened with soot that nothing could be made of it till it was wiped off. When freed from its coating of black, one side proved to be of shining metal, probably gold, and the other of some white o
r yellowish substance, the girls could not tell just what. In the center of this was a curious smear of various dim colors.

  “Well, what do you suppose that can be?” queried Cynthia.

  “I can’t imagine. Whatever it was, the fire has pretty well finished it. You can see that it must have been rather valuable once,—there’s gold on it. Here’s another question to add to our catechism: what is it, and why was it thrown in the fire? Whatever it was, it doesn’t help much now. If it had only been the key!—Good gracious! is that a rat?” Both girls jumped to their feet and stood listening to the strange sounds that came from under the valance hanging about the bottom of the great four-poster bed. It was a curious, intermittent, irregular sound, as of something being pushed about the floor. After they had listened a moment, it suddenly struck them both that the noise was somehow very familiar.

  “Why, it’s Goliath, of course!” laughed Cynthia, “This is the second time he has scared us. He has something under there that he’s playing with, knocking it about, you know. Let’s see what it is!” They tiptoed over and raised the valance.

  Cynthia was right. Goliath was under the bed, dabbing gracefully with one paw at something attached to a string or narrow ribbon. Despite the rolls of dust that lay about, Joyce crawled under and rescued it. She emerged with a flushed face and a triumphant chuckle. “Goliath beats us all!! He’s made the best find yet!”


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