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Hong Kong Heat

Page 5

by Raven McAllan

  Braam locked the office and headed in the opposite direction. If Deb—he must discover the rest of her name—were still in his suite, she’d probably be asleep.

  He opened the suite door quietly. He could hear the TV on low and guessed it would be playing to itself. Poor woman, why on earth would she take a chance on me?

  Braam dropped his loose change into a bowl and walked around the corner into the lounge area.

  Deb looked up at him from over a cup of what looked like tea and smiled. “They let you go then?”

  If smiles were rated, that one would be off the scale. He grinned.

  “With a little bit of smart talking and blackmail.”

  She looked somewhat alarmed.

  “No, hey, not really. I went to school with the sergeant. I didn’t have to say I’d dish the dirt on how he was pee farthest up the wall champion for three years running.”

  Deb burst out laughing and the liquid in her cup sloshed dangerously near the rim. “Were you the runner-up?”

  Braam reached into the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. He wanted just one small glass. “Never took part,” he said gravely. “I was the time keeper because I had a second hand on my watch.”

  He grabbed the cup from her as she sniggered so much tears spiked her lashes.

  “Steady. Here.” He passed Deb a tissue and held the bottle out. “Fresh cuppa, sav blanc, or shall I open some fizz?”

  Debra wiped her eyes. “Not fizz. It might shoot out of the bottle and up the wall.”

  “There is that. Sav blanc?”

  Debra nodded. “A small one, that’s all. It’s silly o’clock and I bet you have to work tomorrow?”

  “True.” Braam poured two glasses then passed one to her before sitting on the settee next to her and stretching his legs out with a sigh. “Ahh, I need this. Bloody assholes, and thank you for waiting. It was so good to see you in here when I got back.” He squeezed her hand and she returned the gesture. “Hell, I’m so achy and weary. And so glad you’re here, Deb, whoever you are.” He stretched his arm out. “C’mere and let me have a hug please.”

  Debra wriggled and leaned against him. Her perfume was delicate and sexy. It was a pity he was too shattered to do anything about the way he wanted to feel. However, her snuggled next to him was a good start.

  “Hmm, that’s beautiful,” he said drowsily. He could stay like they were forever. “Lovely perfume.”

  “Fancy recognizing it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Deb swiveled around to look up at him.

  He had no idea what she was talking about. “Pardon?”

  “Recognizing my perfume,” she said. “Beautiful.”

  “Ah.” Should he own up? “Sadly I didn’t, I just knew I like it. And wishing I wasn’t so bloody knackered not to have the energy to do what I want.”

  “Which is?” She sounded as if she genuinely wanted to know.

  Braam opted to tell her and if she slapped his face and left, well better now than later. To screw you senseless. Maybe he’d better phrase it a little less crudely.

  “To make love to you. To discover everything there is to know about you. To see if we have what we both need.” He raised his uninjured shoulder a little in a sort of shrug. It was hard to put his feelings into words. He was a man for heaven’s sake and they weren’t supposed to bare their soul easily. “I have a gut feeling we have something that could be more than a lot of people ever get in a lifetime. Is it weird? Yes. Do I think it sounds stupid because we hardly know each other? Yes. Am I bothered? No, not as long as you feel the same.”

  He waited. The fridge buzzed as its motor cut in then stopped as abruptly as it had started. It was so hard not to rush into speech and demand that she tell him her thoughts.

  “I’m not sure what I feel to be honest,” Debra said slowly. “I’m scared how much I want you to want me. Appalled that I almost made love without protection. Hell, I’ve drummed that into my kids since forever. I used to do lessons in it. Safe sex or no sex was one of my classes. I was a teacher. That apart, I know I do want to see where we go from here.”

  Braam refrained from doing a high five. “Shall we take it slowly? Or as slow as we can within our timescale then?”

  Deb smiled. “Oh yes.” She kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck.

  Braam went from tired to aroused in less time than you could say condom alert. He ignored the reminder of his bruises that his body gave him, as he lifted Deb onto his lap.

  “I’m too heavy,” she protested but didn’t try to get off.

  “You’re not, you’re perfect.” He stroked her arms in a way he hoped reassured her.

  “Hmm, which bits of me have you ignored?” Deb said. “Shall I list stuff?”

  “Nothing to list. Now cease wriggling or my attempts to take it slowly will go up in flames. Or in a hard dick.” He was very aware of that part of his body waking up.

  “Yeah, sorry.” She didn’t sound it. “Well, for one thing, I’m cradle snatching. Got me a toy boy.” She bit her lip. “Do you mind that I’m so much older than you?”

  What? “Woman, you do talk crap at times. I’m thirty-two for goodness sake, neither a toy, nor a boy.”

  “I’m forty-four with more baggage than a jumbo jet.”

  She’s worried about that?

  “Twelve years is nothing. Hey, you’re only just a cougar. You’re as old as you feel. I feel seventy at the moment so that works out well. Now hush. Let’s snuggle and cuddle for a bit.” Braam did what he’d wanted to do since it had registered she’d waited for him. He stroked his hand down her cheek, across her neck and over the material that covered her breasts. “Damned if I don’t want to see you naked. Hold you next to me and stroke your soft skin. Feel it next to mine and then make love with you in every which way. Go to bed with you, wake up with you and, well, see where it all goes. No empty promises.”

  Deb slid off his lap and held her hand out. “Do you have an alarm clock?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Then how about you set it and let’s do one of those things for a while. Snuggle and cuddle. You look so damned uncomfortable on that settee. At least we can get horizontal.”

  “Naked?” He injected a leer into his tone. “Skin to skin and all that?”

  “Don’t push it, mate. Walk not run.”

  That was good enough. Ten minutes later he’d found a robe for each of them and they were stretched out on the over-large bed. Braam had to admit it was way more comfy.

  Debra had her head on his chest and played with the whorls of hair that escaped through the opening of his robe. He stroked her head, happier and more content than he’d felt in years. He could get used to this feeling. He pulled Debra even closer and she sighed.


  Nice? That was lukewarm for how he felt, but on reflection, Braam agreed with her. She was right. It was nice. Braam slid his hand between the sides of Debra’s robe, found one hard nipple and rolled it between his fingers. The sexy cock-hardening moan she gave was all he could ask for. She tightened her hand on his chest hair and slid it lower, as she walked her fingers over his tummy. When she closed it around his dick, it was his turn to moan. His pre-cum coated her fingers and her hand slid up and down his length with teasing slowness. It was oh so sweet torture. His fingers tightened on Deb’s nipple and he bent his head to nudge the cloth that covered her to one side. His bruised cheek hit her shoulder and he swore.

  “Fucking hell, if I get my hands on that little bugger who did this he’ll be at the police station before he can say Causeway Bay.” He rubbed his cheek. Why he had no idea. It didn’t help the pain, it merely made it hotter and sorer.

  “Idiot. Let me.” Debra pushed him down onto his back with her one free hand, without stopping her up down tighten and relax movements on his rock-hard cock.

  He couldn’t have stopped her if he had wanted. Her skin was flushed and sweat slicked. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes dark as the night sky.

Let go, Braam, let yourself come.”

  Those soft-spoken words were enough. He shuddered as his body became a mass of sensitive nerve endings that screamed for release. As his cum shot out all over Deb’s hands, he screamed along with them.

  She took her time to slow her movement until Braam knew he was drained. Sated, happy and where he wanted to be. Once he recovered, he’d enjoy repaying the favor.

  He felt the bed move then a soft, warm and damp cloth wiped his chest and cock.

  “You don’t… I can…” Why couldn’t he string two words together properly? His mouth was full of cotton wool and his brain fuzzy.

  “Shh, I want to.” A gentle kiss was pressed onto his belly and warm breath stirred the hairs that arrowed down to his quiescent cock.


  “You got it.” The mattress dipped and once more she snuggled in his arms.

  “Give me five and I’ll repay the favor.” He held her close. “Let me get my breath back.”

  “Of course. I’m all comfy here.”

  Without meaning to, Braam closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  He rolled over onto a cold sheet. His befuddled brain told him something was missing.

  Deb. Braam winced and groaned—he was doing far too much of that, after all it was no more than a tiny roughing up—and struggled upright. He rubbed his eyes and tried to get his brain into gear. He needed a shower, coffee and an explanation. As he swung himself out of bed, he saw the note propped up against the clock.

  I’m being circumspect and nipping off before the hotel wakes up. You looked so peaceful I left you to sleep. Hope you’re feeling better. See you tonight?

  You bet. He wished he’d remembered to get her full name. However, a little bit of sleuthing would work in his favor there. He had the morning earmarked for work in the office so a quick scan of the guest list would be easily arranged.

  In the best frame of mind he’d had for ages, Braam showered and dressed in record time. He’d grab a coffee from the kitchen and get stuck in.

  His office was his and his alone. As he lived in Hong Kong, the powers that be had allocated a room for him to use if he needed it. It wasn’t much bigger than a broom cupboard, but the views over the rooftops to the harbor and Kowloon made up for that.

  Braam scanned his emails and made a note of a few things to follow up. It seemed that someone thought they’d sighted the missing now ex manager in the Bahamas, in one of their hotels for goodness’ sake. Would he be so stupid? On reflection, Braam thought the idiot might well be. After all, to steal that amount of money from a company like Channing with all their power and influence struck him as more than stupid.

  He opened a document and set about collating what he had. Soon he was immersed in the trail he’d found—which didn’t go to the Bahamas.

  When the phone rang he jumped and his fingers slipped over the keyboard. A sentence of 4y5cvzdjyukwe wasn’t helpful. He deleted it with one hand as he picked the handset up with the other.

  Ten minutes later, he ended the call and closed the document. His work was paying off and if everything went to plan, Mr. Embezzler, ex-manager, would be brought to justice.

  Something niggled the back of Braam’s mind.

  Deb, Deb who? He pulled up the guest list and scanned it rapidly.

  One name jumped out and slugged him hard in the gut. The words wavered and reformed as his eyes clouded over and cleared.

  Mrs. Debra Scotburn.

  Mrs.? She hadn’t mentioned anything about being married or where her husband was. Okay, she had mentioned kids, but no other half.

  Braam shut down the guest list, drank the dregs of his stone cold coffee and resisted throwing the mug at the wall.

  Dammit all to hell. What a mess.

  * * * *

  Debra stood at the bottom of the central escalator that was used by thousands of people every day to get up and down the mid-levels. The lower part of Hong Kong’s famous Peak was residential and almost horizontal. The escalator—in fact six escalators and three moving walkways—was a way to get people up and down to work. As long as you went down before ten a.m. and came back up at least twenty minutes later when the direction of them was reversed every day.

  When Debra had visited Hong Kong years before, she’d ridden them to the very top and come back down the series of steps, which ran beside it and created a vibrant busy thoroughfare. This time she intended to take her time going up then meander back toward the hotel via a couple of parks and a tram. If anything caught her eye, she’d step off the escalator and check it out.

  A group of teenagers, chattering and making a noise like a flock of parrots, got on in front of her. Their backpacks sported every tiny cuddly toy known to man—or woman—and probably a few besides. One grotesque red and purple bunch of fur that hung from an orange bag was enough to give you nightmares or a migraine. Deb turned away.

  Everywhere she looked was busy, different and fascinating. Some of the adverts on the shop windows she passed as she was taken upwards made her giggle. People sat on walls, jostled for position in fast food shop doorways and haggled at the various stalls that lined part of the street. From her position high above street level, Debra saw it all.

  The spicy smells of curries and ginger vied with exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke. Adverts were in several languages and people apologized for bumping into each other in several more.

  It was fantastic. She rode upwards for several minutes until a shop on one of the side streets caught her eye. Debra exited the escalator as soon as she could and walked down the steps and back to the shop.

  ‘Wu’s Teas. For every occasion and every ailment. Let us help you’.

  I wonder if they have anything for indecision? And a black eye? She wandered into the tiny shop, to be greeted by a smiling lady.

  Half an hour and several cups of tea later, poured out for her in an elaborate ceremony that if she had allowed would have gone on much longer, she emerged with sundry packets of tea and two tiny teapots. Each mixture was made for one specific ailment or occasion. The dark almost black pungent leaves she was told would be right and proper for cuts and bruises almost overpowered her. The sweeter one—for indecision and affairs of the heart—she thought might make her sick, but she’d bought it anyway. You never knew if something like that might come in handy, especially the way she was feeling at the moment.

  The third packet the lady had pressed into her hands once Debra had completed her transaction. She leaned in closer, giving Debra the chance to experience the smell of expensive oolong.

  “For your man,” the woman said and winked. “So he forgets the day and enjoys the night.”

  Deb smiled and said thank you. Once she was away from the shop and back on the escalator, she peered into the highly decorated bag that held the teas. And choked.

  In cursive script and Chinese characters, it proclaimed. For erectile dysfunction owing to stress and overwork. Get it up with Wu’s. Even through the paper bag it was sealed in it smelled like overripe silage. Debra bit back a giggle and found a plastic bag to put it in to help lock in the smell. She didn’t want people looking at her and wondering why she smelled so noxious.

  Bad though it was, the aroma reminded her that she was ready for a drink and something to eat. Debra left the escalator once more and wandered along a narrow road, dodging bikes and barrows and people in a hurry.

  Not far down the road, a restaurant with a row of tables outside caught her eye. To eat, drink and people-watch sounded perfect to her.

  She levered herself up onto one of the high stools and studied the menu. A tall, elegant Chinese girl with long dark hair, which swung in a plait almost to her waist, came up with her order pad. She was cheerful, friendly and gregarious and according to her name badge, rejoiced in the unlikely name of ‘Shade’. Within seconds of taking Debra’s order, she’d elicited the information that Debra was on holiday and that she was staying at the Channing in Causeway Bay.

p; She’d make a great inquisitor. Debra was amused at how easily she’d imparted the information. It wasn’t like her to be so open. I seem to be doing a lot lately that’s new to me.

  “Ohh, the Channing, eh? Lucky you. Have you bumped into Braam Van Meister yet? I hear he’s back in town. What a physique and hot, hot, hot. Mind you, his reputation goes before him. Love ‘em and leave ‘em Van M we call him. A girl in every hotel.”

  Chapter Four

  The animals in the tiny zoo jumped about and screeched at the groups of people standing outside their cages and peering in. Debra was oblivious. How she had found her way to the botanical gardens and into the area where the zoo was, she had no idea.

  She’d eaten her steak and salad without tasting any of it and her glass of wine could have been vinegar.

  Shade’s words reverberated around her mind.

  ‘A girl in every hotel. Mr. Love ’em and leave ’em. His reputation goes before him.’

  Had Shade looked malicious, or shifty-eyed? Debra couldn’t remember, but why would she lie to a perfect stranger? There was no rhyme or reason to it.

  Debra felt sick. In front of her, the ring-tailed lemurs were entertaining the crowds. Tiny schoolchildren, immaculately dressed in tracksuits and baseball caps, shrieked and giggled at the animals’ antics. She merely stared.

  Was she purely a statistic? A notch on his bedpost or whatever? Thank goodness she hadn’t told him more than her first name. Whilst he was around, she’d make sure not to be. Days out, food in her room and sadly, unless she was certain it was safe, no swimming, or Victoria Park.

  It was a bummer. Deb hadn’t felt as lost or down since her husband died. She knew it was silly to experience such extreme emotions about someone she hardly knew, but who could help how they felt? She certainly couldn’t.

  If I do bump into him, I’ll tell him what for and give him it as well. As well as my knee in his nuts and a jab to his cock. She bit her lip. She could still feel the silky soft skin, with the hard aroused core under it, as it slid through her fingers and he moaned his arousal.


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