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Nailed Page 4

by Needa Warrant

  Kima looked out the window, lost in her thoughts.

  Finally, she turned to Darko. “I love Veiko, but I'm scared. Maybe it's too soon, but when I close my eyes its V that I see. I always have. Do you understand that?”

  Darko understood because he was in love with Kima. He wondered if he’d ever meet another woman like her.

  Kima smiled, “Darko, you'll find the one, trust me. I may even find her for you.”

  All Darko could do was laugh. He changed the subject as they sat and waited for V. Darko listened to Kima as she talked about finding a girlfriend for him. He couldn't help but hope that Kima might back out at the last minute from marrying the wrong man.

  Chapter Nine

  Veiko came home and walked up to the front door. He looked in the window and saw Darko and Kima on the couch talking. He watched them for a moment and noticed that Kima treated Darko as she did Thorn; like a brother. V felt himself relax and let out a deep breath. He had an important meeting to get to and wanted Kima up at the lodge.

  As he opened the door, Darko looked up. “Veiko, I need to talk to you. We'll walk a bit.”

  V's chin went up. Darko got up to leave and Kima followed him to the door. She turned to him and smiled, “thanks for coming. Don't be a stranger, huh?”

  Darko grinned, “glad you're back. Stay out of trouble, Kima.”

  She just laughed. V drew Kima to him and kissed her deeply. Finally he murmured, “I imagine you have something to do?” Kima was used to V's hints, club business again.

  V looked back at Darko and gestured towards the path. They left Kima as they walked making their way towards the water.

  Darko began first, "Nefarious isn't as big as your club but we have chapters in a few states. My national president wants to sit down with yours and discuss Nefarious being a support club. We're both fighting the same enemy and the Fiends are growing larger each day. We all could benefit from such a deal.”

  Veiko stopped walking and turned thoughtfully to Darko. He was onto something and his respect grew for the man. He said, “let me make a call. Your president is ready to meet immediately?”

  Darko nodded. “The sooner the better, my Prez is waiting for a call.”

  Veiko headed up to the Lodge and Darko went back to Kima and the cabin.

  V used the Lodge payphone and called Tramp and then Jersey and told them about Nefarious wanting to be a support club. They both wanted to set up a meeting right away. V wondered how Kima would feel about him leaving but he didn't have a choice. He figured she would be happy gossiping with China and Elena and if she was pissed at him, so be it. Kima had to learn when he had to leave, he'd go.

  His brother Thrash grabbed him as he was walking back to the cabin. He was in a black rage. “Fucker, there you are, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you since I got back. You tell Kima yet, that Jo is missing?”

  Veiko looked shaken, using his brother's real name he growled back, “good to see you finally back, Thor. What the fuck, Jo’s missing now?”

  Thrash glared at his brother, his eyes glazed with rage, “seems Nailz forgot to tell Jo about Kima. I wasn't here, so I don't know the details, but I feel like Kima got a bad deal, the club let her down. That includes you. If I hear she's getting fucked over again, I'll stand up for her. I don't give a shit if you’re my brother.”

  V looked at Thrash with pain fresh in his eyes, “I know that I screwed up. But I'm trying real hard here, Thrash.” He was frustrated, “Now—I gotta tell Kima, Jo’s missing; then I'll have to leave her to meet with Nefarious and our club. She's gonna love that.”

  Thrash took pity on his brother. “I'll tell her it's the reason China is here and about them staying safe.”

  They walked to the cabin both lost in their own thoughts. As soon as Thrash saw Darko and Kima together he quirked an eyebrow at V. “You left him alone with Kima?”

  V spoke low and fast, “shit Thrash. I forgot to tell you, it was the Filthy Fiends that hit Kima and me that night. Nefarious caught the scumbag. They wanna become a support club. I just got off the phone with Tramp and he's on board with it. Darko and his President are coming with us to the Northern Jersey clubhouse to meet with everyone and discuss it.”

  Thrash grinned looking over at the tall dark haired man, “I always liked Darko - never had issues with Nefarious, either. I've inked many of them. You telling Kima or am I?”

  Veiko didn't think twice about it. “I am.” He shouted over to where she was standing with Darko, “Kima, I need to talk to you.”

  Kima walked with Darko over to the two huge bikers. She glared at him suspiciously, "what's wrong now V?"

  Veiko grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. “Babe, Jo left Nailz. Nobody knows where she is. Do you? It's killing Nailz.”

  Kima turned pale and thought fast. “Oh, hell no and if I knew where she was, I wouldn't tell Nailz either. Her parents wouldn't help her, but mine would. I'm going to call my parents and see if they know anything.” With that she took off into the cabin. The three men stood looking at each other.

  Darko stood there nonchalantly observing them. He shook his head and laughed, “V, your boys Nailz and Jersey are on your old lady's shit list.”

  Thrash laughed when he heard that. He commented contentedly, “sucks to be them huh? Kima loves me!”

  Veiko wondered if Kima would tell him where Jo was, if she found out. She came out of the cabin looking worried. “My parents haven't gotten any calls from her. That damn Nailz!” She looked at V, “I'm going to get my stuff and get up to the Lodge. I'll talk to Elena and see if she knows anything and hang out with China.”

  Chapter Ten

  As their men got ready to leave, the women were told to keep armed and go no further than Elena's stable. Hunter left a few of his guys to watch over the lodge. It was doubtful the Fiends would come here, but with Skunk in the mix now, who knew what could happen?

  Kima was trying to stay silent because the same old bullshit was happening again. She just got Veiko back and the club needed him - so off he went, again. It was all part of being an old lady, so she'd suck it up. She wasn't used to it like Elena, and she wasn't quiet and sweet like China, who was eager to please Thrash, anyway she could. She would have liked to have gone and visited her parents, but again, her plans where screwed because of the club.

  Jo was on her mind and Kima was worried about her. It was so unlike Jo to just up and disappear. Where could Jo go- pregnant with no money or car?

  Elena couldn't wait to get the girls alone because she had some big news to share. Joy, a friend of Elena's and Kima's, wandered in from the barn. She had just finished taking care of her horses, which she kept at Elena's personal barn at the Lodge and a few over at her stables. Joy was also a dancer and was the one who told Jack that his sister was missing.

  Elena put coffee on and waited for the men to leave. Once the Lodge was finally clear of the men, she took a deep breath, “I need to tell you something that has to remain secret. I need your promise before I tell you and if you break it, I'll be pissed.”

  Kima looked at her with alarm, “Elena, what the hell is going on?”

  Elena looked thoughtfully at Kima, “You still pissed at Nailz?” She already knew how hurt Kima was that Nailz and Jersey had basically deserted her, while V was in the hospital.

  Kima fumed loudly, “hell yeah! If it has to do with him—you've got my word!”

  Joy looked hard at Elena and then toward China. Unspoken words were exchanged between the two women. Joy sat down and started to speak about how she'd be moving into Elena's farmhouse. Kima was confused because Joy had totally changed the topic. She wondered what was going on. She wisely waited to let it ride out.

  They drank their coffee as Joy talked. Finally, China got up to go to the bathroom. Joy stood up, glaring at China's back as she left.

  She snarled, “Elena, I hope you didn't tell that bitch anything. If China finds out where Jo is, who knows if she'll tell Nailz? I don't trust her.”
r />   Elena frowned and tossed up her hands. “What the hell else can I do, Joy? Leave China alone here? Hell no, I don't need her snooping in my house. She won’t stay behind.”

  Kima was speechless as she looked at each woman. What the hell was going on now?

  “Kima - in case you’re wondering, I've got Jo at my place. We're going over right now. We'll have to bring China with us and I hope, I can just leave her in the car.”

  Kima jumped up excitedly and nearly shouted, “you have Jo? I want to see her!”

  Elena had to calm Kima down. “After Nailz didn't tell her that you were missing—she left him.”

  She related how Jo had left a note for Nailz and stuffed her vest in the fridge.

  Kima thought about Jo's circumstances, frowning. She was moving around too excited to sit. “Jo’s pregnant and I guess Nailz didn't want to worry her. Do you know what happened, Elena?”

  Elena replied, “that's Jo's story to tell, if she wants to. How about we go see her? Joy, would you mind staying behind with China?”

  Joy was mad as hell. “You think it’s safe leaving China with me? I know what she did. Hell no! I'm coming too.”

  Kima was totally confused and China was coming back to the kitchen. Joy put a finger to her lips and shook her head. Kima got the message fast. Both Joy and Elena had issues with China for some reason.

  Elena looked at the three women. “I gotta run to the stable.” Looking hopefully over at China, she asked, “China, you must be tired from your trip. Do you want to take a nap or come? Just so you know, we'll be taking guns with us since we've got safety issues.”

  China didn't seem to be all that bothered with that announcement and was happy to go. Elena and Joy didn't look too pleased.

  Elena moved to Hunter's office and came back with two pistols. She looked at Kima. “Remember when you, Jo, Jack and Thorn used to target practice? I still have the one Jo used and plenty of bullets. Here's your gun. I kept it safe for you. I know you have one at the cabin but we need to leave now. Let's get over to the farmhouse before one of the guys comes poking around. Joy, you're carrying?”

  Joy nodded and smiled grimly as she showed Elena her gun. She took it out and aimed it at China, who had a confused, frightened look on her face. “Are you scared China? I won't shoot you, yet.” She laughed - but it was a phony laugh.

  China looked nervous and blurted out, “Joy, stop it! You know guns scare me!”

  Joy looked hard at China. “I don't know why you just don't stay here. Thrash wouldn't like it if you left. You're afraid of everything – even your shadow!”

  China adamantly replied, “no, I don't want to be left here alone. I'm going. So - what’s the big surprise that you were going to tell us Elena?”

  Elena looked pissed. “I'll tell everyone later. If we're all going, we need to leave now.”

  The guys watching the lodge offered to go with them, but Elena declined. The stable was only about a mile or so away and Kima couldn't wait to see Jo. She wondered again why they hadn't told China. Something strange was going on. It seemed both Elena and Joy no longer liked China.

  As they pulled in behind the farm house, Elena tried to get China to stay in the car. Finally, she gave up when China insisted that she was going in, too. They all got out of the car. She nodded over to Joy who proceeded to grab China’s hair. Elena waited, as she let Joy do her thing.

  Joy looked hard at China. “I don't like you, China. I used to - but you did an unforgivable thing. And you damn well, know what I'm talking about. If you don't want me to spell it out, then you'll just shut the fuck up and stay quiet. If I find out you've told anyone that we have Jo inside that house, I swear to you, I'll go right to Veiko and Thrash and tell them everything.”

  Kima looked bewildered at Elena who just shook her head. “Kima please, stay out of this.”

  China looked completely shaken but a hard look passed over her face. “Why would I care if Jo is in there? I'm not a threat to her. Maybe, I'll tell my old man that you're threatening me, Joy. You are not a part of this club. I'm married into it. So who the hell are you? You're just a dancer.”

  Joy looked at China with contempt. “Yeah, I'm just a dancer. You think I buy your bullshit? I don't and never did. Both Elena and I tried to help you, but after what you did, we can't stand you. Now, who am I? I'm the one who just might tell Kima what you did and let her handle it as she sees fit. How the hell would you like that? Wanna try me?”

  Kima tried to intervene, “Come on, let's not...”

  “Kima, don't say a word,” Joy cut in. “Enjoy your time with Jo. When it’s time for you to know about this bitch - we'll tell you.”

  China looked scared as hell. She tried to put her hand on Kima's arm. “I did nothing to deserve this shit! Kima - we're going to be related soon. Don't believe a thing these two jealous bitches tell you.”

  Kima moved away from China and gave her a hard look. “Sorry, China. I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but I'd trust these two bitches with my life. You - I barely know. Now - I'm going inside to see my friend. I don't feel much like fighting anyone today, so everybody behave.”

  The tension in the yard was thick. Kima ran up the steps leaving the other three women behind and pounded on the back door.

  Chapter Eleven

  As Kima was knocking on the door, Joy grabbed China and pulled her backwards. Elena looked at them, but Joy waved her to go on. She pulled China over to the car. China was scared of Joy and fear showed on her face.

  Joy scowled disgustedly at her. “We got a few things to straighten out here, China doll. There's no reason for you to see Jo and when Kima finds out you never told Thrash that Elena called you in France – hell, I'd hate to be you. You said I was just a dancer. Bitch, so were you! And you want to hold Jo over our heads? Do you really think we'd let you blackmail us? The biggest mistake you made was sharing a post office box with me. I’ve got tons of mail addressed to a person named Antoinette. Does that ring a bell? You told us your real name was China. Funny, because some mail is addressed to a Toni, too and I've got your last name now. The one thing you forgot when you got all high and mighty China... Antoinette... Toni or whoever the fuck you are, is that I do matter. All dancers matter to clubs! Do you know how many clubs depend on getting information from us? Probably not, as you were always too high to notice and stayed away from bikers. I'm not sure what games you're playing with Thrash, but I'll figure it out¸ along with Elena, Kima and Jo.”

  China looked like she was ready to faint. “That's my mail; you have to give it to me! You can't take my mail. It's against the law.”

  Joy had a wicked smile on her face. “Really? Well, since it's legally my P.O. Box, I could have sent it all back to whoever sent it in the first place. And I'll keep you guessing, if I did or I didn't. Doesn't matter now – does it? I have shit on you and you can't do a damn thing. So get your sneaky ass in the car and wait for Elena to drive you back to the Lodge. While you're waiting, start thinking up a story to get your ass out of her house, she doesn’t want you there.” She looked hard at China and stepped closer getting into her face. “If you say Jo's name ever - I'll be talking to Thrash. I'd be thinking really hard how you plan your story, Toni!”

  China looked at Joy with hate filled eyes. Joy didn't care. She left her to sit in the car while she went inside.

  Jo was so happy to see Kima, Elena and Joy. When Kima asked why China was in the car, Joy told her that China felt unwell and was waiting for Elena to drive her back to the Lodge.

  Elena raised her eyebrows at Joy and told them she'd be right back.

  Kima was so happy to see Jo and Jo was even happier to see her. Kima realized that Jo and Joy may never have actually met each other.

  “Jo, I want you to meet Joy. She's a dancer who’s been really good to me and we're close friends now. Joy, I've told you all about Jo.”

  The two women were happy to meet each other.

  Kima continued, “Joy is going to move in he
re with you, so you won't be alone.”

  Jo was glad to hear that. “Joy, I love that idea. I love to cook and it will be great having company. This place is way too big for me. Didn't I see you in that wet T shirt contest?”

  Joy smiled back, “Which one? I've been in so many, I can't remember. I was going to get a cabin but this will suit me better. I have horses here and over at Elena's barn at the Lodge. So, when I’m coming and going it won't draw attention to you. I was trying to help Kima, during the time all that shit went down. I know Nailz and the club. I just dance, make my money and pour it all back into my horses. Those damn horses are worse than a drug addiction, at times.” She laughed her bubbly laugh and all of the women joined in.

  Jo went to make coffee and Elena got back in time for it. She was in a better mood and it showed.

  Elena sighed, “that damn China. Thank God you talked to her Joy. Thrash was stupid to marry her. I tried to warn him but he paid no attention to me. I left Dino watching her, should have thought about doing that in the first place.” She looked at Kima and Jo. “I guess you two have some questions about the way we're treating China?”

  Kima looked at Jo and neither really knew what to say to Elena. So they just let her continue. “Kima, don't go flying into a rage. I want you to wait and think this all out after I've told you. Will you agree to that?” Elena looked very worried. Joy got up and walked around the kitchen.


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