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Nailed Page 5

by Needa Warrant

  Finally, Kima nodded yes and let Elena go on with her story. “Right after the accident you and V were in, I called the hotel in France. I knew where Thrash and China were. I told her that they needed to get right back home. I should have spoken to Thrash but she said he wasn't there. She promised to tell him. She didn't, as far as I can tell, because Hunter said Thrash would have come right home. I waited a few days and I called again and they were no longer at that hotel. Finally, somebody knew how to reach him and he's back home. That's how he found out about the accident. Thrash left a number with his head tattoo artist and when the shit got really bad, that guy finally called him. Hunter says China never told Thrash and I believe it. Joy and I both think that Thrash never intended to stay away so long, either. So in our eyes everything that happened to you is partly the fault of that bitch, China!”

  Kima sat there in silence. She knew Thrash would have come right home knowing his brother was hurt, even if it was minor. But it hadn't been a minor crash. Veiko had been severely injured and she had lost their baby. The Thrash she knew so well was all about family. Fuck China! Emotions played over her face, yet she said not a word.

  Jo reached out to touch her arm. “Oh my God, Kima. All this happened with Rabid because of that bitch. I'm so sorry.”

  Kima was still silent as she fought to keep her temper under control. Her mind was swirling all over the place.

  Finally, she spoke in a flat tone. “Who the hell is going to tell Thrash? I'm going to kill that bitch! I went through all this because she wanted to see France? I'm going to tell Veiko, as soon as I see him. Whenever the fuck that will be.”

  Elena groaned, “Kima, you can't. China knows that Jo is here and said she'll tell Nailz. So, for now, we're stuck unless Joy knows more than I do.”

  Joy sat down again and spoke, “Yeah, I do know more about China. More than I wish I did. Don't worry about her saying a word to anyone. China isn't her real name. We shared my P.O. Box for mail for a few months before she left for France. I never took notice of her mail. But after she left the box was filling up like crazy. At first I just bagged the mail, than I noticed it was addressed to Antoinette Davis or Toni Davis. I sent it back, of course, with a message I wrote on the envelopes wrong p.o. box. I went home and checked the mail I was saving for her. All was addressed to Antoinette or Toni. I thought something was up but I didn't tell anyone. Then I got a note addressed to the owner of my P.O. Box. We’ve been in contact with each other. Seems China is missing and she isn't China but this girl Toni and it's a cluster fuck. I should speak to Thrash myself, but with the club all fucked up, I think it should wait. They've got enough problems. China isn’t who she says she is and I am waiting for a letter to prove it.”

  Joy looked around at her friends. "Jo is safe and I'll be here as much as I can. China never saw her and let's face it, she's high most of the time. I don't know how Thrash doesn't see it. Or maybe he chooses not to see it. I think Thrash is blind to China's faults.”

  Jo and Kima looked at each other. Kima had some questions for Jo and decided to ask them now.

  “Jo, why did you leave Nailz? Even though I'm mad at him, I've got to say I'm glad he didn't worry you. So, do you love Nailz? Do you want him back? Because, I don't want you two fighting over me.”

  Jo looked at her coffee. “I love Nailz, but didn't like the fact he lied to me. I didn't like being alone so much and I don't even know his first name! I don't know what I want, to be honest. I want more for my baby than to live over a damn garage. I want to know about his family and I want to meet his daughter. Those are things he’ll never do. If you need to tell Thrash about China and I'm the one stopping you - I can always find another place to live.”

  All of the other three women shouted ‘no’ at the same time.

  Kima frowned, “Jo... if you love the man, you love the club. However, I'm not feeling too much love for the club either. We'll hide you from Nailz - but I still think you both love each other. I’m so mad at Jersey and Nailz; I'm not speaking to them. But Jo, Nailz may find you. I really think he loves you. Now we need to get you to a doctor. I’ll call my cousin Regena. I need to see her too and we can go together. You need to know when you're due. And don't lie to me and tell me my parents don't know you're here. I bet you called my brother; I think Jack brought you over to my parent’s house. So what is going on with them?”

  Jo looked at Kima with a big smile. “Kima, they're going to adopt me and I'm going to be your sister. Your dad is getting the paperwork put together now. I’d rather not say how I got to your parent’s house.” She winked at Kima.

  Finally there was happy news, after all the shit that had happened over the last dark months.

  But Jo warned them, “We have to keep all of this to ourselves. My name will be changed and I can go live at your parent's house, if need be. Once I'm your sister, Nailz can't do a damn thing. I'll be related to Thrash and Veiko, once you get married!”

  Everyone thought about it and their laughter was infectious.

  Nailz was so fucked.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nailz was dead tired. He'd been running on empty for days and all he could think about was Jo. He didn’t feel like going up north to a meeting with Nefarious MC. He could barely stay awake so he shut his eyes. He didn’t like the NJ turnpike anyway. He didn't even give a shit about the club—he was that exhausted. Nailz let his head rest on the back of the car seat and went to sleep. Before long, he was dreaming of his Chickie–his Jo.

  Nailz had his tongue on her clit and Jo was moaning his name. His tongue went lower and his fingers parted the lips of her pussy. Jo kept doing that little moan of hers that turned him on so much. His tongue was lapping at the juices flowing from her pussy. Nailz moved a finger inside of her and Jo tightened up on it. He thrust another finger in, as he heard her beg for him to just fuck her or suck her clit. Jo was wet and hot and Nailz wanted to taste more of her. He withdrew his fingers and sucked on her juices. Jo’s breasts were larger and she was panting. Nailz trailed his fingers over her tummy, lightly and gently. He stuck his finger into her mouth and she sucked hard on it.

  His Chickie was no prude. From the day she sucked his blood off her finger, she’d turned into a semi-kinky bitch. All of her was just for him and him alone. Nailz slipped his jeans down, letting her see his hard cock. She knew she couldn't touch it yet. It drove her crazy, waiting to see if he'd fuck her or let her suck him dry.

  His Chickie loved to suck him off and she liked to swallow. Nailz was the one who taught Jo how to give blowjobs and she became quite the expert at it. Jo was a quick study when it came to sex. Nailz couldn't have been more pleased.

  Nailz pushed his face into her pussy. His tongue busy explored while Jo pleaded with him to make her come. How sweet tasting she was. His tongue was swirling her juices around her clit as he began to suck it-

  Jersey poked him. “Nailz! What the fuck? You're moaning. Some dream, huh? Bro, we got a meeting ahead that is one of the most important meetings we’ll ever attend. Wake the fuck up! We're almost at Tramp's house.”

  Nailz licked his lips. Fuck! He was dreaming of Jo. He licked his lips, again. Damn, he could almost taste his Chickie.

  “Fuck you, Jerz. I was having one of the best dreams I’ve ever had.”

  Nailz moved around so his hard on wasn't in plain sight.

  “Tramp isn't gonna make us wait for him, is he? I want to get this shit done. I'm thinking of calling a bounty hunter and see what he can find. Damn Jo. She left me a cold trail.”

  Jersey sighed, “Nailz, she'll turn up. How long is that money going to support her? Maybe she went to another state—then who knows if you'll ever find her. Jo’s smart. She won't put herself in any danger, bro. She'll come back or Kima will get a call from her.”

  Nailz scowled. It was a good thing that Jersey was driving because he really felt like tossing him out of the van. He'd be talking to Kima as soon as Veiko allowed it. Not that Nailz thought that Kima knew where Jo was, b
ut he figured that damn family of hers was behind this somehow.

  Jersey was right. He had to wake up and he wanted to hand over the Vice President's patch to Bullet. He'd make a good national VP. All he wanted to do was go back to being an SAA. Nailz loved to fight and he was good at keeping order. Fighting was what he lived for. Club politics was never what he wanted to be involved with. Nailz would be happy just being a regular SAA in the Central Jersey chapter.

  “Jersey, make a stop to get us some coffee. I need to wake the fuck up. Kima will talk to us–she doesn't hold a grudge long. Maybe she'll talk to you first and you can ask her. You and that silver tongue of yours,” Nailz laughed gruffly.

  Jersey shot him a quick, sneaky glance. “Kima probably will warm up to me first because unlike you, I have a way with the ladies. Nobody else in the club can claim it. Face it, I'm a charmer.” Jersey smiled widely at Nailz.

  Nailz looked at Jersey like he was crazy. “What da' fuck drugs you on tonight? I know you want Joy and she won't even look your way, asshole. That's one bitch you can't charm. She hates you. What dancer tosses her tips back at cha? Every time you toss money at her, she tosses it back. Yeah, that is your 'Joyful' all right. Chick hates your guts, fool. V will find out if there’s anything to tell. Now go in and get the damn coffee.”

  Jersey pulled into the rest stop and parked. “Yeah, King Nailz, your usual brew? May as well order me around now, because after tonight, we're back to being almost equal. ‘Cept I’ll still be your VP or Prez. Joyful loves me, she just doesn’t know it yet. I know I can get into her pants—just like any other chick I want. Can't say the same about you, huh? Do you wanna make a large wager on how I can charm Joyful? You think on how much, King Nailz. How many hours did you make it as national president?”

  Nailz shot him a dead cold stare. “You fucking asshole. I don't want another woman besides Jo. I bet you five hundred you can't make Joyful, your old lady. Shit, I'll up it to a grand if you last with her six months. She's on to you, licker. You don't have a chance with Joy and you know it. You wanna take the bet?”

  Jersey stuck out his hand to shake. “I'll be with her for years. She's just what I've been looking for. You’re a fool, you lost Jo. Bet doesn't say how long it will take to charm her, now does it? After all, I got to make her fall for my charming self, King Nailz.”

  Jersey didn't bother to wait for Nailz to answer. He got out of the car and was off to charm whatever girl was going to be making their coffee. He did yell back to Nailz as he was going in. “Sucks to be King! Keep the cage running, its cold out here.”

  Nailz sighed. How the hell did Jersey manage to always be so upbeat in the worst situations? He was like a damn windup toy that never stopped. At least he'd be amused watching this 'Joyful' put Jersey in his place. King Nailz indeed! He should’ve seen Jersey's edge coming. If he wasn't so worried about Jo, he would’ve known that the bet with Jersey was a bad one. Hell, it might take him years, but he was sure eventually Jersey had a good chance of winning. Jersey had said he'd have Joy for years. This could get tricky for the self-named charmer of the club.

  His head ached as much as his heart did now. Nailz wanted his coffee as long as he was King. Where the hell was it?

  They pulled into Tramp's driveway and Jerz beeped the horn. Tramp and Bullet came right out and got in the back of the van. They were off to meet up with Veiko, Thrash and Darko’s club.

  Tramp was more than ready to take over and Bullet was excited to take over the national vice president's patch. Nailz handed it right over. They'd have a meeting in a few weeks and a big party, but for now things were going to be kept fairly quiet. They still had to come to the terms with Nefarious MC becoming a support club which they expected would go smoothly. Nobody saw any issues and in fact, it was a damn good idea.

  Hammer, the National President of Nefarious MC was a decent guy. He was big, tough and rugged, but he was known for keeping his word. He wasn't crazy, which was a blessing. Bound for Hell MC didn't want any more craziness.

  Both clubs agreed with the terms that each presented and were happy with them. Nobody mentioned Rabid. It was as if he never existed for Nefarious. Maybe Darko knew more than Hammer did, but he wasn't talking. The guys had a few drinks, did a few lines and headed for home. Knowing that each club had the support of the other, felt damn good. Now they just had to make a few stops on the way home.

  Chapter Thirteen

  At the Bound for Hell clubhouse Nailz, Jersey, Thrash, Darko and the national president of Nefarious—Hammer—were in a great mood. The Filthy Fiends had released the dancers that they had taken (after several of their members were beaten up badly or just plain disappeared.) The women were roughed up and had been raped, but at least they were still alive.

  Darko was made president of the combined central and southern New Jersey chapters of Nefarious MC. Hammer would be going back up to Northern NJ to handle the chapters up there. The Filthy Fiends threat was still very much alive, but the Bound for Hell businesses were going to open along with the ones Nefarious MC operated. Both clubs would have to be very cautious.

  Veiko had gone back home to Kima. He didn't want to leave her for long periods and he'd been gone long enough. However, he wanted some time alone with the bastard that hit him and Kima that night. V was expecting a call from Nailz or Thrash after they had seen the scumbag. V would slip out or have to make another excuse to Kima. He promised her he’d be home and he wasn’t going to break it. As soon as she was asleep, call or not he’d head over to the coop Nefarious used.

  From what Darko told him, the guy was in bad shape. Bound for Hell MC, didn't usually play with their enemies. They normally just shot them and got rid of the bodies. But this was way too personal and they were learning some tricks from Nefarious that might benefit them.

  All Veiko wanted to do was kill the fucker who began the downfall of his relationship with Kima and killed their baby. He'd sworn to kill the motherfucker who crashed into them that November night and he'd enjoy keeping his promise. Kima might not understand how losing their baby hurt him, but it had. He’d been lying in the hospital with nothing but time to think. At times, V felt his head would explode with everything that was swirling around in it. Not to mention dealing with his bitch of a mother. V knew people thought he’d let his mother take over everything, but he really had been that injured. When V found out what she’d been up to, he tossed her out of his life. After that, he seemed to heal faster or maybe he did because he had to get Kima back. Knowing Rabid had her made him determined to get her back, at any cost.

  Arriving at the farm, they followed Darko and Hammer out to the abandoned chicken coop that Nefarious was keeping the scumbag in. Located inland from the coastline, it was an area where many chicken farms sprung up, during World War Two. It was cheap land and not too many people wanted to live here so Motorcycle Clubs bought up the land or rented it for clubhouses and many lived out here. Only the state police patrolled and they were barely around. Houses and taxes were dirt cheap. Money was tight because of the recession, but the Viet Nam war was coming to an end. Maybe things would get better once the war was over. The clubs all expected to get new members from the veterans, who were so hated for being in a war that most had never wanted to fight.

  The coop was where Nefarious worked over people that fucked with them. It had been abandoned on a farm that the Nefarious MC operated and owned somehow. It was impossible to see even from Ashes' house which was situated on the adjoining property.

  The coop was made of concrete on the inside, but still looked abandoned because the club left up the old, wood siding. Nefarious were very clever in making sure it had a real old, rustic look to it. Inside, they kept it simple for what they needed it for. The coops around this one all had the same look so it was hard to tell which one they used for their purposes. Wisely, they even had a drain put in the floor for easy clean up.

  Nailz and Thrash were very impressed with the setup. They noticed the bottles of bleach and Drano
that lined the shelves along with some other chemical cleaners.

  What did shock the shit out of them, though, was a man wearing a Filthy Fiends patch. The guy was one of Rabid's old, personal SAA's. This was a man that they had known as a brother—who’d supposedly gone out on good standing because of family issues.

  Nailz and Thrash both looked at each other wondering what the fuck?

  Darko kicked the chair roughly that Ox was nodding out on to wake him up.

  “Visitors, Ox. By the look on their know them.”

  Ox groaned and then looked shocked from his only open eye to see the two powerful bikers that he once called brothers. Nailz stepped forward to make sure it was really Ox. He nodded to Thrash. Hammer went over to Nailz and suggested they go call V. Thrash wanted answers. Why the hell would Ox turn against Bound for Hell? Nailz intended to find out—even if Ox paid in blood.

  Darko offered to go call V and have him come out. Thrash told him to make the call because Veiko needed to do this.

  Thrash knew his brother wouldn't forgive him, if V wasn't the one to end Ox. That accident had caused such a huge chain of events in the club. Veiko should be the one to kill this scumbag.

  Ox snarled bravely at Thrash, “Where's Rabid?”

  Thrash played it cool. “Why don't you tell us?"

  Ox tried to smile through bloody lips, “He set you all up. Rabid had plans for the Filthy Fiends—to patch into Bound for Hell. Nailz, your brother and that sneaky fucker Jersey were in our way. I always liked you, Thrash. Can you get these crazy fuckers to let me go? Rabid had me getting young girls and dealing crystal meth. I didn't want to join the Filthy Fiends, but we needed a show of faith. So we patched in a Fiend into Bound for Hell. Wanna know who? Lemme go and I'll tell ya.”

  Thrash grabbed Ox's throat and began to choke him until Nailz pulled him away.


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