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Page 11

by Needa Warrant

  The threat of China had been taken care of by Joy—who said very little—just that Jo didn't have to worry about China any longer. Kima had told Jo more. (Like how Joy went to Thrash directly and confronted both China and him.) Kima seemed to think maybe Joy would hook up with Thrash, but Joy said no way. Joy had no time for men. Why would she waste the time she had off with one after dealing with them in bars? It made perfect sense to Jo, but she worried about Thrash. It must’ve been heartbreaking for him. Jo wished she could talk to him. Thrash had defended her against Skunk and she was forever indebted to him in her eyes.

  The truth was Jo was very lonely, but put on a brave face. She wanted Nailz back, but after so many people had gone to so much trouble to protect her, she wasn't going to disappoint them now. Jo tossed her knitting needles onto the couch when she heard a car pulling up the driveway.

  It was Elena and Kima finally. Thank God she had company! Jo heard them laughing as she went to the kitchen door to greet her friends. As Jo unlocked the door, she saw a big smile on Kima's face. Maybe, she was finally pregnant. Jo hoped so because Kima had made a mission out of it.

  Jo had to ask her. "So are you pregnant?" Kima smiled happily. "No period, so far—but I'm not telling V yet. I want to be sure."

  Elena had a wistful smile on her face, too. "I'm late—two periods late! I've had Hunter doing double duty in the bedroom." This was big news to Jo and Kima. They looked at Elena in shock. "Do you think I'm too old to have a baby? Remember, Hunter thinks I'm years older than I really am. If I am he’s going to be so freaked out, but ecstatic, I hope. We wanted a baby for so many years. He has no idea I stopped using birth control since right after Kima's accident."

  Kima didn't bat an eyelash at the mention of the accident. "Do you want to see my cousin, Elena? She’s the best obstetrician around here. Jo will tell you how nice she is, too. I know she’d see you right away."

  "I'm sort of scared to go, but if you can get an appointment for me then yes, I'd like to use her." Elena was glowing. "I wonder how the hell I'll tell Hunter or Thorn. Kima, were your parents really serious about buying up the stable part of the property? I won't be able to dance so now would be a good time to sell it. Don't worry Jo—I’m keeping the farmhouse and all of the property to the back and side of the house as long as I can afford to. It can be subdivided, but I'm not selling it to your dad to build houses on. Kima, I know one day you’ll want horses again and if you do now is the time to buy the stable area." Elena was talking to thin air. Kima was already headed to the phone.

  Jo and Elena listened as Kima talked to her dad. This was her dream and after all she had gone through the past year, they were sure she'd get it. When Kima came back to the table her face was beaming. "Dad said yes! I even said it had to go in writing that it was mine—all mine. No houses will ever be built on this land. Too bad I can't tell V yet. I even said I'd have a smaller wedding. He said to go over and see him as soon as you're sure, Elena.”

  All the noise had woken Joy up and she came downstairs looking for her cinnamon rolls. “Do you all have to be so loud? I need coffee before you tell me whatever news you have. Jo, did you make those rolls?”

  “Of course I did and the coffee is waiting for you, grumpy.” Jo was in a happy mood.

  Kima went out to the car and brought in a huge cardboard box. She had a grin on her face. “Wait until you see what I had made up. V is going to love these tee shirts. I’ve been singing lately—Love to Love You, Baby by Donna Summer. It’s driving him nuts. He hates disco, says it sucks. So I had this idea to make up these tee shirts for the club.” She began to tear open the big box.

  Jo looked at Elena in wonder. “Kima is singing? Are the dogs all howling at the Lodge?”

  Elena shot them a huge grin. “Not yet. V needs to learn what all the Regan’s do when Kima sings.”

  Joy was less grumpy, but wondered why nobody thought Kima should sing. “He’s got a problem with Kima singing? What the hell?”

  Jo laughed at her. “Joy, have you ever heard Kima sing? If not, you’re damn lucky. The whole family gives her whatever she wants to stop singing. Honestly, I swear to God they do it just to shut her up.”

  Kima began to toss tee shirts at them. She fished in the box for an extra-large one for Jo and tossed it to her.

  Jo looked at the tee shirt and had to laugh. The black tee shirt had DISCO SUCKS written across it, in white letters.

  Kima looked at her friends. “Since I might be pregnant and not dancing, I plan to sell tee shirts. The guys will love these. Yours are free of course. Elena, you tell Joy yet?”

  Elena grinned at Joy. “I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant, too. Our plans to buy that farm are coming true, Joy. My part of the down payment will be from the stable sales.”

  Joy just shook her head. “I hope being pregnant isn’t contagious. You’re all crazy pregnant ladies. Elena, what’s Hunter going to say about that and selling the stables? You know he holds onto land here in Sea Woods like a hoarder.”

  “Not his farm—I bought it. I hope he’ll be happy about the baby. If he has an issue oh, well—he better get over it.” Elena was busy pulling her new shirt over her head.

  The girls all put the DISCO SUCKS shirts on and danced around the kitchen listening to Love to Love you, Baby. Thankfully, nobody sang. The radio blasted more disco music. The old farmhouse kitchen could’ve been a disco as far as the girls were concerned. They pushed the table to the wall and that old kitchen was rocking. Their men might hate the music, but it sure was good music to dance to. Jo sat on the table and watched her friends all grind and shake while she laughed hysterically.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Kima was tired, cranky and late to look at wedding bands with Veiko. He was just getting on his bike ready to leave Sea Jewels when she pulled up. V’s face had a scowl and Kima really wasn't up to dealing with his bullshit.

  "What the fuck, Kima? I've been waiting for forty five minutes!"

  Kima tried to force a smile. "I was checking on the house. My dad’s being really nice updating it for us. I had to save the claw foot bathtub. I love that tub and my dad was going to toss it out. I had to save the kitchen cabinets, too. My grandpa made them. My dad has good intentions, but I like the house pretty much as it is. I do like the new stove and refrigerator, though."

  Veiko scowled disgustedly. “An old bathtub, what da fuck? You had me waiting over a fucking tub? Are you crazy? As if I want the wonderful Regan family redoing our house. We'll never hear the end of it."

  Kima stood there stunned. She had plenty she could have said about the Finn family, but held her tongue because of Thrash. "V, you just need to have the ring sized. I picked them out because you said to pick out whatever I wanted. I decided we'd go with my family tradition of the Claddagh. You know—the ring with the hands touching the heart with the crown. All my cousins wear it on the Regan side and my aunts do, too."

  V frowned defiantly. "Isn't that Irish? Have you noticed I'm Finnish? Why would I want to wear one of those? I ain’t getting married by a priest—I keep telling you that! I'm not Catholic, either—never will be. I told you no big wedding and you even agreed. It was your idea for me to wear a wedding ring, not mine. I don't want a ring. I'm not going to wear it after the wedding. I fix engines, Kima. You're getting everything you want and now you expect me wear an Irish wedding band? Fuck that!" V walked over to his bike and kicked it over. The engine roared to life and V rode away leaving Kima to stare after him.

  Kima stood there and tried to calm her racing heart. What the hell crawled up his ass? She thought. Bikers—men—never would she ever understand them. Kima was so confused, but who could she talk to? Who could help her figure this out? Thinking long and hard, Kima dug in her purse for some change and walked over to the payphone. She dialed a number she had memorized.

  "Hey, are you around? I need to talk to you."

  The voice on the other end of the phone said "Chica, I'm about to check on my new bar, Dirty Deeds. You wa
nt to meet me there?'

  Kima thought about it. "Yeah, I need to talk to you. I think I made a huge mistake. I’ve got something for you anyway. Give me directions and I'll head over." Kima got the directions and her wheels spun out as she left the parking lot.

  On her way, Kima began to think. What had Veiko really put into the relationship so far? She'd paid the rent on the cabin. She was providing them with the farmhouse. Her mother had given up land she had secretly owned in Beach View to her dad for the farm. That was her mother's land and her dad made more off of it than he would have from her grandparent's house. Kima’s mom had done her best to keep peace in the family. It was also paying for the wedding.

  Kima had planned on paying for the wedding bands. She never questioned V about his money and she was now in a foul mood. What else did she have to give V? She'd done everything she could to make him happy, yet Kima felt V didn't seem to appreciate any of it. Damn him!

  Kima pulled onto the highway and began to look for the bar. There it was. She pulled her messy hair into a pony tail and glossed her lips.

  When Kima entered the bar Darko saw customers glance her way. She still had that strut and definitely was an eyeful.

  Darko walked over and guided her to his office. "You want a drink?"

  "Just a soda," Kima replied. She looked around and saw there was a couch to sit on. "I've made a huge mistake, I think with Veiko and me...I don't know if it’s going to work." There, she finally said it out loud.

  "So end it, Chica. I told you to take your time, didn't I?" Darko pushed her onto the couch.

  Kima closed her eyes. "I’m sure I'm pregnant and the wedding’s coming up. I don't know how to please V anymore. I should’ve gone to a shrink or went away after Rabid. I can't disappoint my family now. All the trouble they've gone to and they're so nice to Veiko. He's being such an asshole."

  Darko took her hand. "Why would you marry him if you don't think it will work, Kima? You'll be unhappy and end up hating each other."

  Kima looked sadly at Darko. "I keep replaying shooting Rabid in my head, but I can't talk to Veiko about it. It's a closed subject. I’m not allowed to talk about or even think about it. V hates the idea of a wedding, too. I don't know why he wants to marry me anymore. Today he called me crazy. To be honest, I wonder if he's marrying me because of all I know about the club. V isn't even planning to wear a ring after the wedding."

  Darko frowned. "You're bottling this up inside of you? Fuck, that isn't healthy—that shit eats away at you, I know all too well. Why won't he wear a ring?"

  Kima held onto his hand. "It doesn't matter what I feel. I knew Veiko didn't want a big wedding, but my parents really want this and I'm trying to please everyone. It isn't a big wedding by my family's standards. He won't turn Catholic and he says he works on engines so he can't wear a ring. Maybe that's true, who knows?

  Darko sat holding her hand. "So what do you want to do? It's your life Kima. Nobody is holding a gun to your head to marry V, are they? I think your parents would get over you changing your mind."

  Kima looked sadly at Darko. "Honestly, it's always the club. He runs off to do whatever he has to do and I'm wondering if he remembers the promises he made me. We had a big fight over wedding bands. I've never asked him to change, but it seems to me he's getting a damn good deal marrying me. Plus, we're having a baby. V won't let me go for sure when he finds out."

  There was a knock on the door and Darko got up to get their drinks.

  Kima was admiring his ass and he caught her. "I should’ve stepped in before Rabid ever got to you. I think about that all the fucking time. You would have forgotten Veiko then, wouldn't you?"

  Kima looked at him. "Yeah, I think I would have. It burned me you wouldn't fuck me. I didn't understand why—I still don't. I would have been safer with you, probably.”

  Darko handed her the soda, “Kima, I felt you weren't ready for a relationship. I didn't want to be second to V. When we last talked, you told me when you shut your eyes you always saw Veiko so I let you go, even though I didn't want to. You know V and I talked about you."

  Kima frowned, her eyebrows slanting inward. "Me? Why?"

  Darko leaned back. "When I decided to bring Nefarious in to take out Rabid—before I knew you shot him—I asked V to let you come to me if that was what you wanted. He agreed. Those words were of a man who loves you. I hate to say it, but it's true. When you were with Rabid did you ever think about me?"

  Kima took a sip of soda. “No, V was all I thought about, honestly. I really thought Rabid would either kill V or me. You know, I've basically paid for everything in our relationship. We'll live at my grandparent's house—I inherited it. My parents are paying for the wedding. I'm on my dad's insurance. I feel like everything is being handed to V."

  Darko ran his hand over his face. "Kima, he loves you and you love him. Did it occur to you he may be feeling badly over all of this? I know it would bother me. Maybe it’s all the bullshit over the wedding, too."

  Kima sighed. "No, of course I didn't think of that. My family can be overwhelming at times. V doesn't understand them and I doubt he ever will. Maybe I should just call it off. I know my dad won't mind. He'd be happy if I decided not to marry Veiko, I'm sure of that. My parents wouldn't want me to be a single mother, but they'd deal with it."

  Darko laughed. "I can understand a father feeling that way about his daughter marrying a biker. I'm Italian and Hungarian. If I had a daughter, I don't think I'd want her marrying a man like me. You really should talk to Thrash. If anyone can knock sense into V, he can. Now what’s your plan—or for once don't you have one?"

  Kima got up. "No plan. I guess I'll talk to Veiko or Thrash. To be honest his club scares me now. I feel trapped most of the time…I don’t go around them."

  Drako stood. "Kima, if you aren't telling me something then I can't help you. Nobody better be making you feel like you have to marry V because of Bound for Hell."

  Kima put her arms around Darko and hugged him. "Nobody is threatening me. Maybe I'm just stressed over the wedding. My mother told me when I was little that life was a dance. You get the thrill of the leaps, the spins, the dips and falls. When you stumble or fall, you get up and keep dancing. I've always tried to live like that. Maybe that’s how I should look at marriage. Darko, thanks so much. You've been a better friend to me than most of my friends."

  Darko smiled warmly. "Chica, you let me know if you cancel the wedding and I'll be right here for you."

  Kima smiled." Thanks—but I do love V and we're starting a family. Maybe it’s just my fucked up head! Things have never felt the same since Rabid. I know I need to put that bastard behind me, but I can't yet. I wish I could. Now, I better get going before V wonders where I am. Hey, I brought you a shirt! I’m making these now and selling them." Kima whipped a black tee shirt at him.

  Darko caught it in mid-air and looked at the lettering. ”Disco sucks, huh? This is fucking great. Can I get in on the action and sell these in the bar? My club’s gonna want them, too. We all hate this disco crap. It isn’t music, but all my dancers seem to love it. You got any more of these?”

  Kima’s face lit up. “It’s my new business plan since I’m not dancing. My dad knows a guy who will make as many as I need. Give me a few days and tell me how many sizes you want and I’ll deliver them to you. I’ve got to make a profit, though. I better go before the gossip mills start churning. Call me.”

  Darko walked her to the door. "Nobody will be doing that. We're not your old man's club.”

  Kima strutted away before turning and blowing a kiss at Darko. He reached up and caught it, but she never saw that. He hoped nobody else had seen it, either.

  Darko watched as Kima got in her car and left. Damn V for not seeing what he had. Darko cursed himself again for not taking Kima when he had the chance. He wondered why he had been so foolish to ever let her go. Darko walked back into his bar wondering what a life with Kima would have been like. He felt like punching the wall, but instead he
motioned for a girl with long black hair to come back in the office with him.

  He’d use this chick to get his mind off the blonde who had crushed his heart, again. The girl was a new dancer and he pushed her toward the floor. She got the idea very quickly, dropped to her knees and tugged Darko’s zipper down. His cock was pulled out of his pants and he leaned up against the wall with his fist tangled in her hair. Darko didn’t know her name and he didn’t want to know it. He fucked her mouth hard, pulling out to cum on her face. He didn’t even look at her when he told her to clean herself up and get back to work. The girl left silently.

  Darko never remembered treating a woman as he just had. The feeling wasn’t very good. Darko felt totally empty inside. He’d just made a woman blow him without saying a word until it was over.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  On the way home Kima tried to think how she could fix this fight between her and V. He clearly didn’t intend to go along with a wedding. Maybe they should just go to Elkton, Maryland and get married. If V could manage to leave the club for that long and work. Maybe Joy and Jersey could go down with them. She didn’t want strangers being her witnesses. Maybe that was the answer—but then Kima’s parents would be hurt.

  Why did it seem that Kima was always pleasing everyone but herself? Kima wasn’t happy that Jo couldn’t attend the wedding so maybe her mother would be happy planning a party later on. Kima had to deal with V, they didn’t. With her mind made up, Kima felt happier and couldn’t wait to talk to Veiko about her plan. She hoped he’d agree to it and they could leave as soon as possible.


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