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Page 14

by Needa Warrant

  Nailz wasn’t sure how to take what V said.

  “I guess so. I thought living with Dianna’s parents she was protected. She wants me to marry Jo and do the right thing. Jo’s already told me she doesn’t want to marry me, even if I begged her.”

  “Don’t know what to tell you, man. I know that my kid is getting my last name. From what I heard, the Regan’s have no problem with you two not marrying. More kids to carry on their last name, I guess. Now, that’d piss me off. My blood, my last name. I hope you’re going to be on the birth certificate. The twins should have your last name at least, Nailz.” Veiko was adamant about that.

  “I guess I better call my parents and have them meet Jo. I told her I wanted them to have my last name. She said no and I don’t even know what my rights are. My dad will know. He’s a lawyer. Another thing they’ll be upset with me over—having more kids. Jo’s so young, too. I can just see my father being disappointed all over again.” Nailz looked a bit depressed.

  Veiko punched Nailz in his arm. “Hey, we love those chicks. There’s no shame in loving a younger woman, bro. I think you’ve got it all wrong in your head. Have you even looked at another woman since Jo? Hell no or I’d know. From what I heard about Dianna, Jo’s nothing like her. You’re crazy not to stick with her. That chick is like Kima—loyal, forgiving and she loves your stupid ass. Maybe she isn’t letting onto it right now, but she does or Kima wouldn’t be letting you in the room. As for Tears? Yeah, you better watch the bros. Thorn is the one I’d trust with her. If not for Thorn, Kima wouldn’t have known how to shoot. Thorn wouldn’t take advantage of her and he knows what would happen if he did. You’re always over thinking shit, Nailz. Now, I wanna go kiss my old lady goodbye because we gotta go see Darko. You ought to call Thorn to sit with Tears or ask Elena if she can go over to the Lodge. Club business again, but it isn’t supposed to take long.”

  Nailz headed for a payphone and didn’t bother replying to V. He couldn’t think of anything to say, anyway. Nailz arranged for Thorn to pick up Tears from the hospital and he’d pick her up at the Lodge. It was time she met Elena, anyway.

  V kissed Kima goodbye when he got back in the room. He heard her mutter something about when duty calls and laugh. It was good to hear her old laugh back.

  Nailz saw Tears curled up by Jo’s side. How the hell did she manage to fit beside her?

  “Is it okay for Tears to stay here until Thorn picks her up? Tears, you’re going to the Lodge to meet Elena. I won’t be too long. Jo, I’ll have the place already for you. Are you sure you don’t want me to bring you home tomorrow?”

  “My parents wanted to take me home after they found out we were in the hospital. It’s the right thing to do. They’re picking Kima up, too. Tears is fine with us and I’m glad Elena will finally meet her. You be safe, Nailz.” Jo was happy to have Tears to talk to.

  Nailz walked over. He bent down and kissed Jo hard. Nailz felt Jo’s lips quiver and the soft sigh she made.

  He whispered, “love you” and walked over to kiss his daughter on the forehead. He never heard Jo whisper ‘I love you back’ but she had.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Darko had reached out to Veiko for a talk so Veiko, Nailz, Jersey and Thrash went to Dirty Deeds to find out what he wanted. They were taken into Darkos office as soon as they arrived. Drinks were ordered and V and Thrash made themselves comfortable. Nailz stood with his back against the wall.

  Darko looked serious as he began to talk. “Nefarious is looking for prospects. We need to build up our southern chapter and we've got two prospects. I figured I'd tell you who they are since V isn't going to be happy, but I think it might strengthen our bond between our clubs."

  V wondered what the hell Darko was talking about. So far, they had just patched in any of the Unlawful bros who wanted to join with Hunter. Bound for Hell did need new blood, but they hadn't thought about it yet. If Darko said he wouldn't like who Nefarious was bringing into their fold, V had no clue who it could be. “You may as well just tell me because I can't think of who you're talking about.

  Thrash had a good idea of at least one of the names and figured it had to be Kima's brother. He didn't give a shit what Jack did. It made sense to him that Jack wouldn't want to be in Bound for Hell, but the sneaky fucker never let on that he was interested in joining a club. Thrash would’ve been glad to sponsor him into his chapter. Jack was smart, knew how to make money and had great connections. He would have been an asset to Bound for Hell MC. Wisely, Thrash kept his mouth shut. If V was smart, he wouldn't say a word about it if it was Jack. Jersey, he figured wouldn’t give a shit either way.

  Leaning against the desk, Darko was trying to think of a way to make it easy on Kima because her brother joining his club was sure to piss V off.

  "Well, I got Jack and Jo's brother as prospects. They didn't want to be in Bound for Hell so I took ‘em before some other club did. As I said, it keeps our clubs tight."

  V snarled, "Fucking Saint Jack. You're welcome to him. You know his daddy spoiled the hell outta him? I swear he did this to hurt Kima."

  "No, he didn't want to be in your club because of Kima and Jo, V. He didn't want you ordering him around. He carries his weight easily and he's smart. I need guys like him and James. Why did you call him a saint?" Darko was curious about V's attitude.

  "Saint because everything that prick does is fine by his old man. He shits ice cream. The damn family considers him golden. Maybe it’s better you got him. I'd have run his ass to the ground. His father has him and James doing car repo's now. Seems nobody can pay their car payments. Jack and James get sent out to reclaim them. Kima calls him Mad Jack now because she says all of his plans are pure madness. Jack calls her to see if she thinks they’ll work. James can hot wire a car really fast too, if they don't have the keys. Kima’s the one who makes the plans to get the cars. Which pisses Jack off and he gets mad at her because her plans are better than his." Veiko seemed less angry.

  Thrash got up and stretched. "V, calm the fuck down. Jack would never have taken your bullshit. Darko’s right, let him deal with them. Nailz, you got anything to say?"

  Nailz thought about it and shook his head. It didn’t matter to him. If they wanted to join Nefarious, let them.

  Darko shook hands with them. “I’m glad you took this decently. Mad Jack, huh? I think you just named our prospect. Shit, may as well call James, Jesse. I like that, Mad Jack and Jesse James, or maybe JJ. Thanks V, I see a lot of potential in those two. Doubt they'll prospect long."

  Nailz spoke up, finally. “Skunk kicked in my old lady’s door. Don’t know if you heard that I found Jo. You can tell your boy that his sister’s in the hospital after she took a shot at that fucker. I figure now this has both of our clubs involved. Jo is my old lady and sister to James. How you wanna deal with this, Darko?

  Darko got a hard, grim look to his face. “We need to take the Fiends out. I’ll be seeing Hammer soon. My boy welcome at Jo’s? If you need any help watching her, we’ll send some guys over. This shit is getting to be too much. Joy has some Fiend stalking her. She told me about it the other night. Guess she forgot to tell me about Jo, since she was hiding her?”

  Nailz nodded. “There are no problems with us and Joy. Jo’s brother is welcome to visit her. It’s Jo’s and Joy’s house. If we need help, we’ll reach out. Guess we better call Tramp, too. Jules is safe dancing here? Don’t need anyone following her home.”

  Darko nodded, “As safe as can be. She’s living with a few other dancers. Some have kids and they babysit for each other. I can’t say if that’s the safest place and I don’t know if any of those dancers are with any clubs. I make sure my dancers are escorted to their cars.”

  Jersey finally spoke up. “You’re sure Joy is safe, too? She isn’t an old lady, but I’ve got an interest in her.”

  “All dancers interest you, Jersey. I’m having her followed home, though. Good enough for you?” Darko wanted to get back to the bar.

  Their talk w
as over and the men headed to the bar.

  Jersey saw some of the guys from his chapter and went over to talk to them.

  Sitting at the bar, Thrash tried to explain to V why Kima wouldn't be upset. "Kima doesn't care Veiko. Trust me, it’s better if Jack isn't in our club. If you ever hurt her brother she'd never forgive you—or worse, if something went down and he got hurt...Darko was smart to grab those two. He did us a favor. What if the Fiends had gotten to them? Jack would’ve made them money and you know it. If anything happens to Jack now, Darko has to face Kima."

  V smiled at that. "Not that I wish anything bad on Jack, but you're right. I wouldn't want to tell Kima if her brother got hurt or busted. If he does, she can scream at Darko. Hell, maybe it will break their fucking bond."

  "You’re jealous, Veiko? Tell Kima it bothers you that she and Darko are friends." Thrash never had understood why his bother allowed that friendship to continue.

  "I can't. I promised Kima that I'd never get between her friendship with Darko. Less she's fucking him behind my back, I ain't going there. Kima isn't a cheating slut, either. I owe Darko for keeping an eye on her while I was laid up and you weren't there. Leave it alone, Thrash. She still isn't over all that shit. Darko was there for her and we weren't. I wish he'd get an old lady and stop looking at mine. I know he's in love with Kima, but he'd never go any further. Darko’s a man who keeps his word."

  Thrash nodded and looked away. He was thinking of how people lie and of certain bitch that had almost ripped his heart out.

  Nailz nudged Thrash. “Is that Dusty over there? Looks like she’s looking right at you—what’s up with that?”

  Thrash stood up. “That’s none of your business, asshole. I told her I’d take her to the diner so I’ll catch you both later on.” He met up with Dusty and they strolled out the door.

  Veiko was grinning. “Dusty has never paid attention to any of us. I always thought Jersey would go for her, but even he knows better. Wonder if she’s taken’ a liking to my big bro.”

  V felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Joy and she had a happy grin on her face.

  “Jersey had better not go near Dusty. She doesn’t want an old man and she dances all over. I asked her to go out with Thrash to the diner. She wants to talk to him about a tattoo she wants. Thrash needs to be around somebody like her. Dusty has common sense and she’s a good listener. I’ve known her a long time. So I hear I’ve got two new roommates. Nailz, the number one rule is to never ever leave the toilet seat up! Always make sure your aim is true. I step in piss—you’re cleaning the bathroom and my feet. Jo told you about Skunk? Darko’s making sure I get followed home now and I’m going to start dancing here most of the time. Jo put a hole in the wall when she shot at Skunk. Please get it fixed. I’ll see you later or at the house, I’m up next.” Joy wiggled her ass as she departed.

  They watched Joy rush toward the door to the dressing room. Nailz admired the way she managed herself. He turned to V, “I made a bet with Jersey that he’d never get with her. I kinda hope I lose it.”

  Veiko raised his eyebrow. “Don’t be letting those chicks know or your life will be pure hell. They stick together as if they were in a club. Let’s get outta here soon. All we need is some dancers hitting on us. You know how fast that would get back to Kima and Jo.”

  Nailz checked out the bar and watched as a biker strode in. He noticed Joy looking at him, too. He didn’t come over to them so Nailz lost interest. He did look familiar, though.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Joy had just finished her set when the door to the bar opened. She watched the new biker who had just entered Dirty Deeds. He must have been at least 190 pounds of solid muscle. His chiseled abs and bulging biceps were seeping through his snug tee shirt and colors. He had a tattoo peeking out from under his sleeve, but Joy couldn't quite make out what it was as he took off his leather. His eyes were the most gorgeous color Joy had ever seen and she was mesmerized by them. They were hazel in color, but appeared to change color with each blink of his eye. His hair was a deep chocolate brown, thick and wavy and in need of a haircut desperately. He had an intricate scar on his face. It ran from the middle of his forehead and followed his hair line to his left ear. His mustache curled up slightly when he smirked—he must have had at least a day or more of scruff on his strong jaw line. He was one of those men that stands back, takes it all in—but doesn't miss a damn thing. A cocky son of a bitch. Very interesting, she thought. All of a sudden Joy saw Veiko head toward him and the unknown biker turned. Damn, it was a nomad Bound for Hell member. She heard V call him Hyway.

  Joy moved closer and heard his husky voice. Damn, he sounded hot. Suddenly Jersey was beside her and grabbed Joy by the arm, pulling her away.

  “Like what you see, Joyful? You don’t want to go there. Hyway ain’t the settling down type and he uses club whores. Sorry to disappoint you, but I do have to talk to you. I kinda got myself in a fix. I made a bet with Nailz over you.” Jersey’s breath was hot against Joy’s ear and his voice was ragged. He let her go and she turned to face him.

  Joy’s eyes blazed, shooting blue sparks at Jersey. If looks could kill, Jersey was so dead.

  “You did what? How dare you, Jerz! And you want me to help you to win the bet, too—don’t you?”

  Jersey looked straight into Joy’s eyes. “Yeah, I wanna win. I heard you were buying a farm. Also heard you got a Fiend on your tail. You can have the money—I just need to hook up with you. So if you move to that farm, I could make sure you’re safe…you get the bet money and I win. Plus, I’ll help you with the horses. Are you planning to stay with Jo and all of them over there? Nailz plans to suggest Kima and V move over there until their house is ready, since it is safer. You wanna live with all that noise?”

  Joy closed her eyes. Noise—she hated it. She loved peace and quiet when she wasn’t dancing or partying. All of them under one roof—oh, hell no! Joy was going to be moving to the new farm and the closing was weeks away. Jersey made sense saying she couldn’t handle all of them under one roof. Nor could she live alone with the threat of Stinky after her. Plus, money and barn help…hmm. Joy could see it working to her advantage.

  “How much money, Jersey—and we aren’t screwing. Get that out of your head right now. I’ll be your pretend old lady for a little while if you keep your part of the bargain up. If not, I’ll make sure everyone knows you are a lying bull-shitter. As for everyone under one roof, maybe I’ll take the cabin. You could sleep in the loft, I guess.”

  The smile of pure relief was amazing on Jersey’s face. “Look, the bet is my concern. How about a grand? I pay all living expenses and you teach me how to care for the horses—say for about four or five months, maybe more?”

  Joy coldly calculated in her mind. “You’re paying for food and the bills. Stinky will know I’m your old lady, I can see this working for me. Well, you’ve got yourself a deal, Jersey.”

  Jersey let out a loud holler and looked straight at Nailz.

  “I got my old lady, Nailz. Joyful is mine—I told you so.” He was smirking at his bro and it felt damn good.

  With that he grabbed up Joy and kissed her senseless. Even she enjoyed it.

  Nailz glowered at them. What the hell was up? Joy had been looking at Hyway. How the hell had he pulled this off? Nailz thoughts broke when he saw Thrash come in with his arm around Dusty. What the hell was up with this entire lovey-dovey shit? Dusty was with Thrash and that was the first time he’d seen her near a man since her old man had died.

  Chapter Thirty

  Hyway was there for a reason and asked if they could find a place to talk. V was able to get Darko to let them use his office.

  Hyway leaned on the desk with folded arms. He looked over V, Jersey and Nailz. He knew them from runs and knew Thrash more than the others.

  “Tramp wants to send Inky down here to watch that chick Jules. In the meantime he asked me to watch her. Wants a place found for her to live near you, V. He must be serious about her if he
is sending down the Inkman. We heard she has his son, but isn’t giving him the time of day. He’s willing to support them, too. Said he’d put the house in his name. Find him one as soon as you can.”

  V looked over at Thrash. Inky or aka Inkman was close to Thrash—he’d taught him to tattoo. Now he was the head national SAA. Thrash had a huge grin on his face.

  “Well, fuck me—Inky taking on a job like that? I heard he closed his shop down. I wonder if he’d come to work for me while he is around. That’d be great for business. Jules is a nice chick. She got fucked over real bad by that rat, Crazy. I doubt she’ll want you or Inky following her around. V’s old lady knows her best. Tramp is gonna set her up? That’s cool, she deserves a break.” Thrash seemed amazed.

  Veiko wondered if any of the cottages Kima’s great aunt had would work—or maybe Hunter would rent her one. V didn’t think Jules would like a cabin with a woodstove with a baby, though.

  “Kima’s aunt has a place with some cottages that are empty. Maybe she’d rent one. They look decent and I think they’re two bedrooms. Just up the road from my house and where Nailz is staying now.”

  Hyway nodded. “You do that. I see Dusty Rose is back around. You ballin’ her, Thrash?”

  The room got quiet. Nobody asked Thrash questions like that and Dusty didn’t mess with the bikers.

  “She’s a friend, Hyway so leave her alone—got me?” Thrash’s voice was low and hard.

  Hyway spread out his hands. “Bro, I’ve known Dusty longer than you—we’re friends. If she hooked up again, I’d be happy for her. I just meant now that Rabid’s gone, she’s around again. They avoided each other after Loco died. Not that she gave a shit over his death after all he put her through. I know Dusty from living in the same neighborhood. Her sister Angie was my old lady. I remember Loco bringing Dusty to the clubhouse and she saw Rabid. Went right up to him and raked her fingers across his face. She left some scars on his chin, that’s when he grew that fucking goatee. You know what she was screaming at him?”


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