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The Malice

Page 36

by Peter Newman

  Jem nods and they go ahead together.

  ‘When we get to the house, I’ll give you the grand tour. Don’t worry, it won’t take long, and then we can settle down and have something to eat. Do you like goat’s milk?’

  ‘I’ve never had it.’

  ‘Then you’re in for an experience. We drink a lot of goat’s milk here. And tell a lot of stories. Well, mostly that was me but I suspect that’s about to change. I haven’t been across the sea in over twelve years. What’s it like? I’m dying to know. I don’t suppose you went through Verdigris on your travels because …’

  Vesper and her father wait while her uncle’s chatter moves further away. Both smile.

  ‘He hasn’t changed.’

  Her father shakes his head.

  She sighs. ‘I have.’

  He nods, his eyes searching her face, noting tiny scars and worry lines in the grime. On impulse, he embraces her again.

  ‘I’m okay. I’m just tired. There’s so much to tell you I don’t know where to start. Can you let go a moment? It’s hard talking into your chest.’ He blushes, half stepping back, one hand lingering on her sleeve. ‘You never told me what it was like when you went to The Seven’s sanctum. Did they make you angry too?’

  An eyebrow raises, then he nods, emphatic.

  ‘I’m not coming home.’ She holds up a hand. ‘I’m sorry if that sounds harsh but let me explain. I love it here and I’ll visit of course but I need to go back to the Shining City. I have things there I need to do.’

  He frowns, eyes full of questions.

  ‘While I was away I spent most of the time wishing I was here, where it’s safe. It would be so good to just hide here with you and Uncle. But now I’ve seen what’s happening, I can’t pretend otherwise.’ She pauses, awkward. ‘Maybe talking to your chest would be easier.’

  He hugs her again and she continues: ‘It’s all a mess and I don’t know how to fix it exactly, but I know that someone has to. In the Shining City, they’re all waiting for The Seven, or The Six, to save them, but The Six aren’t going to do anything, they’re useless. But I know the Knight Commander and Obeisance will listen to me because of the sword. I’m not sure if I can do this but there isn’t anyone else, so I have to try.’

  He nods, his chin rubbing the top of her head.

  ‘The thing is, well, I know you hate the city and, most people, but … will you help me?’

  Strong hands go to her shoulders, one resting on top of a silvered wing. Gently, they squeeze. He looks at her for a while, proud tears misting amber eyes, then takes a breath. ‘Yes.’


  This is the second book I’ve had published and a lot of the wonderful people I need to thank remain the same (and remain wonderful).

  First off, I want to thank my Wife of Awesome +5, Emma. She’s there from the start of the first draft to the end, and beyond. Thanks for all the support, chats over coffee and your wisdom.

  I also want to thank my editor, Natasha Bardon. Once again her suggestions have made the book so much better than it was. So thanks! The Malice would have been both shorter and less satisfying without you.

  And thanks to the Harper Voyager book ninja for their continuing work from the shadows.

  Covers are everything, and I’m so lucky to have Jaime Jones back on board. I have to look at the covers of these books a lot and Jaime makes that a thing of pleasure and pride.

  A huge thanks also has to go to Juliet Mushens, my agent. Who is, and always will be, the best. I can’t imagine my career without her, nor would I want to.

  Lastly, I want to thank all the people who supported The Vagrant and (hopefully) this book too. For all the reviews, encouragement, fan art and general loveliness. This is exactly where I want to be and you’ve all helped to make it possible. Thank you.

  Also by Peter Newman

  The Vagrant

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