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Alpha Principal

Page 8

by Preston Walker


  Nathan paused. Of course he didn’t keep lube in the office. There was that one time he tried to have sex in here but he’d come prepared for that, and nothing had happened anyway.

  “We can’t do this without lube,” Simon murmured to the door.

  “I have lotion.”

  “A lot?”


  Nathan pulled away and went over to his desk, yanking one of the side drawers open to grab the bottle of lotion from inside. He brought it over to the door and pumped out a liberal amount into the palm of his hand; setting the bottle down on top of a nearby filing cabinet, he rubbed his hands together to warm the lotion up and then started to slather it all over his dick. From tip to the base of his shaft, he was covered.

  Simon had the lotion bottle now, pumping out more of the slippery stuff into his own hand. He tossed the empty, useless container aside and then reached back to spread the lotion over his tender ass opening. He pressed one finger deep inside himself, his wrist working in circles as he lubed himself up.

  It was the hottest damn thing Nathan had ever seen, watching this muscular omega fuck himself with his finger. His cock was stiffening in his hand even though he hadn’t thought it was possible to be even more turned on than he already was.

  “Goddammit,” he growled under his breath, leaning over Simon. He pressed his teeth to the back of the omega’s neck, then pulled himself away before he bit down. A simple bite wasn’t the same as a claiming bite, but he didn’t want to tempt himself. Mistakes were made all the time in the heat of the moment like this.

  Simon’s hand dropped away from his ass, and Nathan took the advantage. He pressed the tip of his dick to Simon’s opening, then pushed himself inside. He gasped as he slipped in, the lotion doing a fabulous job in its makeshift purpose as lube.

  Simon’s ass was hot and tight, his interior textures tensing and loosening around Nathan’s shaft.

  Nathan started to move his hips back and forward, resisting the temptation to start pounding Simon’s ass. With each thrust, he moved deeper and deeper, stretching the omega.

  Simon’s ass accommodated him almost perfectly, his body quickly adapting. Soon enough, they were pressed flush together, ass to hips.

  Nathan braced his hands on the office door and growled to Simon, “Ready?”

  Beyond speaking, Simon bucked back against him in response.

  Nathan started thrusting inside him. The moment he started, he lost control of himself. He couldn’t hold back, couldn’t stop or even slow down at this point. Simon bucked back against him, their bodies striving to join together. Heat pulsed through Nathan, his groin tight and his cock throbbing hard. His breath came faster and faster, completion rapidly approaching.

  The door shook in its frame, thumping around as they braced their combined weight against it.

  Nathan closed his eyes, tossed his head back as a long, protracted growl pulled from his throat. The growl turned into a powerful cry, part yell, part howl, as the heat inside him reached uncontrollable levels.

  He was going to cum, and he was going to cum now.

  Simon’s body, which had been shaking and writhing in pleasure, suddenly went rigid. Every muscle in his entire body went rigid. His ass gripped down hard on Nathan’s cock, locking him into place.

  Nathan fought against the grip, and fucked his cock as deep and hard inside Simon’s ass as he could. The door they leaned against thudded in its frame again. Then, a splintering crack resounded through the office and the door collapsed outward.

  Shock from the sudden movement jump started Nathan’s orgasm. They fell through the doorway together and then hit the ground hard amidst the rubble.

  Nathan hardly felt the impact. He lay there, stunned, the aftershocks of his orgasm shaking and rocking his body. He couldn’t hear anything, couldn’t see anything. The whole world was composed only of heat and pleasure. The only thing that he was really aware of was Simon’s ass around his manhood, still tense and trembling.

  Then, abruptly, Simon’s body went limp.

  Pushing himself up on his hands, his arms shaking and hardly able to hold his weight, Nathan looked down at his companion. “Simon?” he growled.

  Simon lay in the same position as he’d fallen, one arm stretched out and the other curled underneath him in an attempt to break his fall. His chest rose and fell rapidly. His eyes were closed, though his eyelids were jumping and twitching.

  “Simon? Hey.” Nathan felt like he couldn’t possibly support himself on only one arm right now, so he leaned over and nudged at Simon’s face with his cheek. “You okay?”

  Simon opened his eyes slowly. They were unfocused, filled with sexual haze. In small increments, they turned to focus on Nathan’s eyes. Nathan could see his own gaze reflected, still amber, but very dark with intensity.

  “I…never better,” Simon managed. He licked his lips, which were bruised and swollen from the force of Nathan’s kisses. “And…you?”

  “Same,” Nathan said. He felt like purring, he was so content. The fact that he’d broken his goddamn office door was insignificant in comparison to his satisfaction. “It was good for you?”

  Simon closed his eyes again, going limp once more. “Oh, yes. Fuck yes. Want to do it again?”

  Nathan laughed. God, he felt good. It was like the world had somehow righted itself while he was busy having sex, as if all the answers to his questions would be easier to find. “Maybe we should try again on a more solid surface.”

  “Your desk?”

  The desk worked just fine.


  Simon didn’t know whether or not a person could change their ways, but he did now know that a non-believer could turn into a devout advocate. That he had only gone to the Lakeman Orchard just to get his mother off his back was unthinkable now. He had become a different man over the course of a few days.

  The fact that there was really no one but his mother he could talk to about what he had seen and done at the orchard didn’t stop him from feeling devout. It was like he’d had some sort of epiphany, like he had seen a light that was never there before. Maybe the light had been there all along, and he was just too blind to see it. Either way, the well had opened his eyes. He wouldn’t doubt it again, wouldn’t doubt the existence of magic in the world.

  Behind the orchard had been a pine forest, dark and deep and utterly silent. Jerry pointed him off through the forest but hadn’t gone inside himself, for a reason that he hadn’t explained. Maybe a person had to go in alone. Maybe Jerry was afraid.

  Simon had gone in on his own, walking and walking until he felt he must be wandering in circles. Nothing around him seemed exactly extraordinary, until the trees suddenly broke apart around him and he stood at the edge of a clearing. In the middle of that clearing was a well which looked as if it had been built before time began. Overgrown with vines and moss, canting to one side, the structure nevertheless seemed to exude some sort of power that drew Simon towards it like a magnet. He hadn’t even realized he was moving at all until he set his hands on top of the cracked stone wall that surrounded the well. The stones were cold as ice under his fingers, freezing him in place.

  He looked inside.

  The water of the well was impossibly dark. He had been staring into a black hole, some shadowy portal to a dimension where fiction and reality blurred. The lines between want and need became indistinct.

  He could remember all of it so clearly, yet he doubted he would be able to properly express what he had seen in words that would be understandable to anyone other than himself. There had been colors inside the well, a display of glittering colors that swirled and connected like a time lapse of a puzzle being put together. It was clear that some riddle was being solved, some conundrum answered.

  The answer was a man, a broad, handsome, and fearsome-looking man with powerful features. Dark hair, slashed through with salt streaks, and a pair of mismatched eyebrows. Every bit of detail was exactly right, down to
the glasses he wore in an attempt to soften his intimidating appearance.

  It was Nathanial Pepper, his future boss. He was seeing his boss, the school principal, in a wishing well meant to show him his true mate.

  The image of Nathan held, as if the well was giving Simon a chance to memorize every detail of what he was seeing, before slowly melding into a different depiction of the alpha. It was a wolf, black as night with a spray of striking white whiskers on either side of its muzzle. There could be no doubt this was Nathan’s wolf form. It only made sense.

  After that image was displayed for a short time, it faded away again and was replaced by the eternal darkness of a well that was certainly bottomless.

  That was all.

  The entire procedure had taken less than a few minutes.

  Simon stumbled back through the pine forest. He was stunned, his thoughts whirling. He could hardly make sense of anything, but it seemed to him as if the forest was propelling him outwards now instead of drawing him in. It had chewed him up and was spitting him out. He was a piece of gum, flavorless and worthless to whatever ancient thing resided within the wishing well.

  Jerry waited for him exactly where he said he would be. He asked no questions, only motioned for Simon to follow him back through the orchard. Simon had done so, expecting he would be asked to leave as soon as they reached the house. That wasn’t the case, as Jerry offered him a glass of lemonade and perhaps a snack before he got back behind the wheel.

  Everything in Simon was screaming at that point. He was in no pain, was in no particular hurry; he just so desperately wanted to get out of here and retreat to the quiet of his hotel room where he could think about what the hell had happened. Jerry didn’t take no for an answer, and guided him up to the porch.

  The woman who had been out at the garden emerged from inside the house, bringing with her a new pitcher of lemonade that sweated in the warm air. She also held two plates, each one holding an enormous apple fritter, drizzled with hot glaze and powdered sugar. It was too much to be eating for a simple snack, and Simon would be able to feel all that sugar churning sluggishly through his veins for hours afterward, but he ate it anyway to please his hosts.

  Jerry only talked of noncommittal things, his son and son-in-law, his grandchildren, and the upcoming harvest.

  When the last sip of lemonade was drunk, and the last bites of fritter eaten, Jerry guided Simon over to his van and wished him well.

  He went back to his hotel feeling incredibly unprepared. Jerry should have given him some sort of pamphlet or guidebook on how to live his life now that he was beholden to this secret. There should have been some sort of warning, paperwork to sign so he knew what he was getting into.

  He had known what he was getting into. He had all the information right from the start. He just hadn’t believed it.

  Now that he did believe it, he had no idea what to do with this information.

  He thought intently about this all through his stay at the hotel, to the point where he barely remembered to put in a good word for the receptionist who had gone out of her way for him. He thought about it all through the drive and felt even more exhausted at the end of it than he should have. Six hours of endless thinking.

  He dreamed about it at night, saw the well and the images of Nathan every single time he closed his eyes.

  It was almost like an obsession.

  Tamara knew he had seen someone because he told her that much, though he didn’t give her the identity of the other wolf. She pestered him, cajoled him, and argued with him, until she abruptly gave in. She said he would tell her in his own time, that until then she would just have to have fun imagining who her new son-in-law would be.

  Simon just left it at that. He was too confused. Thinking only made it worse. He wasn’t like all those other omegas, who were so thoughtful and obedient and basically brainwashed as to their position in life. He wasn’t soft, wasn’t needy or weak-minded; in fact, he had gone out of his way to be the exact opposite of those things. He was used to acting, performing on the fly.

  Then he had seen Nathan in the store while shopping with his mother. He knew he had been acting so weird, but there was literally no other way for him to act when he had just gone through something so weird and mysterious.

  And now he’d had sex with Nathan in his office, had lost control of himself. The way they had been teasing each other was just too much. He couldn’t stop himself, hadn’t been able to break free of his nature. He had been just another omega, powerless to the desires of his alpha.

  The horrible thing was, it had all made sense in that moment. He was an omega, and the well had shown him the alpha that he belonged to. Here was that alpha, desiring him, wanting him. Fate had worked itself around to this miraculous, yet sensible conclusion, and he had agreed to do it because he wanted it, too. That was all that was necessary, and they had done it. Broken the damn door, probably weakened the integrity of Nathan’s desk, too.

  The problem was, it just wasn’t so simple as that.

  Simon woke up the next morning after being on a hormonal high all night, and reality came crashing down upon him with all the graceless force of a stumbling elephant. The breath rushed out of his lungs, and he grabbed at the sides of his head while sitting up. Staring down at the covers bunched up between his legs, he had forcefully shaken his head while holding onto it.

  Please let it all just have been some weird fever dream, he thought, though he wasn’t sick, and in fact, felt better physically than he had in a long time. He felt loose, like he’d just had a massage or had the living daylights fucked out of him.

  Of course it wasn’t a dream. It was reality, though it might be better described as a nightmare.

  Everything that had seemed so right the day before, was now entirely wrong. Nathan was his boss, the principal. This whole thing was surely a conflict of interest, or at the very least unethical. Besides, Nathan hadn’t looked into the well. He had no idea that Simon was meant to be his mate. Their sex had been purely physical to him, despite all the teasing and flirting that led up to it.

  And, the fact that Simon knew Nathan was his mate…really had no meaningful effect on anything. He hadn’t suddenly fallen in love or anything. He wasn’t even sure he would recognize what love felt like, since he’d never had anyone that he really felt like he needed. His desire for a mate wasn’t exactly nonexistent but it damn sure wasn’t a necessity.

  Having a mate would mean giving up his independence, giving up the part of himself that set him apart from all those other lovestruck omegas.

  He could pretend to forget that this ever happened, but he wouldn’t really be able to forget. He would know, deep down, that he might be missing out on something. The awareness would haunt him, perhaps until he died.

  The only sensible, adult thing to do was to just bide his time and wait to see what happened.

  Which was why he had gone to the hospital for a drug test, knowing it would come back clean, and he could officially start working at Churchland Elementary.

  A few days later, Nathan called him to confirm what he had already known. If Simon would come by again, Nathan would show him around the gym and give him all the papers he needed to start forming his plans for the school year.

  Simon agreed. No appointment was made. All he had to do was show up, and Elaine would give him the papers and send him on his way. Nathan would be alerted of his presence, then go see him and show him around at his leisure.

  The day after the phone call, Simon went to the school. The trouble with his car had been fixed—something internal and electrical, the mechanic said—and he was able to drive there instead of going on foot.

  Elaine was on the phone when he came into the office, so he idled by the door and browsed through one of the library books acting as a makeshift doorstop. The story was nothing special, but then again, he wasn’t much of a reader.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Elaine put the phone back down on the hook and turned towards he

  “I’m sorry that took so long,” she said. She didn’t really look sorry, though he couldn’t begrudge her for that. The words came naturally. She must have said them a thousand times over during the school year when dealing with parents who considered themselves all much more important than the rest.

  “It’s fine,” Simon said. He looked around a little, but couldn’t see any signs that Nathan was around. The wolf’s scent was present, lingering, but not overwhelming. He must have gone by hours ago. “Is Nathan in his office?”

  “Oh, yes.” Now she did look apologetic, her blue eyes wide and beseeching. She seemed like the sort of woman that everyone would love, no matter if they were young or old, gay or straight. “I’m afraid you’ve come at a bit of a busy time. The superintendent of our district is here. I’ve had to cancel most of Nathan’s other appointments. That man, thinking he can just walk in here unannounced and receive preferential treatment…Ugh.”

  “Unfortunately, he’s exactly right.” Simon spoke sympathetically. The same thing had happened at the high school at all times of the year. Higher-ups liked to drop in without telling anyone they were coming, so they could see the school in its natural state. No emergency preparations, no adaptations. Nothing.

  “Yes, he certainly is.” Elaine just shook her head. “Have you worked with a school before, Mr. Diamond?”

  “Please, call me Simon. And yes. I was a PE teacher and coach up at the high school. Same school system. Churchland.”

  Elaine’s expression brightened slightly. “Oh, isn’t that fortunate? You’re already familiar with nearly everything, then.”

  “Nothing’s really stuck out to me as being much different, right.”

  Except for the fact that I’ve got the hots for my boss. Other than that, you know, everything is business as usual.

  “Then, you’ll have to forgive Nathan. He’s doing all of this as if you’re a new teacher, so I only assumed…But, that’s just him.”

  Simon refrained from mentioning that he had probably seen more of Nathan than she ever had. “How are you doing, Elaine? It seemed like there was some trouble the other day. Everything fine?”


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