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My Brother's Protection: A Dark Romantic Thriller

Page 6

by L. C White

  “It’s Amber,” I correct her again.

  “Amber.” She rolls her eyes at me. “But be warned, you draw any attention, then it will be her to suffer the consequences.”

  I push on the button, allowing the sunlight to flood through the van. She steps out onto the street, checking to see she hasn’t been spotted.

  “I hope you know what you are doing,” she says.

  “I do. And please look after her.”

  “I always have.” She quickly marches toward the house.

  I know there is a strong possibility, she will go straight into that house and tell the guards. I don’t know the woman. But I’m trained to read the enemy. I’ll be in position tonight, and if anything is going against the guard’s routine, I’ll know well in advance.

  I haven’t even seen Amber once, through a window, or even outside while running surveillance. This is the only way I can get her out of that house. I have a plan. It’s full of holes, and it’s fuckin dangerous. It’s not something I want to do, but if it comes down to me having to make the right choice for Amber, I will.

  I pull the mask off my head and toss it in the back. My fingers flick the voice dial button on the steering wheel, as I pull out onto the road.

  “Call Jimbo,” I state loud and clear to the speaker.

  James Scott’s name flashes on the LCD screen above the stereo.

  “Hey,” his half-asleep voice sounds through the speakers.

  “We’re on for tonight.” The speakers pick up on the static as he moves his cell phone, blowing out a hesitant breath. “I need you to get everything ready on your end, and I’ll be at your place early this evening for a final run through,” I say.

  “I thought you’d changed your mind.”

  “No. Plan A is going to happen. You want out, now’s your chance.” I turn left, stopping at a red light as an early morning road sweeper pushes his cart across Central Street.

  “Plan A,” his tone mumbles, unclear. “You never mentioned a plan B.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  “Look, maybe we should see someone higher in authority before you jump into this. There has to be someone with a clean nose who knows about Trent.”

  “No,” I snap, pushing my foot down firmer on the gas pedal. “No one else knows about this, other than the people I trust.”

  “You do know you’ve lost your fuckin mind.”

  He’s right. I have lost my mind. And every second that ticks by with Amber in that house, my senses fade. That house is nothing but a glorified drug fueled whore house, and I can’t stand back and do nothing. I need time with her. I need to know she’s safe. I hid behind war, and now I’m out of the fight, she’s there inside my heart, like she’s been revealed to me all over again. The memories and feelings for her, are the only thing worth fighting for.

  “Jimbo, I need to know if you’re in or out,” I ask, to bring him out of his frustrating silence.

  “Of course I’m in. One last battle together. I just hope you’ve thought this through without letting emotions get in the way,” he replies, with nothing but doubt in his tone.

  I silence for a second. It’s an impulsive plan. It’s dangerous. But it’s nothing I’ve not dealt with before.

  “Okay, I need you to pick up the new truck from the dealer, and change the plates. Also make sure the supplies I packed are in the back,” I order, stopping at another red light. “I have another guy in on this. He’s reliable, and he’ll meet with you after I leave tonight.”

  “Okay Sir, anything else?”

  “No. I’ll be at yours at nineteen hundred hours.” I flick the button on the steering wheel to hang-up, pushing my foot to the floor.

  Chapter Nine


  At nine a.m. this morning, Trent left my room without saying a word. He’s never slept here in my bed with me all through the night. Usually, he comes bearing gifts such as silk hand ties and blindfolds, when he wants it softer. He’ll bind my hands, either behind my back or above my head on the bedpost, and blindfold me. He’ll use toys on my body and I’ll hear his heavy breathing as he strokes himself. He’ll order me to speak; to tell him how perfect he is. Then he’ll move me into a position of his liking to fuck me. After, he’ll dress, leaving me still bound and blindfolded, and depart my room without so much as a goodbye.

  Last night he fell asleep holding me, and I’ve never felt so uncomfortable the whole time I’ve been in this house. I had to wait until he was in a deep sleep so I could wriggle away from his body, and curl up on the edge of the mattress. I couldn’t sleep, expecting his hand to reach out and touch me at any second.

  It was tense and awkward, and I don’t understand why he’s changing his ways. I don’t want affection or love from him. I only ever wanted that from Dwayne. I’m unsure whether he’s jealous of my past, and now I have a connection with the outside world, he thinks he has something to prove to me. Like he can do the normal kind of relationship. He’s treating me different than the other girls, and it’s a prickly situation to be in. It makes me very nervous.

  Jenny enters my room with my breakfast. She sets it down on the table by the window as I pull my white lacy silk slip over my head. I wiggle and sweep my toes over the carpet before I stand. Normally, Jenny would greet me with a good morning and a smile, but she’s silent today.

  “Morning,” I say, waiting for a response, but don’t receive one.

  I make my way over to the small coffee cafetiere, plunge down through the coffee beans, and pour myself a mug of strong black coffee. I take a small sip, frowning at Jenny. Something is wrong, and I’m unsure whether to ask her or not.

  “I met a friend of yours today,” she finally says, picking up the wet towel Trent used after showering this morning.

  She folds the towel in an angry manner, kind of smirking secretly. My fingers on the handle of the mug weaken slightly, and I have to set it back down onto the tray before I spill coffee all over the cream carpet. I have no real friends. Could she be talking about Dwayne? Is he alive?

  “Thinks he’s quite the hero,” she adds.

  Jenny is a part of Trent’s network. No matter how nice she is, I fear she’s loyal enough to tell Trent. Why can’t Dwayne just leave things alone? Trent will declare war, and I’ll be back on the rack.

  “You need to tell me more, or I have no option but to tell Trent,” she says. “Who is this Dwayne, and is he a threat to the other girls here?” I place my hands over my face as emotions grow intense and get the better of me. “Friday, it’s okay. I won’t see you hurt.”

  She comes to stand beside me and wraps her arm around my shuddering shoulders. She leads me to the bed and we both sit down.

  “Dwayne Schofield used to be my hero,” I snivel. “A long time ago. But he left.”

  “Boys will do that,” she says, rubbing my back supportively. “Why is he back, interfering after all this time?”

  “He was seventeen when he left. I was only fourteen. We were in love. I was willing; he wasn’t. I guess he thinks he has to make amends.”

  “Well he’s going to get himself killed.” She sighs out a long breath. “I’ve seen this before, and it didn’t end well.”

  I wipe a tear from my eyelash and turn to face her. “What do you mean?”

  “Trent is my nephew, and he’s always had a hidden side. When he was a child he would hurt the family pets, and he would make demands which were unrealistic for a child to ask. But his parents would give him everything. After they died in a freak airplane accident when he was eighteen, he turn to girls, and I knew I had to somehow regulate it. He became successful, but he wanted the thrill more, so he turned to crime, and even that he’s conquered. It was I who suggested all this, a way his needs would be met safely. It became bigger, and men with a taste for it turned to Trent.”

  “Why are you telling me all this?” I ask, shocked to find out she’s related to Trent, and this house was her idea.

  “Because he’s changing, and you
know it. He’s in love with you, Friday. And Trent’s love is a very dangerous thing to have. I won’t see death brought into this house.”

  I know Trent has changed, last night tells me that. I need Trent. I owe Trent my life. But I can never love him.

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “You are going to tell this Dwayne face to face that you don’t want him to come near you again, and that you are happy here. You tell him you hate him if you have to. Tell him that he needs to stay as far away as possible from you.” Again my hands cover my face to hide and soak up my tears. “At midnight tonight, be ready.”

  “Ready for what?” I lower my hands back down onto my lap in confusion.

  “You have ten minutes to convince this boy from your past, to never make contact with you again.”

  “But the guards will kill him. Trent will know he’s been here.”

  She sniggers. “It seems Dwayne Schofield is resourceful. He has planned the whole thing out. He wants to see you, and he will not take no for an answer.” She brushes her hand down my back as she stands up. “So I’m giving you ten minutes only, to save his life, and possibly yours.”


  It’s nearly time for me to face Dwayne again, and I have absolutely no idea what to say. I could tell him the truth; that I’ve always loved him, and that I hate him for what he did. But the time in this house has made me coy and yielding around men. To speak only when allowed to speak. To do as I’m told to do. To not be curious, and to never have an opinion.

  Before Dwayne and his dad walked into my life, when I was only thirteen, I thought I could take on the world, and that’s why Peter took an instant dislike to me. He would hit my mom, and if I so much as said boo, he’d move his fist onto me. That bolshie girl died when Dwayne left. I had to learn to survive by being quiet and obedient. To avoid situations out on the streets which could result in an attack. However, on a few occasion my efforts to blend in and be invisible, failed me. I’ve been assaulted, the few trinkets I had were stolen, and my self-worth (which was very little at the time) taken.

  Jenny laughs, making her way back from the guards carding room yelling out, “Guys I’m here late tonight, deal me in on the next game.”

  I’m hiding with my back against the dark room door as she hurries over. She pulls the big bunch of house keys from her pocket, and gestures her head for me to follow her to the back door.

  “Now,” she whispers in my ear, pushing one of the keys into the lock. “They’ve just finished their rounds of the house. I’m going to be with you at all times. If you go even a second over ten minutes, there will be consequences. You don’t want Dwayne dead do you?” My head shakes a nervous no at her. “Good girl. Now remember, you’re warning him off.”

  I gulp down twice, but still I can’t catch a decent breath or steady my raging heartbeat.

  Jenny allows me to side step by her. As soon as my white pumps land on the limestone flags, a robust dark figure steps out from behind the trashcans.

  “Go on,” Jenny utters. “I’ll be right here.”

  Slowly I move toward Dwayne to see his features come into the light. He’s transformed so much from the lanky brave boy I knew. He’s wearing black combat trousers and a black t-shirt. His arms are huge and solid. He looks even taller now, and his dark blonde hair is styled and thicker. But his tender dazzling green loving eyes, still remain the same. I feel like sobbing, but I can’t. I feel like running into his arms, but I can’t. I feel like the obscure world I’m a part of has a leash around my neck, choking these affectionate feelings out of me. I’m not allowed to feel, the demon on my shoulder says to me.

  “Amber.” Oh god, his deep voice is the trigger for the tears now falling from my eyes. “Don’t cry,” he says, taking a step to me, but I hold out my hand to stop him.

  “Why are you here, Dwayne?” I sniff up, trying to be more ruthless.

  “I want you to come away with me.”

  “That’s why you came?” I take a second to swallow down a hard lump. “You think I need saving… I don’t Dwayne. This is my home, and… and I already told you to stay away.”

  “I’m not scared of Trent Moore, or whoever he sends after me.” He moves closer so I move a step back. “But I can tell you this Amber, I’m fuckin scared to death of leaving you in this house alone. You know this.” His eyes journey up and down the building. “Is a real bad place for you? There is nothing good here.”

  “It isn’t,” I lie.

  “Do you love Trent Moore? Tell me the truth. If you do, and you really want this, then I’ll go right now. I’ll live with the knowledge that everyday you’re in danger, and I won’t try anything to help you.” He shakes his head, then gazes deep into my eyes. “But it has to be the truth, Amber.”

  He moves nearer, and this time I remain where I am. I can’t answer and bare face lie to him, when he’s looking at me with tears in his eyes.

  “Come with me,” he says quietly. “The drugs and whatever else goes on here, is going to kill you.”

  “Dwayne, I… I.” My vocal cords dry up. “I can’t. You need to go, because being here puts us all in danger.”

  “I told you, I’m not scared of Trent Moore.”

  “Okay… Okay.” Jenny hurries to my side. “You’ve said your peace. She’s told you to leave. So go… now.”

  I watch Dwayne taking a big breath while dipping his head. His eyes have that same defiance in them as when he was seventeen, and ready to fight. With speed he takes hold of Jenny and sticks the needle of a syringe into her neck. I gasp and squeal, watching as Jenny’s body becomes unconscious. He lies her down on the ground and comes for me. I stagger back. I want to release a scream, but for some reason I don’t.

  He holds out his hands. “I’m not here to hurt you. It’s just a knock-out drug, and she’ll wake in an hour or so. This is your last chance, come with me.”

  “Or what,” I hiss at him. “You’ll stick me with a needle?”

  I step in reverse so I can keep my eyes on him, moving back to the door. But he’s fast. Too fast. And he has me in his warm arms against his firm body before I can step over the threshold. I weaken and panic, tears hazing over my eyes.

  “I’m sorry Amber. But I need to get you away from here.”

  There’s a sharp pinch in the nape of my neck, and almost immediately I feel the buzz. Not the coke buzz I’m used to. This is a, nothing matters anymore, other than closing my eyes, buzz.

  Chapter Ten


  I carefully lie Amber’s body on the ground and hurry over to the maid, taking out a thick cable tie and a roll of duct tape from my combat pocket. I came prepared for anything. Amber is not only trapped by this house, but she’s also tied to it. She’s a user now, and Trent feeds on that. I had two scenarios playing out in my head on how this meeting would end. She would come willingly with open arms, or refuse. Some would say I’m no better than Trent. I’m taking her without her consent. But she’s been brainwashed by this house, so in my opinion she’s not able to make the right decision in regards to her own safety.

  As quick as possible, I pull the maid’s arms behind her back, cover her mouth with a piece of duct tape, and drag her body behind the trashcans, making sure I’m out of the surveillance camera’s range.

  I turn back to Amber, my eyes taking in her peaceful condition for a fleeting second. I didn’t want this; to have to take her by force. But I learnt something from the many missions I was assigned to overseas. Sometimes you’ve got to be the bad guy for a while, if the outcome is to be a good one. She’s been through hell, while I’ve been playing soldier boy. I grew strong and unyielding. I did it all to forget her, while she got tangled up in this. It’s my responsibility to make her see it doesn’t have to be this way. She may hate me, fear me, and run. But she’s going to hear me out.

  I crouch and lift her body up over my shoulder. She hasn’t got anything on her feet, and is wearing only a pair of baby blue cotton pajamas. She’s nearl
y skin and bone, and I can feel her ribcage as I jog across the lawn with her arms dangling at my back. I can’t believe she’s let herself be used like this. I remember when we first met. She hated the very sight of my dad, and I wasn’t her favorite person either. I remember her telling him to fuck-off more than once. That’s the girl I’m going to try and bring back, and I expect nothing in return.

  “You… you in position,” I stutter as I run to the small stone wall at the top of the steep incline.

  “Yeah,” James says into my earpiece. “No shots fired. I take it she agreed.”

  “No,” I say, gasping. “There’s a package coming over now.”

  “For fuck sake Dwayne. This is the shittiest plan you’ve ever come up with.” His crackling voice grumbles as I bring Amber’s limp body down into my arms.

  I see James’s hand appear. I lift Amber up over the shortest section of wall. He manages to take hold of her safely, and she disappears over the top. My eyes scan all around me then back to the house. Everything is quiet, and thankfully our escape hasn’t been foiled. I take a step back, then leap over the wall.

  “I hope you know what you’re fuckin doing,” James whines, as I take Amber from him.

  “No, but this is a goddamn start, so let’s get her to the truck before they figure out she’s gone.” I don’t care how risky he thinks this plan is, all that matters to me right now, is Amber.

  We make it to the truck which is parked on the verge of a small area of woodland, around a mile away from the house. I have everything ready and set in place. I’m taking her to James’s Dad’s cabin by Redwood Creek. She has new clothing packed in a bag, which will probably drown her tiny frame. I have my Glock 22 handgun and clips, my combat blade, and a Remington shotgun hidden in my arms bag in the trunk, in case the shit hits the fan.

  “Here.” James holds out the restricted satellite communication case, I requested from Commander Weathers.

  The case contains everything I need to keep updated on Trent Moore’s status, without any detection at all. A restricted satellite phone and a laptop, only used on the most top secret missions. World changing missions. I had to do some serious brown nosing to borrow this piece of kit that cost more than a military tank. But it’s necessary. Cell phones are a big no. Even newly bought unregistered pay as you go, could give our location away. My plans have to remain clandestine and impenetrable.


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