Climax: Volume 2

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Climax: Volume 2 Page 31

by Ella Ford

  The footsteps grew closer until the presence was just beside my bed. My own heart was racing now, fueled by a subtle fear and nervous intrigue. Suddenly, I heard the light crumple of clothing falling to the floor and felt someone crawl into bed beside me. I started to turn my body, but before I could move, the presence wrapped its arm around me and held me in place.

  “Ssh, don’t make a sound,” breathed a tiny voice beside my ear. I gasped as I realized that it was Sarah, a sudden flush of warmth rippling through my body as her naked skin slid against my own. Her arm coiled under mine and her hand felt its way to my breast, cupping the fleshy globe and seeking out the hard nub of my nipple. I sighed as she gently squeezed me, massaging me with an obvious purpose.

  I became aware of her breath on my neck and the close proximity of her mouth as she lingered over my skin. She began to lightly rub herself against me, the taut points of her nipples tracing lazy circles on my back and causing light shivers to run down my spine.

  The sensory overload was overwhelming, the sudden closeness of the woman, the multiple points of burning contact. I closed my eyes and sighed, hot tendrils of pleasure snaking out from my pussy and causing my limbs to tremble. I reached back with my hand and lay my fingers on the rise of her hip, then stroked down her naked thigh and gripped her behind the knee and pulling her leg over mine. She responded by wrapping herself around me, engulfing my body in the serpent grip of her slender limbs.

  I felt captive in her arms, bound by her body and unable to move. She began to lightly nuzzle my neck, warm kisses on my prickly skin. I moaned lightly, eager not to make a sound but needing to express the intense pleasure of physical contact. I turned my head to face her and she lifted her body up on her elbow and gazed down at me.

  Her face shone in the pale moonlight, soft features radiant in the dim room. I studied her - her full lips and dark eyes, high cheekbones and button nose. She was childlike in appearance but possessed an insistent sensuality that clouded my thoughts with her siren call.

  “What…” I started, whispered voice barely audible in the hot night.

  She lifted her hand from my breast and touched her finger to my lips, quietening me without a word. Then she leaned down and brushed her lips against mine, a brief touch that caused my head to swim and my thoughts to falter. I was suddenly overcome with a feeling of hot desire that I had seldom experienced before. This was not the same as how I felt in the playroom, how CJ’s teasing manipulation made me cry out with barely concealed pleasure It was different, a deeper feeling, more intense and personal. The sense of her body and the thrill of this forbidden tryst, a hidden secret between the two of us.

  I moaned again, begging her for more with my insistent plea. She reciprocated, bending down and locking her lips on mine. I felt her body tighten around mine, her leg coiling around my thigh, her hand gripping the side of my head and holding me in place. Her mouth parted and I felt her tongue flick over my lips, demanding entrance. I responded willingly, opening my mouth to allow her inside, pushing my own tongue out to meet hers. We danced together for endless minutes, hot tongues rolling lazily between us, each of us exploring the other as if for the first time.

  And that is how it felt, the best way I have of expression the sensation caused by her presence. It felt like the first time we’d been together, a glorious release of sexual tension, seemingly freed from the commanding presence of CJ. Sarah was different that night, more self-assured and bold, taking what she wanted from me without asking. But beyond that, it felt like a coupling of equals. Two naked women, rolling together and lost in desire.

  I shifted my weight and turned into her embrace, wrapping my arm around her body, my hand roaming over her burning skin. She sighed as she kissed me, pausing her movement, her wet tongue on mine. Then she returned to life, more insistent this time, bolder and rougher. I felt her fingers plunge into my hair and she pulled my head back and dropped her mouth to my neck, endless tiny kisses mixed with hard flicks of her tongue and gentle bites.

  A part of me was suddenly overcome with a fear that the possessed brunette would mark my skin and make our rendez-vous evident for all to see, such was the ferocity of her actions. But the thought was soon banished as the whirlwind of sensation swept over me, filling me with only one thought - Sarah’s hot mouth.

  Suddenly, the normally reserved brunette sat up and swept the cotton sheet to the side in a single motion, exposing our bodies to the light breeze from the window. I shuddered and pulled my legs up defensively, then gazed at her with mock trepidation. She peered down at me, tracing a slender finger over my body, marking the long line of my legs and the curve of my hip. Then she placed a hand on my thigh and roughly flipped me over onto my back.

  I didn’t try to resist, I simply allowed her to do as she wanted, happy to succumb to whatever sordid whims the tiny woman had in mind for me.

  As I gazed at her, she lifted up on her knees and became a naked colossus, towering over my trembling, defenseless body and studying it with hungry intent. In the pale light, she appeared granite cold and hewn from stone, an erotic statue frozen in a moment of perfect longing. For long seconds I stared at her and she stared back at me. Forbidden lovers, captured in a moment of blissful surrender.

  But then the scene was broken as she lifted her leg and straddled my body, pinning my arms to the bed with her lower legs and facing my stomach. For a brief second, the light from the window was eclipsed by her, and I caught a tantalizing glimpse of her shaven pussy, her lips covered with dewy beads of moisture, glistening in the pale light. I shuddered briefly, suppressing the urge to lift my head and plunge my tongue into that damp chasm, to lap up her wetness and drink her inside of me.

  Reflexively, I parted my knees, spreading my legs apart to expose myself to her, revealing the slick wetness of my own pussy, a hot echo of her own. She moaned above me, exhaling deeply as her quarry was sighted. Then she fell forwards onto her hands and held her body above mine, her pose lupine and feral as she sniffed the night. I squirmed beneath her, arms held in place, body longing to be touched, to be smothered by hers. My pussy was boiling now, a fiery ball of warmth that pulsated in time with my quickening heartbeat, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

  After an eternity, Sarah bent her arms and lowered her body, positioning her head between my legs and dropping her pussy onto my face. I shifted and struggled my arms free from beneath her legs, then wrapped myself around her body, pulling my head up until my mouth was inches from her throbbing pussy.

  The pair of us paused there, a perfect mirror of each other, balancing on the precipice of release. Neither one of us wanted to commit to this point of no return, preferring to preserve and savor this moment for as long as we possibly could. I gazed upwards, studying the pale curve of her ass and the pink wetness of her pussy, an inviting canyon that demanded exploration. I inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of her desire through my nose, filling my throat with the rich musk of her. From far away, I sensed her doing the same to me, feeling the gentle warmth of her breath on my skin.

  And then, as if triggered by unspoken consent, the tension between us broke and we set upon each other with feverish abandon.

  I lifted my head and plunged my tongue into Sarah’s pussy, lapping at her without focus or purpose, needing only to taste her. I plucked at her lips with my mouth, sucking her labia into myself and tugging at her tender pink flesh. She responded by lowering her body onto mine, resting her breasts on my stomach, locking my head between her quivering thighs.

  Then she attacked my own pussy and a feeling of utter ecstasy flooded through me. I moaned, a dangerously loud cry that was beyond my ability to prevent. My senses blazed with the sudden intensity, fracturing my rationality in an all-encompassing wave of desire. My entire universe seemed to collapse down to the twin points of contact, her tongue on my pussy, mine on hers. I felt myself becoming overwhelmed as her insistent kisses and frantic licking whipped me up into a fevered frenzy. My arms tightened around her bo
dy and pulled her down, clamping my mouth to her wet flesh, moving my focus to the pulsing nub of her clitoris, as she was doing the same to me.

  I concentrated my attention there, moving the tip of my tongue in tight swirls, relishing the way her body rocked and quaked with every touch.

  We crossed a moment of convergence, a precious point where our bodies seemed to merge. Our respective attentions became a perfect feedback loop of pleasure - her tongue firing my passion and inciting me to work harder on her pussy, which caused her own fire to rise and so on. An endless upward spiral that threatened to overwhelm us both with sensation.

  But the limit of our pleasure soon loomed into view. The inescapable relief of climax rose from my pussy, a glowing ball of utter intensity that I could not ignore. Every attempt to turn it back was met with an increase in activity by Sarah’s tongue and my resolve weakened. I tried to focus only on the wet landscape of my lover’s pussy, pushing down on her clit and pressing it against her pelvic bone. She cried out, lifting her head from between my legs and granting me momentary relief from the threat of orgasm. But she was soon back in place, attacking my throbbing clitoris with renewed vigor and energy.

  Suddenly, I felt my pussy lurch and the boiling sea of pleasure rose to engulf me. I could resist no more and turned to meet it, allowing the wave of sensation to wash over me. My back arched upwards, pressing my breasts into Sarah’s stomach, clenching my thighs around her head. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my mouth open, longing to scream but not daring to make a sound. My thoughts slowly departed, replaced only by the glorious cacophony of desire that raged in my body.

  Above me, from somewhere far away, I became aware of a change in Sarah’s body. Her legs and arms went rigid, pulling us together and locking us in place at this moment of perfect fulfillment. Together, we rolled and rocked, a single body engulfed by this torrent of glorious warmth.

  Just as I thought I could take no more, the feeling dissipated and my body relaxed, arms falling from Sarah’s hips to hang limply beside me. At the same second, Sarah reached the end of her own moment and I felt her settle onto me, the scant weight of her tiny body resting on me and engulfing me in the cooling warmth of her trembling skin.

  For an unknown amount of time, we lay like this, a pile of ruined bodies, content to rest in the loose embrace of each other. I felt myself drifting off into the welcoming arms of sleep, lulled by the gentle rhythm of Sarah’s breathing.

  Some time later, I was roused back to wakefulness as Sarah shifted from me. Through drowsy eyes, I watched as she lifted her body off mine and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She appeared preoccupied and distant as she reached down and retrieved her silk robe from the floor.

  “Sarah, what’s wrong…” I began, but she turned to me and I fell silent.

  “Leanne, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whispered, reaching her hand across to touch my shoulder. She felt hot and agitated, slender fingers trembling against my skin.

  Then she stood, picking up her robe and hurried from the room without looking back.

  I pulled the sheet around me, sitting up in my bed and wondered what had just happened.

  Chapter 3

  The following day, I was awakened by the sound of CJ’s bell ringing. I turned over and glanced at my bedside clock, fearing that I’d overslept massively and it was night time already, but I relaxed when I saw that it was just before six o’clock in the morning.

  My relief was soon replaced by puzzlement as the ringing continued. A gentle chime that repeated four times then paused for thirty seconds, before ringing out again. I recognized the insistent noise, it was the bell that my mistress rang to summon me to playtime. But she never took us down into the basement during the day, let alone at this time in the morning. Did she know about what Sarah and I had done the previous night? It was the only explanation, coming so soon after our hot encounter.

  The thought didn’t cause me a great deal of fear though - I was as much Sarah’s toy to use as she pleased as I was CJ’s, and we frequently made love in the absence of the tall blonde, something that CJ was apparently fine with and even encouraged. Yet a tiny thought at the back of my mind suspected that last night’s meeting was different somehow, more personal, outside the bounds of the submissive triangle that the three of us lived in.

  I shook my head to clear away the sleep and stood, pausing to consider whether I should shower and dress, but the continued chiming on the bell nagged at me and I decided that I should attend to whatever it was as soon as possible.

  Naked and shivering, I stepped out my bedroom and padded down the hall towards the kitchen where the sound seemed to be coming from. Reflexively, I covered my breasts and pussy with my arms, wrapping them around myself for warmth and modesty.

  I wandered gingerly into the kitchen and found CJ and Sarah sitting at the kitchen table. I blinked in surprise, as both women were not normally up at this time, let alone dressed.

  CJ was her usual impeccable self, wearing a mint green skirt suit and crisp satin blouse. She was sitting with her back perfectly straight, resting forward on her arms. The tiny bell sat on the table in front of her, and she raised her face to greet me with a smile as I entered.

  Beside her sat Sarah. The pale brunette was ashen faced with downturned eyes, slumped in the chair and staring at the table in front of her. She appeared to be sulking like a petulant teenager and didn’t move as I stepped into the kitchen, not even acknowledging my presence. I sensed an unbearable tension between them, something rank and unresolved below the surface of their relationship.

  “Ah, Leanne,” beamed CJ warmly, “so nice of you to join us.” There was a hint of malicious sarcasm in her tone, not unusual for the commanding blonde, but I sensed something else as well. I faint hint of nervousness, as though she was unsure of herself. As I smiled back at her, I noticed her eyes flick to Sarah, a momentary betrayal of some deeper emotion that I didn’t yet understand.

  “Today, we’re going to take a long trip to see an old friend. Think of it as a playdate, if you want,” she said. An old friend? I pondered. Was it Cassandra?

  “Yes, mistress,” I replied, glancing at Sarah for hints of a reaction. But the winsome brunette was stoney faced and unresponsive.

  “I’d like you to return to your room, shower and dress. Wear your usual uniform please and ensure that your pretty little pussy is as smooth as a baby’s bottom.” Her voice was commanding and confident, detailing how she’d like to see my most private region with the same tone that she’d use to specify how to cook a steak.

  I nodded. “Right away, will there be anything else?”

  CJ flashed a look at Sarah and I sensed that she was going to say something more. Instead, she shook her head. “No, that will be all. We’ll be leaving in half an hour, please don’t keep me waiting.”

  I nodded one final time and turned, hurrying back to my room and wondering what on earth was in store for me today.

  The long drive to the playdate was excruciating. CJ insisted that Sarah sit in the back with me while she drove and, for most of the four hour journey, we all sat in uncomfortable silence, gazing out of the windows at the passing countryside. Sarah didn’t make eye contact with me a single time and I wondered if she was embarrassed about the previous night, or whether there was something deeper going on in her mind. I longed to reach out and touch her, to make her tell me that everything was going to be alright, but I couldn’t, not with CJ there.

  Instead, I sat and peered at the world outside the car, feeling strangely detached from the external existence that knew nothing of my life and my relationship with the two women.

  As we left the city, we entered open farmland and mile after mile of lush fields and rolling hills, crops bursting with the weight of the season, the late summer giving way to early fall and the promise of harvest. But it meant nothing to me as I thought about my curious fate and tried to guess at where we were going.

  A playdate CJ had called it, and I had no doubt what
that meant. I may have entered life as a maid with a degree of naivety, but after weeks of intense pleasure and total submission, I had a decent grasp of the euphemistic terminology that CJ used to describe our activities. Sex would be involved, for sure, but with whom and for what purpose? And who was this old friend, this Cassandra? And, more importantly, why did Sarah seem so reluctant and opposed to the trip?

  After many hours we arrived at our destination. I was never great at estimating distances or direction, but I figured that we must have left the state. Certainly the place names on the road signs were unfamiliar to me.

  With nervous trepidation, I studied the location. It was a large ranch in the middle of nowhere, a huge single-storied wooden building surrounded by rolling pastures and gentle foothills. A range of looming snow-capped mountains sat on the horizon, a rugged relief from the endless fields. I peered out at the white building with a burning curiosity, suddenly desperate to know where we were and for what purpose. But I held my tongue, trusting that CJ and Sarah would not put me in an situation that I was too uncomfortable with.

  The car pulled up alongside a number of other vehicles; sturdy trucks that were commonplace on any working ranch, and more ornamental cars that screamed of privilege and wealth. I wondered who the cars belonged to, who the ranch belonged to and what their connection to CJ and Sarah was.

  As we stopped, a figure emerged from the house. A young girl, around the same age as me with raven black hair that tumbled down her shoulders like an onyx waterfall. She was dressed in a figure hugging black dress that wouldn’t have looked out of place at a cocktail party. The dress emphasised her busty figure and drew attention to her full breasts and toned thighs. As I watched, she stepped confidently across the gravel of the driveway on tall stiletto heels that bent her ankle and tightened her calf muscle pleasingly.

  The girl reached the car and opened CJ’s door, stepping aside to let my mistress emerge. Then she moved to the rear and opened the passenger door. Sarah turned to look at me, making eye contact for the first time since we left the house. She looked at me with a tender expression, then turned and exited the vehicle, moving to stand beside CJ on the drive. I blinked and shuffled along the seat, then turned my body and stood from the car.


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